Java tutorial
/* * (c) 2005 David B. Bracewell * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import com.davidbracewell.Collector; import com.davidbracewell.collection.Index; import com.davidbracewell.collection.Indexes; import com.davidbracewell.conversion.Convert; import com.davidbracewell.conversion.Val; import; import; import com.davidbracewell.string.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * <p>An implementation of an R data frame. A data frame allows for the manipulation of a matrix-like data * structure.</p> * * @author David B. Bracewell */ public class DataFrame implements Iterable<DataFrame.Row> { private Index<String> columnNames = Indexes.newIndex(); private List<Row> data = Lists.newArrayList(); /** * Instantiates a new Data frame. */ public DataFrame() { } /** * Instantiates a new Data frame. * * @param columnNames the column names */ public DataFrame(String... columnNames) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(columnNames); this.columnNames.addAll(Arrays.asList(columnNames)); } /** * Instantiates a new Data frame. * * @param columnNames the column names */ public DataFrame(Collection<String> columnNames) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(columnNames); this.columnNames.addAll(columnNames); } private DataFrame(Index<String> columnNames, List<Row> rows) { this.columnNames = columnNames; = rows; } private DataFrame(Index<String> columnNames, Iterable<Row> rows) { this.columnNames = columnNames; = Lists.newArrayList(rows); } /** * Slices a section of the data frame. Changes made to the slice are reflected in this data frame. * * @param rowFrom The row to slice from * @param rowTo The row to slice to * @return The resulting data frame. */ public DataFrame slice(int rowFrom, int rowTo) { Preconditions.checkArgument(rowFrom > 0 && rowFrom < rowTo && rowTo <= data.size(), "Invalid range [" + rowFrom + ", " + rowTo + "]"); return new DataFrame(columnNames, data.subList(rowFrom, rowTo)); } /** * Select rows matching the given filter. * * @param filter the filter to match * @return the data frame */ public DataFrame selectRows(Predicate<Row> filter) { return slice(Iterables.filter(data, Preconditions.checkNotNull(filter))); } private DataFrame slice(Iterable<Row> rows) { if (rows != null) { Row first = Iterables.getFirst(rows, null); if (first != null) { return new DataFrame(first.dataFrame.columnNames, rows); } } return new DataFrame(); } public static DataFrame read(StructuredReader reader, boolean hasHeaders) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(reader); DataFrame dataFrame; reader.beginDocument(); if (hasHeaders) { dataFrame = new DataFrame(Collections2.transform(reader.nextArray(), Functions.toStringFunction())); } else { dataFrame = new DataFrame(); } int row = 0; while (reader.peek() != ElementType.END_DOCUMENT) { if (reader.peek() == ElementType.BEGIN_OBJECT) { dataFrame.addRow(Lists.<String>newArrayList()); reader.beginObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, Val> entry : reader.readObjectToMap().entrySet()) { dataFrame.set(row, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().asString()); } reader.endObject(); row++; } else if (reader.peek() == ElementType.BEGIN_ARRAY) { dataFrame.addRow(Lists.<String>newArrayList()); reader.beginArray(); int col = 0; while (reader.peek() != ElementType.END_ARRAY) { dataFrame.set(row, col, reader.nextValue().asString()); col++; } reader.endArray(); row++; } else { throw new IOException("Could not parse input file [" + reader.peek() + "]"); } } reader.endDocument(); return dataFrame; } private void ensureRows(int row) { while (data.size() <= row) { data.add(new Row(this)); } } /** * Gets column names. * * @return the column names */ public List<String> getColumnNames() { return columnNames.asList(); } private void addColumnNames(int columnSize) { while (columnNames.size() <= columnSize) { columnNames.add("COLUMN_" + columnNames.size()); } } /** * Gets string. * * @param row the row * @param col the col * @return the string */ public String getString(int row, int col) { ensureRows(row); return data.get(row).get(col); } /** * Get val. * * @param row the row * @param col the col * @return the val */ public Val get(int row, int col) { return Val.of(getString(row, col)); } /** * Gets string. * * @param row the row * @param col the col * @return the string */ public String getString(int row, String col) { return getString(row, columnNames.indexOf(col)); } /** * Get val. * * @param row the row * @param col the col * @return the val */ public Val get(int row, String col) { return Val.of(getString(row, col)); } /** * Set