Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2015 DataTorrent, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datatorrent.stram.cli; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import; import jline.console.ConsoleReader; import jline.console.completer.*; import jline.console.history.FileHistory; import jline.console.history.History; import jline.console.history.MemoryHistory; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationReport; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.YarnClient; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import; import; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import sun.misc.Signal; import sun.misc.SignalHandler; import; import; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.datatorrent.api.Context; import com.datatorrent.api.Operator; import com.datatorrent.api.StreamingApplication; import com.datatorrent.stram.StramClient; import com.datatorrent.stram.client.*; import com.datatorrent.stram.client.AppPackage.AppInfo; import com.datatorrent.stram.client.DTConfiguration.Scope; import com.datatorrent.stram.client.RecordingsAgent.RecordingInfo; import com.datatorrent.stram.client.StramAppLauncher.AppFactory; import com.datatorrent.stram.client.StramClientUtils.ClientRMHelper; import com.datatorrent.stram.codec.LogicalPlanSerializer; import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalPlan; import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.requests.*; import; import com.datatorrent.stram.util.JSONSerializationProvider; import com.datatorrent.stram.util.ObjectMapperFactory; import com.datatorrent.stram.util.VersionInfo; import com.datatorrent.stram.util.WebServicesClient; import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.OperatorDiscoverer; import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.StramWebServices; import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.TypeDiscoverer; import net.lingala.zip4j.exception.ZipException; /** * Provides command line interface for a streaming application on hadoop (yarn) * <p> * * @since 0.3.2 */ @SuppressWarnings("UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr") public class DTCli { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DTCli.class); private Configuration conf; private FileSystem fs; private StramAgent stramAgent; private final YarnClient yarnClient = YarnClient.createYarnClient(); private ApplicationReport currentApp = null; private boolean consolePresent; private String[] commandsToExecute; private final Map<String, CommandSpec> globalCommands = new TreeMap<String, CommandSpec>(); private final Map<String, CommandSpec> connectedCommands = new TreeMap<String, CommandSpec>(); private final Map<String, CommandSpec> logicalPlanChangeCommands = new TreeMap<String, CommandSpec>(); private final Map<String, String> aliases = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final Map<String, List<String>> macros = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); private boolean changingLogicalPlan = false; private final List<LogicalPlanRequest> logicalPlanRequestQueue = new ArrayList<LogicalPlanRequest>(); private FileHistory topLevelHistory; private FileHistory changingLogicalPlanHistory; private String jsonp; private boolean raw = false; private RecordingsAgent recordingsAgent; private final ObjectMapper mapper = new JSONSerializationProvider().getContext(null); private String pagerCommand; private Process pagerProcess; private int verboseLevel = 0; private final Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(); private final Map<String, String> variableMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static boolean lastCommandError = false; private Thread mainThread; private Thread commandThread; private String prompt; private String forcePrompt; private String kerberosPrincipal; private String kerberosKeyTab; private static class FileLineReader extends ConsoleReader { private final BufferedReader br; FileLineReader(String fileName) throws IOException { super(); fileName = expandFileName(fileName, true); br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); } @Override public String readLine(String prompt) throws IOException { return br.readLine(); } @Override public String readLine(String prompt, Character mask) throws IOException { return br.readLine(); } @Override public String readLine(Character mask) throws IOException { return br.readLine(); } public void close() throws IOException { br.close(); } } public class Tokenizer { private void appendToCommandBuffer(List<String> commandBuffer, StringBuffer buf, boolean potentialEmptyArg) { if (potentialEmptyArg || buf.length() > 0) { commandBuffer.add(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); } } private List<String> startNewCommand(LinkedList<List<String>> resultBuffer) { List<String> newCommand = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!resultBuffer.isEmpty()) { List<String> lastCommand = resultBuffer.peekLast(); if (lastCommand.size() == 1) { String first = lastCommand.get(0); if (first.matches("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*=.*")) { // This is a variable assignment int equalSign = first.indexOf('='); variableMap.put(first.substring(0, equalSign), first.substring(equalSign + 1)); resultBuffer.removeLast(); } } } resultBuffer.add(newCommand); return newCommand; } public List<String[]> tokenize(String commandLine) { LinkedList<List<String>> resultBuffer = new LinkedList<List<String>>(); List<String> commandBuffer = startNewCommand(resultBuffer); if (commandLine != null) { commandLine = ltrim(commandLine); if (commandLine.startsWith("#")) { return null; } int len = commandLine.length(); boolean insideQuotes = false; boolean potentialEmptyArg = false; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(commandLine.length()); for (@SuppressWarnings("AssignmentToForLoopParameter") int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char c = commandLine.charAt(i); if (c == '"') { potentialEmptyArg = true; insideQuotes = !insideQuotes; } else if (c == '\\') { if (len > i + 1) { switch (commandLine.charAt(i + 1)) { case 'n': buf.append("\n"); break; case 't': buf.append("\t"); break; case 'r': buf.append("\r"); break; case 'b': buf.append("\b"); break; case 'f': buf.append("\f"); break; default: buf.append(commandLine.charAt(i + 1)); } ++i; } } else { if (insideQuotes) { buf.append(c); } else { if (c == '$') { StringBuilder variableName = new StringBuilder(32); if (len > i + 1) { if (commandLine.charAt(i + 1) == '{') { ++i; while (len > i + 1) { char ch = commandLine.charAt(i + 1); if (ch != '}') { variableName.append(ch); } ++i; if (ch == '}') { break; } if (len <= i + 1) { throw new CliException("Parse error: unmatched brace"); } } } else if (commandLine.charAt(i + 1) == '?') { ++i; buf.append(lastCommandError ? "1" : "0"); continue; } else { while (len > i + 1) { char ch = commandLine.charAt(i + 1); if ((variableName.length() > 0 && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'))) { variableName.append(ch); } else { break; } ++i; } } if (variableName.length() == 0) { buf.append(c); } else { String value = variableMap.get(variableName.toString()); if (value != null) { buf.append(value); } } } else { buf.append(c); } } else if (c == ';') { appendToCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, buf, potentialEmptyArg); commandBuffer = startNewCommand(resultBuffer); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { appendToCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, buf, potentialEmptyArg); potentialEmptyArg = false; if (len > i + 1 && commandLine.charAt(i + 1) == '#') { break; } } else { buf.append(c); } } } } appendToCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, buf, potentialEmptyArg); } startNewCommand(resultBuffer); List<String[]> result = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for (List<String> command : resultBuffer) { String[] commandArray = new String[command.size()]; result.add(command.toArray(commandArray)); } return result; } } private interface Command { void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception; } private static class Arg { final String name; Arg(String name) { = name; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } private static class FileArg extends Arg { FileArg(String name) { super(name); } } // VarArg must be in optional argument and must be at the end private static class VarArg extends Arg { VarArg(String name) { super(name); } } private static class CommandArg extends Arg { CommandArg(String name) { super(name); } } protected PrintStream suppressOutput() { PrintStream originalStream = System.out; if (raw) { PrintStream dummyStream = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) { // no-op } }); System.setOut(dummyStream); } return originalStream; } protected void restoreOutput(PrintStream originalStream) { if (raw) { System.setOut(originalStream); } } AppPackage newAppPackageInstance(File f) throws IOException, ZipException { PrintStream outputStream = suppressOutput(); try { return new AppPackage(f, true); } finally { restoreOutput(outputStream); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private StramAppLauncher getStramAppLauncher(String jarfileUri, Configuration config, boolean ignorePom) throws Exception { URI uri = new URI(jarfileUri); String scheme = uri.getScheme(); StramAppLauncher appLauncher = null; if (scheme == null || scheme.equals("file")) { File jf = new File(uri.getPath()); appLauncher = new StramAppLauncher(jf, config); } else { FileSystem tmpFs = FileSystem.newInstance(uri, conf); try { Path path = new Path(uri.getPath()); appLauncher = new StramAppLauncher(tmpFs, path, config); } finally { tmpFs.close(); } } if (appLauncher != null) { if (verboseLevel > 0) { System.err.print(appLauncher.getMvnBuildClasspathOutput()); } return appLauncher; } else { throw new CliException("Scheme " + scheme + " not supported."); } } private static class CommandSpec { Command command; Arg[] requiredArgs; Arg[] optionalArgs; String description; CommandSpec(Command command, Arg[] requiredArgs, Arg[] optionalArgs, String description) { this.command = command; this.requiredArgs = requiredArgs; this.optionalArgs = optionalArgs; this.description = description; } void verifyArguments(String[] args) throws CliException { int minArgs = 0; int maxArgs = 0; if (requiredArgs != null) { minArgs = requiredArgs.length; maxArgs = requiredArgs.length; } if (optionalArgs != null) { for (Arg arg : optionalArgs) { if (arg instanceof VarArg) { maxArgs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; break; } else { maxArgs++; } } } if (args.length - 1 < minArgs || args.length - 1 > maxArgs) { throw new CliException("Command parameter error"); } } void printUsage(String cmd) { System.err.print("Usage: " + cmd); if (requiredArgs != null) { for (Arg arg : requiredArgs) { System.err.print(" <" + arg + ">"); } } if (optionalArgs != null) { for (Arg arg : optionalArgs) { if (arg instanceof VarArg) { System.err.print(" [<" + arg + "> ... ]"); } else { System.err.print(" [<" + arg + ">]"); } } } System.err.println(); } } private static class OptionsCommandSpec extends CommandSpec { Options options; OptionsCommandSpec(Command command, Arg[] requiredArgs, Arg[] optionalArgs, String description, Options options) { super(command, requiredArgs, optionalArgs, description); this.options = options; } @Override void verifyArguments(String[] args) throws CliException { try { args = new PosixParser().parse(options, args).getArgs(); super.verifyArguments(args); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CliException("Command parameter error"); } } @Override void printUsage(String cmd) { super.printUsage(cmd + ((options == null) ? "" : " [options]")); if (options != null) { System.out.println("Options:"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out); formatter.printOptions(pw, 80, options, 4, 4); pw.flush(); } } } DTCli() { // // Global command specification starts here // globalCommands.put("help", new CommandSpec(new HelpCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new CommandArg("command") }, "Show help")); globalCommands.put("echo", new CommandSpec(new EchoCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new VarArg("arg") }, "Echo the arguments")); globalCommands.put("connect", new CommandSpec(new ConnectCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("app-id") }, null, "Connect to an app")); globalCommands.put("launch", new OptionsCommandSpec(new LaunchCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("jar-file/json-file/properties-file/app-package-file") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("matching-app-name") }, "Launch an app", LAUNCH_OPTIONS.options)); globalCommands.put("shutdown-app", new CommandSpec(new ShutdownAppCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("app-id") }, new Arg[] { new VarArg("app-id") }, "Shutdown an app")); globalCommands.put("list-apps", new CommandSpec(new ListAppsCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new Arg("pattern") }, "List applications")); globalCommands.put("kill-app", new CommandSpec(new KillAppCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("app-id") }, new Arg[] { new VarArg("app-id") }, "Kill an app")); globalCommands.put("show-logical-plan", new OptionsCommandSpec(new ShowLogicalPlanCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("jar-file/app-package-file") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("class-name") }, "List apps in a jar or show logical plan of an app class", getShowLogicalPlanCommandLineOptions())); globalCommands.put("get-jar-operator-classes", new OptionsCommandSpec(new GetJarOperatorClassesCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("jar-files-comma-separated") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("search-term") }, "List operators in a jar list", GET_OPERATOR_CLASSES_OPTIONS.options)); globalCommands.put("get-jar-operator-properties", new CommandSpec(new GetJarOperatorPropertiesCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("jar-files-comma-separated"), new Arg("operator-class-name") }, null, "List properties in specified operator")); globalCommands.put("alias", new CommandSpec(new AliasCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("alias-name"), new CommandArg("command") }, null, "Create a command alias")); globalCommands.put("source", new CommandSpec(new SourceCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("file") }, null, "Execute the commands in a file")); globalCommands.put("exit", new CommandSpec(new ExitCommand(), null, null, "Exit the CLI")); globalCommands.put("begin-macro", new CommandSpec(new BeginMacroCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("name") }, null, "Begin Macro Definition ($1...$9 to access parameters and type 'end' to end the definition)")); globalCommands.put("dump-properties-file", new CommandSpec(new DumpPropertiesFileCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("out-file"), new FileArg("jar-file"), new Arg("class-name") }, null, "Dump the properties file of an app class")); globalCommands.put("get-app-info", new CommandSpec(new GetAppInfoCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("app-id") }, null, "Get the information of an app")); globalCommands.put("set-pager", new CommandSpec(new SetPagerCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("on/off") }, null, "Set the pager program for output")); globalCommands.put("get-config-parameter", new CommandSpec(new GetConfigParameterCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new FileArg("parameter-name") }, "Get the configuration parameter")); globalCommands.put("get-app-package-info", new CommandSpec(new GetAppPackageInfoCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("app-package-file") }, null, "Get info on the app package file")); globalCommands.put("get-app-package-operators", new OptionsCommandSpec(new GetAppPackageOperatorsCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("app-package-file") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("search-term") }, "Get operators within the given app package", GET_OPERATOR_CLASSES_OPTIONS.options)); globalCommands.put("get-app-package-operator-properties", new CommandSpec(new GetAppPackageOperatorPropertiesCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("app-package-file"), new Arg("operator-class") }, null, "Get operator properties within the given app package")); globalCommands.put("list-application-attributes", new CommandSpec(new ListAttributesCommand(AttributesType.APPLICATION), null, null, "Lists the application attributes")); globalCommands.put("list-operator-attributes", new CommandSpec( new ListAttributesCommand(AttributesType.OPERATOR), null, null, "Lists the operator attributes")); globalCommands.put("list-port-attributes", new CommandSpec(new ListAttributesCommand(AttributesType.PORT), null, null, "Lists the port attributes")); // // Connected command specification starts here // connectedCommands.put("list-containers", new CommandSpec(new ListContainersCommand(), null, null, "List containers")); connectedCommands.put("list-operators", new CommandSpec(new ListOperatorsCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new Arg("pattern") }, "List operators")); connectedCommands.put("show-physical-plan", new CommandSpec(new ShowPhysicalPlanCommand(), null, null, "Show physical plan")); connectedCommands.put("kill-container", new CommandSpec(new KillContainerCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("container-id") }, new Arg[] { new VarArg("container-id") }, "Kill a container")); connectedCommands.put("shutdown-app", new CommandSpec(new ShutdownAppCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new VarArg("app-id") }, "Shutdown an app")); connectedCommands.put("kill-app", new CommandSpec(new KillAppCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new VarArg("app-id") }, "Kill an app")); connectedCommands.put("wait", new CommandSpec(new WaitCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("timeout") }, null, "Wait for completion of current application")); connectedCommands.put("start-recording", new CommandSpec(new StartRecordingCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-id") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("port-name"), new Arg("num-windows") }, "Start recording")); connectedCommands.put("stop-recording", new CommandSpec(new StopRecordingCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-id") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("port-name") }, "Stop recording")); connectedCommands.put("get-operator-attributes", new CommandSpec(new GetOperatorAttributesCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("attribute-name") }, "Get attributes of an operator")); connectedCommands.put("get-operator-properties", new CommandSpec(new GetOperatorPropertiesCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("property-name") }, "Get properties of a logical operator")); connectedCommands.put("get-physical-operator-properties", new OptionsCommandSpec(new GetPhysicalOperatorPropertiesCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-id") }, null, "Get properties of a physical operator", GET_PHYSICAL_PROPERTY_OPTIONS.options)); connectedCommands.put("set-operator-property", new CommandSpec(new SetOperatorPropertyCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name"), new Arg("property-name"), new Arg("property-value") }, null, "Set a property of an operator")); connectedCommands.put("set-physical-operator-property", new CommandSpec(new SetPhysicalOperatorPropertyCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-id"), new Arg("property-name"), new Arg("property-value") }, null, "Set a property of an operator")); connectedCommands.put("get-app-attributes", new CommandSpec(new GetAppAttributesCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new Arg("attribute-name") }, "Get attributes of the connected app")); connectedCommands.put("get-port-attributes", new CommandSpec(new GetPortAttributesCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name"), new Arg("port-name") }, new Arg[] { new Arg("attribute-name") }, "Get attributes of a port")); connectedCommands.put("begin-logical-plan-change", new CommandSpec(new BeginLogicalPlanChangeCommand(), null, null, "Begin Logical Plan Change")); connectedCommands.put("show-logical-plan", new OptionsCommandSpec(new ShowLogicalPlanCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new FileArg("jar-file/app-package-file"), new Arg("class-name") }, "Show logical plan of an app class", getShowLogicalPlanCommandLineOptions())); connectedCommands.put("dump-properties-file", new CommandSpec(new DumpPropertiesFileCommand(), new Arg[] { new FileArg("out-file") }, new Arg[] { new FileArg("jar-file"), new Arg("class-name") }, "Dump the properties file of an app class")); connectedCommands.put("get-app-info", new CommandSpec(new GetAppInfoCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new Arg("app-id") }, "Get the information of an app")); connectedCommands.put("get-recording-info", new CommandSpec(new GetRecordingInfoCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-id"), new Arg("start-time") }, "Get tuple recording info")); // // Logical plan change command specification starts here // logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("help", new CommandSpec(new HelpCommand(), null, new Arg[] { new Arg("command") }, "Show help")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("create-operator", new CommandSpec(new CreateOperatorCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name"), new Arg("class-name") }, null, "Create an operator")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("create-stream", new CommandSpec(new CreateStreamCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("stream-name"), new Arg("from-operator-name"), new Arg("from-port-name"), new Arg("to-operator-name"), new Arg("to-port-name") }, null, "Create a stream")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("add-stream-sink", new