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//     Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Denim Group, Ltd.
//     The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
//     Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
//     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
//     basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
//     License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
//     under the License.
//     The Original Code is ThreadFix.
//     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Denim Group, Ltd.
//     Portions created by Denim Group, Ltd. are Copyright (C)
//     Denim Group, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
//     Contributor(s): Denim Group, Ltd.

import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.criterion.*;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import static com.denimgroup.threadfix.CollectionUtils.*;
import static;
import static org.hibernate.criterion.Projections.rowCount;
import static org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions.*;

 * Hibernate Scan DAO implementation. Most basic methods are implemented in the
 * AbstractGenericDao
 * @author mcollins
public class HibernateScanDao extends AbstractObjectDao<Scan> implements ScanDao {

    EventDao eventDao;

    public HibernateScanDao(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {

    public void deleteScanFileLocations() {
        List<Scan> list = retrieveAll();
        for (Scan scan : list) {

    protected Order getOrder() {
        return Order.desc("importTime");

    public List<Scan> retrieveByApplicationIdList(List<Integer> applicationIdList) {

        if (applicationIdList == null || applicationIdList.isEmpty()) {
            return list();

        List<Integer> scanIds = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Application.class)
                .add("id", applicationIdList)).createAlias("scans", "scans")
                .add(Restrictions.eq("scans.lockedMetadata", false))

        if (scanIds != null && !scanIds.isEmpty()) {
            return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Scan.class).add("id", scanIds))
        } else {
            return list();


    protected Class<Scan> getClassReference() {
        return Scan.class;

    public void delete(Scan scan) {
        sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(new DeletedScan(scan));

    public void deleteMap(ScanCloseVulnerabilityMap map) {
        sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(new DeletedCloseMap(map));

    public void deleteMap(ScanReopenVulnerabilityMap map) {
        sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(new DeletedReopenMap(map));

    public void deleteMap(ScanRepeatFindingMap map) {
        sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(new DeletedRepeatFindingMap(map));

    public long getFindingCount(Integer scanId) {
        Long actualFindings = (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .add(Restrictions.isNotNull("vulnerability")).add(eq("", scanId)).setProjection(rowCount())

        Long mappings = (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ScanRepeatFindingMap.class)
                .createAlias("finding", "finding").add(Restrictions.isNotNull("finding.vulnerability"))
                .add(eq("", scanId)).setProjection(rowCount()).uniqueResult();

        return actualFindings + mappings;

    public long getFindingCountUnmapped(Integer scanId) {
        Long actualFindings = (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .add(isNull("vulnerability")).add(eq("", scanId)).setProjection(rowCount()).uniqueResult();

        Long mappings = (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ScanRepeatFindingMap.class)
                .createAlias("finding", "finding").add(isNull("finding.vulnerability")).add(eq("", scanId))

        return actualFindings + mappings;


    // These should probably be saved in the scans and then updated when necessary (scan deletions, database updates)
    // That could be messy but querying the database every time is not absolutely necessary.

    public long getTotalNumberSkippedResults(Integer scanId) {
        Object response = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                        "select sum( finding.numberMergedResults ) " + "from Finding finding where scan = :scan")
                .setInteger("scan", scanId).uniqueResult();
        long totalMergedResults = 0, totalResults = 0;
        if (response != null) {
            totalMergedResults = (Long) response;

        response = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery("select count(*) from Finding finding where scan = :scan").setInteger("scan", scanId)

        if (response != null) {
            totalResults = (Long) response;

        return totalMergedResults - totalResults;

    public long getNumberWithoutChannelVulns(Integer scanId) {
        return (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .add(isNull("channelVulnerability")).add(eq("", scanId)).setProjection(rowCount())

    public long getNumberWithoutGenericMappings(Integer scanId) {
        return (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .createAlias("channelVulnerability", "vuln").add(Restrictions.isEmpty("vuln.vulnerabilityMaps"))
                .add(eq("", scanId)).setProjection(rowCount()).uniqueResult();

