Java tutorial
package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /* * Wallpaper Board * * Copyright (c) 2017 Dani Mahardhika * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper { private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "wallpaper_board_database"; private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2; private static final String TABLE_WALLPAPERS = "wallpapers"; private static final String TABLE_CATEGORIES = "categories"; private static final String KEY_ID = "id"; private static final String KEY_NAME = "name"; private static final String KEY_AUTHOR = "author"; private static final String KEY_URL = "url"; private static final String KEY_THUMB_URL = "thumbUrl"; private static final String KEY_FAVORITE = "favorite"; private static final String KEY_CATEGORY = "category"; private static final String KEY_SELECTED = "selected"; private static final String KEY_MUZEI_SELECTED = "muzeiSelected"; private static final String KEY_ADDED_ON = "addedOn"; @NonNull public static Database get(@NonNull Context context) { return new Database(context); } private Database(Context context) { super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { String CREATE_TABLE_CATEGORY = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_CATEGORIES + "(" + KEY_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL," + KEY_NAME + " TEXT NOT NULL," + KEY_THUMB_URL + " TEXT, " + KEY_SELECTED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 1," + KEY_MUZEI_SELECTED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 1, " + "UNIQUE (" + KEY_NAME + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE)"; String CREATE_TABLE_WALLPAPER = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE_WALLPAPERS + "(" + KEY_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, " + KEY_NAME + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + KEY_AUTHOR + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + KEY_THUMB_URL + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + KEY_URL + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + KEY_CATEGORY + " TEXT NOT NULL," + KEY_FAVORITE + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + KEY_ADDED_ON + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + "UNIQUE (" + KEY_URL + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE)"; db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_CATEGORY); db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_WALLPAPER); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { resetDatabase(db); } @Override public void onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { resetDatabase(db); } private void resetDatabase(SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\'table\'", null); SparseArrayCompat<String> tables = new SparseArrayCompat<>(); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { tables.append(tables.size(), cursor.getString(0)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { try { String dropQuery = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tables.get(i); if (!tables.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("SQLITE_SEQUENCE")) db.execSQL(dropQuery); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } onCreate(db); } public void addCategories(List<WallpaperJson> categories) { String query = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_CATEGORIES + " (" + KEY_NAME + "," + KEY_THUMB_URL + ") VALUES (?,?);"; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); SQLiteStatement statement = db.compileStatement(query); db.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) { statement.clearBindings(); statement.bindString(1, categories.get(i).name); statement.bindString(2, categories.get(i).thumbUrl == null ? "" : categories.get(i).thumbUrl); statement.execute(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); db.close(); } public void addWallpapers(@NonNull WallpaperJson wallpaper) { String query = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_WALLPAPERS + " (" + KEY_NAME + "," + KEY_AUTHOR + "," + KEY_URL + "," + KEY_THUMB_URL + "," + KEY_CATEGORY + "," + KEY_ADDED_ON + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);"; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); SQLiteStatement statement = db.compileStatement(query); db.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < wallpaper.getWallpapers.size(); i++) { statement.clearBindings(); statement.bindString(1, wallpaper.getWallpapers.get(i).name); statement.bindString(2, wallpaper.getWallpapers.get(i).author); statement.bindString(3, wallpaper.getWallpapers.get(i).url); statement.bindString(4, wallpaper.getWallpapers.get(i).thumbUrl == null ? wallpaper.getWallpapers.get(i).url : wallpaper.getWallpapers.get(i).thumbUrl); statement.bindString(5, wallpaper.getWallpapers.get(i).category); statement.bindString(6, TimeHelper.getLongDateTime()); statement.execute(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); db.close(); } public void addWallpapers(@NonNull List<Wallpaper> wallpapers) { String query = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_WALLPAPERS + " (" + KEY_NAME + "," + KEY_AUTHOR + "," + KEY_URL + "," + KEY_THUMB_URL + "," + KEY_CATEGORY + "," + KEY_ADDED_ON + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);"; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); SQLiteStatement statement = db.compileStatement(query); db.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < wallpapers.size(); i++) { statement.clearBindings(); statement.bindString(1, wallpapers.get(i).getName()); statement.bindString(2, wallpapers.get(i).getAuthor()); statement.bindString(3, wallpapers.get(i).getUrl()); statement.bindString(4, wallpapers.get(i).getThumbUrl()); statement.bindString(5, wallpapers.get(i).getCategory()); statement.bindString(6, TimeHelper.getLongDateTime()); statement.execute(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); db.close(); } public void selectCategory(int id, boolean isSelected) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(KEY_SELECTED, isSelected ? 