Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Devoteam * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * * This file is part of Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * If not, see <>. * */ package com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.rtp.flow; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Parameter; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.ParameterPool; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Runner; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.exception.ParsingException; import org.dom4j.Element; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.newstats.StatKey; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.newstats.StatPool; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.operations.basic.operators.PluggableParameterOperatorBinary; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.protocol.*; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.Config; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.XMLElementRTPFLOWParser; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.XMLElementReplacer; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.rtp.ListenpointRtp; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.rtp.MsgRtp; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.rtp.StackRtp; import gp.utils.arrays.Array; import gp.utils.arrays.DefaultArray; import gp.utils.scheduler.Scheduler; import gp.utils.scheduler.Task; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class StackRtpFlow extends StackRtp { protected Scheduler scheduler; CodecDictionary dico = new CodecDictionary();//dictionary of all codec associated with their information (payloadType, frequence...) protected float endTimerNoPacket; protected float endTimerSilentFlow; protected float endTimerPeriodic; protected boolean qosMeasurment; protected String silentPattern; protected float silentFrequencyThreshold; boolean silentFiltering; private HashMap<String, ListenpointRtpFlow> ssrcAndListenpointName; // for capture reassembling RTP packet mechanism Map<String, ListenpointRtpFlow> capture_point = null; public StackRtpFlow() throws Exception { super(); this.ssrcAndListenpointName = new HashMap<String, ListenpointRtpFlow>(); int nbThreads = getConfig().getInteger("SCHEDULER_THREAD_NUMBER", 2); scheduler = new Scheduler(nbThreads); try { // deprecated endTimerNoPacket = (float) Config.getConfigByName("") .getDouble("scheduler.WAIT_END_OF_FLOW"); } catch (Exception e) { endTimerNoPacket = (float) getConfig().getDouble("endtimer.NO_PACKET", 5); } endTimerSilentFlow = (float) getConfig().getDouble("endtimer.SILENT_FLOW", 0); endTimerPeriodic = (float) getConfig().getDouble("endtimer.PERIODIC", 0); qosMeasurment = getConfig().getBoolean("QOS_MEASURMENT", true); ignoreReceivedMessages = getConfig().getBoolean("IGNORE_RECEIVED_MESSAGES", false); String defaultPattern = "00000000000000000000"; String silentPatternHexa = getConfig().getString("qos.PATTERN"); if (silentPatternHexa.length() == 0) { silentPatternHexa = getConfig().getString("silent.PATTERN_HEXA", defaultPattern); } if (silentPatternHexa.length() == 0) { silentPatternHexa = defaultPattern; } Array motif = Array.fromHexString(silentPatternHexa); silentPattern = motif.toString(); silentFrequencyThreshold = (float) getConfig().getDouble("silent.FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD", 0.2); silentFiltering = getConfig().getBoolean("silent.FILTERING", true); capture_point = new HashMap<String, ListenpointRtpFlow>(); } public void addSSRCAndListenpointName(String key, ListenpointRtpFlow value) { this.ssrcAndListenpointName.put(key, value); } /** Creates a Listenpoint specific to each Stack */ @Override public synchronized Listenpoint parseListenpointFromXml(Element root) throws Exception { return new ListenpointRtpFlow(this, root); } /** Creates a specific Msg */ @Override public Msg parseMsgFromXml(Boolean request, Element root, Runner runner) throws Exception { MsgRtpFlow msg = null; if (root.element("flow") != null) { msg = parseFlow(root.element("flow"), runner); } else { throw new Exception("No flow tag in sendMessageRTPFLOW present"); } return msg; } public MsgRtpFlow parseFlow(Element flow, Runner runner) throws Exception { MsgRtp msg = parsePacketHeader(flow, runner); List<Array> listPayload = parsePacketPayload(flow, runner); List<Integer> listSequm = parsePacketAttribute(flow, runner, "seqnum"); List<Long> listTimestamp = parsePacketAttribute(flow, runner, "timestamp"); List<Integer> listMarker = parsePacketAttribute(flow, runner, "mark"); MsgRtpFlow flowRtp = new MsgRtpFlow(dico, listPayload, listSequm, listTimestamp, listMarker, msg); //WARNING: part above must be done before setting flow parameter String duration = flow.attributeValue("duration"); String packetNumber = flow.attributeValue("packetNumber"); String bitRate = flow.attributeValue("bitRate"); String deltaTime = flow.attributeValue("deltaTime"); String deltaTimestamp = flow.attributeValue("deltaTimestamp"); String jitterDelay = flow.attributeValue("jitterDelay"); String packetLost = flow.attributeValue("packetLost"); String synchronous = flow.attributeValue("synchronous"); if ((bitRate != null) && (deltaTime != null)) { throw