CommandSpec(new AddStreamSinkCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("stream-name"), new Arg("to-operator-name"), new Arg("to-port-name") }, null, "Add a sink to an existing stream")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("remove-operator", new CommandSpec(new RemoveOperatorCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name") }, null, "Remove an operator")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("remove-stream", new CommandSpec(new RemoveStreamCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("stream-name") }, null, "Remove a stream")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("set-operator-property", new CommandSpec(new SetOperatorPropertyCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name"), new Arg("property-name"), new Arg("property-value") }, null, "Set a property of an operator")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("set-operator-attribute", new CommandSpec(new SetOperatorAttributeCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name"), new Arg("attr-name"), new Arg("attr-value") }, null, "Set an attribute of an operator")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("set-port-attribute", new CommandSpec(new SetPortAttributeCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("operator-name"), new Arg("port-name"), new Arg("attr-name"), new Arg("attr-value") }, null, "Set an attribute of a port")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("set-stream-attribute", new CommandSpec(new SetStreamAttributeCommand(), new Arg[] { new Arg("stream-name"), new Arg("attr-name"), new Arg("attr-value") }, null, "Set an attribute of a stream")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("show-queue", new CommandSpec(new ShowQueueCommand(), null, null, "Show the queue of the plan change")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("submit", new CommandSpec(new SubmitCommand(), null, null, "Submit the plan change")); logicalPlanChangeCommands.put("abort", new CommandSpec(new AbortCommand(), null, null, "Abort the plan change")); } private void printJson(String json) throws IOException { PrintStream os = getOutputPrintStream(); if (jsonp != null) { os.println(jsonp + "(" + json + ");"); } else { os.println(json); } os.flush(); closeOutputPrintStream(os); } private void printJson(JSONObject json) throws JSONException, IOException { printJson(raw ? json.toString() : json.toString(2)); } private void printJson(JSONArray jsonArray, String name) throws JSONException, IOException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put(name, jsonArray); printJson(json); } private <K, V> void printJson(Map<K, V> map) throws IOException, JSONException { printJson(new JSONObject(mapper.writeValueAsString(map))); } private <T> void printJson(List<T> list, String name) throws IOException, JSONException { printJson(new JSONArray(mapper.writeValueAsString(list)), name); } private PrintStream getOutputPrintStream() throws IOException { if (pagerCommand == null) { pagerProcess = null; return System.out; } else { pagerProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "sh", "-c", pagerCommand + " >/dev/tty" }); return new PrintStream(pagerProcess.getOutputStream()); } } private void closeOutputPrintStream(PrintStream os) { if (os != System.out) { os.close(); try { pagerProcess.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.debug("Interrupted"); } } } private static String expandFileName(String fileName, boolean expandWildCard) throws IOException { if (fileName.matches("^[a-zA-Z]+:.*")) { // it's a URL return fileName; } // TODO: need to work with other users' home directory if (fileName.startsWith("~" + File.separator)) { fileName = System.getProperty("user.home") + fileName.substring(1); } fileName = new File(fileName).getCanonicalPath(); //LOG.debug("Canonical path: {}", fileName); if (expandWildCard) { DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner(); scanner.setIncludes(new String[] { fileName }); scanner.scan(); String[] files = scanner.getIncludedFiles(); if (files.length == 0) { throw new CliException(fileName + " does not match any file"); } else if (files.length > 1) { throw new CliException(fileName + " matches more than one file"); } return files[0]; } else { return fileName; } } private static String[] expandFileNames(String fileName) throws IOException { // TODO: need to work with other users if (fileName.matches("^[a-zA-Z]+:.*")) { // it's a URL return new String[] { fileName }; } if (fileName.startsWith("~" + File.separator)) { fileName = System.getProperty("user.home") + fileName.substring(1); } fileName = new File(fileName).getCanonicalPath(); LOG.debug("Canonical path: {}", fileName); DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner(); scanner.setIncludes(new String[] { fileName }); scanner.scan(); return scanner.getIncludedFiles(); } private static String expandCommaSeparatedFiles(String filenames) throws IOException { String[] entries = filenames.split(","); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(filenames.length()); for (String entry : entries) { for (String file : expandFileNames(entry)) { if (result.length() > 0) { result.append(","); } result.append(file); } } if (result.length() == 0) { return null; } return result.toString(); } protected ApplicationReport getApplication(String appId) { List<ApplicationReport> appList = getApplicationList(); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(appId)) { int appSeq = Integer.parseInt(appId); for (ApplicationReport ar : appList) { if (ar.getApplicationId().getId() == appSeq) { return ar; } } } else { for (ApplicationReport ar : appList) { if (ar.getApplicationId().toString().equals(appId)) { return ar; } } } return null; } private static class CliException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; CliException(String msg, Throwable cause) { super(msg, cause); } CliException(String msg) { super(msg); } } public void preImpersonationInit(String[] args) throws IOException { Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), new SignalHandler() { @Override public void handle(Signal sig) { System.out.println("^C"); if (commandThread != null) { commandThread.interrupt(); mainThread.interrupt(); } else { System.out.print(prompt); System.out.flush(); } } }); consolePresent = (System.console() != null); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("e", true, "Commands are read from the argument"); options.addOption("v", false, "Verbose mode level 1"); options.addOption("vv", false, "Verbose mode level 2"); options.addOption("vvv", false, "Verbose mode level 3"); options.addOption("vvvv", false, "Verbose mode level 4"); options.addOption("r", false, "JSON Raw mode"); options.addOption("p", true, "JSONP padding function"); options.addOption("h", false, "Print this help"); options.addOption("f", true, "Use the specified prompt at all time"); options.addOption("kp", true, "Use the specified kerberos principal"); options.addOption("kt", true, "Use the specified kerberos keytab"); CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption("v")) { verboseLevel = 1; } if (cmd.hasOption("vv")) { verboseLevel = 2; } if (cmd.hasOption("vvv")) { verboseLevel = 3; } if (cmd.hasOption("vvvv")) { verboseLevel = 4; } if (cmd.hasOption("r")) { raw = true; } if (cmd.hasOption("e")) { commandsToExecute = cmd.getOptionValues("e"); consolePresent = false; } if (cmd.hasOption("p")) { jsonp = cmd.getOptionValue("p"); } if (cmd.hasOption("f")) { forcePrompt = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); } if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(DTCli.class.getSimpleName(), options); System.exit(0); } if (cmd.hasOption("kp")) { kerberosPrincipal = cmd.getOptionValue("kp"); } if (cmd.hasOption("kt")) { kerberosKeyTab = cmd.getOptionValue("kt"); } } catch (ParseException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid argument: " + ex); System.exit(1); } if (kerberosPrincipal == null && kerberosKeyTab != null) { System.err.println( "Kerberos key tab is specified but not the kerberos principal. Please specify it using the -kp option."); System.exit(1); } if (kerberosPrincipal != null && kerberosKeyTab == null) { System.err.println( "Kerberos principal is specified but not the kerberos key tab. Please specify it using the -kt option."); System.exit(1); } Level logLevel; switch (verboseLevel) { case 0: logLevel = Level.OFF; break; case 1: logLevel = Level.ERROR; break; case 2: logLevel = Level.WARN; break; case 3: logLevel = Level.INFO; break; default: logLevel = Level.DEBUG; break; } for (org.apache.log4j.Logger logger : new org.apache.log4j.Logger[] { org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger(), org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(DTCli.class) }) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<Appender> allAppenders = logger.getAllAppenders(); while (allAppenders.hasMoreElements()) { Appender appender = allAppenders.nextElement(); if (appender instanceof ConsoleAppender) { ((ConsoleAppender) appender).setThreshold(logLevel); } } } if (commandsToExecute != null) { for (String command : commandsToExecute) { LOG.debug("Command to be executed: {}", command); } } if (kerberosPrincipal != null && kerberosKeyTab != null) { StramUserLogin.authenticate(kerberosPrincipal, kerberosKeyTab); } else { Configuration config = new YarnConfiguration(); StramClientUtils.addDTLocalResources(config); StramUserLogin.attemptAuthentication(config); } } public void init() throws IOException { conf = StramClientUtils.addDTSiteResources(new YarnConfiguration()); fs = StramClientUtils.newFileSystemInstance(conf); stramAgent = new StramAgent(fs, conf); yarnClient.init(conf); yarnClient.start(); LOG.debug("Yarn Client initialized and started"); String socks = conf.get(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_SOCKS_SERVER_KEY); if (socks != null) { int colon = socks.indexOf(':'); if (colon > 0) {"Using socks proxy at {}", socks); System.setProperty("socksProxyHost", socks.substring(0, colon)); System.setProperty("socksProxyPort", socks.substring(colon + 1)); } } } private void processSourceFile(String fileName, ConsoleReader reader) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { fileName = expandFileName(fileName, true); LOG.debug("Sourcing {}", fileName); boolean consolePresentSaved = consolePresent; consolePresent = false; FileLineReader fr = null; String line; try { fr = new FileLineReader(fileName); while ((line = fr.readLine("")) != null) { processLine(line, fr, true); } } finally { consolePresent = consolePresentSaved; if (fr != null) { fr.close(); } } } private final static class MyNullCompleter implements Completer { public static final MyNullCompleter INSTANCE = new MyNullCompleter(); @Override public int complete(final String buffer, final int cursor, final List<CharSequence> candidates) { candidates.add(""); return cursor; } } private final static class MyFileNameCompleter extends FileNameCompleter { @Override public int complete(final String buffer, final int cursor, final List<CharSequence> candidates) { int result = super.complete(buffer, cursor, candidates); if (candidates.isEmpty()) { candidates.add(""); result = cursor; } return result; } } private List<Completer> defaultCompleters() { Map<String, CommandSpec> commands = new TreeMap<String, CommandSpec>(); commands.putAll(logicalPlanChangeCommands); commands.putAll(connectedCommands); commands.putAll(globalCommands); List<Completer> completers = new LinkedList<Completer>(); for (Map.Entry<String, CommandSpec> entry : commands.entrySet()) { String command = entry.getKey(); CommandSpec cs = entry.getValue(); List<Completer> argCompleters = new LinkedList<Completer>(); argCompleters.add(new StringsCompleter(command)); Arg[] args = (Arg[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(cs.requiredArgs, cs.optionalArgs); if (args != null) { if (cs instanceof OptionsCommandSpec) { // ugly hack because jline cannot dynamically change completer while user types if (args[0] instanceof FileArg || args[0] instanceof VarArg) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { argCompleters.add(new MyFileNameCompleter()); } } } else { for (Arg arg : args) { if (arg instanceof FileArg || arg instanceof VarArg) { argCompleters.add(new MyFileNameCompleter()); } else if (arg instanceof CommandArg) { argCompleters.add(new StringsCompleter(commands.