Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Devoteam * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * * This file is part of Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * If not, see <>. * */ package com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.smpp; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.dom4j.Element; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.sip.light.StackSip; import; import; import; import; import; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Parameter; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Runner; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.text.FirstLine; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.text.TextMessage; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.GlobalLogger; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.TextEvent; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.protocol.Msg; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.protocol.Stack; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.protocol.StackFactory; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.Utils; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.dictionaryElement.Attribute; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.gsm.GSMConversion; import gp.utils.arrays.Array; import gp.utils.arrays.DefaultArray; import gp.utils.arrays.Integer32Array; import gp.utils.arrays.SupArray; /** * * @author */ public class MsgSmpp extends Msg { private SmppMessage smppMessage = null; private String type = null; private String typeComplete = null; private String result = null; /** Creates a new instance */ public MsgSmpp(Stack stack) throws Exception { super(stack); } /** Creates a new instance */ public MsgSmpp(Stack stack, SmppMessage message) throws Exception { this(stack); smppMessage = message; } private Object formatAttribute(Attribute att) { Object value = att.getValue(); if (value instanceof String) { value = ((String) value).trim(); } else if (value instanceof Array) { value = Array.toHexString((Array) value); } return value; } /** * Return true if the message is a request else return false */ @Override public boolean isRequest() { return (smppMessage.getId() >= 0) ? true : false; } /** * Get the type of the message * Used for message filtering with "type" attribute and for statistic counters */ @Override public String getType() { if (type == null) { type = smppMessage.getName(); } return type; } /** Get the complete type (with dictionary conversion) of this message */ @Override public String getTypeComplete() { if (typeComplete == null) { typeComplete = smppMessage.getName().replace("_resp", "") + ":"; typeComplete += Integer.toHexString(smppMessage.getId() & 0x7FFFFFFF); } return typeComplete; } /** * Get the result of the message (null if request) * Used for message filtering with "result" attribute and for statistic counters */ @Override public String getResult() { if (result == null) { result = Integer.toString(smppMessage.getStatus()); } return result; } /** Return the transport of the message*/ @Override public String getTransport() { return StackFactory.PROTOCOL_TCP; } //------------------------------------------------- // methods for the encoding / decoding of the message //------------------------------------------------- /** * encode the message to binary data */ @Override public byte[] encode() throws Exception { try { return smppMessage.getArray().getBytes(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().error(TextEvent.Topic.PROTOCOL, "Error while trying to write message SMPP on socket: ", ex); } return null; } /** * decode the message from binary data */ public void decode(byte[] data) throws Exception { DefaultArray array = new DefaultArray(data); //get id from message to get message from dictionary int id = new Integer32Array(array.subArray(4, 4)).getValue(); SmppMessage message = ((StackSmpp) stack).smppDictionary.getMessageFromId(id); message.parseArray(array); this.smppMessage = message; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // methods for the XML display / parsing of the message //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns a short description of the message. Used for logging as INFO level */ /** This methods HAS TO be quick to execute for performance reason */ @Override public String toShortString() throws Exception { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(super.toShortString()); stringBuilder.append("\n"); if (smppMessage.getLogError().length() != 0) { stringBuilder.append("<MESSAGE MALFORMED name= \"" + smppMessage.getName() + "\""); } else { stringBuilder.append("<MESSAGE name= \"" + smppMessage.getName() + "\""); } stringBuilder.append(" length=\"" + smppMessage.getLength() + "\""); stringBuilder.append(" id=\"" + Integer.toHexString(smppMessage.getId()) + "\""); stringBuilder.append(" status=\"" + smppMessage.getStatus() + "\""); stringBuilder.append(" sequence_number=\"" + smppMessage.getSequenceNumber() + "\""); stringBuilder.append("/>"); return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Convert the message to XML document */ @Override public String toXml() throws Exception { return smppMessage.toString(); } /** * Parse the message from XML element */ @Override public void parseFromXml(Boolean request, Element root, Runner runner) throws Exception { // header Element header = root.element("header"); String msgName = header.attributeValue("name"); String msgId = header.attributeValue("id"); if ((msgId != null) && (msgName != null)) throw new Exception("id and name of the message " + msgName + " must not be set both"); if ((msgId == null) && (msgName == null)) throw new Exception("One of the parameter id and name of the message header must be set"); if (msgName != null) { smppMessage = ((StackSmpp) stack).smppDictionary.getMessageFromName(msgName); smppMessage.setId(((StackSmpp) stack).smppDictionary.getMessageIdFromName(msgName)); } if (msgId != null) smppMessage = ((StackSmpp) stack).smppDictionary.getMessageFromId((int) Long.parseLong(msgId, 16)); if ((smppMessage.getId() == 0) || (smppMessage.