Java tutorial
/** * Constellio, Open Source Enterprise Search * Copyright (C) 2010 DocuLibre inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PessimisticLockException; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import com.doculibre.constellio.entities.ConnectorInstance; import com.doculibre.constellio.entities.IndexField; import com.doculibre.constellio.entities.Record; import com.doculibre.constellio.entities.RecordCollection; import com.doculibre.constellio.entities.RecordMeta; import com.doculibre.constellio.indexing.IndexingManager; import com.doculibre.constellio.utils.ConstellioSpringUtils; import; public class RecordServicesImpl extends BaseCRUDServicesImpl<Record> implements RecordServices { public RecordServicesImpl(EntityManager entityManager) { super(Record.class, entityManager); } @Override public Record get(SolrDocument doc) { return super.get(new Long(doc.getFieldValue(IndexField.RECORD_ID_FIELD).toString())); } @Override public Record get(Long id, RecordCollection collection) { return super.get(id); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final Record get(String url, ConnectorInstance connectorInstance) { Query query = this.getEntityManager() .createQuery("FROM Record r WHERE r.url = :url AND r.connectorInstance = :connectorInstance"); query.setParameter("url", url); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); List<Record> results = query.getResultList(); if (results.size() > 0) { return results.get(0); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Record get(String url, RecordCollection collection) { Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery( "FROM Record r WHERE r.url = :url AND r.connectorInstance.recordCollection = :recordCollection"); query.setParameter("url", url); query.setParameter("recordCollection", collection); List<Record> results = query.getResultList(); if (results.size() > 0) { return results.get(0); } return null; } @Override public int count(ConnectorInstance connectorInstance) { int attempts = 0; while (true) { try { String ql = "SELECT COUNT( FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance = :connectorInstance"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); return ((Number) query.getSingleResult()).intValue(); } catch (PessimisticLockException e) { attempts++; if (attempts > 100) { throw e; } } } } @Override public int count(RecordCollection collection) { return count(collection, false, false); } @Override public int countMarkedForUpdateIndex(RecordCollection collection) { return count(collection, true, false); } @Override public int countMarkedForExclusionOrDeletion(RecordCollection collection) { return count(collection, false, true); } private int count(RecordCollection collection, Boolean updateIndex, Boolean deleted) { int attempts = 0; while (true) { try { String ql = "SELECT COUNT( FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance.recordCollection = :recordCollection"; if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(updateIndex)) { ql += " AND updateIndex = :updateIndex AND (excluded = false OR excluded = null)"; } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(deleted)) { ql += " AND deleted = :deleted"; } Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("recordCollection", collection); if (updateIndex != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(updateIndex)) { query.setParameter("updateIndex", updateIndex); } if (deleted != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(deleted)) { query.setParameter("deleted", deleted); } return ((Number) query.getSingleResult()).intValue(); } catch (PessimisticLockException e) { attempts++; if (attempts > 100) { throw e; } } } } @Override public List<Record> list(RecordCollection collection) { return list(collection, -1, false, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Record> list(ConnectorInstance connectorInstance) { String ql = "FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance = :connectorInstance"; ql += " ORDER BY ASC"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); return (List<Record>) query.getResultList(); } @Override public List<Record> listMarkedForUpdateIndex(RecordCollection collection, int maxResults) { List<Record> markedForUpdateIndex = list(collection, maxResults, true, false); return markedForUpdateIndex; } @Override public List<Record> listMarkedForExclusionOrDeletion(RecordCollection collection, int maxResults) { List<Record> markedForExclusionOrDeletion = list(collection, maxResults, false, true); return markedForExclusionOrDeletion; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Record> list(RecordCollection collection, int maxResults, Boolean updateIndex, Boolean excludedOrDeleted) { String ql = "FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance.recordCollection = :recordCollection"; if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(updateIndex)) { ql += " AND updateIndex = true AND ((deleted = false OR deleted = null) AND (excluded = false OR excluded = null))"; } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(excludedOrDeleted)) { ql += " AND (deleted = true OR (excluded = true AND excludedEffective = false))"; } ql += " ORDER BY ASC"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("recordCollection", collection); if (maxResults >= 0) { query.setMaxResults(maxResults); } return (List<Record>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Record> listExcluded(RecordCollection collection) { String ql = "FROM Record r WHERE excluded=true AND r.connectorInstance.recordCollection = :recordCollection"; ql += " ORDER BY DESC"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("recordCollection", collection); return (List<Record>) query.getResultList(); } @Override public void markRecordsForUpdateIndex(RecordCollection collection) { // Bug in JTA prevents us from doing a single update with connectorInstance.recordCollection for (ConnectorInstance connectorInstance : collection.getConnectorInstances()) { String ql = "UPDATE Record SET updateIndex=true WHERE connectorInstance = :connectorInstance"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); query.executeUpdate(); } IndexingManager indexingManager = IndexingManager.get(collection); if (!indexingManager.isActive()) { indexingManager.startIndexing(true); } else { indexingManager.reindexAll(); } } @Override public void markRecordsForDeletion(RecordCollection collection) { // Bug in JTA prevents us from doing a single update with connectorInstance.recordCollection for (ConnectorInstance connectorInstance : collection.getConnectorInstances()) { String ql = "UPDATE Record SET deleted=true WHERE connectorInstance = :connectorInstance"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); query.executeUpdate(); } IndexingManager indexingManager = IndexingManager.get(collection); if (!indexingManager.isActive()) { indexingManager.startIndexing(true); } } @Override public void markRecordForExclusion(Record record) { record.setExcluded(true); record.setExcludedEffective(false); makePersistent(record); } @Override public void markRecordAsExcluded(Record record) { record.setExcluded(true); record.setExcludedEffective(true); makePersistent(record); } @Override public void cancelExclusion(Record record) { record.setExcluded(false); record.setExcludedEffective(false); record.setUpdateIndex(true); makePersistent(record); } @Override public void deleteRecords(ConnectorInstance connectorInstance) { String sqlContentMeta = "DELETE FROM Record_ContentMetas WHERE record_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci WHERE AND"; Query contentMetaQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlContentMeta); contentMetaQuery.setParameter(1, connectorInstance.getId()); contentMetaQuery.executeUpdate(); String sqlExternalMeta = "DELETE FROM Record_ExternalMetas WHERE record_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci WHERE AND"; Query externalMetaQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlExternalMeta); externalMetaQuery.setParameter(1, connectorInstance.getId()); externalMetaQuery.executeUpdate(); String sqlMeta = "DELETE FROM RecordMeta WHERE record_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci WHERE AND"; Query metaQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlMeta); metaQuery.setParameter(1, connectorInstance.getId()); metaQuery.executeUpdate(); String sqlTag = "DELETE FROM RecordTag WHERE record_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci WHERE AND"; Query tagQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlTag); tagQuery.setParameter(1, connectorInstance.getId()); tagQuery.executeUpdate(); String sqlRawContent = "DELETE FROM RawContent WHERE record_id" + " IN (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci WHERE AND"; Query rawConentQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlRawContent); rawConentQuery.setParameter(1, connectorInstance.getId()); rawConentQuery.executeUpdate(); String sqlFederationIndexingRequired = "DELETE FROM FederationRecordIndexingRequired WHERE recordId" + " IN (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci WHERE AND"; Query rawFederationIndexingRequired = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlFederationIndexingRequired); rawFederationIndexingRequired.setParameter(1, connectorInstance.getId()); rawFederationIndexingRequired.executeUpdate(); String sqlFederationDeletionRequired = "DELETE FROM FederationRecordDeletionRequired WHERE recordId" + " IN (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci WHERE AND"; Query rawFederationDeletionRequired = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlFederationDeletionRequired); rawFederationDeletionRequired.setParameter(1, connectorInstance.getId()); rawFederationDeletionRequired.executeUpdate(); Query recordQuery = this.getEntityManager() .createQuery("DELETE FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance = :connectorInstance"); recordQuery.