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}))); } else { argCompleters.add(MyNullCompleter.INSTANCE); } } } } completers.add(new ArgumentCompleter(argCompleters)); } List<Completer> argCompleters = new LinkedList<Completer>(); Set<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); set.addAll(aliases.keySet()); set.addAll(macros.keySet()); argCompleters.add(new StringsCompleter(set.toArray(new String[] {}))); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { argCompleters.add(new MyFileNameCompleter()); } completers.add(new ArgumentCompleter(argCompleters)); return completers; } private void setupCompleter(ConsoleReader reader) { reader.addCompleter(new AggregateCompleter(defaultCompleters())); } private void updateCompleter(ConsoleReader reader) { List<Completer> completers = new ArrayList<Completer>(reader.getCompleters()); for (Completer c : completers) { reader.removeCompleter(c); } setupCompleter(reader); } private void setupHistory(ConsoleReader reader) { File historyFile = new File(StramClientUtils.getUserDTDirectory(), "cli_history"); historyFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { topLevelHistory = new FileHistory(historyFile); reader.setHistory(topLevelHistory); historyFile = new File(StramClientUtils.getUserDTDirectory(), "cli_history_clp"); changingLogicalPlanHistory = new FileHistory(historyFile); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.printf("Unable to open %s for writing.", historyFile); } } private void setupAgents() throws IOException { recordingsAgent = new RecordingsAgent(stramAgent); } public void run() throws IOException { ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(); reader.setExpandEvents(false); reader.setBellEnabled(false); try { processSourceFile(StramClientUtils.getConfigDir() + "/clirc_system", reader); } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore } try { processSourceFile(StramClientUtils.getUserDTDirectory() + "/clirc", reader); } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore } if (consolePresent) { printWelcomeMessage(); setupCompleter(reader); setupHistory(reader); //reader.setHandleUserInterrupt(true); } else { reader.setEchoCharacter((char) 0); } setupAgents(); String line; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); int i = 0; while (true) { if (commandsToExecute != null) { if (i >= commandsToExecute.length) { break; } line = commandsToExecute[i++]; } else { line = readLine(reader); if (line == null) { break; } } processLine(line, reader, true); out.flush(); } if (topLevelHistory != null) { try { topLevelHistory.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.warn("Cannot flush command history", ex); } } if (changingLogicalPlanHistory != null) { try { changingLogicalPlanHistory.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.warn("Cannot flush command history", ex); } } if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("exit"); } } private List<String> expandMacro(List<String> lines, String[] args) { List<String> expandedLines = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : lines) { int previousIndex = 0; StringBuilder expandedLine = new StringBuilder(line.length()); while (true) { // Search for $0..$9 within the each line and replace by corresponding args int currentIndex = line.indexOf('$', previousIndex); if (currentIndex > 0 && line.length() > currentIndex + 1) { int argIndex = line.charAt(currentIndex + 1) - '0'; if (args.length > argIndex && argIndex >= 0) { // Replace $0 with macro name or $1..$9 with input arguments expandedLine.append(line.substring(previousIndex, currentIndex)).append(args[argIndex]); } else if (argIndex >= 0 && argIndex <= 9) { // Arguments for $1..$9 were not supplied - replace with empty strings expandedLine.append(line.substring(previousIndex, currentIndex)); } else { // Outside valid arguments range - ignore and do not replace expandedLine.append(line.substring(previousIndex, currentIndex + 2)); } currentIndex += 2; } else { expandedLine.append(line.substring(previousIndex)); expandedLines.add(expandedLine.toString()); break; } previousIndex = currentIndex; } } return expandedLines; } private static String ltrim(String s) { int i = 0; while (i < s.length() && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) { i++; } return s.substring(i); } private void processLine(String line, final ConsoleReader reader, boolean expandMacroAlias) { try { // clear interrupt flag Thread.interrupted(); if (reader.isHistoryEnabled()) { History history = reader.getHistory(); if (history instanceof FileHistory) { try { ((FileHistory) history).flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore } } } //LOG.debug("line: \"{}\"", line); List<String[]> commands = tokenizer.tokenize(line); if (commands == null) { return; } for (final String[] args : commands) { if (args.length == 0 || StringUtils.isBlank(args[0])) { continue; } //LOG.debug("Got: {}", mapper.writeValueAsString(args)); if (expandMacroAlias) { if (macros.containsKey(args[0])) { List<String> macroItems = expandMacro(macros.get(args[0]), args); for (String macroItem : macroItems) { if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("expanded-macro> " + macroItem); } processLine(macroItem, reader, false); } continue; } if (aliases.containsKey(args[0])) { processLine(aliases.get(args[0]), reader, false); continue; } } CommandSpec cs = null; if (changingLogicalPlan) { cs = logicalPlanChangeCommands.get(args[0]); } else { if (currentApp != null) { cs = connectedCommands.get(args[0]); } if (cs == null) { cs = globalCommands.get(args[0]); } } if (cs == null) { if (connectedCommands.get(args[0]) != null) { System.err.println("\"" + args[0] + "\" is valid only when connected to an application. Type \"connect <appid>\" to connect to an application."); lastCommandError = true; } else if (logicalPlanChangeCommands.get(args[0]) != null) { System.err.println("\"" + args[0] + "\" is valid only when changing a logical plan. Type \"begin-logical-plan-change\" to change a logical plan"); lastCommandError = true; } else { System.err.println("Invalid command '" + args[0] + "'. Type \"help\" for list of commands"); lastCommandError = true; } } else { try { cs.verifyArguments(args); } catch (CliException ex) { cs.printUsage(args[0]); throw ex; } final Command command = cs.command; commandThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { command.execute(args, reader); lastCommandError = false; } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } }; mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); commandThread.start(); try { commandThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { System.err.println("Interrupted"); } commandThread = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } private void handleException(Exception e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String msg = e.getMessage(); if (null != msg) { sb.append(msg); } Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause != null && cause.getMessage() != null) { sb.append(": "); sb.append(cause.getMessage()); } sb.append(Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); System.err.println(sb.toString()); LOG.error("Exception caught: ", e); lastCommandError = true; } private void printWelcomeMessage() { System.out.println("DT CLI " + VersionInfo.getVersion() + " " + VersionInfo.getDate() + " " + VersionInfo.getRevision()); if (!StramClientUtils.configComplete(conf)) { System.err.println( "WARNING: Configuration of DataTorrent has not been complete. Please proceed with caution and only in development environment!"); } } private void printHelp(String command, CommandSpec commandSpec, PrintStream os) { if (consolePresent) { os.print("\033[0;93m"); os.print(command); os.print("\033[0m"); } else { os.print(command); } if (commandSpec instanceof OptionsCommandSpec) { OptionsCommandSpec ocs = (OptionsCommandSpec) commandSpec; if (ocs.options != null) { os.print(" [options]"); } } if (commandSpec.requiredArgs != null) { for (Arg arg : commandSpec.requiredArgs) { if (consolePresent) { os.print(" \033[3m" + arg + "\033[0m"); } else { os.print(" <" + arg + ">"); } } } if (commandSpec.optionalArgs != null) { for (Arg arg : commandSpec.optionalArgs) { if (consolePresent) { os.print(" [\033[3m" + arg + "\033[0m"); } else { os.print(" [<" + arg + ">"); } if (arg instanceof VarArg) { os.print(" ..."); } os.print("]"); } } os.println("\n\t" + commandSpec.description); if (commandSpec instanceof OptionsCommandSpec) { OptionsCommandSpec ocs = (OptionsCommandSpec) commandSpec; if (ocs.options != null) { os.println("\tOptions:"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(os); formatter.printOptions(pw, 80, ocs.options, 12, 4); pw.flush(); } } } private void printHelp(Map<String, CommandSpec> commandSpecs, PrintStream os) { for (Map.Entry<String, CommandSpec> entry : commandSpecs.entrySet()) { printHelp(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), os); } } private String readLine(ConsoleReader reader) throws IOException { if (forcePrompt == null) { prompt = ""; if (consolePresent) { if (changingLogicalPlan) { prompt = "logical-plan-change"; } else { prompt = "dt"; } if (currentApp != null) { prompt += " ("; prompt += currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(); prompt += ") "; } prompt += "> "; } } else { prompt = forcePrompt; } String line = reader.readLine(prompt, consolePresent ? null : (char) 0); if (line == null) { return null; } return ltrim(line); } private List<ApplicationReport> getApplicationList() { try { return yarnClient.getApplications(Sets.newHashSet(StramClient.YARN_APPLICATION_TYPE)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException("Error getting application list from resource