Java tutorial
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Denim Group, Ltd. // // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License // Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is ThreadFix. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Denim Group, Ltd. // Portions created by Denim Group, Ltd. are Copyright (C) // Denim Group, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): Denim Group, Ltd. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import; import; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.logging.SanitizedLogger; import com.denimgroup.threadfix.views.AllViews; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonView; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL; import javax.persistence.*; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import java.util.*; import static com.denimgroup.threadfix.CollectionUtils.list; @Entity @Table(name = "Application") public class Application extends AuditableEntity { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1175222046579045669L; private static final SanitizedLogger log = new SanitizedLogger(Application.class); public static final String TEMP_PASSWORD = "this is not the password"; private List<AccessControlApplicationMap> accessControlApplicationMaps; private List<ScanQueueTask> scanQueueTasks; private List<ScheduledScan> scheduledScans; private List<EndpointPermission> endpointPermissions; public static final int NAME_LENGTH = 60, URL_LENGTH = 255, ENUM_LENGTH = 50; @NotEmpty(message = "{errors.required}") @Size(max = NAME_LENGTH, message = "{errors.maxlength} " + NAME_LENGTH + ".") private String name; String frameworkType = FrameworkType.DETECT.toString(), sourceCodeAccessLevel = SourceCodeAccessLevel.DETECT.toString(), repositoryFolder; @URL(message = "{errors.url}") @Size(min = 0, max = URL_LENGTH, message = "{errors.maxlength} " + URL_LENGTH + ".") private String repositoryUrl; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String repositoryRevision; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String repositoryBranch, repositoryDBBranch; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String repositoryUserName; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String repositoryPassword; @Size(max = 1024, message = "{errors.maxlength} 1024.") private String repositoryEncryptedPassword; @Size(max = 1024, message = "{errors.maxlength} 1024.") private String repositoryEncryptedUserName; private String repositoryType; @URL(message = "{errors.url}") @Size(min = 0, max = URL_LENGTH, message = "{errors.maxlength} " + URL_LENGTH + ".") private String url; @Size(min = 0, max = URL_LENGTH, message = "{errors.maxlength} " + URL_LENGTH + ".") private String uniqueId; @Size(max = 255, message = "{errors.maxlength} 255.") private String projectRoot; @Size(max = 255, message = "{errors.maxlength} 255.") private String rootPath; private Organization organization; private Waf waf; private ApplicationCriticality applicationCriticality; @Size(max = 50, message = "{errors.maxlength} 50.") private String projectName; @Size(max = 25, message = "{errors.maxlength} 25.") private String projectId; @Size(max = 50, message = "{errors.maxlength} 50.") private String component; private DefectTracker defectTracker; private DefaultDefectProfile mainDefaultDefectProfile; private GRCTool grcTool; private GRCApplication grcApplication; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String userName; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String password; @Size(max = 1024, message = "{errors.maxlength} 1024.") private String encryptedPassword; @Size(max = 1024, message = "{errors.maxlength} 1024.") private String encryptedUserName; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String obscuredPassword; @Size(max = 80, message = "{errors.maxlength} 80.") private String obscuredUserName; private List<Defect> defectList; private List<ApplicationChannel> channelList; private List<Scan> scans; private List<Event> events; private List<Vulnerability> vulnerabilities; private List<RemoteProviderApplication> remoteProviderApplications; private List<Document> documents; private List<VulnerabilityFilter> filters; private List<PolicyStatus> policyStatuses; // these are here so we don't generate them more than we need to private List<Integer> reportList = null; private List<Finding> findingList = null; private List<ApplicationChannel> uploadableChannels = null; // These are used for caching and will require frequent updates. private Integer infoVulnCount = 0, lowVulnCount = 0, mediumVulnCount = 0, highVulnCount = 0, criticalVulnCount = 0, totalVulnCount = 0; private Boolean skipApplicationMerge = false; private List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); private Boolean useDefaultCredentials = false; private Boolean useDefaultProject = false; private List<ApplicationVersion> versions; @Column(length = NAME_LENGTH, nullable = false) @JsonView(Object.class) // This means it will be included in all ObjectWriters with Views. public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } @Column(length = URL_LENGTH) @JsonView(Object.class) public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } @Column(length = 255) @JsonView({ AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.RestViewTag.