Java tutorial
/** * @author Dilshad Mustafa * Copyright (c) Dilshad Mustafa * All Rights Reserved. * @since 11-Feb-2016 * File Name : */ /** Copyright (c) Dilshad Mustafa 2016. All Rights Reserved. User and Developer License 1. You can use this Software for both Personal use as well as Commercial use, with or without paying fee to Dilshad Mustafa. Please read fully below for the terms and conditions. You may use this Software only if you comply fully with all the terms and conditions of this License. 2. If you want to redistribute this Software, you should redistribute only the original source code from Dilshad Mustafa's project and/or the compiled object binary form of the original source code and you should ensure to bundle and display this original license text and Dilshad Mustafa's copyright notice along with it as well as in each source code file of this Software. 3. If you want to embed this Software within your work, you should embed only the original source code from Dilshad Mustafa's project and/or the compiled object binary form of the original source code and you should ensure to bundle and display this original license text and Dilshad Mustafa's copyright notice along with it as well as in each source code file of this Software. 4. You should not modify this Software source code and/or its compiled object binary form in any way. 5. You should not redistribute any modified source code of this Software and/or its compiled object binary form with any changes, additions, enhancements, updates or modifications, any modified works of this Software, any straight forward translation and/or implementation to same and/or another programming language and embedded modified versions of this Software source code and/or its compiled object binary in any form, both within as well as outside your organization, company, legal entity and/or individual. 6. You should not embed any modification of this Software source code and/or its compiled object binary form in any way, either partially or fully. 7. Under differently named or renamed software, you should not redistribute this Software and/or any modified works of this Software, including its source code and/or its compiled object binary form. Under your name or your company name or your product name, you should not publish this Software, including its source code and/or its compiled object binary form, modified or original. 8. You agree to use the original source code from Dilshad Mustafa's project only and/or the compiled object binary form of the original source code. 9. You agree fully to the terms and conditions of this License of this software product, under same software name and/or if it is renamed in future. 10. This software is created and programmed by Dilshad Mustafa and Dilshad holds the copyright for this Software and all its source code. You agree that you will not infringe or do any activity that will violate Dilshad's copyright of this software and all its source code. 11. The Copyright holder of this Software reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this license without giving prior notice. 12. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.dilmus.dilshad.scabi.deprecated; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.dilmus.dilshad.scabi.common.DScabiException; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand; import com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.ReadPreference; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; /** * @author Dilshad Mustafa * */ public class DDBOld { final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DDBOld.class); private MongoClient m_mongo = null; private MongoDatabase m_mongodb = null; private DB m_db = null; private String m_dbHost = null; private String m_dbPort = null; private String m_dbName = null; public DDBOld(String dbHost, String dbPort, String dbName) { m_mongo = new MongoClient(dbHost, Integer.parseInt(dbPort)); m_mongodb = m_mongo.getDatabase(dbName); m_db = new DB(m_mongo, dbName); m_dbHost = dbHost; m_dbPort = dbPort; m_dbName = dbName; m_mongo.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); // ?? m_mongo.setReadPreference(ReadPreference.primaryPreferred()); } public DB getDB() { return m_db; } public MongoDatabase getDatabase() { return m_mongodb; } /* Keep it for future for use with MongoDatabase mongodb public boolean collectionExists(String tableName) { MongoIterable<String> collectionNames = mongodb.listCollectionNames(); for (String name : collectionNames) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { return true; } } return false; } */ public boolean tableExists(String tableName) { return m_db.collectionExists(tableName); } public DTableOld getTable(String tableName) throws DScabiException { if (null == tableName) { throw new DScabiException("Table name is null", "DBD.GTE.1"); } if (false == m_db.collectionExists(tableName)) { throw new DScabiException("Table name doesn't exist : " + tableName, "DBD.GTE.2"); } DBCollection table = m_db.getCollection(tableName); return new DTableOld(this, table); } public DTableOld createTable(String tableName) throws DScabiException { DBCollection table = null; if (null == tableName) { throw new DScabiException("Table name is null", "DBD.CTE.1"); } if (false == m_db.collectionExists(tableName)) { log.debug("Table doesn't exist : {}. So creating", tableName); table = m_db.createCollection(tableName, null); } else table = m_db.getCollection(tableName); return new DTableOld(this, table); } public ArrayList<String> fieldNames(DTableOld table) throws DScabiException { if (null == table) { throw new DScabiException("Table is null", "DBD.FNS.1"); } log.debug("fieldNamesUsingFindOne() table.count() is {}", table.count()); if (table.count() <= 0) { return null; } String map = "function() { for (var key in this) { emit(key, null); } }"; String reduce = "function(key, stuff) { return null; }"; MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(table.getCollection(), map, reduce, null, MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE, null); MapReduceOutput out = table.getCollection().mapReduce(cmd); //if 4th param output collection name is used above, String s = out.getOutputCollection().distinct("_id").toString(); //if 4th param output collection name is used above, System.out.println("out.getOutputCollection().distinct " + s); ArrayList<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DBObject o : out.results()) { log.debug("fieldNames() Key, value is : {}", o.toString()); log.debug("fieldNames() Key name is : {}", o.get("_id").toString()); if (false == o.get("_id").toString().equals("_id")) fieldNames.add(o.get("_id").toString()); } return fieldNames; } public ArrayList<String> fieldNamesUsingFindOne(DTableOld table) throws DScabiException { if (null == table) { throw new DScabiException("Table is null", "DBD.FNU.1"); } log.debug("fieldNamesUsingFindOne() table.count() is {}", table.count()); if (table.count() <= 0) { return null; } DBObject out = table.getCollection().findOne(); ArrayList<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> st = out.keySet(); for (String s : st) { log.debug("fieldNamesUsingFindOne() value is : {}", out.get(s)); log.debug("fieldNamesUsingFindOne() Key name is : {}", s); if (false == s.equals("_id")) fieldNames.add(s); } return fieldNames; } public int close() { m_mongo.close(); return 0; } }