Java tutorial
/* * domus.Link :: PHP Web-based frontend for Heyu (X10 Home Automation) * Copyright (c) 2007, Istvan Hubay Cebrian ( * Project's homepage: * Project's dev. homepage: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope's that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. You should have * received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.domuslink.api; import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.domuslink.communication.ApiCookieHandler; import com.domuslink.communication.ApiHandler; import com.domuslink.elements.Alias; import com.domuslink.elements.Module; import com.domuslink.util.VersionHandler; public class DomusHandler implements ApiCookieHandler { private String hostPath = null; private String authPass = null; private CookieStore cookies; private boolean visible = true; private Context c; private VersionHandler theVersion; private static final String TAG = "DomusLink.DomusHandler"; private static final String[] EMPTY_LIST = { "none" }; // Used for DomusAsyncTask to call the correct method public static final int GET_FLOOR_PLAN = 0; public static final int GET_ALIAS_STATE = 1; public static final int GET_ALIASES_BY_LOCATION = 2; public static final int DIM_ALIAS = 3; public static final int TURN_ON_ALIAS = 4; public static final int TURN_OFF_ALIAS = 5; public static final int RUN_SCENE = 6; public static final int GET_VERSION = 98; public static final int GET_INITIAL = 99; public DomusHandler(Context theContext, VersionHandler aVersion, String host, String auth, boolean visible) { this.hostPath = host; this.authPass = auth; this.visible = visible; this.c = theContext; this.theVersion = aVersion; this.cookies = null; } public String[] getFloorPlan() throws Exception { JSONArray theList = null; JSONObject theResponse = null; String[] theFloorPlan; if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { if (this.visible) theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "floorplan", "true"); else theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "floorplan", "false"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting floorplan page content at " + this.hostPath, e); throw e; } try { theList = theResponse.getJSONArray("floorplan"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting floorplan from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theFloorPlan = new String[theList.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < theList.length(); i++) { try { theFloorPlan[i] = theList.getString(i); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting floorplan from JSONArray", e); throw e; } } } else theFloorPlan = EMPTY_LIST; return theFloorPlan; } public void getAliasState(Alias theAlias) throws Exception { JSONObject theResponse = null; if ((this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) && !theAlias.isScene() && !theAlias.isMultiAlias()) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "aliasstate", theAlias.getLabel()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting alias state page content at " + this.hostPath, e); throw e; } try { if (theResponse.getInt("state") == -1 && theResponse.getInt("level") == -1) { Log.e(TAG, "domus.Link reports heyu is not running"); throw new HeyuException(); } theAlias.setState(theResponse.getInt("state")); theAlias.setDimLevel(theResponse.getInt("level")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting alias state value from JSONObject", e); throw e; } } else { theAlias.setState(0); theAlias.setDimLevel(0); } } public Alias[] getAliasesByLocation(String theLocation) throws Exception { JSONArray theList = null; JSONObject theResponse = null; Alias[] theAliases; // Log.i(TAG, "Entering DomusHandler.getAliasesByLocation: "+theLocation); if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { if (this.visible) { if (this.theVersion.getDomusApiVersion() < 5) theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "location", theLocation + "/true"); else theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "location", theLocation + "/true/true"); } else { if (this.theVersion.getDomusApiVersion() < 5) theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "location", theLocation + "/false"); else theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "location", theLocation + "/false/true"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting aliases by location page content at " + this.hostPath, e); throw e; } try { theList = theResponse.getJSONArray(theLocation); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting aliases by location from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theAliases = new Alias[theList.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < theList.length(); i++) { try { theAliases[i] = new Alias(theList.getJSONObject(i)); getAliasState(theAliases[i]); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting aliases by location from JSONArray", e); throw e; } } } else theAliases = null; // Log.d(TAG, "At DomusHandler.getAliasesByLocation return, Alias list length is "+theAliases.length); return theAliases; } public Module[] getModuleTypes() throws Exception { JSONArray theList = null; JSONObject theResponse = null; Module[] theModules; // Log.i(TAG, "Entering DomusHandler.getAliasesByLocation: "+theLocation); if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { if (this.visible) theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "moduletypes", null); else theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "moduletypes", null); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting module types page content at " + this.hostPath, e); throw e; } try { theList = theResponse.getJSONArray("moduletypes"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting module types from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theModules = new Module[theList.