    public long getTotalNumberFindingsMergedInScan(Integer scanId) {
        long numUniqueVulnerabilities = (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .createAlias("vulnerability", "vuln").add(eq("", scanId))

        long numFindingsWithVulnerabilities = (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                .add(eq("", scanId)).setProjection(rowCount()).uniqueResult();

        return numFindingsWithVulnerabilities - numUniqueVulnerabilities;

    public void deleteFindingsAndScan(Scan scan) {
        if (scan == null) {

        List<DataFlowElement> dataFlowElements = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery("from DataFlowElement element "
                        + "where element.finding in (select id from Finding where scan = :scan)")
                .setInteger("scan", scan.getId()).list();

        for (DataFlowElement dataFlowElement : dataFlowElements) {
            sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(new DeletedDataFlowElement(dataFlowElement));

        List<SurfaceLocation> surfaceLocations = null;

        surfaceLocations = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery("from SurfaceLocation "
                        + "where id in (select from Finding where scan = :scan)")
                .setInteger("scan", scan.getId()).list();

        for (SurfaceLocation surfaceLocation : surfaceLocations) {
            sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(new DeletedSurfaceLocation(surfaceLocation));

        // The following sections were moved from an aspect so that they're now in the same transaction

        for (Finding finding : scan.getFindings()) {
            for (Event event : eventDao.retrieveAllByFinding(finding)) {

        for (Event event : listFrom(scan.getEvents())) {

        for (ScanCloseVulnerabilityMap map : listFrom(scan.getScanCloseVulnerabilityMaps())) {

        // end section from aspect

        List<Finding> findings = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Finding where scan = :scan")
                .setInteger("scan", scan.getId()).list();

        for (Finding finding : findings) {
            sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(new DeletedFinding(finding));

            for (EndpointPermission endpointPermission : finding.getEndpointPermissions()) {


        findings = null;

        if (surfaceLocations != null) {
            for (SurfaceLocation surfaceLocation : surfaceLocations) {


    public List<Scan> retrieveMostRecent(int number, Set<Integer> authenticatedAppIds,
            Set<Integer> authenticatedTeamIds) {

        Criteria baseCriteria = getBaseScanCriteria().addOrder(Order.desc("id")).setMaxResults(number);

        Criteria result = addFiltering(baseCriteria, authenticatedTeamIds, authenticatedAppIds);

        return result.list();

    public List<Scan> retrieveMostRecent(int number) {
        return getBaseScanCriteria().addOrder(Order.desc("id")).setMaxResults(number).list();

    public List<Scan> getTableScans(Integer page) {

        return getBaseScanCriteria().setFirstResult((page - 1) * 100).setMaxResults(100)

    public List<Scan> getTableScans(Integer page, Set<Integer> authenticatedAppIds,
            Set<Integer> authenticatedTeamIds) {

        Criteria criteria = getBaseScanCriteria().setFirstResult((page - 1) * 100).setMaxResults(100)

        Criteria filteredCriteria = addFiltering(criteria, authenticatedTeamIds, authenticatedAppIds);
        return filteredCriteria.list();

    public List<Scan> retrieveAll() {
        Criteria criteria = getBaseScanCriteria().addOrder(getOrder());

        return criteria.list();

    public int getScanCount() {
        Long result = (Long) getBaseScanCriteria().setProjection(rowCount()).uniqueResult();

        return safeLongToInt(result);

    public int getScanCount(Set<Integer> authenticatedAppIds, Set<Integer> authenticatedTeamIds) {

        Criteria criteria = getBaseScanCriteria().setProjection(rowCount());

