Java tutorial
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Denim Group, Ltd. // // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License // Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is ThreadFix. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Denim Group, Ltd. // Portions created by Denim Group, Ltd. are Copyright (C) // Denim Group, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): Denim Group, Ltd. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.remoteprovider; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.annotations.RemoteProvider; import*; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.remoteprovider.utils.HttpResponse; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.remoteprovider.utils.RemoteProviderHttpUtils; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.DateUtils; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.HandlerWithBuilder; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.IntegerUtils; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.ScanUtils; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static com.denimgroup.threadfix.CollectionUtils.*; import static com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.impl.remoteprovider.utils.RemoteProviderHttpUtilsImpl.getImpl; @RemoteProvider(name = "WhiteHat Sentinel Source") public class WhiteHatSourceRemoteProvider extends AbstractRemoteProvider { private static final String APPLICATIONS_URL = ""; private static final String EXTRA_PARAMS_OPEN = "&display_steps=1&query_status=open", EXTRA_PARAMS_CLOSED = "&display_steps=1&query_status=closed"; private static final int PAGE_LIMIT = 1000; private static final String API_KEY = "API Key", OPEN_STATUS = "open", CLOSED_STATUS = "closed"; private static final String TAB_SPACE = "\t"; private String apiKey = null; private List<Calendar> scanDateList = list(); private Map<String, FindingStatus> findingStatusMap = map(); RemoteProviderHttpUtils utils = getImpl(this.getClass()); public WhiteHatSourceRemoteProvider() { super(ScannerType.SENTINEL_SOURCE); } @Override public List<Scan> getScans(RemoteProviderApplication remoteProviderApplication) {"Retrieving a WhiteHat Source scan."); apiKey = getAuthenticationFieldValue(API_KEY); String appName = remoteProviderApplication.getNativeName(); String siteId = remoteProviderApplication.getNativeId(); if (siteId == null) { LOG.warn("No build ID was parsed."); return null; // we failed. } else {"Retrieved build ID " + siteId + " for application " + appName); } saxFindingList = list(); String url = APPLICATIONS_URL + siteId + "/vuln/?key=" + apiKey + EXTRA_PARAMS_OPEN;"Requesting open findings from site ID " + siteId); getFindingsFromUrl(url);"Got " + saxFindingList.size() + " open findings from site ID " + siteId); url = APPLICATIONS_URL + siteId + "/vuln/?key=" + apiKey + EXTRA_PARAMS_CLOSED;"Requesting closed findings from site ID " + siteId); getFindingsFromUrl(url);"Got " + saxFindingList.size() + " open and closed findings from site ID " + siteId); List<Scan> scanList = list(); Collections.sort(scanDateList); List<Finding> newScanFindings; for (Calendar d : scanDateList) { date = d; newScanFindings = list(); for (Finding originalFinding : saxFindingList) { Finding finding = new Finding(originalFinding); if (findingStatusMap.containsKey(finding.getNativeId())) { FindingStatus findingStatus = findingStatusMap.get(finding.getNativeId()); if (d.compareTo(findingStatus.getOpenedDate()) >= 0) { // Checking if Finding is open at this time if (OPEN_STATUS.equals(findingStatus.getStatus())) { newScanFindings.add(finding); } else if (findingStatus.getClosedDate() != null && findingStatus.getClosedDate().after(d)) { newScanFindings.add(finding); } } } } scanList.add(makeNewScan(newScanFindings)); } if (scanList == null || scanList.size() == 0) { LOG.error("No scan was parsed, something is broken."); return null; }"WhiteHat " + " scans successfully parsed."); return filterScans(scanList); } /** * Get all open or closed findings and save them into saxFindingList * @param url */ private void getFindingsFromUrl(String url) { HttpResponse response = utils.getUrl(url); if (response.isValid()) { inputStream = response.getInputStream(); } else { LOG.warn("Received