Java tutorial
/** * Project: ${puma-server.aid} * <p/> * File Created at 2012-6-6 $Id$ * <p/> * Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. * <p/> * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Dianping * Company. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such * Confidential Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms * of the license agreement you entered into with */ package com.dianping.puma.taskexecutor; import; import; import; import com.dianping.puma.annotation.ThreadUnSafe; import; import com.dianping.puma.common.PumaContext; import com.dianping.puma.core.event.ChangedEvent; import com.dianping.puma.core.event.DdlEvent; import com.dianping.puma.core.event.RowChangedEvent; import com.dianping.puma.core.model.BinlogInfo; import com.dianping.puma.datahandler.DataHandlerResult; import com.dianping.puma.parser.meta.DefaultTableMetaInfoFetcher; import com.dianping.puma.parser.mysql.BinlogConstants; import com.dianping.puma.parser.mysql.QueryExecutor; import com.dianping.puma.parser.mysql.ResultSet; import com.dianping.puma.parser.mysql.UpdateExecutor; import com.dianping.puma.parser.mysql.event.BinlogEvent; import com.dianping.puma.parser.mysql.event.RotateEvent; import com.dianping.puma.parser.mysql.packet.*; import com.dianping.puma.status.SystemStatusManager; import com.dianping.puma.taskexecutor.task.InstanceTask; import com.dianping.zebra.util.JDBCUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import jodd.util.collection.SortedArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * MySQL?Server * * @author Leo Liang */ @ThreadUnSafe public class DefaultTaskExecutor extends AbstractTaskExecutor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultTaskExecutor.class); private SrcDbEntity currentSrcDbEntity; private DefaultTableMetaInfoFetcher tableMetaInfoFetcher; private String encoding = "utf-8"; private Socket mysqlSocket; private InputStream is; private OutputStream os; private InstanceTask instanceTask; private boolean merging = false; private long runUntilTimestamp; @Override public boolean isMerging() { return merging; } @Override public void stopUntil(long runUntilTimestamp) { merging = true; this.runUntilTimestamp = runUntilTimestamp; } @Override public void cancelStopUntil() { if (isMerging()) { merging = false; if (isStop()) { start(); } } } @Override public void doStart() throws Exception { Thread.currentThread().setName("DefaultTaskExecutor-" + taskName); long failCount = 0; merging = false; SystemStatusManager.addServer(getTaskName(), "", 0, tableSet); do { try { loadServerId(instanceManager.getUrlByCluster(instanceTask.getInstance())); // position/file BinlogInfo binlogInfo = instanceStorageManager.getBinlogInfo(getContext().getPumaServerName()); if (binlogInfo == null) { this.currentSrcDbEntity = initSrcDbByServerId(-1); if (beginTime != null) { binlogInfo = getBinlogByTimestamp(beginTime.getTime() / 1000); } } else { this.currentSrcDbEntity = initSrcDbByServerId(binlogInfo.getServerId()); if (binlogInfo.getServerId() != currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId()) { BinlogInfo oldBinlogInfo = binlogInfo; binlogInfo = getBinlogByTimestamp(oldBinlogInfo.getTimestamp() - 60); if (binlogInfo == null) { throw new IOException("Switch Binlog Failed!"); } else { Cat.logEvent("BinlogSwitch", taskName, Message.SUCCESS, oldBinlogInfo.toString() + " -> " + binlogInfo.toString()); } } } updateTableMetaInfoFetcher(); getContext().setMasterUrl(currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort()); if (!connect()) { throw new IOException("Connection failed."); } initConnect(); initBinlogPosition(binlogInfo); if (dumpBinlog()) { processBinlog(); } else { throw new IOException("Binlog dump failed."); } } catch (Exception e) { if (++failCount % 3 == 0) { this.currentSrcDbEntity = chooseNextSrcDb(); updateTableMetaInfoFetcher(); failCount = 0; } String msg = "Exception occurs. taskName: " + getTaskName() + " dbServerId: " + (currentSrcDbEntity == null ? 