Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL12; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL14; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL15; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GLContext; /** * * @author Jack */ public class GL { public static final int version = 20; public static GLContext currentContext; public enum MatrixMode { Projection, ModelView, Texture } public static void setColor(GLColor color) { GL11.glColor4f(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), color.getAlpha()); } public static void setColor(Color color) { setColor(color.toGLColor()); } public static int clampToEdge() { if (version >= 12) { return GL12.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; } if (version >= 11) { return GL11.GL_CLAMP; } return -1; } public static void clearColor(GLColor color) { if (version >= 11) { GL11.glClearColor(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), color.getAlpha()); GL11.glClear(GL11.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } } public static void clearColor(Color color) { clearColor(color.toGLColor()); } public static void setViewport(float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (version >= 11) { GL11.glViewport((int) x, (int) y, (int) width, (int) height); } } public static void loadIdentity() { if (version >= 11) { GL11.glLoadIdentity(); } } public static void bindTexture(int textureId) { if (version >= 11) { GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId); } } public static void bindTexture(Texture texture) { if (texture == null) { bindTexture(0); return; } bindTexture(texture.getTextureID()); } public static void setMatrixMode(MatrixMode mode) { if (version >= 11) { int glMode = -1; switch (mode) { case Projection: glMode = GL11.GL_PROJECTION; break; case ModelView: glMode = GL11.GL_MODELVIEW; break; case Texture: glMode = GL11.GL_TEXTURE; break; } if (glMode != -1) { GL11.glMatrixMode(glMode); } } } public static void blendFactor(int colorSrcFactor, int colorDstFactor, int alphaSrcFactor, int alphaDstFactor) { // OpenGL 1.4 if (version >= 14) { GL14.glBlendFuncSeparate(colorSrcFactor, colorDstFactor, alphaSrcFactor, alphaDstFactor); return; } // OpenGL 1.1 if (version >= 11) { GL11.glBlendFunc(colorSrcFactor, colorDstFactor); return; } } public static void blendEquation(int colorEquation, int alphaEquation) { if (version >= 20) { GL20.glBlendEquationSeparate(colorEquation, alphaEquation); return; } if (version >= 14) { GL14.glBlendEquation(colorEquation); return; } } public static void loadMatrix(float[] matrix) { //if(true){return;} if (version >= 11) { FloatBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(matrix.length); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { buffer.put(matrix[i]); } buffer.flip(); GL11.glLoadMatrixf(buffer); return; } } public static int createVBOID() { if (version < 15) { return -1; } IntBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); GL15.glGenBuffers(buffer); return buffer.get(0); } public static void bindBuffer(int type, int buffer) { if (version < 15) { return; } GL15.glBindBuffer(type, buffer); } public static void vertexBufferData(int id, FloatBuffer buffer) { if (version < 15) { return; } bindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, id); GL15.glBufferData(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer, GL15.GL_STATIC_DRAW); } public static void colorBufferData(int id, FloatBuffer buffer) { if (version < 15) { return; } bindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, id); GL15.glBufferData(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer, GL15.GL_STATIC_DRAW); } public static void indexBufferData(int id, FloatBuffer buffer) { if (version < 15) { return; } bindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, id); GL15.glBufferData(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer, GL15.GL_STATIC_DRAW); } protected static FloatBuffer vertexBuffer, colorBuffer, indexBuffer; protected static int vertexBufferID = -1, colorBufferID = -1, indexBufferID = -1; protected static void init() { if (vertexBufferID == -1) { vertexBufferID = createVBOID(); } if (colorBufferID == -1) { colorBufferID = createVBOID(); } if (indexBufferID == -1) { indexBufferID = createVBOID(); } } public static void render(Vertex[] verts) { init(); int numberIndices = verts.length / 3; vertexBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(verts.length * 2); colorBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(verts.length); indexBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(verts.length); vertexBuffer.clear(); colorBuffer.clear(); indexBuffer.clear(); for (Vertex vert : verts) { vertexBuffer.put(vert.x); vertexBuffer.put(vert.y); GLColor c = vert.color.toGLColor(); colorBuffer.put(c.getRed()); colorBuffer.put(c.getGreen()); colorBuffer.put(c.getBlue()); colorBuffer.put(c.getAlpha()); } vertexBufferData(vertexBufferID, vertexBuffer); colorBufferData(colorBufferID, colorBuffer); // Push verticies to OpenGL GL11.glEnableClientState(GL11.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBufferID); GL11.glVertexPointer(2, GL11.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0); // Push color values to OpenGL GL11.glEnableClientState(GL11.GL_COLOR_ARRAY); GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBufferID); GL11.glColorPointer(4, GL11.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0); // Draw the shape GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBufferID); GL11.glDrawElements(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES, numberIndices, GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0); // Disalble client state for vertex and color GL11.glDisableClientState(GL11.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); GL11.glDisableClientState(GL11.GL_COLOR_ARRAY); } public static void setContext(GLContext context) { currentContext = context; } }