Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************** * * * DDDDD iii DDDDD iii * * DD DD mm mm mmmm DD DD mm mm mmmm * * DD DD iii mmm mm mm DD DD iii mmm mm mm * * DD DD iii mmm mm mm DD DD iii mmm mm mm * * DDDDDD iii mmm mm mm DDDDDD iii mmm mm mm * * * ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * Part of the DimDim V 1.0 Codebase ( * * * * Copyright (c) 2006 Communiva Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * * * * * This code is licensed under the DimDim License * * For details please visit * * * ************************************************************************** */ package com.dimdim.conference.ui.publisher.client; //import com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.client.layout.DefaultCommonDialog; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.client.util.DebugPanel; //import com.dimdim.conference.ui.json.client.JSONurlReader; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.json.client.UIResourceObject; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.ClientModel; //import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.ConferenceGlobals; import; //import; import; //import; import; /** * The element passed to these methods must be the element of the OBJECT * node. * * dimdimHasFinished return codes: * * 0 - control still active. * 1 - user pressed ok. * 2 - user pressed cancel. * */ public class WaitAndContinueWaiter { protected PopupPanel waitPopup; // protected PublisherInterfaceManager pim; // TimeAndFocusSensitiveModalDialog tfd = new TimeAndFocusSensitiveModalDialog(); // public WaitAndContinueWaiter() // { // this(null); // } public WaitAndContinueWaiter(PublisherInterfaceManager pim) { // this.pim = pim; } /* public void waitAndCotinueCreateAppShare(final WaitAndContinueUserListener listener, final Element elem, final WaitAndContinueData listenerData, final PublisherInterfaceManager pim, final boolean genericAppLaunch) { //Window.alert("inside waitAndCotinueCreateAppShare before creating a thread..."); Timer t = new Timer() { private PublisherInterfaceManager pim2 = pim; private WaitAndContinueData listenerData2 = new WaitAndContinueData(listenerData); String fileName = null; public void run() { //Window.alert("inside run method of run...."); int pubState = 0; try { if (genericAppLaunch) { if (elem == null) { pubState = getPublisherFinishStateLaunch(); } else { pubState = getPublisherFinishStateLaunchFirefox(elem); } } else { if (elem == null) { //pubState = getPublisherFinishStateSelector(); pubState = pim.isSharingActive(); //Window.alert("pubState:"+pubState); } else { pubState = getPublisherFinishStateSelectorFirefox(elem); } } } catch(Exception e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); pubState = 2; } if (pubState != 0 && pubState != 1) { // Popup has finished. this.cancel(); pim2.setAppSelectorActive(false); DebugPanel.getDebugPanel().addDebugMessage("Exiting create app share wait with status:"+pubState); if (listener != null && listenerData2 != null) { int appHandle = 0; String appName = null; listenerData2.setBool1(false); listenerData2.setInt1(appHandle); listenerData2.setStr9(appName); if (pubState == 1) { //Window.alert("Return code(DimdimHasFinished):"+pubState+", window handle(DimdimGetResult):"+appHandle); try { if (elem == null) { appHandle = getAppHandleToShare(); appName = getSharedResourceName(appHandle); } else { appHandle = getAppHandleToShareFirefox(elem); if (genericAppLaunch) { fileName = listenerData.getStr9(); if ( fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") == -1) { fileName = fileName.substring(1, fileName.length()-1); appName = fileName;// getSharedResourceNameFirefox(elem,appHandle);; } else { appName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("\\")+1,fileName.lastIndexOf("."));} } else { appName = getSharedResourceNameFirefox(elem,appHandle); } } } catch(Exception e) { //Window.alert(e.getMessage()); } DebugPanel.getDebugPanel().addDebugMessage("Received app handle:"+appHandle); DebugPanel.getDebugPanel().addDebugMessage("Received app name:"+appName); if (appHandle > 0) { listenerData2.setBool1(true); listenerData2.setInt1(appHandle); listenerData2.setStr9(appName); } // rdh.continueAppShareCreation(appHandle,streamId,resourceId,resourceName,isImport); } else { listenerData2.setInt1(pubState); } listener.continueWork(listenerData2); } closePopup(); } } }; t.scheduleRepeating(500); } public void waitAndCotinuePPTUpload(final WaitAndContinueUserListener listener, final Element elem, final WaitAndContinueData listenerData, final PublisherInterfaceManager pim) { Timer t = new Timer() { private PublisherInterfaceManager pim2 = pim; private WaitAndContinueData listenerData2 = new WaitAndContinueData(listenerData); public void run() { int pubState = 0; try { if (elem == null) { pubState = getPublisherFinishStatePPT(); } else { pubState = getPublisherFinishStatePPTFirefox(elem); } } catch(Exception e) { //Window.alert(e.getMessage()); pubState = 2; } if (pubState != 0) { // Upload has finished or been cancelled. this.cancel(); pim2.setPptUploadActive(false); DebugPanel.getDebugPanel().addDebugMessage("PPT Upload finished with status:"+pubState); // Window.alert("PPT Upload finished with status:"+pubState); if (listener != null) { if (pubState == 1) { listenerData2.setBool1(true); } else { listenerData2.setBool1(false); } listenerData2.setInt1(pubState); listener.continueWork(listenerData2); // rdh.continueCreateNewPresentation(presentationId,resourceId,resourceName,isImport); } closePopup(); } } }; t.scheduleRepeating(500); } public void waitAndCotinuePPTXUpload(final WaitAndContinueUserListener listener, final Element elem, final WaitAndContinueData listenerData, final PublisherInterfaceManager pim) { Timer t = new Timer() { private PublisherInterfaceManager pim2 = pim; private WaitAndContinueData listenerData2 = new WaitAndContinueData(listenerData); public void run() { ConversionProgressCheckResponse response = null; try { if (elem == null) { response = pim.isPptUploadActive(); } else { //pubState = getPublisherFinishStatePPTFirefox(elem); } //Window.alert("inside listener... getTotalSlides = "+ response.toString()); } catch(Exception e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); } if(response.getResult() != 0){ if (response.isActionComplete() || response.isActionCancelled()) { // Upload has finished or been cancelled. //Window.alert("inside action complete or action canceled response = "+response.toString()); this.cancel(); pim2.setPptUploadActive(false); DebugPanel.getDebugPanel().addDebugMessage("PPT Upload finished with status:"+response.toString()); // Window.alert("PPT Upload finished with status:"+pubState); if (listener != null) { //Window.alert("response.isActionComplete() = "+response.isActionComplete()); if (response.isActionComplete()) { listenerData2.setBool1(true); } else { listenerData2.setBool1(false); } listenerData2.setInt1(response.getResult()); executeCommand(listener, listenerData, response); // rdh.continueCreateNewPresentation(presentationId,resourceId,resourceName,isImport); } closePopup(); } } } }; t.scheduleRepeating(500); } */ /* protected void executeCommand(final WaitAndContinueUserListener listener, final WaitAndContinueData listenerData, final ConversionProgressCheckResponse response) { //this handler is used so that the console side change are made only after server side is done ResponseTextHandler respHandler = new ResponseTextHandler(){ public void onCompletion(String responseText) { Window.alert("on completion of ResponseTextHandler.. pptID="+listenerData.getStr3()); listener.continueWorkAfterDMS(listenerData.getStr3()); } }; String url = ConferenceGlobals.webappRoot+"DMSPresentaion.action?pptName="+"name.ppt"+ "&pptID="+listenerData.getStr3()+"&noOfSlides="+response.getTotalSlides()+ "&meetingKey="+listenerData.getStr5(); JSONurlReader reader = new JSONurlReader(url, ConferenceGlobals.getConferenceKey(), respHandler); reader.doReadURL(); } */ public void waitForScreenShareCompletion(final ApplicationShareInterface listener, final Element elem, final WaitAndContinueData listenerData, final PublisherInterfaceManager pim)//, final ApplicationWindowsListPanel appPanel) { //Window.alert("inside .... wait for screen share completion listenerData ="+listenerData); //tfd.setCaption("Wait for Share to Start...", false); //; Timer t = new Timer() { private PublisherInterfaceManager pim2 = pim; private WaitAndContinueData listenerData2 = new WaitAndContinueData(listenerData); boolean appPanelRefreshed = false; int countZero = 0; public void run() { int pubState = 0; try { pubState = PublisherInterfaceManager.getManager().isSharingActive(); //Window.alert("screen