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getUniqueId() { return uniqueId; } public void setUniqueId(String uniqueId) { this.uniqueId = uniqueId; } @Column(length = 50) @JsonView({ AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getProjectName() { return projectName; } public void setProjectName(String projectName) { this.projectName = projectName; } @Column(length = 25) @JsonView({ AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getProjectId() { return projectId; } public void setProjectId(String projectId) { this.projectId = projectId; } @Column(length = 50, nullable = true) @JsonView({ AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getComponent() { return component; } public void setComponent(String component) { this.component = component; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public String getUserName() { return userName; } public void setUserName(String userName) { this.userName = userName; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } @Column(length = 1024) @JsonIgnore public String getEncryptedPassword() { return encryptedPassword; } public void setEncryptedPassword(String encryptedPassword) { this.encryptedPassword = encryptedPassword; } @Column(length = 1024) @JsonIgnore public String getEncryptedUserName() { return encryptedUserName; } public void setEncryptedUserName(String encryptedUserName) { this.encryptedUserName = encryptedUserName; } @Transient @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getObscuredPassword() { if (repositoryEncryptedPassword == null || repositoryEncryptedPassword.trim().length() == 0) { return ""; } else { return "12345678"; } } @Transient @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getObscuredUserName() throws IllegalAccessException { return repositoryUserName; } @ManyToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE }) @JoinColumn(name = "defectTrackerId") @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public DefectTracker getDefectTracker() { return defectTracker; } public void setDefectTracker(DefectTracker defectTracker) { this.defectTracker = defectTracker; } @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "mainDefaultDefectProfileId") @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class }) public DefaultDefectProfile getMainDefaultDefectProfile() { return mainDefaultDefectProfile; } public void setMainDefaultDefectProfile(DefaultDefectProfile mainDefaultDefectProfile) { this.mainDefaultDefectProfile = mainDefaultDefectProfile; } @ManyToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE }) @JoinColumn(name = "grcToolId") @JsonIgnore public GRCTool getGrcTool() { return grcTool; } public void setGrcTool(GRCTool grcTool) { this.grcTool = grcTool; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") @JsonIgnore public List<Defect> getDefectList() { return defectList; } public void setDefectList(List<Defect> defectList) { this.defectList = defectList; } @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "organizationId") @JsonIgnore public Organization getOrganization() { return organization; } public void setOrganization(Organization organization) { this.organization = organization; } @ManyToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE }) @JoinColumn(name = "wafId") @JsonIgnore public Waf getWaf() { return waf; } public void setWaf(Waf waf) { this.waf = waf; } @Transient @JsonProperty("waf") @JsonView({ AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) private Map<String, Object> getWafRest() { if (waf == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("id", waf.getId()); map.put("name", waf.getName()); return map; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JsonIgnore public List<ApplicationChannel> getChannelList() { return channelList; } public void setChannelList(List<ApplicationChannel> channelList) { this.channelList = channelList; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JsonIgnore public List<ScanQueueTask> getScanQueueTasks() { return (this.scanQueueTasks); } public void setScanQueueTasks(List<ScanQueueTask> scanQueueTasks) { this.scanQueueTasks = scanQueueTasks; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JsonIgnore public List<ScheduledScan> getScheduledScans() { return scheduledScans; } public void setScheduledScans(List<ScheduledScan> scheduledScans) { this.scheduledScans = scheduledScans; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") @OrderBy("importTime DESC") @JsonView({ AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class }) public List<Scan> getScans() { if (scans == null) scans = list(); return scans; } public void setScans(List<Scan> scans) { this.scans = scans; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") @OrderBy("date ASC") @JsonIgnore public List<Event> getEvents() { return events; } public void setEvents(List<Event> events) { = events; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JsonIgnore public List<AccessControlApplicationMap> getAccessControlApplicationMaps() { return accessControlApplicationMaps; } public void setAccessControlApplicationMaps(List<AccessControlApplicationMap> accessControlApplicationMaps) { this.accessControlApplicationMaps = accessControlApplicationMaps; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @OrderBy("genericSeverity, genericVulnerability") @JsonIgnore public List<Vulnerability> getVulnerabilities() { return vulnerabilities; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class }) public List<PolicyStatus> getPolicyStatuses() { return policyStatuses; } public void setPolicyStatuses(List<PolicyStatus> policyStatuses) { this.policyStatuses = policyStatuses; } public void setVulnerabilities(List<Vulnerability> vulnerabilities) { this.vulnerabilities = vulnerabilities; } @Column(length = 256) @JsonIgnore public String getProjectRoot() { return projectRoot; } public void setProjectRoot(String projectRoot) { this.projectRoot = projectRoot; } @Column(length = 256) @JsonIgnore public String getRootPath() { return rootPath; } public void setRootPath(String rootPath) { this.rootPath = rootPath; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") @JsonIgnore public List<RemoteProviderApplication> getRemoteProviderApplications() { return remoteProviderApplications; } public void setRemoteProviderApplications(List<RemoteProviderApplication> remoteProviderApplications) { this.remoteProviderApplications = remoteProviderApplications; } @OneToOne(mappedBy = "application") @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeam2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWaf2_1.class, AllViews.RestVulnSearch.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public GRCApplication getGrcApplication() { return grcApplication; } public void setGrcApplication(GRCApplication grcApplication) { this.grcApplication = grcApplication; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") @JsonIgnore public List<Document> getDocuments() { return documents; } public void setDocuments(List<Document> documents) { this.documents = documents; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") @JsonIgnore public List<VulnerabilityFilter> getFilters() { return filters; } public void setFilters(List<VulnerabilityFilter> filters) { this.filters = filters; } @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "applicationCriticalityId") @JsonView(Object.class) public ApplicationCriticality getApplicationCriticality() { return applicationCriticality; } public void setApplicationCriticality(ApplicationCriticality applicationCriticality) { this.applicationCriticality = applicationCriticality; } public void setVulnerabilityReport(List<Integer> vulnReport) { this.reportList = vulnReport; setInfoVulnCount(reportList.get(0)); setLowVulnCount(reportList.get(1)); setMediumVulnCount(reportList.get(2)); setHighVulnCount(reportList.get(3)); setCriticalVulnCount(reportList.get(4)); setTotalVulnCount(reportList.get(5)); } @Column @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Integer getTotalVulnCount() { return totalVulnCount == null ? 0 : totalVulnCount; } public void setTotalVulnCount(Integer totalVulnCount) { this.totalVulnCount = totalVulnCount; } @Column @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Integer getInfoVulnCount() { return infoVulnCount == null ? 0 : infoVulnCount; } public void setInfoVulnCount(Integer infoVulnCount) { this.infoVulnCount = infoVulnCount; } @Column @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Integer getLowVulnCount() { return lowVulnCount == null ? 0 : lowVulnCount; } public void setLowVulnCount(Integer lowVulnCount) { this.lowVulnCount = lowVulnCount; } @Column @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Integer getMediumVulnCount() { return mediumVulnCount == null ? 0 : mediumVulnCount; } public void setMediumVulnCount(Integer mediumVulnCount) { this.mediumVulnCount = mediumVulnCount; } @Column @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Integer getHighVulnCount() { return highVulnCount == null ? 0 : highVulnCount; } public void setHighVulnCount(Integer highVulnCount) { this.highVulnCount = highVulnCount; } @Column @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Integer getCriticalVulnCount() { return criticalVulnCount == null ? 