Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Devoteam * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * * This file is part of Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS) is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Multi-Protocol Test Suite (MTS). * If not, see <>. * */ package com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.genscript; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.Parameter; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.GlobalLogger; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.log.TextEvent; import com.devoteam.srit.xmlloader.core.protocol.Msg; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.XPath; import org.dom4j.dom.DOMElement; import; import org.dom4j.xpath.DefaultXPath; /** * Reprensent a generated Param * @author bthou */ public class Param { // name of the <parameter> operation String name; // operation and its values of the <parameter> operation String operation; String value; String value2; String value3; String editable; // rule to apply (REGEX, XPATH, PATHKEY) to replace the parameter into XML block String regle; // level of the parameter String remplacedValue; // flag to generate or not the XML line for the <parameter> operation boolean displayed = false; // level of the parameter to create static public String LEVEL_TEST = "test"; static public String LEVEL_TESTCASE = "testcase"; static public String LEVEL_SCENARIO = "scenario"; String level = LEVEL_SCENARIO; // XML tree of the <parameter> operation Element param; // target or scope of the parameter : "paramSendClient", "paramSendServer", "paramReceive" static public String TARGET_SENDCLIENT = "paramSendClient"; static public String TARGET_SENDSERVER = "paramSendServer"; static public String TARGET_RECCLIENT = "paramRecClient"; static public String TARGET_RECSERVER = "paramRecServer"; String target; // Getters et Setters public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String n) { name = n; } public String getOperation() { return operation; } public void setOperation(String o) { operation = o; } public String getRegle() { return regle; } public void setRegle(String r) { regle = r; } public void setValue(String v) { value = v; } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue2(String v2) { value2 = v2; } public String getValue2() { return value2; } public void setValue3(String v3) { value3 = v3; } public String getValue3() { return value3; } public void setEditable(String e) { editable = e; } public String getEditable() { return editable; } public String getRemplacedValue() { return remplacedValue; } public void setRemplacedValue(String remplacedValue) { if (getOperation().equals("set")) { setValue(remplacedValue); } this.remplacedValue = remplacedValue; } public boolean getDisplayed() { return displayed; } public void setDisplayed(boolean d) { displayed = d; } public String getLevel() { return level; } public void setLevel(String l) { level = l; } public Element getParam() { return param; } public void setParam(Element p) { param = p; } // -------------------------------- public String getTarget() { return target; } public void setTarget(String target) { = target; } // Constructeur public Param(String n, String l, String o, String r, String t) throws Exception { init(n, l, o, r, t); } // Constructeur private void init(String n, String l, String o, String r, String t) throws Exception { name = n; level = l; if ((!LEVEL_TEST.equalsIgnoreCase(level)) && (!LEVEL_TESTCASE.equalsIgnoreCase(level)) && (!LEVEL_SCENARIO.equalsIgnoreCase(level))) { throw new Exception("Bad config parameter level : " + n); } String[] operationTab = o.split(","); if (operationTab.length >= 1) { operation = operationTab[0]; } if (operationTab.length >= 2) { value = operationTab[1]; } if (operationTab.length >= 3) { value2 = operationTab[2]; } if (operationTab.length >= 4) { value3 = operationTab[3]; } regle = r; target = t; } public Param(String n, String o, String r, String t) throws Exception { // cut the level and the name int pos = n.indexOf(":"); name = n; level = LEVEL_SCENARIO; if (pos >= 0) { name = "[" + n.substring(pos + 1); level = n.substring(1, pos); } init(name, level, o, r, t); } // Methode pour cloner des parametres public Param clone() { Param clone = null; try { clone = new Param(getName(), getLevel(), getOperation(), getRegle(), getTarget()); clone.setValue(value); clone.setValue2(value2); clone.setValue3(value3); clone.setEditable(editable); clone.setDisplayed(displayed); } catch (Exception e) { // does not happen } return clone; } // Methode a appeler pour effectuer les substitution dans le message pass en paramtre public String applySubstitution(String text, Msg msg) throws Exception { String msgAvecParametres = ""; if (getRegle() != null) { String[] regexTab = getRegle().split("#"); // Si la regle est sous forme d'expression rgulire if (regexTab[0].toUpperCase().contains("REGEX")) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "Replace parameter " + getRegle() + " => " + name); String[] regexRule = Arrays.copyOfRange(regexTab, 1, regexTab.length); msgAvecParametres = regexRemplace(regexRule, 0, text); } // Si la regle est sous forme de xpath else if (regexTab[0].toUpperCase().contains("XPATH")) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "Replace parameter " + getRegle() + " => " + name); // Rcupration des paramtres String xpathRule = regexTab[1]; String attribut = regexTab[2]; attribut = attribut.replace("@", ""); // Cration de l'arbre DOM