0 : currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId()) + ". Reconnect..."; LOG.error(msg, e); Cat.logError(msg, e); Thread.sleep(((failCount % 10) + 1) * 2000); } } while (!isStop() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()); } protected void initBinlogPosition(BinlogInfo binlogInfo) throws IOException { if (binlogInfo == null) { List<BinlogInfo> binaryLogs = getBinaryLogs(); BinlogInfo begin = beginTime == null ? binaryLogs.get(binaryLogs.size() - 1) : binaryLogs.get(0); binlogInfo = new BinlogInfo(currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId(), begin.getBinlogFile(), 4l, 0, begin.getTimestamp()); } getContext().setDBServerId(currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId()); getContext().setBinlogFileName(binlogInfo.getBinlogFile()); getContext().setBinlogStartPos(binlogInfo.getBinlogPosition()); setBinlogInfo(binlogInfo); SystemStatusManager.addServer(getTaskName(), currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort(), tableSet); SystemStatusManager.updateServerBinlog(getTaskName(), binlogInfo); } protected void loadServerId(Collection<SrcDbEntity> srcDbEntityList) throws Exception { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); for (SrcDbEntity entity : srcDbEntityList) { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; java.sql.ResultSet results = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection( String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s:%d/", entity.getHost(), entity.getPort() == 0 ? 3306 : entity.getPort()), entity.getUsername(), entity.getPassword()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); results = stmt.executeQuery("show global variables like 'server_id'");; entity.setServerId(results.getLong(2)); } catch (Exception e) { Cat.logError(String.format("server id load failed: %s:%d", entity.getHost(), entity.getPort()), e); entity.setServerId(0); } finally { JDBCUtils.closeAll(results, stmt, conn); } } } protected void initConnect() throws IOException { if (!auth()) { throw new IOException("Login failed."); } if (getContext().isCheckSum()) { if (!updateSetting()) { throw new IOException("Update setting command failed."); } } if (!queryBinlogFormat()) { throw new IOException("Query config binlogformat failed."); } if (!queryBinlogImage()) { throw new IOException("Query config binlog row image failed."); } if (queryServerId() != currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId()) { throw new IOException("Server Id Changed."); } } protected void updateTableMetaInfoFetcher() throws SQLException { tableMetaInfoFetcher.setSrcDbEntity(this.currentSrcDbEntity); tableMetaInfoFetcher.refreshTableMetas(); } protected SrcDbEntity chooseNextSrcDb() { SrcDbEntity oldSrcEntity = this.currentSrcDbEntity; List<SrcDbEntity> sortedSet = new SortedArrayList<SrcDbEntity>(new Comparator<SrcDbEntity>() { @Override public int compare(SrcDbEntity o1, SrcDbEntity o2) { if (o1.getServerId() > o1.getServerId()) { return 1; } else if (o1.getServerId() < o1.getServerId()) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } }); sortedSet.addAll(instanceManager.getUrlByCluster(instanceTask.getInstance())); if (sortedSet.size() == 0) { return oldSrcEntity; } int index = sortedSet.indexOf(this.currentSrcDbEntity) + 1; if (index >= sortedSet.size()) { index = 0; } SrcDbEntity newSrcEntity = sortedSet.get(index); Cat.logEvent("SrcDbSwitch", taskName, Message.SUCCESS, (oldSrcEntity == null ? "null" : oldSrcEntity.toString()) + " -> " + (newSrcEntity == null ? "null" : newSrcEntity.toString())); return newSrcEntity; } protected SrcDbEntity initSrcDbByServerId(final long binlogServerId) throws IOException { if (this.currentSrcDbEntity != null) { return this.currentSrcDbEntity; } List<SrcDbEntity> avaliableSrcDb = FluentIterable .from(instanceManager.getUrlByCluster(instanceTask.getInstance())) .filter(new Predicate<SrcDbEntity>() { @Override public boolean apply(SrcDbEntity input) { return input.getServerId() > 0; } }).toList(); if (avaliableSrcDb.size() == 0) { throw new IOException("No Avaliable SrcDB"); } SrcDbEntity srcDbEntity = Iterables.find(avaliableSrcDb, new Predicate<SrcDbEntity>() { @Override public boolean apply(SrcDbEntity input) { return input.getServerId() == binlogServerId; } }, null); if (srcDbEntity != null) { return srcDbEntity; } srcDbEntity = Iterables.find(avaliableSrcDb, new Predicate<SrcDbEntity>() { @Override public boolean apply(SrcDbEntity input) { return input.getTags().contains(SrcDbEntity.TAG_WRITE); } }, null); if (srcDbEntity != null) { return srcDbEntity; } return avaliableSrcDb.get(0); } protected BinlogInfo getBinlogByTimestamp(long time) throws IOException { BinlogInfo binlogResult = null; Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("BinlogFindByTime", taskName); Cat.logEvent("BinlogFindByTime.Time", String.valueOf(time)); try { if (!connect()) { throw new IOException("Connection failed."); } initConnect(); List<BinlogInfo> binaryLogs = getBinaryLogs(); Cat.logEvent("BinlogFindByTime.BinaryLogs", currentSrcDbEntity.toString(), Message.SUCCESS, Joiner.on(",").join(binaryLogs)); BinlogInfo closestBinlogInfo = null; for (int k = binaryLogs.