Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2005 Walt Disney Company. All rights reserved.
package com.disney.opa.dom.comment;

import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;

import com.disney.opa.dom.comment.Comment;
import com.disney.opa.dom.option.PAUserOption;
import com.disney.opa.dom.option.UserOption;

 * @author jzyang
public class Comment {

     * Comment type - internal.
    public static final int INTERNAL = 1;

     * Comment type - external.
    public static final int EXTERNAL = 2;

    //new comment type 3 for comments between sub licensee and licensee reviewers 

    //new comment type 4 for comments between licensee and agent
    public static final int BETWEEN_LICENSEE_AND_AGENT = 4;

    private int commentID = 0;
    private int productID = 0;
    private int productStateID = 0;

    private int commentType = 0;

    private PAUserOption performer = new PAUserOption();
    private PAUserOption owner = new PAUserOption();

    private Date commentDate = null;
    private String commentText = null;

    private int stepID = 0;
    private String stepDisplayKey = null;

    private int productReviewTypeID = 0;
    private String productReviewTypeDisplayKey = null;

    // Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16 - Publishing specific comment attributes
    private int pass = 0;
    private String artSource;
    private String stages;
    private Date requestByDate;
    private int pagesInSubmission;
    private boolean isEditable = false;
    private boolean isDeletable = false;
    private Date commentLastModifiedDate = null;
    private String userNameForDisplay = null;
    private String dateTimeForDisplay = null;
    private String phaseForDisplay = null;

    public int getID() {
        return this.commentID;

    public void setID(int commentID) {
        this.commentID = commentID;

    public int getProductID() {
        return this.productID;

    public void setProductID(int productID) {
        this.productID = productID;

    public int getProductStateID() {
        return this.productStateID;

    public void setProductStateID(int productStateID) {
        this.productStateID = productStateID;

    public UserOption getOwner() {
        return this.owner;

    public void setOwner(PAUserOption user) {
        this.owner = user;

    public void setOwnerUserID(int userID) {

    public UserOption getPerformer() {
        return this.performer;

    public void setPerformer(PAUserOption user) {
        this.performer = user;

    public void setPerformerUserID(int userID) {

    public Date getCommentDate() {
        return this.commentDate;

    public void setCommentDate(Date date) {
        this.commentDate = date;

    public String getText() {
        return this.commentText;

    public void setText(String text) {
        this.commentText = text;

    public int getStepID() {
        return this.stepID;

    public String getStepDisplayKey() {
        return this.stepDisplayKey;

    public void setStepID(int stepID) {
        this.stepID = stepID;

    public void setStepDisplayKey(String stepDisplayKey) {
        this.stepDisplayKey = stepDisplayKey;

    public int getCommentType() {
        return this.commentType;

    public void setCommentType(int commentType) {
        this.commentType = commentType;

    public int getProductReviewTypeID() {
        return this.productReviewTypeID;

    public void setProductReviewTypeID(int productReviewTypeID) {
        this.productReviewTypeID = productReviewTypeID;

    public String getProductReviewTypeDisplayKey() {
        return this.productReviewTypeDisplayKey;

    public void setProductReivewTypeDisplayKey(String productReviewTypeDisplayKey) {
        this.productReviewTypeDisplayKey = productReviewTypeDisplayKey;

     * Returns the pass number associated to a state.
     * Specific to Publishing
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @return <code>int</code>
    public int getPass() {
        return pass;

     * Sets the PASS number for this wrapper. Only mutable by the class members
     * in the same package. i.e. CommentResultProcessor.
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @param <code>int</code> pass
    public void setPass(int pass) {
        this.pass = pass;

     * Gets the art source for the pass of the submission.
     * Specific to Publishing
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @return <code>String</code>
    public String getArtSource() {
        return (artSource == null ? "" : artSource);

     * Sets the art source of the submission. Only mutable by the class members
     * in the same package. i.e. CommentResultProcessor.
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @param <code>String</code> artSource
    public void setArtSource(String artSource) {
        this.artSource = artSource;

     * Gets the stages for the pass of the submission.
     * Specific to Publishing
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @return <code>String</code>
    public String getStages() {
        return (stages == null ? "" : stages);

     * Sets the stages for the pass of the submission. Only mutable by the class
     * members in the same package. i.e. CommentResultProcessor.
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @param <code>String</code> stages
    public void setStages(String stages) {
        this.stages = stages;

     * Gets the requested by date for the pass of the submission.
     * Specific to Publishing
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @return <code>String</code>
    public Date getRequestByDate() {
        return requestByDate;

     * Sets the request by date for the pass of the submission. Only mutable by
     * the class members in the same package. i.e. CommentResultProcessor.
     * @author Tseng, Denys - 2008/01/16
     * @param <code>Date</code> requestByDate
    public void setRequestByDate(Date requestByDate) {
        this.requestByDate = requestByDate;

    public int getPagesInSubmission() {
        return pagesInSubmission;

    public void setPagesInSubmission(int pagesInSubmission) {
        this.pagesInSubmission = pagesInSubmission;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof Comment) {
            Comment otherComment = (Comment) obj;
            EqualsBuilder builder = new EqualsBuilder();
            builder.append(this.commentID, otherComment.getID());
            builder.append(this.commentDate, otherComment.getCommentDate());
            builder.append(this.commentText, otherComment.getText());
            return builder.isEquals();
        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        HashCodeBuilder builder = new HashCodeBuilder();
        return builder.toHashCode();

    public boolean getIsEditable() {
        return isEditable;

    public boolean getIsDeletable() {
        return isDeletable;

    public void setIsEditable(boolean isEditable) {
        this.isEditable = isEditable;

    public void setIsDeltable(boolean isDeletable) {
        this.isDeletable = isDeletable;

    public Date getCommentLastModifiedDate() {
        return commentLastModifiedDate;

    public void setCommentLastModifiedDate(Date commentLastModifiedDate) {
        this.commentLastModifiedDate = commentLastModifiedDate;