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < theList.length(); i++) { try { theModules[i] = new Module(theList.getJSONObject(i)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting module types from JSONArray", e); throw e; } } } else theModules = null; // Log.d(TAG, "At DomusHandler.getAModuleTypes return, Module list length is "+theModules.length); return theModules; } public String[] getDomusApiVersion() throws Exception { JSONObject theApi = null; JSONObject theResponse = null; String[] theVersionInfo; if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { theResponse = ApiHandler.getPageContent(this, "version", null); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting version page content at " + this.hostPath, e); throw e; } try { theApi = theResponse.getJSONObject("api"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting version from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theVersionInfo = new String[2]; try { theVersionInfo[0] = theApi.getString("name"); theVersionInfo[1] = theApi.getString("version"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting version info from JSONArray", e); throw e; } } else theVersionInfo = EMPTY_LIST; return theVersionInfo; } public void dimAlias(Alias theAlias, int theRequestLevel) throws Exception { JSONObject theResponse = null; // Log.d(TAG, "At DomusHandler.dimAlias from "+theAlias.getDimLevel()+" to requested "+theRequestLevel); if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { theResponse = ApiHandler.postPageContent(this, "dimbright", theAlias.getLabel() + "/" + theAlias.getStringState() + "/" + theAlias.getDimLevel() + "/" + theRequestLevel); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting dim alias page content at " + this.hostPath + " for alias " + theAlias.getLabel(), e); throw e; } try { if (theResponse.getString("status").contentEquals("heyu not running")) { Log.e(TAG, "domus.Link reports heyu is not running"); throw new HeyuException(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting dim status value from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theAlias.setDimLevel(theRequestLevel); if (theRequestLevel == 0) theAlias.setState(0); else if (theRequestLevel > 0) theAlias.setState(1); } } public void turnOnAlias(Alias theAlias) throws Exception { JSONObject theResponse = null; // Log.d(TAG, "At DomusHandler.turnOnAlias from current state "+theAlias.getState()+" to on"); if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { theResponse = ApiHandler.postPageContent(this, "on", theAlias.getLabel()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting turn on alias page content at " + this.hostPath + " for alias " + theAlias.getLabel(), e); throw e; } try { if (theResponse.getString("status").contentEquals("heyu not running")) { Log.e(TAG, "domus.Link reports heyu is not running"); throw new HeyuException(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting turn on status value from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theAlias.setState(1); theAlias.setDimLevel(100); } } public void turnOffAlias(Alias theAlias) throws Exception { JSONObject theResponse = null; // Log.d(TAG, "At DomusHandler.turnOffAlias from current state "+theAlias.getState()+" to off"); if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { theResponse = ApiHandler.postPageContent(this, "off", theAlias.getLabel()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting turn off alias page content at " + this.hostPath + " for alias " + theAlias.getLabel(), e); throw e; } try { if (theResponse.getString("status").contentEquals("heyu not running")) { Log.e(TAG, "domus.Link reports heyu is not running"); throw new HeyuException(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting turn off status value from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theAlias.setState(0); theAlias.setDimLevel(0); } } public void runScene(Alias theAlias) throws Exception { JSONObject theResponse = null; // Log.d(TAG, "At DomusHandler.turnOffAlias from current state "+theAlias.getState()+" to off"); if (this.hostPath != null || this.hostPath.length() != 0) { ApiHandler.prepareUserAgent(this.c, authPass, hostPath); try { theResponse = ApiHandler.postPageContent(this, "runscene", theAlias.getLabel()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting run scene page content at " + this.hostPath + " for alias " + theAlias.getLabel(), e); throw e; } try { if (theResponse.getString("status").contentEquals("heyu not running")) { Log.e(TAG, "domus.Link reports heyu is not running"); throw new HeyuException(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting run scene status value from JSONObject", e); throw e; } theAlias.setState(0); theAlias.setDimLevel(0); } } @Override public CookieStore getCookieStore() { return cookies; } @Override public void setCookieStore(CookieStore aCookieStore) { cookies = aCookieStore; } }