Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.dlshouwen.wzgl.servlet; import com.dlshouwen.core.base.config.CONFIG; import com.dlshouwen.core.base.http.FileUploadClient; import com.dlshouwen.core.base.model.SessionUser; import com.dlshouwen.core.base.utils.AttributeUtils; import com.dlshouwen.core.base.utils.SpringUtils; import com.dlshouwen.core.base.utils.SysConfigLoader; import com.dlshouwen.wzgl.picture.dao.PictureDao; import com.dlshouwen.wzgl.picture.model.Picture; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * * @author haohao */ @WebServlet(name = "uploadPic", urlPatterns = { "/uploadPic" }) public class UploadPic extends HttpServlet { @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { doPost(request, response); } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); String albumId = request.getParameter("albumId"); // String articleId = request.getParameter("articleId"); String type = request.getParameter("albumFlag"); // String isFile = request.getParameter("isFile"); // String isVideo = request.getParameter("isVideo"); PictureDao pictureDao = null; try { pictureDao = (PictureDao) SpringUtils.getBean("pictureDao"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(UploadPic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // String tempPath = SysConfigLoader.getSystemConfig().getProperty("imageTemp", "C:\\files\\temp"); // File dirTempFile = new File(tempPath); if (!dirTempFile.exists()) { dirTempFile.mkdirs(); } DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); factory.setSizeThreshold(20 * 1024 * 1024); //5M factory.setRepository(new File(tempPath)); // ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); upload.setHeaderEncoding("UTF-8"); try { List items = upload.parseRequest(request); Iterator itr = items.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { FileItem item = (FileItem); String fileName = item.getName(); if (!item.isFormField()) { InputStream is = null; synchronized (this) { try { is = item.getInputStream(); JSONObject jobj = FileUploadClient.upFile(request, fileName, is); String path = null; if (null != jobj && jobj.getString("responseMessage").equals("OK")) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(jobj.getString("fpath"))) { String sourceURL = AttributeUtils.getAttributeContent( request.getServletContext(), "source_webapp_file_postion"); path = sourceURL + jobj.getString("fpath"); // filename = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); } } if (albumId != null && albumId.trim().length() > 0) { Picture pic = new Picture(); if (type != null) { pic.setFlag(type); } pic.setPicture_name(fileName); pic.setPath(path); pic.setAlbum_id(albumId); pic.setCreate_time(new Date()); SessionUser sessionUser = (SessionUser) request.getSession() .getAttribute(CONFIG.SESSION_USER); String userName = sessionUser.getUser_name(); pic.setUser_name(userName); pictureDao.insertPicture(pic); } String json = "{ \"state\": \"SUCCESS\",\"url\": \"" + path + "\",\"title\": \"" + fileName + "\",\"original\": \"" + fileName + "\"}"; response.setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.getWriter().print(json); } catch (Exception ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(UploadPic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } } } } catch (FileUploadException e) { } } /* @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); String albumId = request.getParameter("albumId"); String articleId = request.getParameter("articleId"); String type = request.getParameter("albumFlag"); String isFile = request.getParameter("isFile"); String isVideo = request.getParameter("isVideo"); PictureDao pictureDao = null; try { pictureDao = (PictureDao) SpringUtils.getBean("pictureDao"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(UploadPic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // String tempPath = SysConfigLoader.getSystemConfig().getProperty("imageTemp", "C:\\files\\temp"); // File dirTempFile = new File(tempPath); if (!dirTempFile.exists()) { dirTempFile.mkdirs(); } DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); factory.setSizeThreshold(20 * 1024 * 1024); //5M factory.setRepository(new File(tempPath)); // ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); upload.setHeaderEncoding("UTF-8"); try { List items = upload.parseRequest(request); Iterator itr = items.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { FileItem item = (FileItem); String fileName = item.getName(); if (!item.isFormField()) { InputStream is = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; synchronized (this) { try { is = item.getInputStream(); String fileDirPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/"); String path = fileDirPath.substring(0, fileDirPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(articleId)) { path += CONFIG.UPLOAD_NEWS_PATH + "/" + articleId + "/"; if(null != isFile) { path += "file"; }else if(null != isVideo){ path += "video"; }else { path += "image"; } }else { if(null != isFile) { path += CONFIG.UPLOAD_FILE_PATH; }else if(null != isVideo){ path += CONFIG.UPLOAD_VIDEO_PATH; }else { path += CONFIG.UPLOAD_PIC_PATH; } } String onlyPath = path; Date date = new Date(); fileName = String.valueOf(date.getTime()) + fileName; File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } file = new File(path + "/" + fileName); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } path = path + "/" + fileName; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read = 0; fos = new FileOutputStream(file); while ((read = != -1) { fos.write(buffer, 0, read); } fos.flush(); if (albumId != null && albumId.trim().length() > 0) { Picture pic = new Picture(); if (type != null) { pic.setFlag(type); } pic.setPicture_name(fileName); pic.setPath(path); pic.setAlbum_id(albumId); pic.setCreate_time(new Date()); SessionUser sessionUser = (SessionUser) request.getSession().getAttribute(CONFIG.SESSION_USER); String userName = sessionUser.getUser_name(); pic.setUser_name(userName); pictureDao.insertPicture(pic); } String json = ""; if (isFile != null && isFile.trim().length() > 0 && isFile.equals("file")) { json = "{ \"state\": \"SUCCESS\",\"url\": \"http://" + request.getLocalAddr() + ":" + request.getLocalPort() + request.getContextPath() + "/downloadImage.jsp?path=" + path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/") + "\",\"title\": \"" + fileName + "\",\"original\": \"" + fileName + "\"}"; } else if(isVideo != null && isVideo.trim().length() > 0 && isVideo.equals("video")){ Thread thread = new Thread(new ConvertVideoThread(path, onlyPath)); thread.start(); path = path.substring(0, path.indexOf(".")) + ".flv"; json = "{ \"state\": \"SUCCESS\",\"url\": \"http://" + request.getLocalAddr() + ":" + request.getLocalPort() + request.getContextPath() + "/downloadVideo.jsp?path=" + path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/") + "\",\"title\": \"" + fileName + "\",\"original\": \"" + fileName + "\"}"; }else { json = "{ \"state\": \"SUCCESS\",\"url\": \"http://" + request.getLocalAddr() + ":" + request.getLocalPort() + request.getContextPath() + "/downloadImage.jsp?path=" + path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/") + "\",\"title\": \"" + fileName + "\",\"original\": \"" + fileName + "\"}"; } response.setContentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.getWriter().print(json); } catch (Exception ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(UploadPic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } } } } catch (FileUploadException e) { } } */ }