manager", e); } } private String getContainerLongId(String containerId) { JSONObject json = getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_PHYSICAL_PLAN_CONTAINERS, currentApp); int shortId = 0; if (StringUtils.isNumeric(containerId)) { shortId = Integer.parseInt(containerId); } try { Object containersObj = json.get("containers"); JSONArray containers; if (containersObj instanceof JSONArray) { containers = (JSONArray) containersObj; } else { containers = new JSONArray(); containers.put(containersObj); } if (containersObj != null) { for (int o = containers.length(); o-- > 0;) { JSONObject container = containers.getJSONObject(o); String id = container.getString("id"); if (id.equals(containerId) || (shortId != 0 && (id.endsWith("_" + shortId) || id.endsWith("0" + shortId)))) { return id; } } } } catch (JSONException ex) { } return null; } private ApplicationReport assertRunningApp(ApplicationReport app) { ApplicationReport r; try { r = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(app.getApplicationId()); if (r.getYarnApplicationState() != YarnApplicationState.RUNNING) { String msg = String.format("Application %s not running (status %s)", r.getApplicationId().getId(), r.getYarnApplicationState()); throw new CliException(msg); } } catch (YarnException rmExc) { throw new CliException("Unable to determine application status", rmExc); } catch (IOException rmExc) { throw new CliException("Unable to determine application status", rmExc); } return r; } private JSONObject getResource(String resourcePath, ApplicationReport appReport) { return getResource(new StramAgent.StramUriSpec().path(resourcePath), appReport, new WebServicesClient.GetWebServicesHandler<JSONObject>()); } private JSONObject getResource(StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec, ApplicationReport appReport) { return getResource(uriSpec, appReport, new WebServicesClient.GetWebServicesHandler<JSONObject>()); } private JSONObject getResource(StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec, ApplicationReport appReport, WebServicesClient.WebServicesHandler handler) { if (appReport == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(appReport.getTrackingUrl()) || appReport.getFinalApplicationStatus() != FinalApplicationStatus.UNDEFINED) { appReport = null; throw new CliException("Application terminated"); } WebServicesClient wsClient = new WebServicesClient(); try { return stramAgent.issueStramWebRequest(wsClient, appReport.getApplicationId().toString(), uriSpec, handler); } catch (Exception e) { // check the application status as above may have failed due application termination etc. if (appReport == currentApp) { currentApp = assertRunningApp(appReport); } throw new CliException( "Failed to request web service for appid " + appReport.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } private List<AppFactory> getMatchingAppFactories(StramAppLauncher submitApp, String matchString, boolean exactMatch) { try { List<AppFactory> cfgList = submitApp.getBundledTopologies(); if (cfgList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (matchString == null) { return cfgList; } else { List<AppFactory> result = new ArrayList<AppFactory>(); if (!exactMatch) { matchString = matchString.toLowerCase(); } for (AppFactory ac : cfgList) { String appName = ac.getName(); String appAlias = submitApp.getLogicalPlanConfiguration().getAppAlias(appName); if (exactMatch) { if (matchString.equals(appName) || matchString.equals(appAlias)) { result.add(ac); } } else if (appName.toLowerCase().contains(matchString) || (appAlias != null && appAlias.toLowerCase().contains(matchString))) { result.add(ac); } } return result; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Caught Exception: ", ex); return null; } } /* * Below is the implementation of all commands */ private class HelpCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { PrintStream os = getOutputPrintStream(); if (args.length < 2) { os.println("GLOBAL COMMANDS EXCEPT WHEN CHANGING LOGICAL PLAN:\n"); printHelp(globalCommands, os); os.println(); os.println( "COMMANDS WHEN CONNECTED TO AN APP (via connect <appid>) EXCEPT WHEN CHANGING LOGICAL PLAN:\n"); printHelp(connectedCommands, os); os.println(); os.println("COMMANDS WHEN CHANGING LOGICAL PLAN (via begin-logical-plan-change):\n"); printHelp(logicalPlanChangeCommands, os); os.println(); } else { if (args[1].equals("help")) { printHelp("help", globalCommands.get("help"), os); } else { boolean valid = false; CommandSpec cs = globalCommands.get(args[1]); if (cs != null) { os.println("This usage is valid except when changing logical plan"); printHelp(args[1], cs, os); os.println(); valid = true; } cs = connectedCommands.get(args[1]); if (cs != null) { os.println( "This usage is valid when connected to an app except when changing logical plan"); printHelp(args[1], cs, os); os.println(); valid = true; } cs = logicalPlanChangeCommands.get(args[1]); if (cs != null) { os.println( "This usage is only valid when changing logical plan (via begin-logical-plan-change)"); printHelp(args[1], cs, os); os.println(); valid = true; } if (!valid) { os.println("Help for \"" + args[1] + "\" does not exist."); } } } closeOutputPrintStream(os); } } private class EchoCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { if (i > 1) { System.out.print(" "); } System.out.print(args[i]); } System.out.println(); } } private class ConnectCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { currentApp = getApplication(args[1]); if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("Streaming application with id " + args[1] + " is not found."); } try { LOG.debug("Selected {} with tracking url {}", currentApp.getApplicationId(), currentApp.getTrackingUrl()); getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_INFO, currentApp); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Connected to application " + currentApp.getApplicationId()); } } catch (CliException e) { throw e; // pass on } } } private class LaunchCommand implements Command { @Override @SuppressWarnings("SleepWhileInLoop") public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String[] newArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, args.length - 1); LaunchCommandLineInfo commandLineInfo = getLaunchCommandLineInfo(newArgs); if (commandLineInfo.configFile != null) { commandLineInfo.configFile = expandFileName(commandLineInfo.configFile, true); } // see if the given config file is a config package ConfigPackage cp = null; String requiredAppPackageName = null; try { cp = new ConfigPackage(new File(commandLineInfo.configFile)); requiredAppPackageName = cp.getAppPackageName(); } catch (Exception ex) { // fall through, it's not a config package } try { Configuration config; String configFile = cp == null ? commandLineInfo.configFile : null; try { config = StramAppLauncher.getOverriddenConfig( StramClientUtils.addDTSiteResources(new Configuration()), configFile, commandLineInfo.overrideProperties); if (commandLineInfo.libjars != null) { commandLineInfo.libjars = expandCommaSeparatedFiles(commandLineInfo.libjars); if (commandLineInfo.libjars != null) { config.set(StramAppLauncher.LIBJARS_CONF_KEY_NAME, commandLineInfo.libjars); } } if (commandLineInfo.files != null) { commandLineInfo.files = expandCommaSeparatedFiles(commandLineInfo.files); if (commandLineInfo.files != null) { config.set(StramAppLauncher.FILES_CONF_KEY_NAME, commandLineInfo.files); } } if (commandLineInfo.archives != null) { commandLineInfo.archives = expandCommaSeparatedFiles(commandLineInfo.archives); if (commandLineInfo.archives != null) { config.set(StramAppLauncher.ARCHIVES_CONF_KEY_NAME, commandLineInfo.archives); } } if (commandLineInfo.origAppId != null) { config.set(StramAppLauncher.ORIGINAL_APP_ID, commandLineInfo.origAppId); } config.set(StramAppLauncher.QUEUE_NAME, commandLineInfo.queue != null ? commandLineInfo.queue : "default"); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new CliException("Error opening the config XML file: " + configFile, t); } String fileName = expandFileName(commandLineInfo.args[0], true); StramAppLauncher submitApp; AppFactory appFactory = null; String matchString = commandLineInfo.args.length >= 2 ? commandLineInfo.args[1] : null; if (fileName.endsWith(".json")) { File file = new File(fileName); submitApp = new StramAppLauncher(file.getName(), config); appFactory = new StramAppLauncher.JsonFileAppFactory(file); if (matchString != null) { LOG.warn("Match string \"{}\" is ignored for launching applications specified in JSON", matchString); } } else if (fileName.endsWith(".properties")) { File file = new File(fileName); submitApp = new StramAppLauncher(file.getName(), config); appFactory = new StramAppLauncher.PropertyFileAppFactory(file); if (matchString != null) { LOG.warn( "Match string \"{}\" is ignored for launching applications specified in properties file", matchString); } } else { // see if it's an app package AppPackage ap = null; try { ap = newAppPackageInstance(new File(fileName)); } catch (Exception ex) { // It's not an app package if (requiredAppPackageName != null) { throw new CliException("Config package requires an app package name of \"" + requiredAppPackageName + "\""); } } if (ap != null) { try { checkCompatible(ap, cp); launchAppPackage(ap, cp, commandLineInfo, reader); return; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(ap); } } submitApp = getStramAppLauncher(fileName, config, commandLineInfo.ignorePom); } submitApp.loadDependencies(); if (commandLineInfo.origAppId != null) { // ensure app is not running ApplicationReport ar = null; try { ar = getApplication(commandLineInfo.origAppId); } catch (Exception e) { // application (no longer) in the RM history, does not prevent restart from state in DFS LOG.debug("Cannot determine status of application {} {}", commandLineInfo.origAppId, ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); } if (ar != null) { if (ar.getFinalApplicationStatus() == FinalApplicationStatus.UNDEFINED) { throw new CliException("Cannot relaunch non-terminated application: " + commandLineInfo.origAppId + " " + ar.getYarnApplicationState()); } if (appFactory == null && matchString == null) { // skip selection if we can match application name from previous run List<AppFactory> matchingAppFactories = getMatchingAppFactories(submitApp, ar.getName(), commandLineInfo.exactMatch); for (AppFactory af : matchingAppFactories) { String appName = submitApp.getLogicalPlanConfiguration().getAppAlias(af.getName()); if (appName == null) { appName = af.getName(); } // limit to exact match if (appName.equals(ar.getName())) { appFactory = af; break; } } } } } if (appFactory == null && matchString != null) { // attempt to interpret argument as property file - do we still need it? try { File file = new File(expandFileName(commandLineInfo.args[1], true)); if (file.exists()) { if (commandLineInfo.args[1].endsWith(".properties")) { appFactory = new StramAppLauncher.PropertyFileAppFactory(file); } else if (commandLineInfo.args[1].endsWith(".json")) { appFactory = new