Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2016, * Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.digispeaker.digi; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.Log; import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.cognitoidentityprovider.CognitoUserAttributes; import com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.cognitoidentityprovider.CognitoUserDetails; import com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.cognitoidentityprovider.CognitoUserPool; import com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.cognitoidentityprovider.CognitoUserSession; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class AppHelper { // App settings private static List<String> attributeDisplaySeq; private static Map<String, String> signUpFieldsC2O; private static Map<String, String> signUpFieldsO2C; private static AppHelper appHelper; private static CognitoUserPool userPool; private static String user; private static CognitoUserAttributes attributesChanged; private static List<AttributeType> attributesToDelete; private static List<ItemToDisplay> currDisplayedItems; private static int itemCount; // Change the next three lines of code to run this demo on your user pool /** * Add your pool id here */ private static final String userPoolId = " us-east-1_flHkjBHto"; /** * Add you app id */ private static final String clientId = "61e54ml5f0cjq9gpr8i4dbcs2c"; /** * App secret associated with your app id - if the App id does not have an associated App secret, * set the App secret to null. * e.g. clientSecret = null; */ private static final String clientSecret = "3nknnpmpgl2a1c5dvfvef96t4qjijp33iuult7dct386a9gs597"; // User details from the service private static CognitoUserSession currSession; private static CognitoUserDetails userDetails; // User details to display - they are the current values, including any local modification private static boolean phoneVerified; private static boolean emailVerified; private static boolean phoneAvailable; private static boolean emailAvailable; private static Set<String> currUserAttributes; public static void init(Context context) { setData(); if (appHelper != null && userPool != null) { return; } if (appHelper == null) { appHelper = new AppHelper(); } if (userPool == null) { userPool = new CognitoUserPool(context, userPoolId, clientId, clientSecret, new ClientConfiguration()); } phoneVerified = false; phoneAvailable = false; emailVerified = false; emailAvailable = false; currUserAttributes = new HashSet<String>(); currDisplayedItems = new ArrayList<ItemToDisplay>(); } public static CognitoUserPool getPool() { return userPool; } public static Map<String, String> getSignUpFieldsC2O() { return signUpFieldsC2O; } public static Map<String, String> getSignUpFieldsO2C() { return signUpFieldsO2C; } public static List<String> getAttributeDisplaySeq() { return attributeDisplaySeq; } public static void setCurrSession(CognitoUserSession session) { currSession = session; } public static CognitoUserSession getCurrSession() { return currSession; } public static void setUserDetails(CognitoUserDetails details) { userDetails = details; refreshWithSync(); } public static CognitoUserDetails getUserDetails() { return userDetails; } public static String getCurrUser() { return user; } public static void setUser(String newUser) { user = newUser; } public static boolean isPhoneVerified() { return phoneVerified; } public static boolean isEmailVerified() { return emailVerified; } public static boolean isPhoneAvailable() { return phoneAvailable; } public static boolean isEmailAvailable() { return emailAvailable; } public static void setPhoneVerified(boolean phoneVerif) { phoneVerified = phoneVerif; } public static void setEmailVerified(boolean emailVerif) { emailVerified = emailVerif; } public static void setPhoneAvailable(boolean phoneAvail) { phoneAvailable = phoneAvail; } public static void setEmailAvailable(boolean emailAvail) { emailAvailable = emailAvail; } public static void clearCurrUserAttributes() { currUserAttributes.clear(); } public static void addCurrUserattribute(String attribute) { currUserAttributes.add(attribute); } public static List<String> getNewAvailableOptions() { List<String> newOption = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String attribute : attributeDisplaySeq) { if (!(currUserAttributes.contains(attribute))) { newOption.add(attribute); } } return newOption; } public static String formatException(Exception exception) { String formattedString = "Internal Error"; Log.e("App Error", exception.toString()); String temp = exception.getMessage(); if (temp != null && temp.length() > 0) { formattedString = temp.split("\\(")[0]; if (temp != null && temp.length() > 0) { return formattedString; } } return formattedString; } public static int getItemCount() { return itemCount; } public static ItemToDisplay getItemForDisplay(int position) { return currDisplayedItems.get(position); } private static void setData() { // Set attribute display sequence attributeDisplaySeq = new ArrayList<String>(); attributeDisplaySeq.add("given_name"); attributeDisplaySeq.add("middle_name"); attributeDisplaySeq.add("family_name"); attributeDisplaySeq.add("nickname"); attributeDisplaySeq.add("phone_number"); attributeDisplaySeq.add("email"); signUpFieldsC2O = new HashMap<String, String>(); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Given name", "given_name"); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Family name", "family_name"); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Nick name", "nickname"); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Phone number", "phone_number"); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Phone number verified", "phone_number_verified"); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Email verified", "email_verified"); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Email", "email"); signUpFieldsC2O.put("Middle name", "middle_name"); signUpFieldsO2C = new HashMap<String, String>(); signUpFieldsO2C.put("given_name", "Given name"); signUpFieldsO2C.put("family_name", "Family name"); signUpFieldsO2C.put("nickname", "Nick name"); signUpFieldsO2C.put("phone_number", "Phone number"); signUpFieldsO2C.put("phone_number_verified", "Phone number verified"); signUpFieldsO2C.put("email_verified", "Email verified"); signUpFieldsO2C.put("email", "Email"); signUpFieldsO2C.put("middle_name", "Middle name"); } private static void refreshWithSync() { // This will refresh the current items to display list with the attributes fetched from service List<String> tempKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> tempValues = new ArrayList<>(); emailVerified = false; phoneVerified = false; emailAvailable = false; phoneAvailable = false; currDisplayedItems = new ArrayList<ItemToDisplay>(); currUserAttributes.clear(); itemCount = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> attr : userDetails.getAttributes().getAttributes().entrySet()) { tempKeys.add(attr.getKey()); tempValues.add(attr.getValue()); if (attr.getKey().contains("email_verified")) { emailVerified = attr.getValue().contains("true"); } else if (attr.getKey().contains("phone_number_verified")) { phoneVerified = attr.getValue().contains("true"); } if (attr.getKey().equals("email")) { emailAvailable = true; } else if (attr.getKey().equals("phone_number")) { phoneAvailable = true; } } // Arrange the input attributes per the display sequence Set<String> keySet = new HashSet<>(tempKeys); for (String det : attributeDisplaySeq) { if (keySet.contains(det)) { // Adding items to display list in the required sequence ItemToDisplay item = new ItemToDisplay(signUpFieldsO2C.get(det), tempValues.get(tempKeys.indexOf(det)), "", Color.BLACK, Color.DKGRAY, Color.parseColor("#37A51C"), 0, null); if (det.contains("email")) { if (emailVerified) { item.setDataDrawable("checked"); item.setMessageText("Email verified"); } else { item.setDataDrawable("not_checked"); item.setMessageText("Email not verified"); item.setMessageColor(Color.parseColor("#E94700")); } } if (det.contains("phone_number")) { if (phoneVerified) { item.setDataDrawable("checked"); item.setMessageText("Phone number verified"); } else { item.setDataDrawable("not_checked"); item.setMessageText("Phone number not verified"); item.setMessageColor(Color.parseColor("#E94700")); } } currDisplayedItems.add(item); currUserAttributes.add(det); itemCount++; } } } private static void modifyAttribute(String attributeName, String newValue) { // } private static void deleteAttribute(String attributeName) { } }