0 : criticalVulnCount; } public void setCriticalVulnCount(Integer criticalVulnCount) { this.criticalVulnCount = criticalVulnCount; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public List<Finding> getFindingList() { if (findingList != null) return findingList; List<Finding> findings = new ArrayList<Finding>(); for (Vulnerability vuln : getVulnerabilities()) { for (Finding finding : vuln.getFindings()) { if (finding != null) { findings.add(finding); } } } findingList = findings; return findings; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public List<Vulnerability> getActiveVulnerabilities() { List<Vulnerability> result = new ArrayList<Vulnerability>(); for (Vulnerability vuln : vulnerabilities) { if (vuln.isActive() && !vuln.getHidden() && !vuln.getIsFalsePositive()) { result.add(vuln); } } return result; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public List<Vulnerability> getClosedVulnerabilities() { List<Vulnerability> result = new ArrayList<Vulnerability>(); for (Vulnerability vuln : vulnerabilities) { if (!vuln.isActive()) { result.add(vuln); } } return result; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public List<ApplicationChannel> getUploadableChannels() { if (uploadableChannels != null) return uploadableChannels; List<ApplicationChannel> normalList = getChannelList(); if (normalList == null || normalList.size() == 0) return new ArrayList<ApplicationChannel>(); Set<String> doNotIncludeSet = new HashSet<String>(); doNotIncludeSet.add(ScannerType.MANUAL.getDisplayName()); doNotIncludeSet.add(ScannerType.SENTINEL.getDisplayName()); doNotIncludeSet.add(ScannerType.VERACODE.getDisplayName()); doNotIncludeSet.add(ScannerType.QUALYSGUARD_WAS.getDisplayName()); List<ApplicationChannel> returnList = new ArrayList<ApplicationChannel>(); for (ApplicationChannel channel : normalList) { if (channel != null && channel.getChannelType() != null && channel.getChannelType().getName() != null && !doNotIncludeSet.contains(channel.getChannelType().getName())) { returnList.add(channel); } } uploadableChannels = returnList; return returnList; } @Column(length = ENUM_LENGTH) @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getFrameworkType() { return frameworkType; } public void setFrameworkType(String frameworkType) { this.frameworkType = frameworkType; } @Column(length = ENUM_LENGTH) @JsonIgnore public String getSourceCodeAccessLevel() { return sourceCodeAccessLevel; } public void setSourceCodeAccessLevel(String sourceCodeAccessLevel) { this.sourceCodeAccessLevel = sourceCodeAccessLevel; } @Transient public String getSvnRepositoryUrl() { if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(repositoryUrl, "/trunk") || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(repositoryUrl, "/branches")) { return repositoryUrl; } else { return repositoryUrl + "/trunk"; } } @Column(length = URL_LENGTH) @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getRepositoryUrl() { return repositoryUrl; } public void setRepositoryUrl(String repositoryUrl) { this.repositoryUrl = repositoryUrl; } @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getRepositoryBranch() { return repositoryBranch; } public void setRepositoryBranch(String repositoryBranch) { this.repositoryBranch = repositoryBranch; } @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class }) public String getRepositoryRevision() { return repositoryRevision; } public void setRepositoryRevision(String repositoryRevision) { this.repositoryRevision = repositoryRevision; } @JsonIgnore public String getRepositoryDBBranch() { return repositoryDBBranch; } public void setRepositoryDBBranch(String repositoryDBBranch) { this.repositoryDBBranch = repositoryDBBranch; } @Transient @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getRepositoryUserName() { return repositoryUserName; } public void setRepositoryUserName(String repositoryUserName) { this.repositoryUserName = repositoryUserName; } @Transient @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getRepositoryPassword() { return repositoryPassword; } public void setRepositoryPassword(String repositoryPassword) { this.repositoryPassword = repositoryPassword; } @Column(length = 1024) @JsonIgnore public String getRepositoryEncryptedPassword() { return repositoryEncryptedPassword; } public void setRepositoryEncryptedPassword(String repositoryEncryptedPassword) { this.repositoryEncryptedPassword = repositoryEncryptedPassword; } @Column(length = 1024) @JsonIgnore public String getRepositoryEncryptedUserName() { return repositoryEncryptedUserName; } public void setRepositoryEncryptedUserName(String repositoryEncryptedUserName) { this.repositoryEncryptedUserName = repositoryEncryptedUserName; } @Column(length = URL_LENGTH) @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public String getRepositoryFolder() { return repositoryFolder; } public void setRepositoryFolder(String repositoryFolder) { this.repositoryFolder = repositoryFolder; } @Column @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class }) public String