Java tutorial
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Denim Group, Ltd. // // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License // Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is ThreadFix. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Denim Group, Ltd. // Portions created by Denim Group, Ltd. are Copyright (C) // Denim Group, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): Denim Group, Ltd. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.cli; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.importer.util.RegexUtils; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.logging.SanitizedLogger; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; @Component public class ScriptRunner { private static final SanitizedLogger LOGGER = new SanitizedLogger(ScriptRunner.class); public boolean run(@Nonnull String scriptFile, @Nonnull String sqlConfigFile) { InputStream input = null; boolean isSuccess = true; // Create MySql Connection try { Properties prop = new Properties(); input = new FileInputStream(sqlConfigFile); // load a properties file prop.load(input); Class.forName(prop.getProperty("jdbc.driverClassName")); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(prop.getProperty("jdbc.url"), prop.getProperty("jdbc.username"), prop.getProperty("jdbc.password")); // Initialize object for ScripRunner com.ibatis.common.jdbc.ScriptRunner sr = new com.ibatis.common.jdbc.ScriptRunner(con, false, false); // Give the input file to Reader Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(scriptFile)); // Execute script sr.runScript(reader); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to Execute" + scriptFile + " The error is " + e.getMessage()); isSuccess = false; } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return isSuccess; } public long checkRunningAndFixStatements(String errorLogFile, String fixedSqlFile) { long errorCount = 0; File outputFixedScript = new File(fixedSqlFile); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(errorLogFile)); if (lines != null && lines.size() > 1) { fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFixedScript); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); String preLine = null; Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); osw.write("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;\n"); for (String currentLine : lines) { if (!currentLine.contains("Error executing: INSERT INTO")) { // Remove all weird characters if they cause 'incorrect string value' SQLExeption if (currentLine.toLowerCase().contains("incorrect string value")) { if (preLine != null) { String fixedStatement = preLine.replace("Error executing: ", "") .replaceAll("[^\\x00-\\x7F]", ""); osw.write(fixedStatement + ";\n"); } } // If there is unknown column, then delete that column and its value else if (currentLine.contains("MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column")) { osw.write(getFixedUnknownColStatement(currentLine, preLine.replace("Error executing: ", ""))); } // too long string for column, cut it off else if (currentLine.contains("Data too long for column")) { map = exactTableFromString(preLine); if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error("Unable to fix statement: " + preLine); LOGGER.error("Error was: " + currentLine); osw.write(preLine.replace("Error executing: ", "") + ";\n"); continue; } osw.write(fixLongColumnStatement(preLine, currentLine, map)); } // Older version of MySQL doesn't take time with fraction like '2015-10-28 13:01:59.289000000' else if (currentLine.contains("Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value")) { osw.write(fixDateWrongStatement(preLine, currentLine)); } else if (currentLine.contains("Packet for query is too large")) { LOGGER.error(currentLine); if (preLine.contains("INSERT INTO DOCUMENT")) { LOGGER.warn( "You have failed to import a big document. Please upload that document by ThreadFix UI."); map = exactTableFromString(preLine); if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { Map<String, String> fieldMap = (Map) map.get("tableFields"); for (String key : fieldMap.keySet()) { if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { LOGGER.warn(key + ": " + fieldMap.get(key)); } } } } else { osw.write(preLine.replace("Error executing: ", "") + ";\n"); } } else if (currentLine .contains("MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; " + "check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version")) { osw.write(fixSyntaxStatement(preLine.replace("Error executing: ", ""), currentLine)); } // Unresolved-yet SQLException, then write whole statement to fixed Sql script else { if (preLine != null && preLine.contains("Error executing: INSERT INTO")) { osw.write(preLine.replace("Error executing: ", "") + ";\n"); } } } else { errorCount += 1; } preLine = currentLine; } osw.write("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;\n"); osw.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error", e); } return errorCount; } private static String fixSyntaxStatement(String preLine, String currentLine) { String errorNearStr = getColName(currentLine, "MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(.*)' at"); return preLine.replace("''" + errorNearStr, "'\\'" + errorNearStr) + ";\n"; } private static String fixDateWrongStatement(String preLine, String currentLine) { String errorValue = getColName(currentLine, "Incorrect datetime value: '(.*)' for column"); String newValue = errorValue; String[] timeParts = newValue.split("\\."); if (timeParts.length == 2) { newValue = timeParts[0]; } String fixedStatement = preLine.replace("Error executing: ", "").replace(errorValue, newValue); return fixedStatement + ";\n"; } private static String fixLongColumnStatement(String preLine, String currentLine, Map map) { String colName = getColName(currentLine, "Data too long for column '(.*)' at"); String colDef = getColDef(colName, (String) map.get("tableName")); if (colDef != null) { String noOfChar = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(colDef, colName.toUpperCase() + " VARCHAR\\((.