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Unknown message"))) smppMessage.setLogError("Message <" + msgName + "> is not present in the dictionary\r\n"); String msgStatus = header.attributeValue("status"); String msgSeqNum = header.attributeValue("sequence_number"); if (msgStatus != null) { smppMessage.setStatus((int) Long.parseLong(msgStatus)); } smppMessage.setSequenceNumber((int) Long.parseLong(msgSeqNum)); parseAttributes(root, smppMessage); parseTLVs(root, smppMessage); } private void parseAttributes(Element root, SmppMessage msg) throws Exception { List<Element> attributes = root.elements("attribute"); List<Element> imbricateAttributesInScenario = null; SmppAttribute att = null; SmppAttribute att2 = null; SmppGroup attGroup = null; String value = null; String name = null; String ret = null; Element element2 = null; for (int cpt = 0; cpt < attributes.size(); cpt++) { Element element = attributes.get(cpt); att = msg.getAttribut(element.attributeValue("name")); if (att != null) { if (!(att.getValue() instanceof Vector))//simple attribute { value = element.attributeValue("value"); //cas particulier pour sm_length if (att.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("sm_length")) { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) value = "-1";//value is et to -1 to later set it automattically with the good length of the short message } ret = setAttributeValue(att, value, element.attributeValue("type")); if (ret != null) msg.setLogError(ret); } else//attribute containing multiple occurence { //get vector values of att Vector vec = (Vector) att.getValue(); int occurenceValue = 0; if (att.getOccurenceAttribute() != null)//if occurence is defined { //get the occurence value String occurence = att.getOccurenceAttribute(); occurenceValue = (Integer) msg.getAttribut(occurence).getValue(); //need to duplicate vector of imbricatte attribute in the occurence vector for (int i = 1; i < occurenceValue; i++) { //this way is used to the clone method Vector<Attribute> newVec = new Vector<Attribute>(); for (int j = 0; j < ((Vector) vec.get(0)).size(); j++) newVec.add(((Attribute) ((Vector) vec.get(0)).get(j)).clone()); vec.add(newVec); } } for (int cptOc = 0; cptOc < occurenceValue; cptOc++)//run through multiple occurence { //get imbricate attribute or attribute in choice for att imbricateAttributesInScenario = element.selectNodes("attribute"); Vector vecImbricateAtt = (Vector) vec.get(cptOc); //run through attribute in att,(list of attribute, or attribute and choice) for (int i = 0; i < vecImbricateAtt.size(); i++) { if (vecImbricateAtt.get(i) instanceof SmppChoice) { SmppChoice choice = (SmppChoice) vecImbricateAtt.get(i); //get choice parameter String choiceName = choice.getChoiceAttribute().getName(); //search this choice parameter in the attribute list for (int j = 0; j < vecImbricateAtt.size(); j++) { att2 = (SmppAttribute) vecImbricateAtt.get(j); if (choiceName.equals(att2.getName())) { //get its value value = Integer.toString((Integer) att2.getValue()); //set choice attribute value in choice with this value choice.getChoiceAttribute().setValue((Integer) att2.getValue()); break; } } if ((value != null) && (value.length() != 0)) { //search value of the choice parameter in the choice attribute group list for (int j = 0; j < ((Vector<SmppGroup>) choice.getValue()).size(); j++) { attGroup = ((Vector<SmppGroup>) choice.getValue()).get(j); if (attGroup.getChoiceValue().equals(value)) { //set value of the group with value in the scenario for (int k = 0; k < ((Vector<SmppAttribute>) attGroup.getValue()) .size(); k++) { //check name and then set value att2 = ((Vector<SmppAttribute>) attGroup.getValue()).get(k); element2 = imbricateAttributesInScenario.get(0);//get first following the order in scenario if (att2.getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(element2.attributeValue("name"))) { ret = setAttributeValue(att2, element2.attributeValue("value"), element2.attributeValue("type")); if (ret != null) msg.setLogError(ret); //remove from the list to not retrieve it later imbricateAttributesInScenario.remove(0); } else { throw new Exception("Name of attribute " + att2.getName() + "doesn't correspond with attribute " + element2.attributeValue("name") + " in scenario"); } } break; } } } else { throw new Exception("value of attribute " + " must not be empty"); } } else { att2 = ((SmppAttribute) vecImbricateAtt.get(i)); //run through attribute in scenario to find att with the same name for (int j = 0; j < imbricateAttributesInScenario.size(); j++) { element2 = imbricateAttributesInScenario.get(j); name = element2.attributeValue("name"); if (att2.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))//if found { ret = setAttributeValue(att2, element2.attributeValue("value"), element2.attributeValue("type")); if (ret != null) msg.setLogError(ret); //remove from the list to not retrieve it later imbricateAttributesInScenario.remove(j); break; } } } } //increment for next access to a new occurence: if (((cptOc + 1) == (occurenceValue - 1)) && ((cpt + 1) < attributes.size())) { cpt++; element = attributes.get(cpt); } } } } //add attribute to message even if unknown and if the message is not present in the dictionary else if (msg.getName().equals("UnknownMesage") || (msg.getId() == 0)) { value = element.attributeValue("value"); att = new SmppAttribute(); att.setName(element.attributeValue("name")); att.setFormat("OCTETSTRING"); att.setValue(new DefaultArray(value.getBytes())); msg.addAttribut(att); } else { msg.setLogError("attribute <" + element.attributeValue("name") + "> not added in message because it is unknown for this message\r\n"); } } } private void parseTLVs(Element root, SmppMessage msg) throws Exception { List<Element> tlvs = root.elements("tlv"); SmppTLV tlv = null; String value = null; for (Element element : tlvs) { int length = 0; tlv = msg.getTLV(element.attributeValue("name")); if (tlv != null) { value = element.attributeValue("value"); if (tlv.