        Criteria filteredCriteria = addFiltering(criteria, authenticatedTeamIds, authenticatedAppIds);

        return safeLongToInt((Long) filteredCriteria.uniqueResult());

    private Criteria getBaseScanCriteria() {
        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Scan.class).createAlias("application", "app")
                .add(eq("", true));

    private Criteria addFiltering(Criteria criteria, Set<Integer> teamIds, Set<Integer> appIds) {

        boolean useAppIds = appIds != null, useTeamIds = teamIds != null;

        if (teamIds != null && teamIds.isEmpty()) {
            teamIds = set(0);

        if (appIds != null && appIds.isEmpty()) {
            appIds = set(0);

        if (!useAppIds && !useTeamIds) {
            return criteria;

        if (useAppIds && useTeamIds) {
            criteria.createAlias("app.organization", "team").add(eq("", true))
                    .add(or("", appIds),"", teamIds)));
        } else if (useAppIds) {
            criteria.add("", appIds));
        } else {
            criteria.createAlias("app.organization", "team").add("", teamIds))
                    .add(eq("", true));
        return criteria;

    private static int safeLongToInt(long l) {
        if (l < Integer.MIN_VALUE || l > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        return (int) l;

    public List<String> loadScanFilenames() {
        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery("select s.fileName from Scan s where s.fileName is not null").list();

    public List<Finding> getFindingsWithIds(List<Integer> findingIds) {

        if (findingIds == null || findingIds.isEmpty()) {
            return list();

        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class).add(isEmpty("statisticsCounters"))
                .add(in("id", findingIds)).list();

    public List<Integer> findingIdsThatNeedCounters(Collection<Integer> findingIdRestrictions) {

        List<Integer> findingIds = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .createAlias("vulnerability", "vulnAlias").createAlias("vulnAlias.application", "appAlias")
                .add(eq("", true)).add(isEmpty("statisticsCounters")).setProjection(property("id"))

        Set<Integer> restrictionSet = setFrom(findingIdRestrictions);
        Set<Integer> emptyStatsCountersTests = setFrom(findingIds);


        return listFrom(emptyStatsCountersTests);

    public List<Integer> findingIdsThatNeedCountersInApps(List<Integer> appIds,
            Collection<Integer> findingIdRestrictions) {
        if (appIds == null)
            return findingIdsThatNeedCounters(findingIdRestrictions);

        if (appIds.size() == 0) {
            return list();

        List<Integer> findingIds = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .createAlias("vulnerability", "vulnAlias").createAlias("vulnAlias.application", "appAlias")
                .add(eq("", true)).add(in("", appIds)).add(isEmpty("statisticsCounters"))

        // these are IDs for findings that should have stats counters
        Set<Integer> findingIdRestrictionSet = setFrom(findingIdRestrictions);

        // these are IDs for findings that don't have stats counters
        Set<Integer> findingsWithEmptyStatsCounters = setFrom(findingIds);

        // this set should then be IDs for findings that don't have stats counters but should

        return listFrom(findingsWithEmptyStatsCounters);

    private Criteria getBaseCounterCriteria(List<Integer> appIds, Collection<Integer> findingIdRestrictions) {
        Criteria criteria = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .createAlias("vulnerability", "vulnAlias").createAlias("vulnAlias.application", "appAlias")
                .add(eq("", true)).add(isEmpty("statisticsCounters"));

        if (findingIdRestrictions != null && !findingIdRestrictions.isEmpty()) {
            criteria.add(in("id", findingIdRestrictions));

        if (appIds != null && !appIds.isEmpty()) {
            criteria.add(in("", appIds));
        return criteria;

    public List<ScanRepeatFindingMap> getMapsThatNeedCounters(int page) {
        return getBasicMapCriteria().setMaxResults(100).setFirstResult(page * 100).list();

    private Integer hashIt(Object date, Object second, Object third) {

        int result = date != null ? date.hashCode() : 0;
        result = 31 * result + (second instanceof Integer ? (Integer) second : 0);
        result = 31 * result + (third instanceof Integer ? (Integer) third : 0);
        return result;

