Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 deltaDNA Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; final class AdServiceImpl implements AdService { private static final String VERSION = "SmartAds v" + BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME; private static final boolean DEFAULT_AD_SHOW_POINT = true; private static final boolean DEFAULT_AD_DEBUG_MODE = true; private static final int DEFAULT_AD_MINIMUM_INTERVAL = 0; private static final int DEFAULT_AD_MAX_PER_SESSION = -1; private final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); private final ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler; private final Activity activity; private final AdServiceListener listener; private final AdMetrics metrics; private final LocalBroadcastManager broadcasts; private final Set<AdAgentListener> adAgentListeners; private Privacy privacy; private AdAgent interstitialAgent; private AdAgent rewardedAgent; private boolean adDebugMode = DEFAULT_AD_DEBUG_MODE; private int adMinimumInterval = DEFAULT_AD_MINIMUM_INTERVAL; private int adMaxPerSession = DEFAULT_AD_MAX_PER_SESSION; AdServiceImpl(Activity activity, AdServiceListener listener, String sdkVersion) { Preconditions.checkArg(activity != null, "activity cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkArg(listener != null, "listener cannot be null"); Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Initialising AdService version " + VERSION); String version = ""; int versionCode = -1; try { final PackageInfo info = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getPackageName(), 0); version = info.versionName; versionCode = info.versionCode; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Failed to read app versions", e); } exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(activity.getApplicationContext(), version, versionCode, sdkVersion, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(exceptionHandler); this.activity = activity; this.listener = MainThread.redirect(listener, AdServiceListener.class); metrics = new AdMetrics( activity.getSharedPreferences(Preferences.METRICS.preferencesName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE)); broadcasts = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(activity.getApplicationContext()); adAgentListeners = Collections .unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new AgentListener(), new Broadcaster()))); // dynamically load the DebugReceiver try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Class<BroadcastReceiver> cls = (Class<BroadcastReceiver>) Class .forName(""); broadcasts.registerReceiver(cls.newInstance(), Actions.FILTER); Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "DebugReceiver registered"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "DebugReceiver not found in classpath"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Failed to load DebugReceiver", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Failed to load DebugReceiver", e); } } @Override public void onNewSession() { metrics.newSession(new Date()); broadcasts.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Actions.SESSION_UPDATED)); } @Override public void configure(JSONObject configuration, boolean cached, boolean userConsent, boolean ageRestricted) { this.privacy = new Privacy(userConsent, ageRestricted); configure(configuration, cached); } @Override public boolean isInterstitialAdAllowed(@Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters, boolean checkTime) { return isAdAllowed(interstitialAgent, decisionPoint, parameters, checkTime); } @Override public boolean isRewardedAdAllowed(@Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters, boolean checkTime) { return isAdAllowed(rewardedAgent, decisionPoint, parameters, checkTime); } @Override public int timeUntilRewardedAdAllowed(@Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters) { return timeUntilAdAllowed(rewardedAgent, decisionPoint, parameters); } @Override public boolean hasLoadedInterstitialAd() { return interstitialAgent != null && interstitialAgent.hasLoadedAd(); } @Override public boolean hasLoadedRewardedAd() { return rewardedAgent != null && rewardedAgent.hasLoadedAd(); } @Override public void showInterstitialAd(@Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters) { if (interstitialAgent != null) { interstitialAgent.setDecisionPoint(decisionPoint); showAd(interstitialAgent, decisionPoint, parameters); } else { listener.onInterstitialAdFailedToOpen("Not registered"); } } @Override public void showRewardedAd(@Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters) { if (rewardedAgent != null) { rewardedAgent.setDecisionPoint(decisionPoint); showAd(rewardedAgent, decisionPoint, parameters); } else { listener.onRewardedAdFailedToOpen("Not registered"); } } @Override public Date getLastShown(String decisionPoint) { return metrics.lastShown(decisionPoint); } @Override public int getSessionCount(String decisionPoint) { return metrics.sessionCount(decisionPoint); } @Override public int getDailyCount(String decisionPoint) { return metrics.dailyCount(decisionPoint); } @Override public void onPause() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (interstitialAgent != null) { interstitialAgent.onPause(); } if (rewardedAgent != null) { rewardedAgent.onPause(); } } }); } @Override public void onResume() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (interstitialAgent != null) { interstitialAgent.onResume(); } if (rewardedAgent != null) { rewardedAgent.onResume(); } } }); } @Override public void onDestroy() { handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (interstitialAgent != null) { interstitialAgent.onDestroy(); } if (rewardedAgent != null) { rewardedAgent.onDestroy(); } } }); } private void configure(JSONObject configuration, boolean cached) { final JSONObject adConfiguration = configuration.optJSONObject("parameters"); if (adConfiguration == null) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "No configuration found"); broadcasts.sendBroadcast( new Intent(Actions.FAILED_TO_REGISTER).putExtra(Actions.REASON, "No configuration found")); return; } if (cached) { Log.v(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Using cached configuration"); } else { Log.v(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Using live configuration"); } if (!adConfiguration.optBoolean("adShowSession", false)) { listener.onFailedToRegisterForInterstitialAds("Ads disabled for this session"); listener.onFailedToRegisterForRewardedAds("Ads disabled for this session"); broadcasts.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Actions.FAILED_TO_REGISTER).putExtra(Actions.REASON, "Ads disabled for this session")); return; } if (!adConfiguration.has("adProviders") && !adConfiguration.has("adRewardedProviders")) { listener.onFailedToRegisterForInterstitialAds("Invalid Engage response, missing 'adProviders' key"); listener.onFailedToRegisterForRewardedAds("Invalid Engage response, missing 'adRewardedProviders' key"); broadcasts.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Actions.FAILED_TO_REGISTER).putExtra(Actions.REASON, "Missing providers key in Engage response")); return; } adDebugMode = adConfiguration.optBoolean("adRecordAdRequests", DEFAULT_AD_DEBUG_MODE); final int adFloorPrice = adConfiguration.optInt("adFloorPrice"); final int demoteOnCode = adConfiguration.optInt("adDemoteOnRequestCode"); final int maxPerNetwork = adConfiguration.optInt("adMaxPerNetwork"); adMinimumInterval = adConfiguration.optInt("adMinimumInterval", DEFAULT_AD_MINIMUM_INTERVAL); adMaxPerSession = adConfiguration.optInt("adMaxPerSession", DEFAULT_AD_MAX_PER_SESSION); final JSONArray interstitialProviders = adConfiguration.optJSONArray("adProviders"); if (interstitialProviders != null && interstitialProviders.length() > 0) { final Waterfall waterfall = WaterfallFactory.create(interstitialProviders, adFloorPrice, demoteOnCode, maxPerNetwork, privacy, AdProviderType.INTERSTITIAL); if (waterfall.adapters.isEmpty()) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "No interstitial ad networks enabled"); listener.onFailedToRegisterForInterstitialAds("No interstitial ad networks enabled"); broadcasts.sendBroadcast( new Intent(Actions.FAILED_TO_REGISTER).putExtra(Actions.AGENT, Actions.Agent.INTERSTITIAL) .putExtra(Actions.REASON, "No interstitial ad networks enabled")); } else { interstitialAgent = new AdAgent(adAgentListeners, waterfall, adMaxPerSession, exceptionHandler); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { interstitialAgent.requestAd(activity, adConfiguration); } }); listener.onRegisteredForInterstitialAds(); } } else { listener.onFailedToRegisterForInterstitialAds("No interstitial ad networks configured"); broadcasts.sendBroadcast( new Intent(Actions.FAILED_TO_REGISTER).putExtra(Actions.AGENT, Actions.Agent.INTERSTITIAL) .putExtra(Actions.REASON, "No interstitial ad providers defined")); } final JSONArray rewardedProviders = adConfiguration.optJSONArray("adRewardedProviders"); if (rewardedProviders != null && rewardedProviders.length() > 0) { final Waterfall waterfall = WaterfallFactory.create(rewardedProviders, adFloorPrice, demoteOnCode, maxPerNetwork, privacy, AdProviderType.REWARDED); if (waterfall.adapters.isEmpty()) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "No rewarded ad networks enabled"); listener.onFailedToRegisterForRewardedAds("No rewarded ad networks enabled"); broadcasts.sendBroadcast( new Intent(Actions.FAILED_TO_REGISTER).putExtra(Actions.AGENT, Actions.Agent.REWARDED) .putExtra(Actions.REASON, "No rewarded ad networks enabled")); } else { rewardedAgent = new AdAgent(adAgentListeners, waterfall, adMaxPerSession, exceptionHandler); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { rewardedAgent.requestAd(activity, adConfiguration); } }); listener.onRegisteredForRewardedAds(); } } else { listener.onFailedToRegisterForRewardedAds("No rewarded ad networks configured"); broadcasts.sendBroadcast( new Intent(Actions.FAILED_TO_REGISTER).putExtra(Actions.AGENT, Actions.Agent.REWARDED) .putExtra(Actions.REASON, "No rewarded ad networks configured")); } metrics.newSession(new Date()); } private boolean isAdAllowed(@Nullable AdAgent agent, @Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters, boolean checkTime) { if (agent == null) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Ads disabled for this session"); return false; } // null decision point + null parameters == no engagement -> ok if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) && parameters == null) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Ad cannot be shown with an invalid Engagement"); return false; } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) && parameters == null) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Using an empty Engagement is deprecated"); return true; } final AdShowResult result = getResult(agent, decisionPoint, parameters); final boolean allowed; switch (result) { case MIN_TIME_NOT_ELAPSED: case MIN_TIME_DECISION_POINT_NOT_ELAPSED: case NOT_LOADED: allowed = !checkTime; break; case FULFILLED: allowed = true; break; default: allowed = false; } return allowed; } private int timeUntilAdAllowed(AdAgent agent, @Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) || parameters == null) { return 0; } final Date now = new Date(); final int wait = parameters.optInt("ddnaAdShowWaitSecs", 0); if (adMinimumInterval >= wait) { final int lastShown = (int) MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(now.getTime() - agent.lastShownTime); if (lastShown < adMinimumInterval) { return (adMinimumInterval - lastShown); } } else { final Date lastShownDate = metrics.lastShown(decisionPoint); if (lastShownDate != null) { final int lastShown = (int) MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(now.getTime() - lastShownDate.getTime()); if (lastShown < wait) { return (wait - lastShown); } } } return 0; } private void showAd(final AdAgent agent, @Nullable final String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) && parameters == null) { didFailToOpenAd(agent, "Invalid Engagement"); return; } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) && parameters == null) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Prefer showing ads with Engagements"); } final AdShowResult result = getResult(agent, decisionPoint, parameters); switch (result) { case AD_SHOW_POINT: postAdShowEvent(agent, result); didFailToOpenAd(agent, result.status); return; case MIN_TIME_NOT_ELAPSED: postAdShowEvent(agent, result); didFailToOpenAd(agent, "Minimum environment time between ads not elapsed"); return; case MIN_TIME_DECISION_POINT_NOT_ELAPSED: postAdShowEvent(agent, result); didFailToOpenAd(agent, "Minimum decision point time between ads not elapsed"); return; case SESSION_LIMIT_REACHED: postAdShowEvent(agent, result); didFailToOpenAd(agent, "Session limit for environment reached"); return; case SESSION_DECISION_POINT_LIMIT_REACHED: postAdShowEvent(agent, result); didFailToOpenAd(agent, "Session limit for decision point reached"); return; case DAILY_DECISION_POINT_LIMIT_REACHED: postAdShowEvent(agent, result); didFailToOpenAd(agent, "Daily limit for decision point reached"); return; } if (!agent.hasLoadedAd()) { postAdShowEvent(agent, AdShowResult.NOT_LOADED); didFailToOpenAd(agent, "Ad not loaded"); return; } postAdShowEvent(agent, AdShowResult.FULFILLED); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { agent.showAd(decisionPoint); } }); } private AdShowResult getResult(AdAgent agent, @Nullable String decisionPoint, @Nullable JSONObject parameters) { if (parameters != null && parameters.has("adShowPoint") && !parameters.optBoolean("adShowPoint", DEFAULT_AD_SHOW_POINT)) { return AdShowResult.AD_SHOW_POINT; } if (adMaxPerSession != -1 && agent.shownCount >= adMaxPerSession) { return AdShowResult.SESSION_LIMIT_REACHED; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) && parameters != null && parameters.has("ddnaAdSessionCount")) { final int value = parameters.optInt("ddnaAdSessionCount"); if (metrics.sessionCount(decisionPoint) >= value) { return AdShowResult.SESSION_DECISION_POINT_LIMIT_REACHED; } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) && parameters != null && parameters.has("ddnaAdDailyCount")) { final int value = parameters.optInt("ddnaAdDailyCount"); if (metrics.dailyCount(decisionPoint) >= value) { return AdShowResult.DAILY_DECISION_POINT_LIMIT_REACHED; } } final Date now = new Date(); if (MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(now.getTime() - agent.lastShownTime) < adMinimumInterval) { return AdShowResult.MIN_TIME_NOT_ELAPSED; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(decisionPoint) && parameters != null && parameters.has("ddnaAdShowWaitSecs")) { final int wait = parameters.optInt("ddnaAdShowWaitSecs"); final Date lastShown = metrics.lastShown(decisionPoint); if (lastShown != null && MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(now.getTime() - lastShown.getTime()) < wait) { return AdShowResult.MIN_TIME_DECISION_POINT_NOT_ELAPSED; } } if (!agent.hasLoadedAd()) { return AdShowResult.NOT_LOADED; } return AdShowResult.FULFILLED; } private void postAdShowEvent(AdAgent agent, AdShowResult result) { final MediationAdapter provider = agent.getCurrentAdapter(); final JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); try { params.put("adType", getType(agent)); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(agent.getDecisionPoint())) { params.put("adPoint", agent.getDecisionPoint()); } params.put("adProvider", provider != null ? provider.getProviderString() : "N/A"); params.put("adProviderVersion", provider != null ? provider.getProviderVersionString() : "N/A"); params.put("adStatus", result.status); params.put("adSdkVersion", VERSION); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Failed to build adShow parameters", e); return; } Log.v(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Posting adShow event: " + params); listener.onRecordEvent("adShow", params.toString()); } private void postAdClosedEvent(AdAgent adAgent, MediationAdapter mediationAdapter) { JSONObject eventParams = new JSONObject(); try { eventParams.put("adProvider", mediationAdapter != null ? mediationAdapter.getProviderString() : "N/A"); eventParams.put("adProviderVersion", mediationAdapter != null ? mediationAdapter.getProviderVersionString() : "N/A"); eventParams.put("adType", getType(adAgent)); eventParams.put("adClicked", adAgent != null && adAgent.adWasClicked()); eventParams.put("adLeftApplication", adAgent != null && adAgent.adDidLeaveApplication()); eventParams.put("adEcpm", mediationAdapter != null ? mediationAdapter.eCPM : 0); eventParams.put("adSdkVersion", VERSION); eventParams.put("adStatus", "Success"); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, e.getMessage()); } Log.v(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Posting adClosed event: " + eventParams); listener.onRecordEvent("adClosed", eventParams.toString()); } private void postAdRequestEventSuccess(AdAgent adAgent, MediationAdapter mediationAdapter, long requestDuration) { postAdRequestEvent(adAgent, mediationAdapter, requestDuration, null, AdRequestResult.Loaded); } private void postAdRequestEvent(AdAgent adAgent, MediationAdapter mediationAdapter, long requestDuration, String errorReason, AdRequestResult adLoadResult) { if (!adDebugMode) { return; } JSONObject eventParams = new JSONObject(); try { eventParams.put("adProvider", mediationAdapter != null ? mediationAdapter.getProviderString() : "N/A"); eventParams.put("adProviderVersion", mediationAdapter != null ? mediationAdapter.getProviderVersionString() : "N/A"); eventParams.put("adType", getType(adAgent)); eventParams.put("adSdkVersion", VERSION); eventParams.put("adRequestTimeMs", requestDuration); eventParams.put("adWaterfallIndex", mediationAdapter != null ? mediationAdapter.getWaterfallIndex() : -1); eventParams.put("adStatus", adLoadResult); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(errorReason)) { eventParams.put("adProviderError", errorReason.substring(0, Math.min(512, errorReason.length()))); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, e.getMessage()); } Log.v(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Posting adRequest event: " + eventParams); listener.onRecordEvent("adRequest", eventParams.toString()); } private void didFailToOpenAd(AdAgent agent, String reason) { if (agent.equals(interstitialAgent)) { listener.onInterstitialAdFailedToOpen(reason); } else if (agent.equals(rewardedAgent)) { listener.onRewardedAdFailedToOpen(reason); } } private