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("INT")) { tlv.setValue((int) Long.parseLong(value)); int tmp = ((Integer) tlv.getValue()); while (tmp != 0) { tmp >>= 8; length++; } } else if (tlv.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("OCTETSTRING") && (element.attributeValue("type") != null) && element.attributeValue("type").equalsIgnoreCase("binary")) { tlv.setValue(DefaultArray.fromHexString(value));// do conversion in string here to don't have pb with charset length = ((DefaultArray) tlv.getValue()).length; } else if (tlv.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("OCTETSTRING")) { tlv.setValue(new DefaultArray(GSMConversion.toGsmCharset(value))); length = ((SupArray) tlv.getValue()).length; } else { tlv.setValue(new String(GSMConversion.toGsmCharset(value))); length = ((String) tlv.getValue()).length(); } value = element.attributeValue("length"); if (value != null) { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) tlv.setLength(length); else tlv.setLength(Integer.parseInt(value)); } if ((tlv.getLength() > tlv.getSizeMax()) || (tlv.getLength() < tlv.getSizeMin())) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().warn(TextEvent.Topic.PROTOCOL, "TLV length for ", tlv.toString(), "is not according to size given in dictionary"); } } else { //add tlv to message even if unknown value = element.attributeValue("value"); tlv = new SmppTLV(); tlv.setName(element.attributeValue("name")); tlv.setLength(Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("length"))); tlv.setFormat("OCTETSTRING"); tlv.setValue(new DefaultArray(GSMConversion.toGsmCharset(value))); msg.addTLV(tlv); } } } public String setAttributeValue(SmppAttribute att, String value, String type) throws Exception { String ret = null; if (att.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("INT")) { att.setValue(Integer.parseInt(value)); if ((att.getSizeMax() == 1) && (Integer.parseInt(value) > 255)) ret = "for attribute " + att.getName() + " ,value " + value + " is superior to 255 max value, so value sent is trunkated\r\n"; else if ((att.getSizeMax() == 2) && (Integer.parseInt(value) > 65535)) ret = "for attribute " + att.getName() + " ,value " + value + " is superior to 2^16-1 max value, so value sent is trunkated"; else if ((att.getSizeMax() == 4) && (Integer.parseInt(value) > 2147483647)) ret = "for attribute " + att.getName() + " ,value " + value + " is superior to 2^32-1 max value, so value sent is trunkated"; } else if (att.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("OCTETSTRING") && (type != null) && type.equalsIgnoreCase("binary")) { att.setValue(DefaultArray.fromHexString(value));// do conversion in string here to don't have pb with charset } else if (att.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("OCTETSTRING")) { att.setValue(new DefaultArray(GSMConversion.toGsmCharset(value))); } else { att.setValue(new String(GSMConversion.toGsmCharset(value))); } return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------ // method for the "setFromMessage" <parameter> operation //------------------------------------------------------ /** * Get a parameter from the message */ @Override public Parameter getParameter(String path) throws Exception { Parameter var = super.getParameter(path); if (null != var) { return var; } var = new Parameter(); path = path.trim(); String[] params = Utils.splitPath(path); if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("header")) { if (params.length == 2) { if (params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { var.add(smppMessage.getId()); } else if (params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { var.add(smppMessage.getName()); } else if (params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("length")) { var.add(smppMessage.getLength()); } else if (params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("status")) { var.add(smppMessage.getStatus()); } else if (params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("sequence_number")) { var.add(smppMessage.getSequenceNumber()); } else { Parameter.throwBadPathKeywordException(path); } } } else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("attribute")) { if (params.length >= 2) { //get attribute given SmppAttribute att = smppMessage.getAttribut(params[1]); if (att != null) { var.add(formatAttribute(att)); } else { throw new Exception("The attribute <" + att.getName() + "> is unknown in message <" + smppMessage.getName() + ">"); } } } else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("tlv")) { if (params.length >= 2) { //get attribute given SmppTLV tlv = smppMessage.getTLV(params[1]); if (tlv != null) { var.add(formatAttribute(tlv)); } else { throw new Exception("The tlv <" + tlv.getName() + "> is unknown in message <" + smppMessage.getName() + ">"); } } } else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("content")) { var.add(smppMessage.getData()); } else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("malformed")) { if (smppMessage.getLogError().length() == 0) { var.add(false); } else { var.add(true); } } else { Parameter.throwBadPathKeywordException(path); } return var; } }