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (binlogResult != null) { break; } BinlogInfo newBinlogInfo = binaryLogs.get(k); Cat.logEvent("BinlogFindByTime.Start", newBinlogInfo.toString()); getContext().setDBServerId(currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId()); getContext().setBinlogFileName(newBinlogInfo.getBinlogFile()); getContext().setBinlogStartPos(4); getContext().setMasterUrl(currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort()); if (!connect()) { throw new IOException("Connection failed."); } initConnect(); if (dumpBinlog()) { while (!isStop()) { BinlogPacket binlogPacket = (BinlogPacket) PacketFactory.parsePacket(is, PacketType.BINLOG_PACKET, getContext()); if (!binlogPacket.isOk()) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Binlog packet response error."); throw new IOException("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Binlog packet response error."); } else { BinlogEvent binlogEvent = parser.parse(binlogPacket.getBinlogBuf(), getContext()); try { getContext().setNextBinlogPos(binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition()); if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() == BinlogConstants.ROTATE_EVENT) { if (closestBinlogInfo == null) { break; } else { continue; } } if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getTimestamp() >= time) { if (closestBinlogInfo != null) { binlogResult = closestBinlogInfo; } break; } if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() == BinlogConstants.XID_EVENT && binlogEvent.getHeader().getTimestamp() < time) { closestBinlogInfo = new BinlogInfo(currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId(), getContext().getBinlogFileName(), binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition(), 0, binlogEvent.getHeader().getTimestamp()); } } finally { if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() == BinlogConstants.ROTATE_EVENT) { RotateEvent rotateEvent = (RotateEvent) binlogEvent; getContext().setBinlogFileName(rotateEvent.getNextBinlogFileName()); getContext().setBinlogStartPos(rotateEvent.getFirstEventPosition()); } else { getContext().setBinlogStartPos(binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition()); } } } } } else { throw new IOException("Binlog dump failed."); } } Cat.logEvent("BinlogFindByTime.Success", taskName, Message.SUCCESS, time + " -> " + (binlogResult == null ? "null" : binlogResult.toString())); t.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t.complete(); return binlogResult; } catch (IOException e) { t.setStatus(e); t.complete(); throw e; } } private void processBinlog() throws IOException { while (!isStop()) { BinlogPacket binlogPacket = (BinlogPacket) PacketFactory.parsePacket(is, PacketType.BINLOG_PACKET, getContext()); if (!binlogPacket.isOk()) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Binlog packet response error."); throw new IOException("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Binlog packet response error."); } else { processBinlogPacket(binlogPacket); } } } protected void processBinlogPacket(BinlogPacket binlogPacket) throws IOException { BinlogEvent binlogEvent = parser.parse(binlogPacket.getBinlogBuf(), getContext()); if (merging) { if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getTimestamp() >= runUntilTimestamp) { stop(); } } SystemStatusManager.incServerParsedCounter(getTaskName()); if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() == BinlogConstants.INTVAR_EVENT || binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() == BinlogConstants.RAND_EVENT || binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() == BinlogConstants.USER_VAR_EVENT) { LOG.error( "TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Binlog_format is MIXED or STATEMENT ,System is not support."); String eventName = String.format("slave(%s) -- db(%s:%d)", getTaskName(), currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort()); Cat.logEvent("Slave.dbBinlogFormat", eventName, "1", ""); Cat.logError("Puma.server.mixedorstatement.format", new IllegalArgumentException("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Binlog_format is MIXED or STATEMENT ,System is not support.")); stopTask(); } if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() != BinlogConstants.FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT) { getContext().setNextBinlogPos(binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition()); } if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() == BinlogConstants.ROTATE_EVENT) { processRotateEvent(binlogEvent); } else { processDataEvent(binlogEvent); } } protected void processDataEvent(BinlogEvent binlogEvent) { DataHandlerResult dataHandlerResult = null; // ?binlogEvent???binlogEvent?ChangedEvent int eventIndex = 0; do { dataHandlerResult = dataHandler.process(binlogEvent, getContext()); if (dataHandlerResult != null && !dataHandlerResult.isEmpty()) { ChangedEvent