Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Devoteam * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * * This file is part of Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * If not, see <>. * */ package com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.http; import org.apache.http.impl.DefaultHttpClientConnection; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.GlobalLogger; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.TextEvent; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.protocol.StackFactory; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.apache.http.HttpEntityEnclosingRequest; import org.apache.http.HttpRequest; /** * * @author gpasquiers */ public class SocketClientHttp { protected LinkedBlockingQueue<MsgHttp> requestsSent; protected DefaultHttpClientConnection clientConnection; protected ChannelHttp connHttp; protected boolean isValid = true; protected boolean isReconnected = false; protected boolean isShutdown = false; /** Creates a new instance of SocketClientReceiver */ public SocketClientHttp() { this.requestsSent = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); } /** * Restore the connection if necessary (pending requests) and send those requests again. */ protected void restoreConnection() throws Exception { if (isReconnected || isShutdown) return; isValid = false; try { clientConnection.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } if (!requestsSent.isEmpty()) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().warn(TextEvent.Topic.PROTOCOL, "Restoring connection and re-sending pending requests"); try { this.connHttp.close(); Thread.currentThread().interrupted();; isReconnected = true; while (!this.requestsSent.isEmpty()) { MsgHttp msg = this.requestsSent.poll(); this.connHttp.sendMessage(msg); } } catch (Exception e) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().error(TextEvent.Topic.PROTOCOL, e, "Exception reconnecting SocketClientHttp with pending messages"); StackFactory.getStack(StackFactory.PROTOCOL_HTTP).closeChannel(this.connHttp.getName()); throw e; } } } public void sendMessage(MsgHttp msg) throws Exception { this.requestsSent.offer(msg); try { if (msg.getMessage() instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) { HttpEntityEnclosingRequest httpEntityEnclosingRequest = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) msg .getMessage(); clientConnection.sendRequestHeader(httpEntityEnclosingRequest); clientConnection.sendRequestEntity(httpEntityEnclosingRequest); if (httpEntityEnclosingRequest.getEntity() == null) { clientConnection.flush(); } } else { clientConnection.sendRequestHeader((HttpRequest) msg.getMessage()); clientConnection.flush(); } } catch (Exception e) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().warn(TextEvent.Topic.PROTOCOL, e, "Error while sending message"); synchronized (this.connHttp) { this.restoreConnection(); } } } public void shutdown() throws Exception { isShutdown = true; clientConnection.close(); } }