getRepositoryType() { return repositoryType; } public void setRepositoryType(String repositoryType) { this.repositoryType = repositoryType; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public FrameworkType getFrameworkTypeEnum() { return FrameworkType.getFrameworkType(frameworkType); } @Transient @JsonIgnore public SourceCodeAccessLevel getSourceCodeAccessLevelEnum() { return SourceCodeAccessLevel.getSourceCodeAccessLevel(sourceCodeAccessLevel); } @Transient @JsonIgnore // this uses VulnerabilityMarker[] to ease JSON transitions public List<VulnerabilityMarker> getMarkers() { List<VulnerabilityMarker> markers = new ArrayList<VulnerabilityMarker>(); for (Vulnerability vulnerability : getVulnerabilities()) { if (vulnerability != null) { markers.add(vulnerability.toVulnerabilityMarker()); } } return markers; } public static class Info { public String applicationName, organizationName, applicationId; public String getApplicationId() { return applicationId; } public String getOrganizationName() { return organizationName; } public String getApplicationName() { return applicationName; } } @Transient @JsonIgnore public Info getInfo() { Info info = new Info(); info.applicationId = getId().toString(); info.organizationName = getOrganization().getName(); info.applicationName = getName(); return info; } @Transient public void addVulnerability(Vulnerability vuln) { if (vuln == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null passed to addVulnerability"); } if (!this.getVulnerabilities().contains(vuln)) { this.getVulnerabilities().add(vuln); } vuln.setApplication(this); } // TODO exclude from default ObjectMapper @Transient @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.VulnSearchApplications.class, AllViews.RestViewTag.class, AllViews.DefectTrackerInfos.class, AllViews.PolicyPageView.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Map<String, Object> getTeam() { Organization team = getOrganization(); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (team != null) { map.put("id", team.getId()); map.put("name", team.getName()); } return map; } public void setTeam(Organization organization) { this.organization = organization; } @Transient @JsonView({ AllViews.RestViewApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestCreateApplication2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) @JsonProperty("organization") public Map<String, Object> getOrganizationRest() { Organization team = getOrganization(); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("id", team.getId()); map.put("name", team.getName()); return map; } @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class }) @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application") public List<EndpointPermission> getEndpointPermissions() { return endpointPermissions; } public void setEndpointPermissions(List<EndpointPermission> endpointPermissions) { this.endpointPermissions = endpointPermissions; } @Column(nullable = true) @JsonView({ AllViews.TableRow.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class, AllViews.RestViewTeams2_1.class, AllViews.RestViewWafs2_1.class }) public Boolean getSkipApplicationMerge() { return skipApplicationMerge != null && skipApplicationMerge; } public void setSkipApplicationMerge(Boolean isSkipApplicationMerge) { this.skipApplicationMerge = isSkipApplicationMerge; } @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinTable(name = "Application_Tag", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "Application_Id") }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "Tag_Id") }) @JsonView({ AllViews.RestViewTag.class, AllViews.FormInfo.class }) public List<Tag> getTags() { return tags; } public void setTags(List<Tag> tags) { this.tags = tags; } @Transient @JsonView(AllViews.FormInfo.class) public List<Policy> getPolicies() { List<Policy> policyList = list(); for (PolicyStatus policyStatus : policyStatuses) { policyList.add(policyStatus.getPolicy()); } return policyList; } @Column public Boolean isUseDefaultProject() { return useDefaultProject; } public void setUseDefaultProject(Boolean useDefaultProject) { this.useDefaultProject = useDefaultProject; } @Column public Boolean isUseDefaultCredentials() { return useDefaultCredentials; } public void setUseDefaultCredentials(Boolean useDefaultCredentials) { this.useDefaultCredentials = useDefaultCredentials; } @OneToMany(mappedBy = "application", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JsonIgnore public List<ApplicationVersion> getVersions() { if (versions != null) { Collections.sort(versions); } return versions; } public void setVersions(List<ApplicationVersion> versions) { this.versions = versions; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } @Transient @JsonIgnore public boolean containTag(Tag tag) { for (Tag appTag : getTags()) { if (appTag.getId().compareTo(tag.getId()) == 0) return true; } return false; } }