changedEvent = dataHandlerResult.getData(); changedEvent.getBinlogInfo().setEventIndex(eventIndex++); updateOpsCounter(changedEvent); dispatch(changedEvent); } } while (dataHandlerResult != null && !dataHandlerResult.isFinished()); if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getEventType() != BinlogConstants.FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT) { getContext().setBinlogStartPos(binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition()); setBinlogInfo(new BinlogInfo(getBinlogInfo().getServerId(), getBinlogInfo().getBinlogFile(), binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition(), 0, 0)); } BinlogInfo binlogInfo = new BinlogInfo(getContext().getDBServerId(), getContext().getBinlogFileName(), binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition(), 0, binlogEvent.getHeader().getTimestamp()); SystemStatusManager.updateServerBinlog(getTaskName(), binlogInfo); if (binlogEvent.getHeader().getNextPosition() != 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(getContext().getBinlogFileName()) && dataHandlerResult != null && !dataHandlerResult.isEmpty() && (dataHandlerResult.getData() instanceof DdlEvent || (dataHandlerResult.getData() instanceof RowChangedEvent && ((RowChangedEvent) dataHandlerResult.getData()).isTransactionCommit()))) { instanceStorageManager.setBinlogInfo(getTaskName(), binlogInfo); } } protected void dispatch(ChangedEvent changedEvent) { try { dispatcher.dispatch(changedEvent, getContext()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Dispatcher dispatch failed.", e); } } protected void updateOpsCounter(ChangedEvent changedEvent) { // ?(ddl?) if ((changedEvent instanceof RowChangedEvent) && !((RowChangedEvent) changedEvent).isTransactionBegin() && !((RowChangedEvent) changedEvent).isTransactionCommit()) { switch (((RowChangedEvent) changedEvent).getDmlType()) { case INSERT: SystemStatusManager.incServerRowInsertCounter(getTaskName()); break; case UPDATE: SystemStatusManager.incServerRowUpdateCounter(getTaskName()); break; case DELETE: SystemStatusManager.incServerRowDeleteCounter(getTaskName()); break; default: break; } } else if (changedEvent instanceof DdlEvent) { SystemStatusManager.incServerDdlCounter(getTaskName()); } } protected void processRotateEvent(BinlogEvent binlogEvent) { RotateEvent rotateEvent = (RotateEvent) binlogEvent; getContext().setBinlogFileName(rotateEvent.getNextBinlogFileName()); getContext().setBinlogStartPos(rotateEvent.getFirstEventPosition()); } /** * Connect to mysql master and parse the greeting packet * * @throws IOException */ private boolean connect() { try { closeTransport(); this.mysqlSocket = new Socket(); this.mysqlSocket.setTcpNoDelay(false); this.mysqlSocket.setKeepAlive(true); this.mysqlSocket .connect(new InetSocketAddress(currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort())); = new BufferedInputStream(mysqlSocket.getInputStream()); this.os = new BufferedOutputStream(mysqlSocket.getOutputStream()); PacketFactory.parsePacket(is, PacketType.CONNECT_PACKET, getContext());"TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Connection db success."); return true; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Connect failed. Reason: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Send COM_BINLOG_DUMP packet to mysql master and parse the response * * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean dumpBinlog() { try { ComBinlogDumpPacket dumpBinlogPacket = (ComBinlogDumpPacket) PacketFactory .createCommandPacket(PacketType.COM_BINLOG_DUMP_PACKET, getContext()); dumpBinlogPacket.setBinlogFileName(getContext().getBinlogFileName()); dumpBinlogPacket.setBinlogFlag(0); dumpBinlogPacket.setBinlogPosition(getContext().getBinlogStartPos()); dumpBinlogPacket.setServerId(getServerId()); dumpBinlogPacket.buildPacket(getContext()); dumpBinlogPacket.write(os, getContext()); OKErrorPacket dumpCommandResultPacket = (OKErrorPacket) PacketFactory.parsePacket(is, PacketType.OKERROR_PACKET, getContext()); if (dumpCommandResultPacket.isOk()) {"TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Dump binlog command success."); return true; } else { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Dump binlog failed. Reason: " + dumpCommandResultPacket.getMessage()); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + " Dump binlog failed. Reason: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } private List<BinlogInfo> getBinaryLogs() throws IOException { try { QueryExecutor executor = new QueryExecutor(is, os); String cmd = "SHOW BINARY LOGS"; ResultSet rs = executor.query(cmd, getContext()); List<String> values = rs.getFiledValues(); List<BinlogInfo> result = new