Java tutorial
package com.diozero.sandpit.imu.invensense; /* * #%L * Organisation: mattjlewis * Project: Device I/O Zero - IMU Sample App * Filename: * * This file is part of the diozero project. More information about this project * can be found at * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 mattjlewis * %% * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * #L% */ import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Quaternion; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.*; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import com.diozero.api.I2CConstants; import com.diozero.api.imu.ImuData; import com.diozero.api.imu.OrientationEvent; import com.diozero.api.imu.TapEvent; import com.diozero.imu.drivers.invensense.*; import com.diozero.util.RuntimeIOException; import com.diozero.util.SleepUtil; /** * From * * MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9150/MPU9250 over I2c for RaspberryPi using official * Invensense libraries (v5.1): * */ public class MPU9150DriverTest { private static final float RTIMU_FUZZY_ACCEL_ZERO = 0.05f; private static final float RTIMU_FUZZY_GYRO_ZERO = 0.20f; private static final int DEFAULT_FIFO_RATE = 20; // MPU driver variables private MPU9150DMPDriver dmp; private GyroFullScaleRange gyroFsr; private AccelFullScaleRange accelFsr; private int gyroAccelSampleRate; private int sampleRate; private int compassSampleRate; private LowPassFilter lpf; private int fifoRate; // Time to sleep between reading from the FIFO (= 1000 / fifoRate) private int fifoReadDelayMs; private long lastFifoRead; private AxisRotation axisRotation; // RTIMULib variables private FusionAlgorithmType fusionType; private FusionInterface fusion; private Vector3D previousAccel; private int gyroSampleCount; private float gyroLearningAlpha; private float gyroContinuousAlpha; private Vector3D gyroBias; private boolean gyroBiasValid; public static void main(String[] args) { new MPU9150DriverTest().run(); } public MPU9150DriverTest() { // General defaults //axisRotation = AxisRotation.RTIMU_XNORTH_YEAST; axisRotation = AxisRotation.RTIMU_XEAST_YSOUTH; //axisRotation = AxisRotation.RTIMU_XNORTH_YWEST; //mpu9150AxisRotation = MPU9150AxisRotation.; // MPU9150 defaults gyroAccelSampleRate = 50; compassSampleRate = 25; lpf = LowPassFilter.INV_FILTER_20HZ; gyroFsr = GyroFullScaleRange.INV_FSR_1000DPS; accelFsr = AccelFullScaleRange.INV_FSR_8G; fifoRate = DEFAULT_FIFO_RATE; fifoReadDelayMs = 1000 / fifoRate; gyroBiasValid = false; gyroBias = Vector3D.ZERO; previousAccel = Vector3D.ZERO; sampleRate = gyroAccelSampleRate; fusionType = FusionAlgorithmType.RTFUSION_TYPE_RTQF; switch (fusionType) { case RTFUSION_TYPE_KALMANSTATE4: fusion = new RTFusionKalman4(); break; case RTFUSION_TYPE_RTQF: fusion = new RTFusionRTQF(); break; default: fusion = new RTFusion(); } } public void run() { try (MPU9150Driver mpu = new MPU9150Driver(I2CConstants.BUS_1, I2CConstants.ADDR_SIZE_7, MPU9150Constants.I2C_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_FAST)) { mpuInit(mpu); System.err.println("Ready."); do { ImuData imu_data = update(mpu); System.out.print("Got IMU data: compass=[" + imu_data.getCompass() + "], temp=" + imu_data.getTemperature() + ", gyro=[" + imu_data.getGyro() + "], accel=[" + imu_data.getAccel() + "], quat=[" + imu_data.getQuaternion().getQ0() + ", " + imu_data.getQuaternion().getQ1() + ", " + imu_data.getQuaternion().getQ2() + ", " + imu_data.getQuaternion().getQ3() + "], timestamp=" + imu_data.getTimestamp() + ", "); Quaternion q = imu_data.getQuaternion(); //double[] ypr = q.toEuler(); //double[] ypr = quat.getYawPitchRoll(); Rotation r = new Rotation(q.getQ0(), q.getQ1(), q.getQ2(), q.getQ3(), true); double[] ypr = null; try { ypr = r.getAngles(RotationOrder.XYZ, RotationConvention.VECTOR_OPERATOR); } catch (CardanEulerSingularityException e) { ypr = new double[] { 2 * Math.atan2(q.getQ1(), q.getQ0()), Math.PI / 2, 0 }; System.out.print("Singularity detected, "); }"ypr=[{}, {}, {}]", Double.valueOf(ypr[0]), Double.valueOf(ypr[1]), Double.valueOf(ypr[2])); } while (true); } catch (RuntimeIOException ioe) { Logger.error(ioe, "Error: {}", ioe); } } private void mpuInit(MPU9150Driver