String getType(@Nullable AdAgent agent) { if (agent != null && agent.equals(interstitialAgent)) { return "INTERSTITIAL"; } else if (agent != null && agent.equals(rewardedAgent)) { return "REWARDED"; } else { return "UNKNOWN"; } } private final class AgentListener implements AdAgentListener { @Override public void onAdLoaded(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, long time) { if (agent.equals(interstitialAgent)) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Interstitial ad loaded"); postAdRequestEventSuccess(agent, adapter, time); } else if (agent.equals(rewardedAgent)) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Rewarded ad loaded"); postAdRequestEventSuccess(agent, adapter, time); listener.onRewardedAdLoaded(); } } @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, String reason, long time, AdRequestResult result) { if (agent.equals(interstitialAgent)) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Interstitial ad failed to load: " + reason); postAdRequestEvent(agent, adapter, time, reason, result); } else if (agent.equals(rewardedAgent)) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Rewarded ad failed to load: " + reason); postAdRequestEvent(agent, adapter, time, reason, result); } } @Override public void onAdOpened(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter) { if (agent.equals(interstitialAgent)) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Interstitial ad opened"); listener.onInterstitialAdOpened(); } else if (agent.equals(rewardedAgent)) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Rewarded ad opened"); listener.onRewardedAdOpened(agent.getDecisionPoint()); } } @Override public void onAdFailedToOpen(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, String reason, AdShowResult result) { if (agent.equals(interstitialAgent)) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Interstitial ad failed to open: " + reason); postAdShowEvent(agent, result); listener.onInterstitialAdFailedToOpen(reason); } else if (agent.equals(rewardedAgent)) { Log.w(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Rewarded ad failed to open: " + reason); postAdShowEvent(agent, result); listener.onRewardedAdFailedToOpen(reason); } } @Override public void onAdClosed(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, boolean complete) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(agent.getDecisionPoint())) { metrics.recordAdShown(agent.getDecisionPoint(), new Date(agent.lastShownTime)); } if (agent.equals(interstitialAgent)) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Interstitial ad closed"); postAdClosedEvent(agent, adapter); listener.onInterstitialAdClosed(); } else if (agent.equals(rewardedAgent)) { Log.d(BuildConfig.LOG_TAG, "Rewarded ad closed"); postAdClosedEvent(agent, adapter); listener.onRewardedAdClosed(complete); } } } private final class Broadcaster implements AdAgentListener { @Nullable private String lastShown; @Override public void onAdLoaded(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, long requestTime) { if (agent == null) return; final String network = adapter.getProviderString(); if (lastShown == null) { broadcasts.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Actions.LOADED).putExtra(Actions.AGENT, toAgent(agent)) .putExtra(Actions.NETWORK, network)); } else { broadcasts.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Actions.SHOWN_AND_LOADED) .putExtra(Actions.AGENT, toAgent(agent)).putExtra(Actions.NETWORK_SHOWN, lastShown) .putExtra(Actions.NETWORK_LOADED, network)); } } @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, String reason, long requestTime, AdRequestResult result) { } @Override public void onAdOpened(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter) { if (agent == null) return; broadcasts.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Actions.SHOWING).putExtra(Actions.AGENT, toAgent(agent)) .putExtra(Actions.NETWORK, adapter.getProviderString())); } @Override public void onAdFailedToOpen(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, String reason, AdShowResult result) { } @Override public void onAdClosed(AdAgent agent, MediationAdapter adapter, boolean complete) { if (agent == null) return; broadcasts.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Actions.SHOWN).putExtra(Actions.AGENT, toAgent(agent)) .putExtra(Actions.NETWORK, adapter.getProviderString())); lastShown = adapter.getProviderString(); } private Actions.Agent toAgent(AdAgent agent) { if (agent == interstitialAgent) { return Actions.Agent.INTERSTITIAL; } else { return Actions.Agent.REWARDED; } } } }