StramAppLauncher.JsonFileAppFactory(file); } } } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore } } if (appFactory == null) { List<AppFactory> matchingAppFactories = getMatchingAppFactories(submitApp, matchString, commandLineInfo.exactMatch); if (matchingAppFactories == null || matchingAppFactories.isEmpty()) { throw new CliException("No applications matching \"" + matchString + "\" bundled in jar."); } else if (matchingAppFactories.size() == 1) { appFactory = matchingAppFactories.get(0); } else if (matchingAppFactories.size() > 1) { //Store the appNames sorted in alphabetical order and their position in matchingAppFactories list TreeMap<String, Integer> appNamesInAlphabeticalOrder = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); // Display matching applications for (int i = 0; i < matchingAppFactories.size(); i++) { String appName = matchingAppFactories.get(i).getName(); String appAlias = submitApp.getLogicalPlanConfiguration().getAppAlias(appName); if (appAlias != null) { appName = appAlias; } appNamesInAlphabeticalOrder.put(appName, i); } //Create a mapping between the app display number and original index at matchingAppFactories int index = 1; HashMap<Integer, Integer> displayIndexToOriginalUnsortedIndexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : appNamesInAlphabeticalOrder.entrySet()) { //Map display number of the app to original unsorted index displayIndexToOriginalUnsortedIndexMap.put(index, entry.getValue()); //Display the app names System.out.printf("%3d. %s\n", index++, entry.getKey()); } // Exit if not in interactive mode if (!consolePresent) { throw new CliException( "More than one application in jar file match '" + matchString + "'"); } else { boolean useHistory = reader.isHistoryEnabled(); reader.setHistoryEnabled(false); History previousHistory = reader.getHistory(); History dummyHistory = new MemoryHistory(); reader.setHistory(dummyHistory); List<Completer> completers = new ArrayList<Completer>(reader.getCompleters()); for (Completer c : completers) { reader.removeCompleter(c); } reader.setHandleUserInterrupt(true); String optionLine; try { optionLine = reader.readLine("Choose application: "); } finally { reader.setHandleUserInterrupt(false); reader.setHistoryEnabled(useHistory); reader.setHistory(previousHistory); for (Completer c : completers) { reader.addCompleter(c); } } try { int option = Integer.parseInt(optionLine); if (0 < option && option <= matchingAppFactories.size()) { int appIndex = displayIndexToOriginalUnsortedIndexMap.get(option); appFactory = matchingAppFactories.get(appIndex); } } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore } } } } if (appFactory != null) { if (!commandLineInfo.localMode) { // see whether there is an app with the same name and user name running String appNameAttributeName = StreamingApplication.DT_PREFIX + Context.DAGContext.APPLICATION_NAME.getName(); String appName = config.get(appNameAttributeName, appFactory.getName()); ApplicationReport duplicateApp = StramClientUtils.getStartedAppInstanceByName(yarnClient, appName, UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getUserName(), null); if (duplicateApp != null) { throw new CliException("Application with the name \"" + duplicateApp.getName() + "\" already running under the current user \"" + duplicateApp.getUser() + "\". Please choose another name. You can change the name by setting " + appNameAttributeName); } // This is for suppressing System.out printouts from applications so that the user of CLI will not be confused by those printouts PrintStream originalStream = suppressOutput(); ApplicationId appId = null; try { if (raw) { PrintStream dummyStream = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) { // no-op } }); System.setOut(dummyStream); } appId = submitApp.launchApp(appFactory); currentApp = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId); } finally { restoreOutput(originalStream); } if (appId != null) { printJson("{\"appId\": \"" + appId + "\"}"); } } else { submitApp.runLocal(appFactory); } } else { System.err.println("No application specified."); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(cp); } } } private class GetConfigParameterCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { PrintStream os = getOutputPrintStream(); if (args.length == 1) { Map<String, String> sortedMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : conf) { sortedMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sortedMap.entrySet()) { os.println(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()); } } else { String value = conf.get(args[1]); if (value != null) { os.println(value); } } closeOutputPrintStream(os); } } private class ShutdownAppCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { ApplicationReport[] apps; WebServicesClient webServicesClient = new WebServicesClient(); if (args.length == 1) { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } else { apps = new ApplicationReport[] { currentApp }; } } else { apps = new ApplicationReport[args.length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { apps[i - 1] = getApplication(args[i]); if (apps[i - 1] == null) { throw new CliException("Streaming application with id " + args[i] + " is not found."); } } } for (ApplicationReport app : apps) { try { JSONObject response = getResource( new StramAgent.StramUriSpec().path(StramWebServices.PATH_SHUTDOWN), app, new WebServicesClient.WebServicesHandler<JSONObject>() { @Override public JSONObject process(WebResource.Builder webResource, Class<JSONObject> clazz) { return webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(clazz, new JSONObject()); } }); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Shutdown requested: " + response); } currentApp = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed to request shutdown for appid " + app.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } } private class ListAppsCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { try { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); List<ApplicationReport> appList = getApplicationList(); Collections.sort(appList, new Comparator<ApplicationReport>() { @Override public int compare(ApplicationReport o1, ApplicationReport o2) { return o1.getApplicationId().getId() - o2.getApplicationId().getId(); } }); int totalCnt = 0; int runningCnt = 0; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"); for (ApplicationReport ar : appList) { /* * This is inefficient, but what the heck, if this can be passed through the command line, can anyone notice slowness. */ JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put("startTime", sdf.format(new java.util.Date(ar.getStartTime()))); jsonObj.put("id", ar.getApplicationId().getId()); jsonObj.put("name", ar.getName()); jsonObj.put("state", ar.getYarnApplicationState().name()); jsonObj.put("trackingUrl", ar.getTrackingUrl()); jsonObj.put("finalStatus", ar.getFinalApplicationStatus()); totalCnt++; if (ar.getYarnApplicationState() == YarnApplicationState.RUNNING) { runningCnt++; } if (args.length > 1) { if (StringUtils.isNumeric(args[1])) { if (jsonObj.getString("id").equals(args[1])) { jsonArray.put(jsonObj); break; } } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> keys = jsonObj.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { if (jsonObj.get( .contains(args[1].toLowerCase())) { jsonArray.put(jsonObj); break; } } } } else { jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } } printJson(jsonArray, "apps"); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println(runningCnt + " active, total " + totalCnt + " applications."); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CliException("Failed to retrieve application list", ex); } } } private class KillAppCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (args.length == 1) { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } else { try { yarnClient.killApplication(currentApp.getApplicationId()); currentApp = null; } catch (YarnException e) { throw new CliException("Failed to kill " + currentApp.getApplicationId(), e); } } if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Kill app requested"); } return; } ApplicationReport app = null; int i = 0; try { while (++i < args.length) { app = getApplication(args[i]); if (app == null) { throw new CliException("Streaming application with id " + args[i] + " is not found."); } yarnClient.killApplication(app.getApplicationId()); if (app == currentApp) { currentApp = null; } } if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Kill app requested"); } } catch (YarnException e) { throw new CliException( "Failed to kill " + ((app == null || app.getApplicationId() == null) ? "unknown application" : app.getApplicationId()) + ". Aborting killing of any additional applications.", e); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new CliException("Invalid application Id " + args[i], nfe); } } } private class AliasCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (args[1].equals(args[2])) { throw new CliException("Alias to itself!"); } aliases.put(args[1], args[2]); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Alias " + args[1] + " created."); } updateCompleter(reader); } } private class SourceCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { processSourceFile(args[1], reader); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("File " + args[1] + " sourced."); } } } private class ExitCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (topLevelHistory != null) { try { topLevelHistory.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.warn("Cannot flush command history"); } } if (changingLogicalPlanHistory != null) { try { changingLogicalPlanHistory.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.warn("Cannot flush command history"); } } System.exit(0); } } private class ListContainersCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { JSONObject json = getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_PHYSICAL_PLAN_CONTAINERS, currentApp); if (args.length == 1) { printJson(json); } else { Object containersObj = json.get("containers"); JSONArray containers; if (containersObj instanceof JSONArray) { containers = (JSONArray) containersObj; } else { containers = new JSONArray(); containers.put(containersObj); } if (containersObj == null) { System.out.println("No containers found!"); } else { JSONArray resultContainers = new JSONArray(); for (int o = containers.length(); o-- > 0;) { JSONObject container = containers.getJSONObject(o); String id = container.getString("id"); if (id != null && !id.isEmpty()) { for (int argc = args.length; argc-- > 1;) { String s1 = "0" + args[argc]; String s2 = "_" + args[argc]; if (id.equals(args[argc]) || id.endsWith(s1) || id.endsWith(s2)) { resultContainers.put(container); } } } } printJson(resultContainers, "containers"); } } } } private class ListOperatorsCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { JSONObject json = getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_PHYSICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS, currentApp); if (args.length > 1) { String singleKey = "" + json.keys().next(); JSONArray matches = new JSONArray(); // filter operators JSONArray arr; Object obj = json.get(singleKey); if (obj instanceof JSONArray) { arr = (JSONArray) obj; } else { arr = new JSONArray(); arr.put(obj); } for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { JSONObject oper = arr.getJSONObject(i); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(args[1])) { if (oper.getString("id").equals(args[1])) { matches.put(oper); break; } } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> keys = oper.