a bad response from WhiteHat servers, returning null."); return; } parseSAXInputWhiteHat(new WhiteHatSourceParser()); } @Override public List<RemoteProviderApplication> fetchApplications() { apiKey = getAuthenticationFieldValue(API_KEY); if (remoteProviderType == null || apiKey == null) { LOG.warn("Insufficient credentials."); return null; } WhiteHatAppsParser parser = getParserWithAllApps(); if (parser == null) { return null; } return parser.getApplications(); } private WhiteHatAppsParser getParserWithAllApps() { int pageOffset = 0; String paginationSettings = "&page:limit=" + PAGE_LIMIT + "&page:offset=" + pageOffset; WhiteHatAppsParser parser = new WhiteHatAppsParser(); HttpResponse response = utils.getUrl(APPLICATIONS_URL + "?key=" + apiKey + paginationSettings); if (response.isValid()) { parse(response.getInputStream(), parser); } else { LOG.error("Unable to retrieve applications due to " + response.getStatus() + " response status from WhiteHat servers."); return null; } int totalSitesAvailable = parser.getTotalSites(); while (parser.getApplications().size() < totalSitesAvailable) { pageOffset += PAGE_LIMIT; paginationSettings = "&page:limit=" + PAGE_LIMIT + "&page:offset=" + pageOffset; response = utils.getUrl(APPLICATIONS_URL + "?key=" + apiKey + paginationSettings); if (response.isValid()) { parse(response.getInputStream(), parser); } else { LOG.error("Unable to retrieve applications due to " + response.getStatus() + " response status from WhiteHat servers."); return null; } } return parser; } /** * This method parses input file to list of scan * @param handler * @return */ private void parseSAXInputWhiteHat(DefaultHandler handler) { LOG.debug("Starting WhiteHat SAX Parsing."); if (inputStream == null) return; ScanUtils.readSAXInput(handler, "Done Parsing.", inputStream); } private Scan makeNewScan(List<Finding> newScanFindings) { Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setFindings(newScanFindings); scan.setApplicationChannel(applicationChannel); if (date != null) { LOG.debug("SAX Parser found the scan date: " + date.getTime().toString()); scan.setImportTime(date); } else { LOG.warn("SAX Parser did not find the date."); } if (scan.getFindings() != null && scan.getFindings().size() != 0) LOG.debug("SAX Parsing successfully parsed " + scan.getFindings().size() + " Findings."); else LOG.warn("SAX Parsing did not find any Findings."); return scan; } public class WhiteHatAppsParser extends HandlerWithBuilder { public Map<String, String> idMap = map(); private String currentId = null; private String currentLabel; private String totalSites = null; public List<RemoteProviderApplication> getApplications() { List<RemoteProviderApplication> apps = list(); for (String label : idMap.keySet()) { RemoteProviderApplication remoteProviderApplication = new RemoteProviderApplication(); remoteProviderApplication.setNativeName(label); remoteProviderApplication.setNativeId(idMap.get(label)); remoteProviderApplication.setRemoteProviderType(remoteProviderType); apps.add(remoteProviderApplication); } return apps; } public int getTotalSites() { int total = 0; if (totalSites != null) { try { total = Integer.valueOf(totalSites); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { total = 0; } } return total; } public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { if ("application".equals(qName)) { currentId = atts.getValue("id"); currentLabel = atts.getValue("label"); idMap.put(currentLabel, currentId); currentId = null; currentLabel = null; } else if ("page".equals(qName)) { totalSites = atts.getValue("total"); } } } public class WhiteHatSourceParser extends HandlerWithBuilder { public Finding finding = new Finding(); private Map<FindingKey, String> map = enumMap(FindingKey.class); private boolean creatingVuln = false; private String currentFileName, traceId; private StringBuffer vulnTag = new StringBuffer(); private StringBuffer currentRawFinding = new StringBuffer(); private List<DataFlowElement> currentDataFlowElements = list(); String nativeId, appId, status; Calendar openedDate, closedDate; private void addFinding() { Finding finding = constructFinding(map); if (finding == null) { LOG.warn("Finding was null."); } else { finding.setNativeId(traceId); finding.setIsStatic(true); finding.setDataFlowElements(currentDataFlowElements); saxFindingList.add(finding); } traceId = null; creatingVuln = false; currentRawFinding.setLength(0); currentDataFlowElements = list(); } private String buildUrlReference(String siteId, String nativeId, String status) { String urlReference = null; if (siteId != null && nativeId != null) { urlReference = ScannerType.SENTINEL_SOURCE.getBaseUrl() + "?app_id=" + siteId + "&vuln_id=" + nativeId + "&status=" + status + "#elements"; } return urlReference; } public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { if ("source_vulns".equals(qName)) { } else if ("source_vuln".equals(qName)) { vulnTag.append(makeTag(name, qName, atts) + "\n"); map.clear(); nativeId = atts.getValue("id"); appId = atts.getValue("application_id"); status = atts.getValue("status"); currentFileName = atts.getValue("location"); map.put(FindingKey.VULN_CODE, atts.getIndex("class_readable") != -1 ? atts.getValue("class_readable") : atts.getValue("class")); map.put(FindingKey.SEVERITY_CODE, atts.getValue("risk")); map.put(FindingKey.URL_REFERENCE, buildUrlReference(appId, nativeId, status)); map.put(FindingKey.PATH, currentFileName); map.put(FindingKey.SOURCE_FILE_NAME, currentFileName); map.put(FindingKey.PARAMETER, null); openedDate = getCalendarAtMidnight(atts.getValue("opened")); closedDate = getCalendarAtMidnight(atts.getValue("closed")); if (openedDate != null && !scanDateList.contains(openedDate)) { scanDateList.add(openedDate); } if (closedDate != null && !scanDateList.contains(openedDate)) scanDateList.add(closedDate); } else if ("trace".equals(qName)) { creatingVuln = true; currentRawFinding.append(makeTag(name, qName, atts)); traceId = nativeId + "-" + atts.getValue("id"); map.put(FindingKey.NATIVE_ID, traceId); findingStatusMap.put(traceId, new FindingStatus(status, openedDate, closedDate)); } else if (creatingVuln) { currentRawFinding.append("\n" + makeTag(name, qName, atts)); if (qName.equals("step")) { DataFlowElement element = new DataFlowElement(); Integer lineNo = IntegerUtils.getPrimitive(atts.getValue("relative_line_number")) + IntegerUtils.getPrimitive(atts.getValue("start_line_number")); element.setLineNumber(lineNo); element.setLineText(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(getLineText(atts.getValue("code"), IntegerUtils.getPrimitive(atts.getValue("relative_line_number"))))); element.setSourceFileName(atts.getValue("filename")); element.setSequence(IntegerUtils.getPrimitive(atts.getValue("id"))); currentDataFlowElements.add(element); } } else { vulnTag.append("\n" + makeTag(name, qName, atts) + "\n"); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (creatingVuln) { currentRawFinding.append("</").append(qName).append(">"); } else { vulnTag.append(makeEndTag(null, qName) + "\n"); } if (qName.equals("trace")) { currentRawFinding.append("\n" + makeEndTag(null, "traces")); currentRawFinding.append("\n" + makeEndTag(null, "source_vuln")); map.put(FindingKey.RAWFINDING, vulnTag.toString() + currentRawFinding.toString()); addFinding(); } if ("source_vuln".equals(qName)) { vulnTag.setLength(0); } } } private String getLineText(String code, Integer lineNo) { String codeEscaped = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(code.getBytes())); String[] lines = codeEscaped.split("\n"); return lines.length < lineNo + 1 ? null : lines[lineNo].trim(); } private Calendar getCalendarAtMidnight(String found) { Calendar testedDate = DateUtils.getCalendarFromString("yyyy-MM-dd", found); if (testedDate != null) { testedDate.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); testedDate.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); testedDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); testedDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); } return testedDate; } private class FindingStatus { private String status; private Calendar openedDate, closedDate; public FindingStatus(String status, Calendar openedDate, Calendar closedDate) { this.status = status; this.openedDate = openedDate; this.closedDate = closedDate; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public Calendar getOpenedDate() { return openedDate; } public Calendar getClosedDate() { return closedDate; } } }