1 : 0); db.update(TABLE_CATEGORIES, values, KEY_ID + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }); db.close(); } public void selectCategoryForMuzei(int id, boolean isSelected) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(KEY_MUZEI_SELECTED, isSelected ? 1 : 0); db.update(TABLE_CATEGORIES, values, KEY_ID + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }); db.close(); } public void favoriteWallpaper(int id, boolean isFavorite) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(KEY_FAVORITE, isFavorite ? 1 : 0); db.update(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, values, KEY_ID + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }); db.close(); } private List<String> getSelectedCategories(boolean isMuzei) { List<String> categories = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String column = isMuzei ? KEY_MUZEI_SELECTED : KEY_SELECTED; Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_CATEGORIES, new String[] { KEY_NAME }, column + " = ?", new String[] { "1" }, null, null, KEY_NAME); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { categories.add(cursor.getString(0)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return categories; } public List<Category> getCategories() { List<Category> categories = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_CATEGORIES, null, null, null, null, null, KEY_NAME); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { Category category = new Category(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getInt(3) == 1, cursor.getInt(4) == 1, 0); categories.add(category); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return categories; } public int getCategoryCount(String category) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, "LOWER(" + KEY_CATEGORY + ") LIKE ?", new String[] { "%" + category.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "%" }, null, null, null); int count = cursor.getCount(); cursor.close(); db.close(); return count; } public List<Wallpaper> getFilteredWallpapers() { List<Wallpaper> wallpapers = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> selected = getSelectedCategories(false); List<String> selection = new ArrayList<>(); if (selected.size() == 0) return wallpapers; StringBuilder CONDITION = new StringBuilder(); for (String item : selected) { if (CONDITION.length() > 0) { CONDITION.append(" OR ").append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?"); } else { CONDITION.append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?"); } selection.add("%" + item.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "%"); } SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, CONDITION.toString(), selection.toArray(new String[selection.size()]), null, null, KEY_ADDED_ON + " DESC, " + KEY_ID); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { Wallpaper wallpaper = new Wallpaper(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getInt(6) == 1); wallpapers.add(wallpaper); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return wallpapers; } public List<Wallpaper> getWallpapers() { List<Wallpaper> wallpapers = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, null, null, null, null, KEY_ADDED_ON + " DESC, " + KEY_ID); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { Wallpaper wallpaper = new Wallpaper(cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getString(5)); wallpapers.add(wallpaper); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return wallpapers; } @Nullable public Wallpaper getRandomWallpaper() { Wallpaper wallpaper = null; List<String> selected = getSelectedCategories(true); List<String> selection = new ArrayList<>(); if (selected.size() == 0) return null; StringBuilder CONDITION = new StringBuilder(); for (String item : selected) { if (CONDITION.length() > 0) { CONDITION.append(" OR ").append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?"); } else { CONDITION.append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?"); } selection.add("%" + item.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "%"); } SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, CONDITION.toString(), selection.toArray(new String[selection.size()]), null, null, "RANDOM()", "1"); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { wallpaper = new Wallpaper(cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getString(5)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return wallpaper; } public int getWallpapersCount() { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); int rowCount = cursor.getCount(); cursor.close(); db.close(); return rowCount; } public List<Wallpaper> getFavoriteWallpapers() { List<Wallpaper> wallpapers = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, KEY_FAVORITE + " = ?", new String[] { "1" }, null, null, KEY_ADDED_ON + " DESC, " + KEY_ID); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { Wallpaper wallpaper = new Wallpaper(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getInt(6) == 1); wallpapers.add(wallpaper); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); db.close(); return wallpapers; } public void deleteWallpapers(@NonNull List<Wallpaper> wallpapers) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); for (int i = 0; i < wallpapers.size(); i++) { db.delete(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, KEY_URL + " = ?", new String[] { wallpapers.get(i).getUrl() }); } db.close(); } public void deleteWallpapers() { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.delete("SQLITE_SEQUENCE", "NAME = ?", new String[] { TABLE_WALLPAPERS }); db.delete(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, null); db.close(); } public void deleteCategories() { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.delete("SQLITE_SEQUENCE", "NAME = ?", new String[] { TABLE_CATEGORIES }); db.delete(TABLE_CATEGORIES, null, null); db.close(); } }