new Exception("attribute <bitRate> and <deltaTime> of flow tag cannot be set in the same time"); } if ((bitRate == null) && (deltaTime == null)) { throw new Exception("one of the attribute <bitRate> or <deltaTime> of flow tag must be set"); } if ((packetNumber == null) && (duration == null)) { throw new Exception("one of the attribute <packetNumber> or <duration> of flow tag must be set"); } if ((listPayload.size() > 1) && (packetNumber != null) && (Integer.parseInt(packetNumber) > listPayload.size()) && ((listSequm.size() > 1) || (listTimestamp.size() > 1))) { throw new Exception( "cannot use greater <packetNumber> than number of payload given when use in coordination with list of sequence number or timestamp"); } if (packetNumber != null) { flowRtp.setPacketNumber(Integer.parseInt(packetNumber)); } if (deltaTime != null) { LinkedList<String> listAttribute = runner.getParameterPool().parse(deltaTime); if (listAttribute.size() > 0)//if more than one element { ArrayList listAttributeData = new ArrayList(); int delta; for (Iterator<String> it = listAttribute.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { delta = Integer.parseInt(; if (delta < 0)//if delta is negatif, set 0 for the time to send { listAttributeData.add(0); } else { listAttributeData.add(delta); } } flowRtp.setDeltaTimeList(listAttributeData); } } if (duration != null) { flowRtp.setDuration(Float.parseFloat(duration)); } if (bitRate != null) { flowRtp.setBitRate(Float.parseFloat(bitRate)); } if (deltaTimestamp != null) { flowRtp.setDeltaTimestamp(Integer.parseInt(deltaTimestamp)); } else { flowRtp.setDeltaTimestamp((int) flowRtp.getDataRTPLength()); } if (jitterDelay != null) { flowRtp.setJitterDelay(Float.parseFloat(jitterDelay)); } //now compute missing values with values which are given in operation if (packetNumber == null && bitRate != null)//compute packetNumber in function of the bitrate { flowRtp.setPacketNumber( (int) (flowRtp.getBitRate() * 1024 * flowRtp.getDuration() / (flowRtp.getDataRTPLength() * 8))); } else if (packetNumber == null && bitRate == null)//compute packetNumber in function of deltaTimestamp { int newPacketNumber = (int) (flowRtp.getDuration() * 1000 / flowRtp.getDeltaTime()); if ((packetNumber == null) || (newPacketNumber < flowRtp.getPacketNumber())) { flowRtp.setPacketNumber(newPacketNumber); } } if (packetLost != null) { float packetLostPercent = Float.parseFloat(packetLost); if ((packetLostPercent < 0) || (packetLostPercent > 100)) { throw new Exception("packetLost attribute is a percentage (between 0 and 100)"); } flowRtp.setPacketLost(packetLostPercent); flowRtp.setPacketToBeLost(); } if (bitRate != null)//compute deltaTime in function of bitrate, it is also mandatory to set packetNumber in this case { long size = flowRtp.getDataRTPLength() * flowRtp.getPacketNumber() * 8; float timeToSend = size / (flowRtp.getBitRate() * 1024); int newDeltaTimestamp = (int) Math.round(timeToSend * 1000 / flowRtp.getPacketNumber()); if (newDeltaTimestamp == 0) { newDeltaTimestamp = 1; } flowRtp.setDeltaTime(newDeltaTimestamp); } if (synchronous != null) { flowRtp.setSynchronous(Boolean.parseBoolean(synchronous)); } return flowRtp; } public ArrayList parsePacketAttribute(Element packet, Runner runner, String attName) throws Exception { Element header = packet.element("header"); ArrayList listAttributeData = new ArrayList(); String attribute = header.attributeValue(attName); if (attribute != null) { if (Parameter.matchesParameter(attribute)) { // optimisation, use cache Parameter parameter = runner.getParameterPool().get(attribute); if (attName.equals("seqnum") || attName.equals("mark")) { listAttributeData = (ArrayList) ParameterCache.getAsIntegerList(parameter); } else if (attName.equals("timestamp")) { listAttributeData = (ArrayList) ParameterCache.getAsLongList(parameter); } } else { LinkedList<String> listAttribute = runner.getParameterPool().parse(attribute); if (attName.equals("seqnum") || attName.equals("mark")) { for (Iterator<String> it = listAttribute.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { listAttributeData.add(Integer.parseInt(; } } else if (attName.equals("timestamp")) { for (Iterator<String> it = listAttribute.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { listAttributeData.add(Long.parseLong(; } } } } return listAttributeData; } @Override public ArrayList<Array> parsePacketPayload(Element packet, Runner runner) throws Exception { List<Element> payloads = packet.elements("payload"); ArrayList<Array> listPayloadData = new ArrayList<Array>(); LinkedList<String> listPayload; String format = null; String text = null; for (Element element : payloads) { format = element.attributeValue("format"); text = element.getTextTrim(); if (Parameter.matchesParameter(text) && payloads.size() == 1) { // optimisation, use cache Parameter parameter = runner.getParameterPool().get(text); if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) { listPayloadData = (ArrayList<Array>) ParameterCache.getAsAsciiArrayList(parameter); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("binary")) { listPayloadData = (ArrayList<Array>) ParameterCache.getAsHexArrayList(parameter); } else { throw new Exception("format of payload <" + format + "> is unknown"); } } else { listPayload = runner.getParameterPool().parse(text); if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) { for (Iterator<String> it = listPayload.