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { if (oper.get([1].toLowerCase())) { matches.put(oper); break; } } } } json.put(singleKey, matches); } printJson(json); } } private class ShowPhysicalPlanCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { try { printJson(getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_SHUTDOWN, currentApp)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } private class KillContainerCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { String containerLongId = getContainerLongId(args[i]); if (containerLongId == null) { throw new CliException("Container " + args[i] + " not found"); } try { StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_PHYSICAL_PLAN_CONTAINERS) .path(URLEncoder.encode(containerLongId, "UTF-8")).path("kill"); JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp, new WebServicesClient.WebServicesHandler<JSONObject>() { @Override public JSONObject process(WebResource.Builder webResource, Class<JSONObject> clazz) { return webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(clazz, new JSONObject()); } }); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Kill container requested: " + response); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } } private class WaitCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, final ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } int timeout = Integer.valueOf(args[1]); ClientRMHelper.AppStatusCallback cb = new ClientRMHelper.AppStatusCallback() { @Override public boolean exitLoop(ApplicationReport report) { System.out.println("current status is: " + report.getYarnApplicationState()); try { if (reader.getInput().available() > 0) { return true; } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error checking for input.", e); } return false; } }; try { ClientRMHelper clientRMHelper = new ClientRMHelper(yarnClient); boolean result = clientRMHelper.waitForCompletion(currentApp.getApplicationId(), cb, timeout * 1000); if (!result) { System.err.println("Application terminated unsucessful."); } } catch (YarnException e) { throw new CliException("Failed to kill " + currentApp.getApplicationId(), e); } } } private class StartRecordingCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String opId = args[1]; String port = null; long numWindows = 0; if (args.length >= 3) { port = args[2]; } if (args.length >= 4) { numWindows = Long.valueOf(args[3]); } printJson(recordingsAgent.startRecording(currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), opId, port, numWindows)); } } private class StopRecordingCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String opId = args[1]; String port = null; if (args.length == 3) { port = args[2]; } printJson(recordingsAgent.stopRecording(currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), opId, port)); } } private class GetRecordingInfoCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (args.length <= 1) { List<RecordingInfo> recordingInfo = recordingsAgent .getRecordingInfo(currentApp.getApplicationId().toString()); printJson(recordingInfo, "recordings"); } else if (args.length <= 2) { String opId = args[1]; List<RecordingInfo> recordingInfo = recordingsAgent .getRecordingInfo(currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), opId); printJson(recordingInfo, "recordings"); } else { String opId = args[1]; String id = args[2]; RecordingInfo recordingInfo = recordingsAgent .getRecordingInfo(currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), opId, id); printJson(new JSONObject(mapper.writeValueAsString(recordingInfo))); } } } private class GetAppAttributesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN).path("attributes"); if (args.length > 1) { uriSpec = uriSpec.queryParam("attributeName", args[1]); } try { JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp); printJson(response); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } private class GetOperatorAttributesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS) .path(URLEncoder.encode(args[1], "UTF-8")).path("attributes"); if (args.length > 2) { uriSpec = uriSpec.queryParam("attributeName", args[2]); } try { JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp); printJson(response); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } private class GetPortAttributesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS) .path(URLEncoder.encode(args[1], "UTF-8")).path("ports") .path(URLEncoder.encode(args[2], "UTF-8")).path("attributes"); if (args.length > 3) { uriSpec = uriSpec.queryParam("attributeName", args[3]); } try { JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp); printJson(response); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } private class GetOperatorPropertiesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS) .path(URLEncoder.encode(args[1], "UTF-8")).path("properties"); if (args.length > 2) { uriSpec = uriSpec.queryParam("propertyName", args[2]); } try { JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp); printJson(response); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } private class GetPhysicalOperatorPropertiesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } if (!NumberUtils.isDigits(args[1])) { throw new CliException("Operator ID must be a number"); } String[] newArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, args.length - 1); PosixParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(GET_PHYSICAL_PROPERTY_OPTIONS.options, newArgs); String waitTime = line.getOptionValue(GET_PHYSICAL_PROPERTY_OPTIONS.waitTime.getOpt()); String propertyName = line.getOptionValue(GET_PHYSICAL_PROPERTY_OPTIONS.propertyName.getOpt()); StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_PHYSICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS).path(args[1]).path("properties"); if (propertyName != null) { uriSpec = uriSpec.queryParam("propertyName", propertyName); } if (waitTime != null) { uriSpec = uriSpec.queryParam("waitTime", waitTime); } try { JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp); printJson(response); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } } } private class SetOperatorPropertyCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } if (changingLogicalPlan) { String operatorName = args[1]; String propertyName = args[2]; String propertyValue = args[3]; SetOperatorPropertyRequest request = new SetOperatorPropertyRequest(); request.setOperatorName(operatorName); request.setPropertyName(propertyName); request.setPropertyValue(propertyValue); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } else { StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS) .path(URLEncoder.encode(args[1], "UTF-8")).path("properties"); final JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put(args[2], args[3]); JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp, new WebServicesClient.WebServicesHandler<JSONObject>() { @Override public JSONObject process(WebResource.Builder webResource, Class<JSONObject> clazz) { return webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(JSONObject.class, request); } }); printJson(response); } } } private class SetPhysicalOperatorPropertyCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } if (!NumberUtils.isDigits(args[1])) { throw new CliException("Operator ID must be a number"); } StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_PHYSICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS).path(args[1]).path("properties"); final JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put(args[2], args[3]); JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp, new WebServicesClient.WebServicesHandler<JSONObject>() { @Override public JSONObject process(WebResource.Builder webResource, Class<JSONObject> clazz) { return webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(JSONObject.class, request); } }); printJson(response); } } private class BeginLogicalPlanChangeCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { changingLogicalPlan = true; reader.setHistory(changingLogicalPlanHistory); } } private class ShowLogicalPlanCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String[] newArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, args.length - 1); ShowLogicalPlanCommandLineInfo commandLineInfo = getShowLogicalPlanCommandLineInfo(newArgs); Configuration config = StramClientUtils.addDTSiteResources(new Configuration()); if (commandLineInfo.libjars != null) { commandLineInfo.libjars = expandCommaSeparatedFiles(commandLineInfo.libjars); if (commandLineInfo.libjars != null) { config.set(StramAppLauncher.LIBJARS_CONF_KEY_NAME, commandLineInfo.libjars); } } if (commandLineInfo.args.length >= 2) { String jarfile = expandFileName(commandLineInfo.args[0], true); AppPackage ap = null; // see if the first argument is actually an app package try { ap = new AppPackage(new File(jarfile)); } catch (Exception ex) { // fall through } if (ap != null) { new ShowLogicalPlanAppPackageCommand().execute(args, reader); return; } String appName = commandLineInfo.args[1]; StramAppLauncher submitApp = getStramAppLauncher(jarfile, config, commandLineInfo.ignorePom); submitApp.loadDependencies(); List<AppFactory> matchingAppFactories = getMatchingAppFactories(submitApp, appName, commandLineInfo.exactMatch); if (matchingAppFactories == null || matchingAppFactories.isEmpty()) { throw new CliException("No application in jar file matches '" + appName + "'"); } else if (matchingAppFactories.size() > 1) { throw new CliException("More than one application in jar file match '" + appName + "'"); } else { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); PrintStream originalStream = System.out; AppFactory appFactory = matchingAppFactories.get(0); try { if (raw) { PrintStream dummyStream = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) { // no-op } }); System.setOut(dummyStream); } LogicalPlan logicalPlan = appFactory.createApp(submitApp.getLogicalPlanConfiguration()); map.put("applicationName", appFactory.getName()); map.put("logicalPlan", LogicalPlanSerializer.convertToMap(logicalPlan)); } finally { if (raw) { System.setOut(originalStream); } } printJson(map); } } else if (commandLineInfo.args.length == 1) { String filename = expandFileName(commandLineInfo.args[0], true); if (filename.endsWith(".json")) { File file = new File(filename); StramAppLauncher submitApp = new StramAppLauncher(file.getName(), config); AppFactory appFactory = new