Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011, Deft Labs. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.deftlabs.lock.mongo.impl; // Lib import com.deftlabs.lock.mongo.DistributedLockOptions; import com.deftlabs.lock.mongo.DistributedLockSvcOptions; // Mongo import com.mongodb.*; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; // Java import java.util.Date; /** * The distributed lock history dao. These are calls enabled by default, but can * be disabled in DistributedLockSvcOptions. */ final class LockHistoryDao extends BaseDao { /** * Insert an entry. */ static void insert(final MongoClient pMongo, final String pLockName, final DistributedLockSvcOptions pSvcOptions, final DistributedLockOptions pLockOptions, long pServerTime, final LockState pLockState, final Object pLockId, final boolean pTimedOut) { insert(pMongo, pLockName, pSvcOptions, pLockOptions.getInactiveLockTimeout(), pServerTime, pLockState, pLockId, pTimedOut); } /** * Insert an entry. */ static void insert(final MongoClient pMongo, final String pLockName, final DistributedLockSvcOptions pSvcOptions, final int pInactiveLockTimeout, long pServerTime, final LockState pLockState, final Object pLockId, final boolean pTimedOut) { final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); long serverTime = pServerTime; if (serverTime == 0) serverTime = getServerTime(pMongo, pSvcOptions); final Date now = new Date(serverTime); final BasicDBObject lockDoc = new BasicDBObject(LockHistoryDef.LOCK_NAME.field, pLockName); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.LIBRARY_VERSION.field, pSvcOptions.getLibVersion()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.CREATED.field, now); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.LOCK_ID.field, pLockId); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.STATE.field, pLockState.code()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.OWNER_APP_NAME.field, pSvcOptions.getAppName()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.OWNER_ADDRESS.field, pSvcOptions.getHostAddress()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.OWNER_HOSTNAME.field, pSvcOptions.getHostname()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.OWNER_THREAD_ID.field, currentThread.getId()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.OWNER_THREAD_NAME.field, currentThread.getName()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.OWNER_THREAD_GROUP_NAME.field, currentThread.getThreadGroup().getName()); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.INACTIVE_LOCK_TIMEOUT.field, pInactiveLockTimeout); lockDoc.put(LockHistoryDef.TIMED_OUT.field, pTimedOut); getDbCollection(pMongo, pSvcOptions).insert(lockDoc, WriteConcern.SAFE); } /** * Returns the history collection. */ private static DBCollection getDbCollection(final MongoClient pMongo, final DistributedLockSvcOptions pSvcOptions) { return getDb(pMongo, pSvcOptions).getCollection(pSvcOptions.getHistoryCollectionName()); } /** * Ensure the proper indexes are on the collection. This must be called when * the service sarts. */ static void setup(final MongoClient pMongo, final DistributedLockSvcOptions pSvcOptions) { } }