Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Devoteam * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * * This file is part of Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * If not, see <>. * */ package; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Parameter; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.binary.Dictionary; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.binary.ElementAbstract; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.binary.EnumerationField; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.binary.HeaderAbstract; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.coding.binary.XMLDoc; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.exception.ExecutionException; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.GlobalLogger; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.TextEvent.Topic; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.utils.Utils; import gp.utils.arrays.Array; import gp.utils.arrays.DefaultArray; import gp.utils.arrays.SupArray; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.Element; /** * * @author Fabien Henry */ public class MessageGTP { public static HashMap<String, Dictionary> dictionaries = new HashMap<String, Dictionary>(); private String syntax; private Dictionary dictionary; private HeaderAbstract header; private List<ElementAbstract> elements; private DataPDU tpdu; public DataPDU getTpdu() { return tpdu; } public MessageGTP() { } public MessageGTP(Element root) throws Exception { Element elementHeader; elementHeader = root.element("headerPrime"); if (elementHeader != null) { this.header = new HeaderGTPPrime(); this.syntax = header.getSyntax(); initDictionary(this.syntax); this.header.parseFromXML(elementHeader, dictionary); } elementHeader = root.element("headerV1"); if (elementHeader != null) { this.header = new HeaderGTPV1(); this.syntax = header.getSyntax(); initDictionary(this.syntax); this.header.parseFromXML(elementHeader, dictionary); } elementHeader = root.element("headerV2"); if (elementHeader != null) { this.header = new HeaderGTPV2(); this.syntax = header.getSyntax(); initDictionary(this.syntax); this.header.parseFromXML(elementHeader, dictionary); } this.elements = new ArrayList<ElementAbstract>(); List<Element> elementsInf = root.elements("element"); ElementAbstract elemDico = null; ElementAbstract newElement = null; for (Element elementRoot : elementsInf) { elemDico = this.dictionary.getElementFromXML(elementRoot); newElement = (ElementAbstract) elemDico.cloneAttribute(); newElement.parseFromXML(elementRoot, this.dictionary, elemDico); this.elements.add(newElement); } // Header GTPv1 plus data field -> get raw datas to be sent as T-PDU this.tpdu = new DataPDU(); this.tpdu.parseFromXML(root, dictionary, elemDico); } /** Return true if the message is a request else return false*/ public boolean isRequest() { return this.header.isRequest(); } /** Get the type of this message */ public String getType() { return header.getType(); } /** Get the protocol of this message */ public String getSubProtocol() { return this.header.getSyntax(); } public void decodeFromStream(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception { byte[] begin = new byte[4]; //read the header int nbCharRead =, 0, 4); if (nbCharRead == -1) { throw new Exception("End of stream detected"); } else if (nbCharRead < 1) { throw new Exception("Not enough char read"); } SupArray array = new SupArray(); array.addFirst(new DefaultArray(begin)); int version = array.getBits(0, 3); int protocolType = array.getBits(3, 1); // GTPv1, GTP' ? , GTPv2 Piggybacking Flag int spareBit2 = array.getBits(5, 2); // GTPv2 , GTP' ? 11 int headerSize = 4; GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(Topic.PROTOCOL, "MessageGTP.decodeFromStream: version=" + version + ", protocolType=" + protocolType + ", spareBit2=" + spareBit2); if ((protocolType == 0) && (spareBit2 == 3)) { // GTP' this.header = new HeaderGTPPrime(array); headerSize = 6; // GTP'? Header SequenceNumber ? 6 bytes . } else if (protocolType == 1) { // GTP if (version == 1) { this.header = new HeaderGTPV1(array); headerSize = 4; } else { // (version == 2) this.header = new HeaderGTPV2(array); headerSize = 4; } } this.syntax = this.header.getSyntax(); initDictionary(this.syntax); byte[] fieldBuffer = new byte[this.header.getLength()]; int nbCharToRead = this.header.getLength(); //read the staying message's data nbCharRead =, 0, nbCharToRead); if (nbCharRead == -1) throw new Exception("End of stream detected"); else if (nbCharRead < nbCharToRead) throw new Exception("Not enough char read"); array.addLast(new DefaultArray(fieldBuffer)); int offset = this.header.decodeFromArray((Array) array, "", dictionary); int fieldLength = this.header.getLength() - offset + headerSize; Array fieldArray = new DefaultArray(0); if (fieldLength > 0) { fieldArray = array.subArray(offset, fieldLength); } this.elements = ElementAbstract.decodeElementsFromArray(fieldArray, this.dictionary); } public void decodeFromBytes(byte[] data) throws Exception { Array array = new DefaultArray(data); int version = array.getBits(0, 3); int messageType = array.getBits(8, 8); int protocolType = array.getBits(3, 1); // GTPv1, GTP' ? , GTPv2 Piggybacking Flag int spareBit2 = array.getBits(5, 2); // GTPv2 , GTP' ? 