void. * * @param row the row * @param col the col * @param o the o */ public void set(int row, int col, Object o) { ensureRows(row); List<String> rowList = data.get(row); rowList.set(col, o.toString()); } /** * Set void. * * @param row the row * @param col the col * @param o the o */ public void set(int row, String col, Object o) { set(row, columnNames.indexOf(col), o); } /** * Sets the name of a column * * @param index * @param name */ public void setColumnName(int index, String name) { addColumnNames(index); columnNames.set(index, name); } /** * Add row. * * @param row the row * @return the newly added row or null if the row could not be added. */ public Row addRow(List<String> row) { Row rowCopy = new Row(row, this); addColumnNames(row.size()); if (data.add(rowCopy)) { return data.get(data.size() - 1); } return null; } /** * Gets row. * * @param row the row * @return the row */ public Row getRow(int row) { ensureRows(row); return data.get(row); } /** * Removes the row at the given index from the data frame * * @param row The index of the row to remove * @return A list containing the row values; */ public List<String> removeRow(int row) { if (row < 0 || row >= data.size()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return data.remove(row).row; } /** * Removes the column at the given index from the data frame. * * @param col The column index * @return A list of the column values */ public List<String> removeColumn(int col) { if (col < 0 || col >= columnSize()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> columnValues = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Row row : data) { columnValues.add(row.remove(col)); } columnNames.remove(col); return columnValues; } /** * Removes the column at the given index from the data frame. * * @param columnName The name of the column to remove * @return A list of the column values */ public List<String> removeColumn(String columnName) { return removeColumn(columnNames.indexOf(columnName)); } /** * @return A list of the columns in the data frame */ public List<Column> columns() { return new ColumnList(this); } /** * Gets column. * * @param col the col * @return the column */ public Column getColumn(int col) { return new Column(this, col); } /** * Gets column. * * @param col the col * @return the column */ public Column getColumn(String col) { return getColumn(columnNames.indexOf(col)); } /** * Gets column. * * @param col the col * @param clazz the clazz * @return the column */ public <T> List<T> getColumn(String col, final Class<T> clazz) { return Lists.transform(getColumn(columnNames.indexOf(col)), Convert.getConverter(clazz)); } /** * Computes a value over a column using a {@link Collector} * * @param col The index of the column * @param collector The collector that processes the column * @param <RESULT> The type returned by the collector * @return The result of the collector or null if the column index is invalid */ public <RESULT> RESULT computeColumn(int col, final Collector<? super String, RESULT> collector) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(collector); if (col < 0 || col >= columnSize()) { return null; } for (String string : getColumn(col)) { collector.collect(string); } return collector.result(); } /** * Computes a value over a column using a {@link Collector} * * @param columnName The name of the column * @param collector The collector that processes the column * @param <RESULT> The type returned by the collector * @return The result of the collector or null if the column index is invalid */ public <RESULT> RESULT computeColumn(String columnName, final Collector<String, RESULT> collector) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(collector); return computeColumn(columnNames.indexOf(columnName), collector); } /** * Computes a value over a column using a {@link Collector} * * @param columnName The name of the column * @param clazz The clazz to convert the cell value to * @param collector The collector that processes the column * @param <IN> The type to convert the strings in the data frame to * @param <RESULT> The type returned by the collector * @return The result of the collector */ public <IN, RESULT> RESULT computeColumn(String columnName, final Class<IN> clazz, final Collector<IN, RESULT> collector) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(clazz); Preconditions.checkNotNull(collector); return computeColumn(columnNames.indexOf(columnName), clazz, collector); } /** * Computes a value over a column using a {@link Collector} * * @param col The index of the column * @param clazz The clazz to convert the cell value to * @param