*)\\)"); if (noOfChar != null && !noOfChar.isEmpty()) { try { int noOfCharInt = Integer.parseInt(noOfChar); Map<String, String> fieldMap = (Map) map.get("tableFields"); String oldValue = fieldMap.get(colName.toUpperCase()); boolean isString = false; if (oldValue.startsWith("'") && oldValue.endsWith("'")) { isString = true; oldValue = oldValue.substring(1); oldValue = oldValue.substring(0, oldValue.length() - 1); } oldValue = oldValue.substring(0, noOfCharInt); if (isString) oldValue = "'" + oldValue + "'"; String colList = ""; String colValues = ""; for (String key : fieldMap.keySet()) { if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase(colName)) { colList = colList + key + ","; colValues = colValues + fieldMap.get(key) + ","; } } colList = colList + colName.toUpperCase(); colValues = colValues + oldValue; String fixedStatement = "INSERT INTO " + map.get("tableName") + "(" + colList + ") VALUES" + "(" + colValues + ")" + ";\n"; return fixedStatement; } catch (NumberFormatException exp) { exp.printStackTrace(); } } else { LOGGER.error("Couldn't find column definition"); } } LOGGER.error("Unable to fix " + preLine); String fixedStatement = preLine.replace("Error executing: ", ""); return fixedStatement + ";\n"; } private static String getColDef(String colName, String tableName) { try { String startStatement = ("Create new table:" + tableName + "(").toUpperCase(); colName = colName.toUpperCase(); String FIELD_PATTERN = "," + colName + " " + "(.*)"; List<String> logLines = FileUtils.readLines(new File("info.log")); for (String logLine : logLines) { logLine = logLine.toUpperCase(); if (logLine.startsWith(startStatement)) { String def = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(logLine, FIELD_PATTERN); def = def.split(",")[0]; return colName + " " + def; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static Map<String, Object> exactTableFromString(String currentLine) { String COL_LIST_PATTERN = "\\((.*)\\) VALUES\\("; String VALUE_LIST_PATTERN = "\\) VALUES\\((.*)\\)"; String TABLE_PATTERN = "INSERT INTO (.*)\\(ID"; String colListStr = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(currentLine, COL_LIST_PATTERN); String valueListStr = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(currentLine, VALUE_LIST_PATTERN).trim(); String table = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(currentLine, TABLE_PATTERN); String[] colList = colListStr.split(","); String[] valList = valueListStr.split(","); if (colList.length != valList.length || colList.length == 0) { LOGGER.error("Error in: " + currentLine); LOGGER.error("Number of values and columns don't match."); return null; } Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("tableName", table); Map<String, String> fieldMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < colList.length; i++) { fieldMap.put(colList[i].toUpperCase(), valList[i]); } map.put("tableFields", fieldMap); return map; } private String getFixedUnknownColStatement(String errorStr, String originalStatement) { String ERROR_COL_PATTERN = "Unknown column '(.*)' in 'field list'"; String COL_LIST_PATTERN = "\\((.*)\\) VALUES\\("; String VALUE_LIST_PATTERN = "\\) VALUES\\((.*)"; String TABLE_PATTERN = "INSERT INTO (.*)\\(ID,"; String colName = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(errorStr, ERROR_COL_PATTERN); String colListStr = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(originalStatement, COL_LIST_PATTERN); String valueListStr = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(originalStatement, VALUE_LIST_PATTERN).trim(); if (valueListStr.endsWith(")")) valueListStr = valueListStr.substring(0, valueListStr.length() - 1); String table = RegexUtils.getRegexResult(originalStatement, TABLE_PATTERN); int colIndex = findColIndex(colListStr, colName); String updatedColList = removeCol(colListStr, colIndex); String updatedValList = removeValue(valueListStr, colIndex, colListStr.split(",").length); String returnStr = "INSERT INTO " + table + "(" + updatedColList + ") VALUES" + "(" + updatedValList + ")"; return returnStr + ";\n"; } private static String getColName(String errorStr, String colPattern) { return RegexUtils.getRegexResult(errorStr, colPattern); } private String removeCol(String valueListStr, Integer colIndex) { if (colIndex == null) return valueListStr; String[] valList = valueListStr.split(","); if (colIndex >= valList.length || valList.length < 2) return valueListStr; StringBuffer newStr = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < valList.length; i++) if (i != colIndex) newStr.append("," + valList[i]); return newStr.toString().replaceFirst(",", ""); } private String removeValue(String valueListStr, Integer colIndex, Integer totalCol) { if (colIndex == null) return valueListStr; String separator = ","; int index = 1; String inSearchStr = valueListStr.substring(valueListStr.indexOf(separator)); String needRemoveVal = valueListStr.substring(0, valueListStr.indexOf(separator)); StringBuffer buildingStr = new StringBuffer(); while (index <= colIndex) { buildingStr.append(needRemoveVal); if (index < totalCol - 1) { if (inSearchStr.startsWith(",'")) { needRemoveVal = inSearchStr.substring(0, inSearchStr.indexOf("',") + 1); inSearchStr = inSearchStr.substring(inSearchStr.indexOf("',") + 1); } else if (inSearchStr.startsWith(",")) { inSearchStr = inSearchStr.replaceFirst(",", ""); needRemoveVal = "," + inSearchStr.substring(0, inSearchStr.indexOf(",")); inSearchStr = inSearchStr.substring(inSearchStr.indexOf(",")); } } else { if (inSearchStr.startsWith(",'") || inSearchStr.startsWith(",")) { needRemoveVal = inSearchStr; inSearchStr = ""; } else needRemoveVal = null; } index++; } if (index == colIndex + 1 && needRemoveVal != null) { buildingStr.append(inSearchStr); return buildingStr.toString(); } else { return valueListStr; } } private Integer findColIndex(String colListStr, String colName) { String[] colList = colListStr.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < colList.length; i++) if (colList[i].trim().equalsIgnoreCase(colName)) return i; return null; } }