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); recordQuery.executeUpdate(); } @Override public void deleteRecords(RecordCollection collection) { for (ConnectorInstance connectorInstance : collection.getConnectorInstances()) { deleteRecords(connectorInstance); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Record> getPendingExclusions(RecordCollection collection) { String ql = "FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance.recordCollection=:recordCollection AND" + " r.excluded=true AND r.excludedEffective=false"; Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("recordCollection", collection); return query.getResultList(); } @Override public void deleteAutomaticRecordTags(RecordCollection collection, Date newStartTaggingDate) { int attempts = 0; while (true) { try { String sqlTag; if (newStartTaggingDate == null) { sqlTag = "DELETE FROM RecordTag WHERE manual=? AND record_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci, RecordCollection rc" + " WHERE AND AND"; } else { sqlTag = "DELETE FROM RecordTag WHERE manual=? AND record_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM Record r, ConnectorInstance ci, RecordCollection rc " + "WHERE AND AND AND" + " (r.lastAutomaticTagging > ? OR r.lastAutomaticTagging IS NULL))"; } Query tagQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlTag); tagQuery.setParameter(1, Boolean.FALSE); tagQuery.setParameter(2, collection.getId()); if (newStartTaggingDate != null) { tagQuery.setParameter(3, newStartTaggingDate); } tagQuery.executeUpdate(); String sqlRecord; if (newStartTaggingDate == null) { sqlRecord = "UPDATE Record r SET r.lastAutomaticTagging = null WHERE connectorInstance_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM ConnectorInstance ci, RecordCollection rc WHERE AND"; } else { sqlRecord = "UPDATE Record r SET r.lastAutomaticTagging = null WHERE connectorInstance_id IN" + " (SELECT FROM ConnectorInstance ci, RecordCollection rc WHERE AND" + " AND (r.lastAutomaticTagging > ? OR r.lastAutomaticTagging IS NULL)"; } Query recordQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlRecord); recordQuery.setParameter(1, collection.getId()); if (newStartTaggingDate != null) { recordQuery.setParameter(2, newStartTaggingDate); } recordQuery.executeUpdate(); break; } catch (PessimisticLockException e) { attempts++; if (attempts > 100) { throw e; } } } } @Override public void markRecordsForComputeACLEntries(RecordCollection collection) { // Bug in JTA prevents us from doing a single update with connectorInstance.recordCollection for (ConnectorInstance connectorInstance : collection.getConnectorInstances()) { String ql = "UPDATE Record SET computeACLEntries=true WHERE connectorInstance = :connectorInstance"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); query.executeUpdate(); } markRecordsForUpdateIndex(collection); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<ConnectorInstance> getConnectorInstances(List<Record> records) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT DISTINCT r.connectorInstance_id FROM Record r"); sql.append(" where IN ("); boolean first = true; for (Record record : records) { if (!first) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(record.getId()); first = false; } sql.append(")"); Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sql.toString()); List<Number> connectorIds = query.getResultList(); ConnectorInstanceServices connectorInstanceServices = ConstellioSpringUtils.getConnectorInstanceServices(); return connectorInstanceServices.list(connectorIds); } @Override public Float computeBoost(Record record) { // 1. Calcul du boost du a l appartenance a la collection RecordCollection collection = record.getConnectorInstance().getRecordCollection(); RecordCollectionServices recordCollectionServices = ConstellioSpringUtils.getRecordCollectionServices(); Float boostAssociatedWithCollection = recordCollectionServices.getBoost(collection, record).floatValue(); // faire le produit des boosts des sous collections FederationServices federationServices = ConstellioSpringUtils.getFederationServices(); if (collection.isFederationOwner()) { List<RecordCollection> includedCollections = federationServices.listIncludedCollections(collection); for (RecordCollection includedCollection : includedCollections) { boostAssociatedWithCollection *= recordCollectionServices.getBoost(includedCollection, record) .floatValue(); } } // faire le produite des boosts des collections mres!!! if (collection.isIncludedInFederation()) { List<RecordCollection> ownerCollections = federationServices.listOwnerCollections(collection); for (RecordCollection includedCollection : ownerCollections) { boostAssociatedWithCollection *= recordCollectionServices.getBoost(includedCollection, record) .floatValue(); } } // 2. Boost fourni par le connecteur // FIXME quoi faire pour une collection fdre? List<RecordMeta> boosts = record.getMetas(IndexFieldServices.BOOST_FIELD_PREFIX); Float boostAssociatedWithConnector = 1.0f; if (boosts != null) { for (RecordMeta boost : boosts) { boostAssociatedWithConnector *= Float.valueOf(boost.getContent()); } } return boostAssociatedWithCollection * boostAssociatedWithConnector; } @Override public Float computeFieldBoost(Record record, IndexField indexField) { Float boostAssociatedWithIndexField = 1.0f; String indexFieldName = indexField.getName(); Set<String> indexFieldAssociatedMetaNames = new HashSet<String>(); if (indexFieldName.equals(IndexField.UNIQUE_KEY_FIELD)) { indexFieldAssociatedMetaNames.add(SpiConstants.PROPNAME_DOCID); } else { if (indexFieldName.equals(IndexField.DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELD)) { indexFieldAssociatedMetaNames.add(SpiConstants.PROPNAME_CONTENT); } else { indexFieldAssociatedMetaNames = indexField.getMetaNames(); } } for (String metaName : indexFieldAssociatedMetaNames) { List<RecordMeta> boosts = record.getMetas(IndexFieldServices.BOOST_FIELD_PREFIX + metaName); if (boosts != null) { for (RecordMeta boost : boosts) { boostAssociatedWithIndexField *= Float.valueOf(boost.getContent()); } } } // Ajout du boost des fields ajouts via l'interface de gestion de la pertinence des champs Float boostFieldAddedThrowInterface = indexField.getBoost(); if (boostFieldAddedThrowInterface == null) { boostFieldAddedThrowInterface = new Float(0F); } return boostAssociatedWithIndexField * boostFieldAddedThrowInterface; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Record> listIndexedRecordsSince(RecordCollection collection, Date startDate) { String ql = "FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance.recordCollection = :recordCollection AND" + " r.lastIndexed IS NOT NULL AND r.lastIndexed >= :startDate"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("recordCollection", collection); query.setParameter("startDate", startDate); return (List<Record>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Record> listTraversedRecordsSince(ConnectorInstance connectorInstance, Date startDate) { String ql = "FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance = :connectorInstance AND r.lastFetched >= :startDate"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); query.setParameter("startDate", startDate); return (List<Record>) query.getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Record> listLastTraversedRecords(ConnectorInstance connectorInstance, int maxSize) { String ql = "FROM Record r WHERE r.connectorInstance = :connectorInstance ORDER BY lastFetched DESC"; Query query = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(ql); query.setParameter("connectorInstance", connectorInstance); query.setMaxResults(maxSize); List<Record> results = (List<Record>) query.getResultList(); return results; } @Override public List<Record> list(Collection<Number> ids, RecordCollection collection) { return super.list(ids); } @Override public void makePersistent(List<Record> records, ConnectorInstance connectorInstance) { for (Record record : records) { makePersistent(record); } } @Override public ReadWriteLock getLock(String collectionName) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // @Override // public void makePersistent(List<Record> records, RecordCollection collection) { // for (Record record : records) { // makePersistent(record); // } // } /* * @Override * public void updateRecordBoost(RecordCollection collection) { * List<Record> collectionRecords = list(collection, -1, null, null); * for (Record record : collectionRecords) { * boolean updated = updateRecordBoost(record); * if (updated) { * record.setUpdateIndex(true); * makePersistent(record); * } * } * } * @Override * public boolean updateRecordBoost(Record record) { * RecordCollection collection = record.getConnectorInstance().getRecordCollection(); * Double boostBefore = record.getBoost(); * Double boostAfter = ConstellioSpringUtils.getRecordCollectionServices().getBoost(collection, record); * if (boostAfter == null) { * if (boostBefore != null) { * record.setBoost(boostAfter); * merge(record); * return true; * } else { * return false; * } * } else { * if (boostBefore == null || !boostAfter.equals(boostBefore)) { * record.setBoost(boostAfter); * merge(record); * return true; * } else { * return false; * } * } * } * @Override * public Record makePersistent(Record record) { * RecordCollection collection = record.getConnectorInstance().getRecordCollection(); * Double newBoost = ConstellioSpringUtils.getRecordCollectionServices().getBoost(collection, record); * record.setBoost(newBoost); * return super.makePersistent(record); * } */ }