mpu) throws RuntimeIOException { // initialise device Logger.debug("Initialising MPU..."); mpu.mpu_init(); dmp = new MPU9150DMPDriver(mpu); Logger.debug("Setting MPU sensors..."); // Can be bitwise combination of INV_X_GYRO, INV_Y_GYRO, INV_Z_GYRO, // INV_XYZ_GYRO, INV_XYZ_ACCEL, INV_XYZ_COMPASS mpu.mpu_set_sensors((byte) (MPU9150Constants.INV_XYZ_GYRO | MPU9150Constants.INV_XYZ_ACCEL | MPU9150Constants.INV_XYZ_COMPASS)); //Logger.debug("Setting LPF..."); //mpu.mpu_set_lpf(lpf); Logger.debug("Setting GYRO sensitivity..."); mpu.mpu_set_gyro_fsr(gyroFsr); Logger.debug("Setting ACCEL sensitivity..."); mpu.mpu_set_accel_fsr(accelFsr); // verify connection Logger.debug("Powering up MPU..."); boolean dev_status = mpu.mpu_get_power_state(); Logger.debug(dev_status ? "MPU9150 connection successful" : "MPU9150 connection failed"); // fifo config Logger.debug("Setting MPU fifo..."); // Note compass data doesn't go into the FIFO, no need trying to set INV_XYZ_COMPASS mpu.mpu_configure_fifo((byte) (MPU9150Constants.INV_XYZ_GYRO | MPU9150Constants.INV_XYZ_ACCEL)); // load and configure the DMP Logger.debug("Loading DMP firmware..."); dmp.dmp_load_motion_driver_firmware(); // Configure the orientation dmp.dmp_set_orientation( MPU9150DMPDriver.inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(axisRotation.getOrientationMatrix())); Logger.debug("Activating DMP..."); mpu.mpu_set_dmp_state(true); Logger.debug("Configuring DMP..."); dmp.dmp_register_tap_cb(MPU9150DriverTest::tapCallback); dmp.dmp_register_android_orient_cb(MPU9150DriverTest::androidOrientCallback); //int hal_dmp_features = MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT | // MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_ACCEL| // MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_SEND_CAL_GYRO | // MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_GYRO_CAL; int hal_dmp_features = MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_TAP | MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_ANDROID_ORIENT | MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_PEDOMETER | MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT | MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_ACCEL | MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_SEND_CAL_GYRO | MPU9150DMPConstants.DMP_FEATURE_GYRO_CAL; dmp.dmp_enable_feature(hal_dmp_features); Logger.debug("Setting DMP fifo rate..."); // MPU sample rate is ignored if DMP is enabled //mpu.mpu_set_sample_rate(rate); //mpu.mpu_set_compass_sample_rate(compassSampleRate); dmp.dmp_set_fifo_rate(fifoRate); /* When the DMP is used, the hardware sampling rate is fixed at * 200Hz, and the DMP is configured to downsample the FIFO output * using the function dmp_set_fifo_rate. However, when the DMP is * turned off, the sampling rate remains at 200Hz. This could be * handled in inv_mpu.c, but it would need to know that * inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c exists. To avoid this, we'll just * put the extra logic in the application layer. */ //int dmp_rate = dmp.dmp_get_fifo_rate(); //mpu.mpu_set_sample_rate(dmp_rate); Logger.debug("Resetting fifo queue..."); mpu.mpu_reset_fifo(); gyroBiasInit(); Logger.debug("Sleep time={}", Integer.valueOf(fifoReadDelayMs)); Logger.debug("Waiting for first FIFO data item... "); MPU9150FIFOData fifo_data = null; do { SleepUtil.sleepMillis(fifoReadDelayMs); fifo_data = dmp.dmp_read_fifo(); } while (fifo_data == null); lastFifoRead = fifo_data.getTimestamp(); Logger.debug("Done."); } private ImuData update(MPU9150Driver mpu) throws RuntimeIOException { // Wait for FIFO data to be available // FIXME Use a fixed period scheduler instead long delay = fifoReadDelayMs - (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFifoRead); if (delay > 0) { Logger.debug("Sleeping for {}ms", Long.valueOf(delay)); SleepUtil.sleepMillis(delay); } else { Logger.debug("Not sleeping, delay={}", Long.valueOf(delay)); } //gyro and accel can be null because of being disabled in the features // FIXME move this logic to a scheduler within MPU-9150 driver? MPU9150FIFOData fifo_data; // dmp_read_fifo(g, a, _q, &sensors, &fifoCount) do { fifo_data = dmp.dmp_read_fifo(); } while (fifo_data == null); Logger.debug("Time between FIFO reads = {}ms", Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFifoRead)); lastFifoRead = fifo_data.getTimestamp(); ImuData imu_data = MPU9150DataFactory.newInstance(fifo_data, mpu.mpu_get_compass_reg(), gyroFsr.getScale(), accelFsr.getScale(), AK8975Constants.COMPASS_SCALE, MPU9150Constants.QUATERNION_SCALE, mpu.mpu_get_temperature()); // Now do standard processing //handleGyroBias(imu_data); //calibrateAverageCompass(); //calibrateAccel(); // now update the filter //updateFusion(imu_data); return imu_data; } private void updateFusion(ImuData imuData) { fusion.newIMUData(imuData); } private void gyroBiasInit() { gyroLearningAlpha = 2.0f / sampleRate; gyroContinuousAlpha = 0.01f / sampleRate; gyroSampleCount = 0; } private void handleGyroBias(ImuData imuData) { /* * Shouldn't need to do any of this if we call dmp_set_orientation... // do axis rotation if (axisRotation != null) { // need to do an axis rotation byte[][] matrix = axisRotation.getOrientationMatrix(); IMUData tempIMU = imuData; // do new x value if (matrix[0][0] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setX(tempIMU.gyro.x() * matrix[0][0]); imuData.accel.setX(tempIMU.accel.x() * matrix[0][0]); imuData.compass.setX(tempIMU.compass.x() * matrix[0][0]); } else if (matrix[0][1] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setX(tempIMU.gyro.y() * matrix[0][1]); imuData.accel.setX(tempIMU.accel.y() * matrix[0][1]); imuData.compass.setX(tempIMU.compass.y() * matrix[0][1]); } else if (matrix[0][2] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setX(tempIMU.gyro.z() * matrix[0][2]); imuData.accel.setX(tempIMU.accel.z() * matrix[0][2]); imuData.compass.setX(tempIMU.compass.z() * matrix[0][2]); } // do new y value if (matrix[1][0] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setY(tempIMU.gyro.x() * matrix[1][0]); imuData.accel.setY(tempIMU.accel.x() * matrix[1][0]); imuData.compass.setY(tempIMU.compass.x() * matrix[1][0]); } else if (matrix[1][1] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setY(tempIMU.gyro.y() * matrix[1][1]); imuData.accel.setY(tempIMU.accel.y() * matrix[1][1]); imuData.compass.setY(tempIMU.compass.y() * matrix[1][1]); } else if (matrix[1][2] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setY(tempIMU.gyro.z() * matrix[1][2]); imuData.accel.setY(tempIMU.accel.z() * matrix[1][2]); imuData.compass.setY(tempIMU.compass.z() * matrix[1][2]); } // do new z value if (matrix[2][0] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setZ(tempIMU.gyro.x() * matrix[2][0]); imuData.accel.setZ(tempIMU.accel.x() * matrix[2][0]); imuData.compass.setZ(tempIMU.compass.x() * matrix[2][0]); } else if (matrix[2][1] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setZ(tempIMU.gyro.y() * matrix[2][1]); imuData.accel.setZ(tempIMU.accel.y() * matrix[2][1]); imuData.compass.setZ(tempIMU.compass.y() * matrix[2][1]); } else if (matrix[2][2] != 0) { imuData.gyro.setZ(tempIMU.gyro.z() * matrix[2][2]); imuData.accel.setZ(tempIMU.accel.z() * matrix[2][2]); imuData.compass.setZ(tempIMU.compass.z() * matrix[2][2]); } } */ Vector3D deltaAccel = previousAccel.subtract(imuData.getAccel()); // compute difference previousAccel = imuData.getAccel(); if ((deltaAccel.getNorm() < RTIMU_FUZZY_ACCEL_ZERO) && (imuData.getGyro().getNorm() < RTIMU_FUZZY_GYRO_ZERO)) { // What we are seeing on the gyros should be bias only so learn from this if (gyroSampleCount < (5 * sampleRate)) { gyroBias = new Vector3D( (1.0 - gyroLearningAlpha) * gyroBias.getX() + gyroLearningAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getX(), (1.0 - gyroLearningAlpha) * gyroBias.getY() + gyroLearningAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getY(), (1.0 - gyroLearningAlpha) * gyroBias.getZ() + gyroLearningAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getZ()); gyroSampleCount++; if (gyroSampleCount == (5 * sampleRate)) { // this could have been true already of course gyroBiasValid = true; //saveSettings(); } } else { gyroBias = new Vector3D( (1.0 - gyroContinuousAlpha) * gyroBias.getX() + gyroContinuousAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getX(), (1.0 - gyroContinuousAlpha) * gyroBias.getY() + gyroContinuousAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getY(), (1.0 - gyroContinuousAlpha) * gyroBias.getZ() + gyroContinuousAlpha * imuData.getGyro().getZ()); } } imuData.setGyro(imuData.getGyro().subtract(gyroBias)); } public static void tapCallback(TapEvent event) { Logger.debug("tapCallback({})", event); } public static void androidOrientCallback(OrientationEvent event) { Logger.debug("androidOrientCallback({})", event); } /** Axis rotation defs * These allow the IMU to be virtually repositioned if it is in a non-standard configuration * Standard configuration is X pointing at north, Y pointing east and Z pointing down * with the IMU horizontal. There are 24 different possible orientations as defined * below. Setting the axis rotation code to non-zero values performs the repositioning. * * See Orientation Matrix Transformation chart.pdf * XYZ 010_001_000 Identity Matrix * XZY 001_010_000 * YXZ 010_000_001 * YZX 000_010_001 * ZXY 001_000_010 * ZYX 000_001_010 * */ public static enum AxisRotation { RTIMU_XNORTH_YEAST(new byte[][] { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }), // this is the default identity matrix RTIMU_XEAST_YSOUTH(new byte[][] { { 0, -1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }), RTIMU_XSOUTH_YWEST( new byte[][] { { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, -1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }), RTIMU_XWEST_YNORTH( new byte[][] { { 0, 1, 0 }, { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }), RTIMU_XNORTH_YWEST( new byte[][] { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, -1, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 } }), RTIMU_XEAST_YNORTH( new byte[][] { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 } }), RTIMU_XSOUTH_YEAST(new byte[][] { { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 } }), RTIMU_XWEST_YSOUTH( new byte[][] { { 0, -1, 0 }, { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 } }), RTIMU_XUP_YNORTH(new byte[][] { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 }, { -1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XUP_YEAST( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { -1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XUP_YSOUTH( new byte[][] { { 0, -1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { -1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XUP_YWEST( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, -1 }, { 0, -1, 0 }, { -1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XDOWN_YNORTH( new byte[][] { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XDOWN_YEAST( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, -1 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XDOWN_YSOUTH( new byte[][] { { 0, -1, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XDOWN_YWEST( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, -1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }), RTIMU_XNORTH_YUP( new byte[][] { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, -1, 0 } }), RTIMU_XEAST_YUP( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, -1 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, -1, 0 } }), RTIMU_XSOUTH_YUP( new byte[][] { { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 }, { 0, -1, 0 } }), RTIMU_XWEST_YUP( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, 1 }, { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, -1, 0 } }), RTIMU_XNORTH_YDOWN( new byte[][] { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 }, { 0, 1, 0 } }), RTIMU_XEAST_YDOWN( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 } }), RTIMU_XSOUTH_YDOWN( new byte[][] { { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0 } }), RTIMU_XWEST_YDOWN( new byte[][] { { 0, 0, -1 }, { -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 } }); private byte[][] orientationMatrix; private AxisRotation(byte[][] orientationMatrix) { this.orientationMatrix = orientationMatrix; } public byte[][] getOrientationMatrix() { return orientationMatrix; } } public static enum FusionAlgorithmType { RTFUSION_TYPE_KALMANSTATE4, // kalman state is the quaternion pose RTFUSION_TYPE_RTQF; // RT quaternion fusion } }