correspondant au message SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); try { Document document = ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("UTF-8"))); // Cration de l'objet XPATH ) selectionner XPath xpath = new DefaultXPath(xpathRule); // Rcupration des noeuds correspondants List<Node> nodes = xpath.selectNodes(document.getRootElement(), xpath); // Pour chaque noeuds modifier Element aRemplacer = null; for (Node n : nodes) { setRemplacedValue(n.getText()); if (n instanceof Element) { aRemplacer = (Element) n; } else { aRemplacer = n.getParent(); } String newValue = getName(); String oldValue = aRemplacer.attribute(attribut).getValue(); // On regarde si on est dans le cas de paramtres mixtes if (regexTab.length > 3) { if (regexTab[3].equals("REGEX")) { setRemplacedValue(null); String[] regexRule = Arrays.copyOfRange(regexTab, 4, regexTab.length); newValue = regexRemplace(regexRule, 0, oldValue); } } aRemplacer.setAttributeValue(attribut, newValue); } // Convertion en chane de caractre de l'arbre DOM du message msgAvecParametres = document.getRootElement().asXML(); } catch (Exception e) { } } // si la rgle est sous forme de pathkey else if (regexTab[0].toUpperCase().contains("PATHKEY")) { String valeurARemplacer = null; // On rcupre la valeur remplacer String pathKeyWord = regexTab[1]; if (msg != null) { Parameter valeurParamARemplacer = msg.getParameter(pathKeyWord); if (valeurParamARemplacer.length() > 0) { valeurARemplacer = valeurParamARemplacer.get(0).toString(); } // On remplace dans tout le message par le parametre if (valeurARemplacer != null) { msgAvecParametres = text.replace(valeurARemplacer, getName()); if (!msgAvecParametres.equals(text)) { GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().debug(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "Replace parameter " + valeurARemplacer + " => " + name); setRemplacedValue(valeurARemplacer); } } } } } // Si le message n'a pas subit de modification, on retourne null if (!isUsed()) { return null; } // Sinon on retourne le message modifi avec les paramtres return msgAvecParametres; } // Methode effectuant les remplacements public String regexRemplace(String[] regexTab, Integer i, String str) { // Si on arrive la fin de la cascade d'expression rgulire if (i == regexTab.length) { // On sauvegarde la valeur que l'on remplace if (remplacedValue == null) { setRemplacedValue(str); } // Si la valeur que l'on souhaite remplacer est bien la mme if (remplacedValue.equals(str)) { // On retourne le nom du paramtre return getName(); } // Sinon else { // On ne remplace pas return str; } } Pattern pattern0 = Pattern.compile(regexTab[i]); Matcher m0 = pattern0.matcher(str); StringBuffer sb0 = new StringBuffer(); while (m0.find()) { MatchResult mr = m0.toMatchResult(); String aRemplacer =; String remplacerPar = regexRemplace(regexTab, i + 1, aRemplacer); m0.appendReplacement(sb0, remplacerPar); } m0.appendTail(sb0); return sb0.toString(); } // Methode permettant de savoir si un paramtre est effectivement utilis ou pas public boolean isUsed() { return (getRemplacedValue() != null && !getRemplacedValue().contains("[") && !getRemplacedValue().contains("]")); } // Methodes pour connaitre le niveau d'application du paramtre public boolean isLevelTest() { return getLevel().equals(LEVEL_TEST); } public boolean isLevelTestcase() { return getLevel().equals(LEVEL_TESTCASE); } public boolean isLevelScenario() { return getLevel().equals(LEVEL_SCENARIO); } public boolean isTargetRec() { return getTarget().equals(TARGET_RECCLIENT) || getTarget().equals(TARGET_RECSERVER); } public boolean isTargetSend() { return getTarget().equals(TARGET_SENDCLIENT) || getTarget().equals(TARGET_SENDSERVER); } // Methodes pour dfinir le niveau d'application du paramtre public void setLevelTest() { setLevel(LEVEL_TEST); } public void setLevelTestcase() { setLevel(LEVEL_TESTCASE); } public void setLevelScenario() { setLevel(LEVEL_SCENARIO); } // Methode retournant la famille du parametre public String getFamily() { return getName().replaceAll("_[0-9]+]", "]"); } // Methode retournant la balise parameter public String toXml() { String parametre = ""; if ((getOperation() != null) && (getOperation().length() > 0) && ((getName().startsWith("[")) && (getName().endsWith("]")))) { parametre += " <parameter "; if (getName() != null) { parametre += "name=\"" + getName() + "\" "; } if (getOperation() != null) { parametre += "operation=\"" + getOperation() + "\" "; } if (getValue() != null) { parametre += "value=\"" + getValue() + "\" "; } if (getValue2() != null) { parametre += "value2=\"" + getValue2() + "\" "; } if (getValue3() != null) { parametre += "value3=\"" + getValue3() + "\" "; } if (getEditable() != null) { parametre += "editable=\"" + getEditable() + "\" "; } parametre += "/>\n"; } return parametre; } // Methode retournant le parametre comme element dom4j public Element toXmlElement() { if (getParam() == null) { param = new DOMElement("parameter"); if (getName() != null) { param.addAttribute("name", getName()); } if (getOperation() != null) { param.addAttribute("operation", getOperation()); } if (getValue() != null) { param.addAttribute("value", getValue()); } if (getValue2() != null) { param.addAttribute("value2", getValue2()); } if (getValue3() != null) { param.addAttribute("value3", getValue3()); } if (getEditable() != null) { param.addAttribute("editable", getEditable()); } } return getParam(); } public String toString() { return name + ";" + operation + ";" + regle; } }