collector The collector that processes the column * @param <IN> The type to convert the strings in the data frame to * @param <RESULT> The type returned by the collector * @return The result of the collector or null if the column index is invalid */ public <IN, RESULT> RESULT computeColumn(int col, final Class<IN> clazz, final Collector<IN, RESULT> collector) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(clazz); Preconditions.checkNotNull(collector); if (col < 0 || col >= columnSize()) { return null; } for (String string : getColumn(col)) { collector.collect(Val.of(string).as(clazz)); } return collector.result(); } @Override public Iterator<Row> iterator() { return data.iterator(); } /** * @return A list of the rows in the data frame */ public List<Row> rows() { return new RowList(this); } public int rowSize() { return data.size(); } public int columnSize() { return columnNames.size(); } private static class RowList extends AbstractList<Row> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1290773507429779126L; private final DataFrame dataFrame; private RowList(DataFrame dataFrame) { this.dataFrame = dataFrame; } @Override public Row get(int index) { Preconditions.checkArgument(index < dataFrame.rowSize()); return dataFrame.getRow(index); } @Override public int size() { return dataFrame.rowSize(); } } private static class ColumnList extends AbstractList<Column> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1290773507429779126L; private final DataFrame dataFrame; private ColumnList(DataFrame dataFrame) { this.dataFrame = dataFrame; } @Override public Column get(int index) { Preconditions.checkArgument(index < dataFrame.columnSize()); return new Column(dataFrame, index); } @Override public int size() { return dataFrame.columnSize(); } } /** * Represents a view of a single column in a data frame. */ public static class Column extends AbstractList<String> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8436046573531221784L; private final DataFrame dataFrame; private final int column; private Column(DataFrame dataFrame, int column) { this.dataFrame = dataFrame; this.column = column; } @Override public String get(int index) { return dataFrame.getString(index, column); } /** * Gets the cell as a {@link Val} for conversion into other types * * @param index The row index * @return The value of the cell */ public Val getVal(int index) { return dataFrame.get(index, column); } @Override public int size() { return dataFrame.rowSize(); } @Override public boolean add(String s) { Row row = dataFrame.addRow(Lists.<String>newArrayList()); if (row != null) { row.set(column, s); return true; } return false; } @Override public void clear() { for (int r = 0; r < dataFrame.rowSize(); r++) { dataFrame.set(r, column, StringUtils.EMPTY); } } }//END OF DataFrame$Column /** * The type Row. */ public static class Row extends AbstractList<String> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 629132234337562319L; private final List<String> row = Lists.newArrayList(); private final DataFrame dataFrame; private Row(DataFrame dataFrame) { this.dataFrame = dataFrame; } private Row(Collection<String> strings, DataFrame dataFrame) { row.addAll(strings); this.dataFrame = dataFrame; } @Override public String get(int index) { return index < row.size() ? row.get(index) : StringUtils.EMPTY; } /** * Get val. * * @param colName the col name * @return the val */ public String get(String colName) { return get(dataFrame.columnNames.indexOf(colName)); } /** * Gets val. * * @param index the index * @return the val */ public Val getVal(int index) { return Val.of(index < row.size() ? row.get(index) : StringUtils.EMPTY); } /** * Get val. * * @param colName the col name * @return the val */ public Val getVal(String colName) { return getVal(dataFrame.columnNames.indexOf(colName)); } @Override public String set(int index, String element) { if (index > 4) dataFrame.addColumnNames(index); while (row.size() <= Math.min(index, dataFrame.columnNames.size() - 1)) { row.add(StringUtils.EMPTY); } return row.set(index, element); } @Override public int size() { return dataFrame.columnNames.size(); } @Override public String toString() { if (row.size() == size()) { return row.toString(); } else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(get(i)); } return builder.append("]").toString(); } } @Override public String remove(int index) { String old = get(index); set(index, ""); return old; } @Override public boolean add(String s) { dataFrame.addColumnNames(dataFrame.columnSize() + 1); set(dataFrame.columnSize(), s); return true; } }//END OF DataFrame$Row }//END OF DataFrame