11 int headerSize = 4; GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(Topic.PROTOCOL, "MessageGTP.decodeFromBytes: version=" + version + ", protocolType=" + protocolType + ", spareBit2=" + spareBit2); if ((protocolType == 0) && (spareBit2 == 3)) { // GTP' this.header = new HeaderGTPPrime(array); headerSize = 6; // GTP'? Header SequenceNumber ? 6 bytes . } else if (protocolType == 1) { // GTP if (version == 1) { this.header = new HeaderGTPV1(array); headerSize = 4; } else { // (version == 2) this.header = new HeaderGTPV2(array); headerSize = 4; } } this.syntax = this.header.getSyntax(); initDictionary(this.syntax); int offset = this.header.decodeFromArray(array, "", dictionary); int fieldLength = this.header.getLength() - offset + headerSize; if (fieldLength > 1500) fieldLength -= (fieldLength - 1500); Array elementArray = new DefaultArray(0); if (fieldLength > 0) { elementArray = array.subArray(offset, fieldLength); } if (messageType == 255) { this.tpdu = new DataPDU(); this.tpdu.decodeFromArray(elementArray, dictionary); } else this.elements = ElementAbstract.decodeElementsFromArray(elementArray, this.dictionary); } /** Get a parameter from the message */ public void getParameter(Parameter var, String[] params, String path) throws Exception { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(Topic.PROTOCOL, "MessageGTP.getParameter.param[0]=" + params[0] + ", path=" + path); if (params.length >= 2 && params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("header")) { this.header.getParameter(var, params[1]); } else if ((params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("element") && params.length >= 2)) { List<ElementAbstract> list = ElementAbstract.getElementsFromTag(this.elements, params[1], dictionary); Iterator<ElementAbstract> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ElementAbstract elem = (ElementAbstract); elem.getParameter(var, params, path, 0, dictionary); } } else if (path.equalsIgnoreCase("data.binary")) { this.tpdu.getParameter(var, params, path, 0, dictionary); } else { Parameter.throwBadPathKeywordException(path); } } public Array encodeToArray() { SupArray array = new SupArray(); int imsiV1 = 0; if (this.elements != null) { Iterator<ElementAbstract> iter = this.elements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ElementAbstract elem = (ElementAbstract); array.addLast(elem.encodeToArray()); // IMSI, should remove 1 byte on payload length for GTPv1 as first byte is used to indicate IMSI type and not to define IMSI itself //if (header.getSyntax().equalsIgnoreCase("V1") && elem.getTag() == 2) // imsiV1 = -1; } } if (this.tpdu != null) array.addLast(this.tpdu.encodeToArray().clone()); GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(Topic.PROTOCOL, "MessageGTP.encodeToArray, array.length=" + array.length + ", header.size=" + header.calculateHeaderSize() + ", imsiV1=" + imsiV1); header.setLength(array.length + header.calculateHeaderSize() + imsiV1); array.addFirst(header.encodeToArray()); return array; } public String toXml() { StringBuilder messageToString = new StringBuilder(); messageToString.append(header.toXml()); messageToString.append("\n"); if (this.elements != null) { Iterator<ElementAbstract> iter = this.elements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ElementAbstract elem = (ElementAbstract); messageToString.append(elem.toXml()); } } if (this.tpdu != null) { messageToString.append(this.tpdu.toXml()); } return messageToString.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return toXml(); } public int getLength() { int msglength = 0; msglength = header.encodeToArray().length; GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(Topic.PROTOCOL, "MessageGTP.getLength.1.header.length=" + msglength); Iterator<ElementAbstract> iter = this.elements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ElementAbstract elem = (ElementAbstract); msglength += elem.encodeToArray().length; } GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(Topic.PROTOCOL, "MessageGTP.getLength.2.msglength=" + msglength); return msglength; } public String getSyntax() { return syntax; } public void setSyntax(String syntax) { this.syntax = syntax; } public void initDictionary(String syntax) throws Exception { this.dictionary = MessageGTP.dictionaries.get(syntax); if (this.dictionary == null) { XMLDoc xml = new XMLDoc(); String file = "../conf/gtp/dictionary_GTP" + syntax + ".xml"; xml.setXMLFile(new URI(file)); xml.parse(); Element rootDico = xml.getDocument().getRootElement(); this.dictionary = new Dictionary(rootDico, syntax); MessageGTP.dictionaries.put(syntax, dictionary); } } }