     * I want to get the earliest finding for each channeltype for each vulnerability
     * This solves the problem we had before where vulnerabilities with findings merged
     * over different scanners had incorrect statistics because firstFindingForVuln was used in stats
     * calculation
     * This involves testing uniqueness over the following fields:
     *  - vuln ID
     *  - scan ID (time, so we can sort)
     *  - channel ID
     * Then sort by date and take the earliest one. It will then go through another SQL statement
     * to make sure it's appropriate. We also need to cache this for multiple runs.
     * Strategy-wise, we get all of these fields and hash them to create a key
     * This is a much smaller structure than hibernate objects. We want that to reduce the
     * memory footprint of this algorithm.
     * With a caveat: some findings have a higher priority than others. If the finding already has a
     * counter, we want to include it in the list so that another finding merged to that finding doesn't
     * also get a counter, leading to that vulnerability getting double counted. Also, if one is marked
     * "firstFindingForVuln" we probably want that one.
    public Collection<Integer> getEarliestFindingIdsForVulnPerChannel(List<Integer> appIds) {

        Criteria criteria = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Finding.class)
                .createAlias("vulnerability", "vulnAlias").createAlias("vulnAlias.application", "appAlias")
                .createAlias("scan", "scanAlias").createAlias("scanAlias.applicationChannel", "appChannelAlias")
                .addOrder(Order.asc("scanAlias.importTime")).add(eq("", true))
                .setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add(property("scanAlias.importTime")) // 0
                        .add(property("")) // 1
                        .add(property("")) // 2
                        .add(property("id")) // 3
                        .add(property("firstFindingForVuln")) // 4
                        .add(property("hasStatisticsCounter")) // 5

        if (appIds != null && !appIds.isEmpty()) {
            criteria.add(in("", appIds));

        List<Object[]> results = criteria.list();

        // map makes more sense than array because the ints aren't small
        // this is the hashed (time + app channel + vuln ID) -> finding ID
        Map<Integer, Integer> resultMap = map();

        for (Object[] singleResult : results) {
            // this boolean means that the vulnerability should be counted instead of
            // other vulnerabilities with the same hash. The singleResult[5] section
            // indicates that the finding has already been counted and helps us to not double-count
            // vulnerabilities.
            boolean highPriority = true;
            if (singleResult[4] != null && singleResult[5] != null) {
                highPriority = (Boolean) singleResult[4] || (Boolean) singleResult[5];
            int hash = hashIt(singleResult[0], singleResult[1], singleResult[2]);

            if (highPriority || !resultMap.containsKey(hash)) {
                // add the entry for the finding ID
                resultMap.put(hash, (Integer) singleResult[3]);

        return resultMap.values();

    public List<Integer> mapIDsThatNeedCountersInApps(List<Integer> appIds,
            Collection<Integer> findingIdRestrictions) {

        // get list of finding IDs to ScanRepeatFindingMapIDs
        ProjectionList list = Projections.projectionList().add( // 0
                .add("")); // 1
        List<Object[]> idArrayList = getBasicMapCriteria().createAlias("finding", "findingAlias")

        // move results into Java Map
        // needs to be int -> list<int> because you can have multiple maps to a single finding ID
        // and they all need counters
        Map<Integer, List<Integer>> findingIdToMapIdMap = map();
        for (Object[] integers : idArrayList) {
            if (integers[0] instanceof Integer && integers[1] instanceof Integer) {
                Integer findingId = (Integer) integers[1], mapId = (Integer) integers[0];
                if (!findingIdToMapIdMap.containsKey(findingId)) {
                    findingIdToMapIdMap.put(findingId, listOf(Integer.class));


        // keep only valid finding IDs
        Set<Integer> keys = findingIdToMapIdMap.keySet();

        // map to the ScanRepeatFindingMap IDs
        List<Integer> mapIds = list();
        for (Integer key : keys) {
        return mapIds;

    private Criteria getBasicMapCriteria() {

        DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(StatisticsCounter.class)
                .createAlias("scanRepeatFindingMap", "mapAlias").add(Restrictions.isNotNull("scanRepeatFindingMap"))

        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ScanRepeatFindingMap.class)

    public List<ScanRepeatFindingMap> getMapsForIDs(List<Integer> mapIDs) {
        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ScanRepeatFindingMap.class)
                .add("id", mapIDs)).list();