share result = "+pubState); } catch (Exception e) { //Window.alert(e.getMessage()); pubState = 2; } if (pubState == 0) { //; countZero += 1; if (countZero > 20) { pubState = 22; } } if (pubState == 1 && listenerData.getInt1() >= 0 && !appPanelRefreshed) { //Window.alert("got 1 as pub state"); //tfd1.hide(); if (listener != null) { DebugPanel.getDebugPanel() .addDebugMessage("application share result from pub = " + pubState); // UIResourceObject res = ClientModel.getClientModel(). // getResourceModel().findResourceObjectByMediaID(String.valueOf(listenerData.getInt1()) ); // if(null != res) // { // listenerData2.setStr7(res.getResourceId()); // } listenerData2.setBool1(true); listenerData2.setAppHandle(listenerData.getAppHandle()); listenerData2.setInt1(listenerData.getInt1()); //listener.continueWork(listenerData2); //ConferenceGlobals.setCurrentSharedResource(null); //ResourceModel rm = ClientModel.getClientModel().getResourceModel(); //rm.setCurrentResourceUnselected(); //Window.alert("app share started....handle = "+listenerData.getInt1()); listener.start(listenerData2); appPanelRefreshed = true; } // appPanel.closePopup(); } if (pubState != 0 && pubState != 1) { //Window.alert("Exited the screen share wait with return code:"+pubState); //Window.alert("delete resource in wait and continue waiter sshare.."); //Window.alert("inside .... app handle = "+appPanel.getSharedAppHandle()); this.cancel(); //tfd1.hide(); pim2.setDesktopSharingActive(false); // if(pubState != 2){ // DefaultCommonDialog.showMessage( // ConferenceGlobals.getDisplayString("publisher_error.header","Application Share Error"), // ConferenceGlobals.getDisplayString("publisher_error."+pubState,"Unknown Error")); // } if (listener != null) { UIResourceObject res = null;//ClientModel.getClientModel(). // getResourceModel().findResourceObjectByMediaID(String.valueOf(appPanel.getSharedAppHandle() ) ); // //try to get resource from resource model if (null == res) { //Window.alert("resource from app panel = null"); res = ClientModel.getClientModel().getResourceModel() .findResourceObject(listenerData.getResourceId()); } if (null != res) { listenerData2.setCode("SHARE_APPLICATION"); listenerData2.setInt1(listenerData.getInt1()); if (null != res) { listenerData2.setResourceId(res.getResourceId()); } // listener.stop(listenerData2); } if (pubState != 2) { listenerData2.setInt1(pubState); listener.error(listenerData2); } else { listener.stop(listenerData2); } // ResourceModel rm = ClientModel.getClientModel().getResourceModel(); // rm.setCurrentResourceUnselected(); } // closePopup(); // appPanel.closePopup(); } } }; t.scheduleRepeating(1000); } // protected final void closePopup() // { // if (waitPopup != null) // { // waitPopup.hide(); // } // } /** return elem.DimdimHasFinished(); * * @return */ // private native int getPublisherFinishStateSelector()/*-{ // return $wnd.dimdimPublisherControl1.DimdimHasFinishedSelector(); // }-*/; // private native int getPublisherFinishStateLaunch()/*-{ // return $wnd.dimdimPublisherControl1.DimdimHasFinishedLaunch(); // }-*/; // private native int getPublisherFinishStateSharing()/*-{ // return $wnd.dimdimPublisherControl1.DimdimHasFinishedSharing(); // }-*/; // private native int getPublisherFinishStatePPT()/*-{ // return $wnd.dimdimPublisherControl1.DimdimHasFinishedPPT(); // }-*/; // private native int getAppHandleToShare()/*-{ // return $wnd.dimdimPublisherControl1.DimdimGetResult; // }-*/; // private native String getSharedResourceName(int appHandle)/*-{ // return $wnd.dimdimPublisherControl1.GetSharedResourceName(0); // }-*/; // private native int getPublisherFinishStateSelectorFirefox(Element elem) /*-{ // return elem.DimdimHasFinishedSelector(); // }-*/; // private native int getPublisherFinishStateLaunchFirefox(Element elem) /*-{ // return elem.DimdimHasFinishedLaunch(); // }-*/; // private native int getPublisherFinishStateSharingFirefox(Element elem) /*-{ // return elem.DimdimHasFinishedSharing(); // }-*/; // private native int getPublisherFinishStatePPTFirefox(Element elem) /*-{ // return elem.DimdimHasFinishedPPT(); // }-*/; // private native int getAppHandleToShareFirefox(Element elem)/*-{ // return elem.DimdimGetResult(); // }-*/; // private native String getSharedResourceNameFirefox(Element elem,int appHandle)/*-{ // return elem.GetSharedResourceName(0); // }-*/; }