ArrayList<BinlogInfo>(); for (int k = 0; k < values.size(); k += 2) { result.add(new BinlogInfo(currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId(), values.get(k), Long.valueOf(values.get(k + 1)), 0, 0)); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", QueryConfig failed Reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Send Authentication Packet to mysql master and parse the response * * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean auth() { try {"server logining taskName: " + getTaskName() + " host: " + currentSrcDbEntity.getHost() + " port: " + currentSrcDbEntity.getPort() + " username: " + currentSrcDbEntity.getUsername() + " dbServerId: " + currentSrcDbEntity.getServerId()); AuthenticatePacket authPacket = (AuthenticatePacket) PacketFactory .createCommandPacket(PacketType.AUTHENTICATE_PACKET, getContext()); authPacket.setPassword(currentSrcDbEntity.getPassword()); authPacket.setUser(currentSrcDbEntity.getUsername()); authPacket.buildPacket(getContext()); authPacket.write(os, getContext()); OKErrorPacket okErrorPacket = (OKErrorPacket) PacketFactory.parsePacket(is, PacketType.OKERROR_PACKET, getContext()); boolean isAuth; if (okErrorPacket.isOk()) {"TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Server login success."); isAuth = true; } else { isAuth = false; LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Login failed. Reason: " + okErrorPacket.getMessage()); } return isAuth; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Login failed. Reason: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Send QueryCommand Packet to update binlog_checksum * * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean updateSetting() throws IOException { try { UpdateExecutor executor = new UpdateExecutor(is, os); String cmd = "set @master_binlog_checksum= '@@global.binlog_checksum'"; OKErrorPacket okErrorPacket = executor.update(cmd, getContext()); String eventStatus; String eventName = String.format("slave(%s) -- db(%s:%d)", getTaskName(), currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort()); if (okErrorPacket.isOk()) { eventStatus = Message.SUCCESS;"TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Update setting command success."); } else { eventStatus = "1"; LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", UpdateSetting failed. Reason: " + okErrorPacket.getMessage()); } Cat.logEvent("Slave.dbSetCheckSum", eventName, eventStatus, ""); return okErrorPacket.isOk(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", UpdateSetting failed. Reason: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } private long queryServerId() throws IOException { try { QueryExecutor executor = new QueryExecutor(is, os); String cmd = "show global variables like 'server_id'"; ResultSet rs = executor.query(cmd, getContext()); List<String> columnValues = rs.getFiledValues(); if (columnValues != null && columnValues.size() == 2 && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(columnValues.get(1))) { return Long.valueOf(columnValues.get(1)); } return -1; } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } /** * Send QueryCommand Packet to query binlog_format * * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean queryBinlogFormat() throws IOException { try { QueryExecutor executor = new QueryExecutor(is, os); String cmd = "show global variables like 'binlog_format'"; ResultSet rs = executor.query(cmd, getContext()); List<String> columnValues = rs.getFiledValues(); boolean isQuery = true; if (columnValues == null || columnValues.size() != 2 || columnValues.get(1) == null) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", QueryConfig failed Reason:unexcepted binlog format query result."); isQuery = false; } BinlogFormat binlogFormat = BinlogFormat.valuesOf(columnValues.get(1)); String eventName = String.format("slave(%s) -- db(%s:%d)", getTaskName(), currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort()); if (binlogFormat == null || !binlogFormat.isRow()) { isQuery = false; LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Unexcepted binlog format: " + binlogFormat.value); } Cat.logEvent("Slave.dbBinlogFormat", eventName, isQuery ? Message.SUCCESS : "1", ""); if (isQuery) {"TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Query config binlogformat is legal."); } return isQuery; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", QueryConfig failed Reason: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Send QueryCommand Packet to query binlog_format * * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean queryBinlogImage() throws IOException { try { QueryExecutor executor = new QueryExecutor(is, os); String cmd = "show variables