Java tutorial
package com.dotmarketing.portlets.cmsmaintenance.action; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import; import; import com.dotcms.contenttype.util.ContentTypeImportExportUtil; import; import; import; import com.dotcms.repackage.javax.portlet.ActionRequest; import com.dotcms.repackage.javax.portlet.ActionResponse; import com.dotcms.repackage.javax.portlet.PortletConfig; import com.dotcms.repackage.javax.portlet.RenderRequest; import com.dotcms.repackage.javax.portlet.RenderResponse; import com.dotcms.repackage.javax.portlet.WindowState; import; import; import; import; import; import com.dotmarketing.beans.Clickstream; import com.dotmarketing.beans.Clickstream404; import com.dotmarketing.beans.ClickstreamRequest; import com.dotmarketing.beans.Identifier; import com.dotmarketing.beans.Inode; import com.dotmarketing.beans.MultiTree; import com.dotmarketing.beans.PermissionReference; import; import; import; import com.dotmarketing.cms.factories.PublicCompanyFactory; import; import com.dotmarketing.common.db.DotConnect; import com.dotmarketing.db.DbConnectionFactory; import com.dotmarketing.db.HibernateUtil; import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException; import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotSecurityException; import com.dotmarketing.portal.struts.DotPortletAction; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.calendar.model.CalendarReminder; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.cmsmaintenance.factories.CMSMaintenanceFactory; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.cmsmaintenance.struts.CmsMaintenanceForm; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.cmsmaintenance.util.AssetFileNameFilter; import; import; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.dashboard.model.DashboardSummary404; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.dashboard.model.DashboardUserPreferences; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.rules.util.RulesImportExportUtil; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.factories.StructureFactory; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Field; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.FieldVariable; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.structure.model.Structure; import com.dotmarketing.portlets.workflows.util.WorkflowImportExportUtil; import com.dotmarketing.tag.model.Tag; import com.dotmarketing.tag.model.TagInode; import com.dotmarketing.util.AdminLogger; import com.dotmarketing.util.Config; import com.dotmarketing.util.ConfigUtils; import com.dotmarketing.util.HibernateCollectionConverter; import com.dotmarketing.util.HibernateMapConverter; import com.dotmarketing.util.ImportExportUtil; import com.dotmarketing.util.InodeUtils; import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger; import com.dotmarketing.util.MaintenanceUtil; import com.dotmarketing.util.Parameter; import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods; import com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys; import com.dotmarketing.util.ZipUtil; import com.liferay.portal.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.ejb.ImageLocalManagerUtil; import com.liferay.portal.ejb.PortletPreferencesLocalManagerUtil; import com.liferay.portal.model.Company; import com.liferay.portal.model.User; import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil; import com.liferay.portlet.ActionRequestImpl; import com.liferay.portlet.ActionResponseImpl; import com.liferay.util.FileUtil; import com.liferay.util.servlet.SessionMessages; import com.liferay.util.servlet.UploadPortletRequest; /** * This class group all the CMS Maintenance Task * (Cache controll, search and replace, import/export content ) * * @author Oswaldo * @version 3.3 * */ public class ViewCMSMaintenanceAction extends DotPortletAction { /** * The path where backup files are stored */ String backupFilePath = ConfigUtils.getBackupPath(); /** * The path where tmp files are stored. This gets wiped alot */ String backupTempFilePath = ConfigUtils.getBackupPath() + File.separator + "temp"; private static String assetRealPath = null; private static String assetPath = File.separator + "assets"; private ContentletAPI conAPI = APILocator.getContentletAPI(); public ActionForward render(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, PortletConfig config, RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res) throws Exception { Logger.debug(this, "Running ViewCMSMaintenanceAction!!!! = " + req.getWindowState()); // Set the asset paths try { assetRealPath = Config.getStringProperty("ASSET_REAL_PATH"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { assetPath = Config.getStringProperty("ASSET_PATH"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { //gets the user _initCacheValues(req); if (req.getWindowState().equals(WindowState.MAXIMIZED)) { Logger.debug(this, "Showing view action cms maintenance maximized"); _initStructures(form, req, res); return mapping.findForward("portlet.ext.cmsmaintenance.view_cms_maintenance"); } else { Logger.debug(this, "Showing view action cms maintenance minimized"); return mapping.findForward("portlet.ext.cmsmaintenance.view"); } } catch (Exception e) { req.setAttribute(PageContext.EXCEPTION, e); return mapping.findForward(com.liferay.portal.util.Constants.COMMON_ERROR); } } public void processAction(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, PortletConfig config, ActionRequest req, ActionResponse res) throws Exception { String message = ""; String errorMessage = ""; CmsMaintenanceForm ccf = (CmsMaintenanceForm) form; String cmd = req.getParameter("cmd"); String defaultStructure = req.getParameter("defaultStructure"); Structure structure = new Structure(); //Manage all the cache Task if (cmd.equals("cache")) { String cacheName = ccf.getCacheName(); if (cacheName.equals(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_CONTENTS_INDEX)) {, "Running Contents Index Cache"); if (defaultStructure.equals("Rebuild Whole Index")) { //structure = CacheLocator.getContentTypeCache().getStructureByVelocityVarName(defaultStructure); } else structure = CacheLocator.getContentTypeCache() .getStructureByVelocityVarName(ccf.getStructure()); if (!InodeUtils.isSet(structure.getInode())) { try { int shards = Config.getIntProperty("es.index.number_of_shards", 2); try { shards = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("shards")); } catch (Exception e) { } System.setProperty("es.index.number_of_shards", String.valueOf(shards));, "Running Contentlet Reindex"); HibernateUtil.startTransaction(); conAPI.reindex(); HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); message = "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.indexrebuilt"; AdminLogger.log(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, "processAction", "Running Contentlet Reindex"); } catch (DotReindexStateException dre) { Logger.warn(this, "Content Reindexation Failed caused by: " + dre.getMessage()); errorMessage = "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.failedtorebuild"; HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction(); } } else { try {, "Running Contentlet Reindex on Structure: " + structure.getName()); conAPI.reindex(structure); message = "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.indexrebuilt"; AdminLogger.log(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, "processAction", "Running Contentlet Reindex on structure : " + structure.getName()); } catch (DotReindexStateException dre) { Logger.warn(this, "Content Reindexation Failed caused by: " + dre.getMessage()); errorMessage = "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.failedtorebuild"; } } } else if (cacheName.equals(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_MENU_FILES)) {, "Deleting Menu Files"); _deleteMenusCache(); message = "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.flushmenucaches"; } else if (cacheName.equals("flushCache")) {, "Flushing All Caches"); _flush(req.getParameter("cName")); message = (cacheName.equals(WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_ALL_CACHES) ? "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.flushallcache" : "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.flushcache"); } else {, "Flushing Live and Working File Cache"); _deleteFiles(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_LIVE_FILES); _deleteFiles(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_WORKING_FILES); message = "message.cmsmaintenance.cache.deletefiles"; } } // Download the records that could not be re-indexed in a CSV file else if (cmd.equals("export-failed-as-csv")) { ActionResponseImpl resImpl = (ActionResponseImpl) res; HttpServletResponse response = resImpl.getHttpServletResponse(); downloadRemainingRecordsAsCsv(response); } //Manage all the search and replace Task else if (cmd.equals("searchandreplace")) {, "Running Search & Replace"); Map<String, String> result = searchAndReplace(ccf); if (result.get("type") != null) { if (result.get("type").equals("message")) { message = "Search and Replace complete <br>" + result.get("message"); } else { errorMessage = "Search and Replace complete <br>" + result.get("message"); } _deleteFiles(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_LIVE_FILES); _deleteFiles(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_WORKING_FILES); _flush(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_ALL_CACHES); } } //Not being used this is being called using ajax else if (cmd.equals("fixAssetsInconsistencies")) { // this one NOT } //Not being used this is being called using ajax else if (cmd.equals("dropoldassets")) {, "Running Drop old Assets"); if (_dropAssetOldVersions(ccf) >= 0) { message = "message.cmsmaintenance.dropoldassets.sucessfully"; } else { errorMessage = "message.cmsmaintenance.dropoldassets.failed"; } } //Manage all the import/ export Task else { MaintenanceUtil.fixImagesTable(); File f = new File(backupFilePath); f.mkdirs(); f = new File(backupTempFilePath); f.mkdirs(); deleteTempFiles(); boolean dataOnly = Parameter.getBooleanFromString(req.getParameter("dataOnly"), true); if (cmd.equals("createZip")) { if (!dataOnly) { moveAssetsToBackupDir(); } message = "Creating XML Files. "; createXMLFiles(); String x = UtilMethods.dateToJDBC(new Date()).replace(':', '-').replace(' ', '_'); File zipFile = new File(backupFilePath + "/backup_" + x + ""); message += "Zipping up to file:" + zipFile.getAbsolutePath(); BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile)); zipTempDirectoryToStream(bout); message += ". Done."; // }else if(cmd.equals("wipeOutDotCMSDatabase")) { // // message = "Deleted dotCMS Database"; // deleteDotCMS(); } else if (cmd.equals("downloadZip")) { message = "File Downloaded"; String x = UtilMethods.dateToJDBC(new Date()).replace(':', '-').replace(' ', '_'); File zipFile = new File(backupFilePath + "/backup_" + x + ""); ActionResponseImpl responseImpl = (ActionResponseImpl) res; HttpServletResponse httpResponse = responseImpl.getHttpServletResponse(); httpResponse.setHeader("Content-type", ""); httpResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + zipFile.getName()); if (!dataOnly) { moveAssetsToBackupDir(); } createXMLFiles(); zipTempDirectoryToStream(httpResponse.getOutputStream()); } else if (cmd.equals("upload")) { UploadPortletRequest uploadReq = PortalUtil.getUploadPortletRequest(req); ActionResponseImpl responseImpl = (ActionResponseImpl) res; HttpServletResponse httpResponse = responseImpl.getHttpServletResponse(); ActionRequestImpl requestImpl = (ActionRequestImpl) req; HttpServletRequest httpRequest = requestImpl.getHttpServletRequest(); //message ="file upload Done."; doUpload(httpRequest, httpResponse, uploadReq); } } if (UtilMethods.isSet(message)) { SessionMessages.add(req, "message", message); } if (UtilMethods.isSet(errorMessage)) { SessionMessages.add(req, "error", errorMessage); } String referer = req.getParameter("referer"); setForward(req, referer); } private void _flush(String cacheName) throws Exception { try { CacheLocator.getCache(cacheName).clearCache(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { MaintenanceUtil.flushCache(); } APILocator.getPermissionAPI().resetAllPermissionReferences(); } private void _deleteMenusCache() throws Exception { MaintenanceUtil.deleteMenuCache(); } private void _deleteFiles(String cacheName) throws Exception { try { String realPath = ""; String velocityRootPath = ConfigUtils.getDynamicVelocityPath(); if (velocityRootPath.startsWith(File.separator + "WEB-INF")) { velocityRootPath = FileUtil.getRealPath(velocityRootPath); } if (cacheName.equals(com.dotmarketing.util.WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_LIVE_FILES)) { realPath = velocityRootPath + File.separator + "live"; } else { realPath = velocityRootPath + File.separator + "working"; } File file = new File(realPath); if (file.isDirectory()) { _deleteRoot(file); Logger.debug(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, "The directory " + realPath + " has been deleted"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, ex.toString()); throw ex; } } private boolean _deleteRoot(File root) throws Exception { boolean returnValue = true; File[] childs = root.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { File child = childs[i]; if (child.isFile()) { returnValue = returnValue && child.delete(); } if (child.isDirectory()) { returnValue = returnValue && _deleteRoot(child); } } return returnValue; } private int _numberRoot(File root) throws Exception { int returnValue = 0; File[] childs = root.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { File child = childs[i]; if (child.isFile()) { returnValue++; } if (child.isDirectory()) { returnValue += _numberRoot(child); } } return returnValue; } /** * Initialice cache values * @param req */ private void _initCacheValues(RenderRequest req) { int liveCount = 0; int workingCount = 0; try { Logger.debug(this, "Initializing Cache Values"); String velocityRootPath = ConfigUtils.getDynamicVelocityPath(); if (velocityRootPath.startsWith(File.separator + "WEB-INF")) { velocityRootPath = FileUtil.getRealPath(velocityRootPath); } String livePath = velocityRootPath + File.separator + "live"; String workingPath = velocityRootPath + File.separator + "working"; //Count the Live Files File file = new File(livePath); liveCount = _numberRoot(file); Logger.debug(this, "Found " + liveCount + " live Files"); //Count the working files file = new File(workingPath); workingCount = _numberRoot(file); Logger.debug(this, "Found " + workingCount + " working Files"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, "Error calculating the number of files"); } finally { req.setAttribute(WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_NUMBER_LIVE_FILES, new Integer(liveCount)); req.setAttribute(WebKeys.Cache.CACHE_NUMBER_WORKING_FILES, new Integer(workingCount)); } } private Map<String, String> searchAndReplace(CmsMaintenanceForm form) throws DotDataException { String message = ""; Map<String, String> messageResult = new HashMap<String, String>(); boolean isAdmin = false; if (UtilMethods.isSet(form.getUserId())) { try { if (APILocator.getUserAPI().isCMSAdmin(APILocator.getUserAPI().loadUserById(form.getUserId(), APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false))) { isAdmin = true; } } catch (NoSuchUserException e) { Logger.error(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, "USER DOESN'T EXIST" + e.getMessage(), e); message = "Cannot find user"; } catch (DotSecurityException e) { message = "Failed to check for permissions"; Logger.error(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, e.getMessage(), e); } } else { message = "User not passed"; Logger.error(ViewCMSMaintenanceAction.class, "No UserId Passed"); } if (isAdmin) { String searchString = form.getSearchString(); String replaceString = form.getReplaceString(); boolean DBerrorFound = MaintenanceUtil.DBSearchAndReplace(searchString, replaceString); if (DBerrorFound) { message = "Search/Replace Finished with Errors. See Log for more info"; } else { message = "Search/Replace Finished Successful"; } messageResult.put("type", "message"); messageResult.put("message", message); } return messageResult; } /** * Does what it says - deletes all files from the backupTempFilePath * @author Will */ private void deleteTempFiles() {, "Deleting Temporary Files"); File f = new File(backupTempFilePath); String[] _tempFiles = f.list();, "Found " + _tempFiles.length + " Files"); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _tempFiles.length; i++) { f = new File(backupTempFilePath + File.separator + "" + _tempFiles[i]); if (f.isDirectory()) { FileUtil.deltree(f); } count += 1; f.delete(); }, "Deleted " + count + " Files"); } private void moveAssetsToBackupDir() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String assetDir; File backupDir = new File(backupTempFilePath); backupDir.mkdirs();, "Moving assets to back up directory: " + backupTempFilePath); if (!UtilMethods.isSet(assetRealPath)) { assetDir = FileUtil.getRealPath(assetPath); } else { assetDir = assetRealPath; } FileUtil.copyDirectory(assetDir, backupTempFilePath + File.separator + "asset", new AssetFileNameFilter()); //do not ship the license. String f = backupTempFilePath + File.separator + "asset" + File.separator + "license"; FileUtil.deltree(f); String d = backupTempFilePath + File.separator + "asset" + File.separator + "dotGenerated"; FileUtil.deltree(d); } /** * This method will pull a list of all tables /classed being managed by * hibernate and export them, one class per file to the backupTempFilePath * as valid XML. It uses XStream to write the xml out to the files. * * @throws ServletException * @throws IOException * @author Will * @throws DotDataException */ private void createXMLFiles() throws ServletException, IOException, DotDataException, DotSecurityException { // deleteTempFiles();, "Starting createXMLFiles()"); Set<Class> _tablesToDump = new HashSet<Class>(); try { /* get a list of all our tables */ Map map = HibernateUtil.getSession().getSessionFactory().getAllClassMetadata(); Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); Class x = (Class) pairs.getKey(); if (!x.equals(Inode.class) && !x.equals(Clickstream.class) && !x.equals(ClickstreamRequest.class) && !x.equals(Clickstream404.class)) _tablesToDump.add(x); } XStream _xstream = null; HibernateUtil _dh = null; List _list = null; File _writing = null; BufferedOutputStream _bout = null; for (Class clazz : _tablesToDump) { if (clazz.equals(Structure.class) || clazz.equals(Field.class) || clazz.equals(FieldVariable.class)) { continue; } // if (PermissionReference.class.equals(clazz)) { continue; } _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); // if (clazz.equals(DashboardSummary404.class) || clazz.equals(DashboardUserPreferences.class)) { _xstream.addDefaultImplementation(, java.util.Set.class); _xstream.addDefaultImplementation(, java.util.List.class); _xstream.addDefaultImplementation(, java.util.Map.class); Mapper mapper = _xstream.getMapper(); _xstream.registerConverter(new HibernateCollectionConverter(mapper)); _xstream.registerConverter(new HibernateMapConverter(mapper)); } /* * String _shortClassName = * clazz.getName().substring(clazz.getName().lastIndexOf("."),clazz.getName().length()); * xstream.alias(_shortClassName, clazz); */ int i = 0; int step = 1000; int total = 0; java.text.NumberFormat formatter = new java.text.DecimalFormat("0000000000"); /* we will only export 10,000,000 items of any given type */ for (i = 0; i < 10000000; i = i + step) { _dh = new HibernateUtil(clazz); _dh.setFirstResult(i); _dh.setMaxResults(step); //This line was previously like; //_dh.setQuery("from " + clazz.getName() + " order by 1,2"); //This caused a problem when the database is Oracle because Oracle causes problems when the results are ordered //by an NCLOB field. In the case of dot_containers table, the second field, CODE, is an NCLOB field. Because of this, //ordering is done only on the first field for the tables, which is INODE if (com.dotmarketing.beans.Tree.class.equals(clazz)) { _dh.setQuery("from " + clazz.getName() + " order by parent, child, relation_type"); } else if (MultiTree.class.equals(clazz)) { _dh.setQuery( "from " + clazz.getName() + " order by parent1, parent2, child, relation_type"); } else if (TagInode.class.equals(clazz)) { _dh.setQuery("from " + clazz.getName() + " order by inode, tag_id"); } else if (Tag.class.equals(clazz)) { _dh.setQuery("from " + clazz.getName() + " order by tag_id, tagname"); } else if (CalendarReminder.class.equals(clazz)) { _dh.setQuery("from " + clazz.getName() + " order by user_id, event_id, send_date"); } else if (Identifier.class.equals(clazz)) { _dh.setQuery("from " + clazz.getName() + " order by parent_path, id"); } else { _dh.setQuery("from " + clazz.getName() + " order by 1"); } _list = _dh.list(); if (_list.size() == 0) { try { _bout.close(); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe) { } _list = null; _dh = null; _bout = null; break; } if (_list != null && _list.size() > 0 && _list.get(0) instanceof Comparable) { java.util.Collections.sort(_list); } _writing = new File( backupTempFilePath + "/" + clazz.getName() + "_" + formatter.format(i) + ".xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); total = total + _list.size(); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.warn(this, "An error ocurred trying to create XML files"); Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e); } _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _dh = null; _bout = null; }, "writing : " + total + " records for " + clazz.getName()); } /* Run Liferay's Tables */ /* Companies */ _list = PublicCompanyFactory.getCompanies(); List<Company> companies = new ArrayList<Company>(_list); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/" + Company.class.getName() + ".xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* Users */ _list = APILocator.getUserAPI().findAllUsers(); _list.add(APILocator.getUserAPI().getDefaultUser()); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/" + User.class.getName() + ".xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* users_roles */ DotConnect dc = new DotConnect(); /* counter */ dc.setSQL("select * from counter"); _list = dc.getResults(); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Counter.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* counter */ dc.setSQL("select * from address"); _list = dc.getResults(); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Address.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* pollschoice */ dc.setSQL("select * from pollschoice"); _list = dc.getResults(); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Pollschoice.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* pollsdisplay */ dc.setSQL("select * from pollsdisplay"); _list = dc.getResults(); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Pollsdisplay.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* pollsquestion */ dc.setSQL("select * from pollsquestion"); _list = dc.getResults(); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Pollsquestion.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* pollsvote */ dc.setSQL("select * from pollsvote"); _list = dc.getResults(); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Pollsvote.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* image */ _list = ImageLocalManagerUtil.getImages(); /* * The changes in this part were made for Oracle databases. Oracle has problems when * getString() method is called on a LONG field on an Oracle database. Because of this, * the object is loaded from liferay and DotConnect is not used * */ _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Image.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* portlet */ /* * The changes in this part were made for Oracle databases. Oracle has problems when * getString() method is called on a LONG field on an Oracle database. Because of this, * the object is loaded from liferay and DotConnect is not used * */ dc.setSQL("select * from portlet"); _list = dc.getResults(); _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Portlet.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; /* portlet_preferences */ try { _list = PortletPreferencesLocalManagerUtil.getPreferences(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Error in retrieveing all portlet preferences"); } _xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); _writing = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/Portletpreferences.xml"); _bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_writing)); _xstream.toXML(_list, _bout); _bout.close(); _list = null; _bout = null; //backup content types File file = new File(backupTempFilePath + File.separator + "ContentTypes-" + ContentTypeImportExportUtil.CONTENT_TYPE_FILE_EXTENSION); new ContentTypeImportExportUtil().exportContentTypes(file); file = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/WorkflowSchemeImportExportObject.json"); WorkflowImportExportUtil.getInstance().exportWorkflows(file); file = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/RuleImportExportObject.json"); RulesImportExportUtil.getInstance().export(file); IndiciesInfo info = APILocator.getIndiciesAPI().loadIndicies(); file = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/index_working.json"); new ESIndexAPI().backupIndex(info.working, file); file = new File(backupTempFilePath + "/index_live.json"); new ESIndexAPI().backupIndex(, file); } catch (HibernateException e) { Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SystemException e) { Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Will zip up all files in the tmp directory and send the result to the * given OutputStream * * @param out * OutputStream to write the zip files to * @throws IOException * @author Will */ private void zipTempDirectoryToStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte b[] = new byte[512]; ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(out); ZipUtil.zipDirectory(backupTempFilePath, zout); // File f = new File(backupTempFilePath); // String[] s = f.list(); // for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // if(s[i].equals(".svn")){ // continue; // } // f = new File(backupTempFilePath + File.separator + "" + s[i]); // InputStream in; // if(f.isDirectory()){ // in = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(f.)); // }else{ // in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); // } // ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(s[i].replace(File.separatorChar, '/')); // zout.putNextEntry(e); // int len = 0; // while ((len = != -1) { // zout.write(b, 0, len); // } // zout.closeEntry(); // in.close(); // } zout.close(); out.close(); } /** * Handles the file upload for the Servlet. It will send files to be * unzipped if nessary * * @param request * @param response * @throws IOException */ private void doUpload(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UploadPortletRequest upr) throws IOException {, "Uploading File"); File importFile = upr.getFile("fileUpload"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); ImportExportUtil ieu = new ImportExportUtil(); if (ieu.validateZipFile(importFile)) { request.getSession().invalidate(); MaintenanceUtil.flushCache(); ieu.doImport(out); SessionMessages.add(request, "message", "File-Upload-Done"); } else { SessionMessages.add(request, "error", "File-Upload-Failed"); } } public void _initStructures(ActionForm form, RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res) { CmsMaintenanceForm maintenanceForm = (CmsMaintenanceForm) form; List<Structure> structures = StructureFactory.getStructures(); maintenanceForm.setStructures(structures); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private int _dropAssetOldVersions(CmsMaintenanceForm ccf) throws ParseException { Date assetsOlderThan = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(ccf.getRemoveassetsdate()); return CMSMaintenanceFactory.deleteOldAssetVersions(assetsOlderThan); } /** * Retrieves the basic information of the contents in the * {@code dist_reindex_journal} table that could not be re-indexed and sends * it back to the user as a CSV file. This way users can keep track of them * and check the logs to get more information about the failure. * * @param response * - The {@link HttpServletResponse} object that allows to send * the CSV file to the user. */ private void downloadRemainingRecordsAsCsv(HttpServletResponse response) { String fileName = "failed_reindex_records" + new java.util.Date().getTime(); String[] fileColumns = new String[] { "ID", "Identifier To Index", "Inode To Index", "Priority" }; PrintWriter pr = null; try { response.setContentType("application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + ".csv\""); pr = response.getWriter(); pr.print(StringUtils.join(fileColumns, ",")); pr.print("\r\n"); DotConnect dc = new DotConnect(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT, drj.ident_to_index, drj.inode_to_index, drj.priority ") .append("FROM dist_reindex_journal drj WHERE drj.priority >= ") .append(DistributedJournalFactory.REINDEX_JOURNAL_PRIORITY_FAILED_FIRST_ATTEMPT); dc.setSQL(sql.toString()); List<Map<String, Object>> failedRecords = dc.loadObjectResults(); if (!failedRecords.isEmpty()) { for (Map<String, Object> row : failedRecords) { StringBuilder entry = new StringBuilder(); String id = null; String priority = null; if (DbConnectionFactory.isOracle()) { BigDecimal rowVal = (BigDecimal) row.get("id"); id = new Long(rowVal.toPlainString()).toString(); rowVal = (BigDecimal) row.get("priority"); priority = new Long(rowVal.toPlainString()).toString(); } else { Long rowVal = (Long) row.get("id"); id = rowVal.toString(); priority = String.valueOf((Integer) row.get("priority")); } entry.append(id).append(", "); entry.append(row.get("ident_to_index").toString()).append(", "); entry.append(row.get("inode_to_index").toString()).append(", "); entry.append(priority); pr.print(entry.toString()); pr.print("\r\n"); } } else { Logger.debug(this, "Re-index table contained zero failed records. The CSV file will not be created."); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Download of CSV file with remaining non-indexed records failed.", e); } finally { pr.flush(); pr.close(); } } }