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { listPayloadData.add(new DefaultArray(; } } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("binary")) { for (Iterator<String> it = listPayload.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { listPayloadData.add(Array.fromHexString(; } } else { throw new Exception("format of payload <" + format + "> is unknown"); } } } return listPayloadData; } /** override method for the possibility to send a flow */ @Override public boolean sendMessage(Msg msg) throws Exception { RtpFlowSendTask task = new RtpFlowSendTask((MsgRtpFlow) msg, scheduler); scheduler.scheduleIn(task, ((MsgRtpFlow) msg).getDeltaTime()); ((MsgRtpFlow) msg).firstMsgSent.acquire(); // increment counters in the transport section incrStatTransport(msg, StackFactory.PREFIX_OUTGOING, StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING); return true; } @Override public boolean receiveMessage(Msg msg) throws Exception { // dispatch the message to the right listenpoint ListenpointRtpFlow listenpoint = (ListenpointRtpFlow) msg.getListenpoint().getAttachment(); listenpoint.receiveMessage((MsgRtp) msg); return true; } @Override public boolean captureMessage(Msg msg) throws Exception { // dispatch the message to the right listenpoint String localHost = msg.getChannel().getLocalHost(); int localPort = msg.getChannel().getLocalPort(); String name = "Capture_point_" + localHost + "_" + localPort; ListenpointRtpFlow listenpoint = capture_point.get(name); if (listenpoint == null) { listenpoint = new ListenpointRtpFlow(this, name, localHost, localPort); capture_point.put(name, listenpoint); } listenpoint.receiveMessage((MsgRtp) msg); return true; } @Override public XMLElementReplacer getElementReplacer() { return XMLElementRTPFLOWParser.instance();//do not parse text in sendMessageRTPFLOW tag } public void receiveMsgRtpFlow(MsgRtpFlow msgRtpFlow) throws Exception { ListenpointRtpFlow listenpoint = (ListenpointRtpFlow) msgRtpFlow.getListenpoint(); if (msgRtpFlow != null) { if (this.silentFiltering) { // remove the silent packets at the end only boolean done = false; while (!msgRtpFlow.getPacketList().isEmpty() && !done) { // endTimerSilentFlow was not active, so the isSilent flag must be computed if (listenpoint.endTimerSilentFlow <= 0) { MsgRtp packet = msgRtpFlow.getPacketList().getLast(); packet.setIsSilence(this.isSilentPacket(packet.getData())); } if (msgRtpFlow.getPacketList().getLast().isSilence()) { msgRtpFlow.getPacketList().removeLast(); msgRtpFlow.setPacketNumber(msgRtpFlow.getPacketNumber() - 1); } else { done = true; } } } if (this.qosMeasurment) { msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().setPayloadType(msgRtpFlow.getPayloadType()); msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().calculMOS(); // increment the statistic counters for Rtpflow section StatPool.getInstance().addValue(new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_nbRtpFlow"), 1); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_bitrate"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getMeanBitRate()); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_packetLost"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getPacketLost()); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_packetDuplicated"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getDuplicated()); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_packetMissSequence"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getPacketMissSequence()); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_deltaTime"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getMeanDelta()); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_packetSpacing"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getMeanPacketSpacing()); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_jitter"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getMeanJitter()); StatPool.getInstance() .addValue( new StatKey(StatPool.PREFIX_RTPFLOW, msgRtpFlow.getType() + StackFactory.PREFIX_INCOMING, "_mos"), msgRtpFlow.getQoSinfo().getEModele().getMos()); } if (msgRtpFlow.getProbe() != null) { msgRtpFlow.setListenpoint(null); super.captureMessage(msgRtpFlow); } else if (msgRtpFlow.getListenpoint() != null) { super.receiveMessage(msgRtpFlow); } } } /*this function is just used by the rtpflow protocol*/ protected boolean isSilentPacket(Array array) throws Exception { // search the silent pattern if (array.toString().contains(this.silentPattern)) { return true; } // calculate the most popular frequency float freqMax = PluggableParameterOperatorBinary.calculePopular(array.getBytes(), true); // compare the frequency to the threshold if (freqMax > array.length * this.silentFrequencyThreshold) { return true; } return false; } public Config getConfig() throws Exception { return Config.getConfigByName(""); } public void scheduleTask(Task task, long delay) { scheduler.scheduleIn(task, delay); } public void unscheduleTask(Task task) { scheduler.unschedule(task); } public CodecDictionary getCodecDict() { return dico; } }