like 'binlog_row_image'"; ResultSet rs = executor.query(cmd, getContext()); List<String> columnValues = rs.getFiledValues(); boolean isQuery = true; if (columnValues == null || columnValues.size() == 0) {// 5.1 isQuery = true; } else if (columnValues != null && columnValues.size() == 2 && columnValues.get(1) != null) {// 5.6 BinlogRowImage binlogRowImage = BinlogRowImage.valuesOf(columnValues.get(1)); isQuery = true; if (binlogRowImage == null || !binlogRowImage.isFull()) { isQuery = false; LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Unexcepted binlog row image: " + binlogRowImage.value); } } else { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", QueryConfig failed Reason:unexcepted binlog row image query result."); isQuery = false; } String eventName = String.format("slave(%s) -- db(%s:%d)", getTaskName(), currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort()); Cat.logEvent("Slave.dbBinlogRowImage", eventName, isQuery ? Message.SUCCESS : "1", ""); if (isQuery) {"TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Query config binlog row image is legal."); } return isQuery; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", QueryConfig failed Reason: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } protected void doStop() throws Exception {"TaskName: " + getTaskName() + ", Stopped."); closeTransport(); SystemStatusManager.deleteServer(getTaskName()); } private void stopTask() { String eventName = String.format("slave(%s) -- db(%s:%d)", getTaskName(), currentSrcDbEntity.getHost(), currentSrcDbEntity.getPort()); try { // DefaultTaskContainer.instance.stopExecutor(this); Cat.logEvent("Slave.doStop", eventName, Message.SUCCESS, ""); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("task " + getTaskName() + "stop error."); Cat.logEvent("Slave.doStop", eventName, "1", ""); } } private void closeTransport() { // Close in. try { if ( != null) {; } } catch (IOException ioEx) { LOG.warn("Server " + this.getTaskName() + ", Failed to close the input stream."); } finally { = null; } // Close os. try { if (this.os != null) { this.os.close(); } } catch (IOException ioEx) { LOG.warn("Server " + this.getTaskName() + ", Failed to close the output stream"); } finally { this.os = null; } // Close socket. try { if (this.mysqlSocket != null) { this.mysqlSocket.close(); } } catch (IOException ioEx) { LOG.warn("Server " + this.getTaskName() + ", Failed to close the socket", ioEx); } finally { this.mysqlSocket = null; } } public void initContext() { PumaContext context = new PumaContext(); BinlogInfo binlogInfo = instanceStorageManager.getBinlogInfo(this.getTaskName()); if (binlogInfo == null) { context.setBinlogStartPos(this.getBinlogInfo().getBinlogPosition()); context.setBinlogFileName(this.getBinlogInfo().getBinlogFile()); } else { context.setBinlogFileName(binlogInfo.getBinlogFile()); context.setBinlogStartPos(binlogInfo.getBinlogPosition()); } // context.setPumaServerId(taskExecutor.getServerId()); context.setPumaServerName(this.getTaskName()); this.setContext(context); } public void setTableMetaInfoFetcher(DefaultTableMetaInfoFetcher tableMetaInfoFetcher) { this.tableMetaInfoFetcher = tableMetaInfoFetcher; } public String getEncoding() { return encoding; } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } public BinlogInfo getBinlogInfo() { return this.state.getBinlogInfo(); } public void setBinlogInfo(BinlogInfo binlogInfo) { this.state.setBinlogInfo(binlogInfo); } public enum BinlogFormat { STATEMENT("STATEMENT"), ROW("ROW"), MIXED("MIXED"); private String value; BinlogFormat(String value) { this.value = value; } public boolean isRow() { return this == ROW; } public boolean isStatement() { return this == STATEMENT; } public boolean isMixed() { return this == MIXED; } public static BinlogFormat valuesOf(String value) { BinlogFormat[] formats = values(); for (BinlogFormat format : formats) { if (format.value.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return format; } } return null; } } public enum BinlogRowImage { FULL("FULL"), MINIMAL("MINIMAL"), NOBLOB("NOBLOB"); private String value; BinlogRowImage(String value) { this.value = value; } public boolean isFull() { return this == FULL; } public boolean isMinimal() { return this == MINIMAL; } public boolean isNOBLOB() { return this == NOBLOB; } public static BinlogRowImage valuesOf(String value) { BinlogRowImage[] images = values(); for (BinlogRowImage image : images) { if (image.value.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return image; } } return null; } } public void setInstanceTask(InstanceTask instanceTask) { this.instanceTask = instanceTask; } public InstanceTask getInstanceTask() { return instanceTask; } }