Java tutorial
package com.domnian; import com.domnian.command.PermissionLevel; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; /** * ================================================================== * Copyright Domnian Dev. (c) 2015. All Rights Reserved * Any Code contained within this document, and any associated APIs * with similar branding are the sole property of Domnian Dev.. * Distribution, reproduction, taking snippets, or claiming any * contents as your own will break the terms of the license, and * void any agreements with you, the third party. Thanks * ================================================================== */ public class BotConfiguration { private static JSONObject connectJson; private static JSONObject identJson; private static JSONObject nickServJson; private static String manage; public static void writeDefault(String fileName) throws Exception { writeDefault(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + fileName)); } public static void writeDefault(File file) throws Exception { JSONObject defaultJson = new JSONObject(); JSONObject connectDefault = new JSONObject(); JSONObject identDefault = new JSONObject(); JSONObject nickservDefault = new JSONObject(); connectDefault.put("host", ""); connectDefault.put("port", 6667); connectDefault.put("ssl", false); connectDefault.put("pass", ""); connectDefault.put("channel", "#willies952002"); defaultJson.put("connect", connectDefault); identDefault.put("user", "WilliesIRCBot"); identDefault.put("nick", "WilliesIRCBot"); identDefault.put("real", "Willies IRC Bot"); defaultJson.put("ident", identDefault); nickservDefault.put("run", false); nickservDefault.put("email", ""); nickservDefault.put("password", ""); defaultJson.put("nickserv", nickservDefault); defaultJson.put("manage", "admin"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write(defaultJson.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); fos.close(); } public static void load(String fileName) throws Exception { load(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + fileName)); } public static void load(File file) throws Exception { if (file.createNewFile()) { BotConfiguration.writeDefault(file); } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];; JSONObject configJson = new JSONObject(new String(buffer)); connectJson = configJson.getJSONObject("connect"); identJson = configJson.getJSONObject("ident"); nickServJson = configJson.getJSONObject("auth"); manage = configJson.getString("manage"); } public static String getHost() { String host = connectJson.getString("host"); boolean valid = !host.equals(""); return valid ? host : ""; } /** * Get the IRC Port Number * Will return one of the following: * if configured port is valid: configured port * if not valid and {#isSSL} is true: 6697 * else: 6667 * @return IRC Port */ public static int getPort() { int port = connectJson.getInt("port"); return ((port > 0) && (port < 65536)) ? port : (isSSL() ? 6697 : 6667); } public static boolean isSSL() { return connectJson.getBoolean("ssl"); } public static String getServerPass() { String pass = connectJson.getString("pass"); return (pass.length() > 0) ? pass : null; } public static String getChannel() { String channel = connectJson.getString("channel"); return (channel.length() > 0) ? channel : "#willies952002"; } public static String getNickName() { String nick = identJson.getString("nick"); return (nick.length() > 0) ? nick : "NullNick"; } public static String getUserName() { String user = identJson.getString("user"); return (user.length() > 0) ? user : "NullUser"; } public static String getRealName() { String real = identJson.getString("real"); return (real.length() > 0) ? real : "NullReal"; } public static boolean isAuth() { return nickServJson.getBoolean("run"); } public static String getNickServPass() { return isAuth() ? nickServJson.getString("password") : ""; } public static String getNickServEmail() { return isAuth() ? nickServJson.getString("email") : ""; } public static PermissionLevel getManagePerm() { return PermissionLevel.valueOf(manage.toUpperCase()); } }