StramAppLauncher.JsonFileAppFactory(file); LogicalPlan logicalPlan = appFactory.createApp(submitApp.getLogicalPlanConfiguration()); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("applicationName", appFactory.getName()); map.put("logicalPlan", LogicalPlanSerializer.convertToMap(logicalPlan)); printJson(map); } else if (filename.endsWith(".properties")) { File file = new File(filename); StramAppLauncher submitApp = new StramAppLauncher(file.getName(), config); AppFactory appFactory = new StramAppLauncher.PropertyFileAppFactory(file); LogicalPlan logicalPlan = appFactory.createApp(submitApp.getLogicalPlanConfiguration()); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("applicationName", appFactory.getName()); map.put("logicalPlan", LogicalPlanSerializer.convertToMap(logicalPlan)); printJson(map); } else { StramAppLauncher submitApp = getStramAppLauncher(filename, config, commandLineInfo.ignorePom); submitApp.loadDependencies(); List<Map<String, Object>> appList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<AppFactory> appFactoryList = submitApp.getBundledTopologies(); for (AppFactory appFactory : appFactoryList) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("name", appFactory.getName()); appList.add(m); } printJson(appList, "applications"); } } else { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } JSONObject response = getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN, currentApp); printJson(response); } } } private class ShowLogicalPlanAppPackageCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String jarfile = expandFileName(args[1], true); AppPackage ap = null; try { ap = newAppPackageInstance(new File(jarfile)); List<AppInfo> applications = ap.getApplications(); if (args.length >= 3) { for (AppInfo appInfo : applications) { if (args[2].equals( { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("applicationName",; if (appInfo.dag != null) { map.put("logicalPlan", LogicalPlanSerializer.convertToMap(appInfo.dag)); } if (appInfo.error != null) { map.put("error", appInfo.error); } printJson(map); } } } else { List<Map<String, Object>> appList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (AppInfo appInfo : applications) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("name",; m.put("type", appInfo.type); appList.add(m); } printJson(appList, "applications"); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(ap); } } } private File copyToLocal(String[] files) throws IOException { File tmpDir = new File("/tmp/datatorrent/" + ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName()); tmpDir.mkdirs(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { try { URI uri = new URI(files[i]); String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if (scheme == null || scheme.equals("file")) { files[i] = uri.getPath(); } else { FileSystem tmpFs = FileSystem.newInstance(uri, conf); try { Path srcPath = new Path(uri.getPath()); Path dstPath = new Path(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath(), String.valueOf(i) + srcPath.getName()); tmpFs.copyToLocalFile(srcPath, dstPath); files[i] = dstPath.toUri().getPath(); } finally { tmpFs.close(); } } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } return tmpDir; } public static class GetOperatorClassesCommandLineOptions { final Options options = new Options(); final Option parent = add(new Option("parent", "Specify the parent class for the operators")); private Option add(Option opt) { this.options.addOption(opt); return opt; } } private static GetOperatorClassesCommandLineOptions GET_OPERATOR_CLASSES_OPTIONS = new GetOperatorClassesCommandLineOptions(); private static class GetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo { String parent; String[] args; } private static GetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo getGetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo(String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); GetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo result = new GetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(GET_OPERATOR_CLASSES_OPTIONS.options, args); result.parent = line.getOptionValue("parent"); result.args = line.getArgs(); return result; } private class GetJarOperatorClassesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String[] newArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, args.length - 1); GetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo commandLineInfo = getGetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo(newArgs); String parentName = commandLineInfo.parent != null ? commandLineInfo.parent : Operator.class.getName(); String files = expandCommaSeparatedFiles(commandLineInfo.args[0]); if (files == null) { throw new CliException("File " + commandLineInfo.args[0] + " is not found"); } String[] jarFiles = files.split(","); File tmpDir = copyToLocal(jarFiles); try { ObjectMapper defaultValueMapper = ObjectMapperFactory.getOperatorValueSerializer(); OperatorDiscoverer operatorDiscoverer = new OperatorDiscoverer(jarFiles); String searchTerm = commandLineInfo.args.length > 1 ? commandLineInfo.args[1] : null; Set<Class<? extends Operator>> operatorClasses = operatorDiscoverer.getOperatorClasses(parentName, searchTerm); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); JSONObject portClassHier = new JSONObject(); JSONObject failed = new JSONObject(); for (Class<? extends Operator> clazz : operatorClasses) { try { JSONObject oper = operatorDiscoverer.describeOperator(clazz); // add default value Operator operIns = clazz.newInstance(); String s = defaultValueMapper.writeValueAsString(operIns); oper.put("defaultValue", new JSONObject(s).get(clazz.getName())); // add class hier info to portClassHier operatorDiscoverer.buildPortClassHier(oper, portClassHier); arr.put(oper); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore this class final String cls = clazz.getName(), ex = t.toString(); failed.put(cls, ex); } } json.put("operatorClasses", arr); json.put("portClassHier", portClassHier); if (failed.length() > 0) { json.put("failedOperators", failed); } printJson(json); } finally { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpDir); } } } private class GetJarOperatorPropertiesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String files = expandCommaSeparatedFiles(args[1]); if (files == null) { throw new CliException("File " + args[1] + " is not found"); } String[] jarFiles = files.split(","); File tmpDir = copyToLocal(jarFiles); try { OperatorDiscoverer operatorDiscoverer = new OperatorDiscoverer(jarFiles); Class<? extends Operator> operatorClass = operatorDiscoverer.getOperatorClass(args[2]); printJson(operatorDiscoverer.describeOperator(operatorClass)); } finally { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpDir); } } } private class DumpPropertiesFileCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String outfilename = expandFileName(args[1], false); if (args.length > 3) { String jarfile = args[2]; String appName = args[3]; Configuration config = StramClientUtils.addDTSiteResources(new Configuration()); StramAppLauncher submitApp = getStramAppLauncher(jarfile, config, false); submitApp.loadDependencies(); List<AppFactory> matchingAppFactories = getMatchingAppFactories(submitApp, appName, true); if (matchingAppFactories == null || matchingAppFactories.isEmpty()) { throw new CliException("No application in jar file matches '" + appName + "'"); } else if (matchingAppFactories.size() > 1) { throw new CliException("More than one application in jar file match '" + appName + "'"); } else { AppFactory appFactory = matchingAppFactories.get(0); LogicalPlan logicalPlan = appFactory.createApp(submitApp.getLogicalPlanConfiguration()); File file = new File(outfilename); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } LogicalPlanSerializer.convertToProperties(logicalPlan).save(file); } } else { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } JSONObject response = getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN, currentApp); File file = new File(outfilename); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } LogicalPlanSerializer.convertToProperties(response).save(file); } System.out.println("Property file is saved at " + outfilename); } } private class CreateOperatorCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String operatorName = args[1]; String className = args[2]; CreateOperatorRequest request = new CreateOperatorRequest(); request.setOperatorName(operatorName); request.setOperatorFQCN(className); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class RemoveOperatorCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String operatorName = args[1]; RemoveOperatorRequest request = new RemoveOperatorRequest(); request.setOperatorName(operatorName); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class CreateStreamCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String streamName = args[1]; String sourceOperatorName = args[2]; String sourcePortName = args[3]; String sinkOperatorName = args[4]; String sinkPortName = args[5]; CreateStreamRequest request = new CreateStreamRequest(); request.setStreamName(streamName); request.setSourceOperatorName(sourceOperatorName); request.setSinkOperatorName(sinkOperatorName); request.setSourceOperatorPortName(sourcePortName); request.setSinkOperatorPortName(sinkPortName); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class AddStreamSinkCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String streamName = args[1]; String sinkOperatorName = args[2]; String sinkPortName = args[3]; AddStreamSinkRequest request = new AddStreamSinkRequest(); request.setStreamName(streamName); request.setSinkOperatorName(sinkOperatorName); request.setSinkOperatorPortName(sinkPortName); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class RemoveStreamCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String streamName = args[1]; RemoveStreamRequest request = new RemoveStreamRequest(); request.setStreamName(streamName); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class SetOperatorAttributeCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String operatorName = args[1]; String attributeName = args[2]; String attributeValue = args[3]; SetOperatorAttributeRequest request = new SetOperatorAttributeRequest(); request.setOperatorName(operatorName); request.setAttributeName(attributeName); request.setAttributeValue(attributeValue); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class SetStreamAttributeCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String streamName = args[1]; String attributeName = args[2]; String attributeValue = args[3]; SetStreamAttributeRequest request = new SetStreamAttributeRequest(); request.setStreamName(streamName); request.setAttributeName(attributeName); request.setAttributeValue(attributeValue); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class SetPortAttributeCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String operatorName = args[1]; String attributeName = args[2]; String attributeValue = args[3]; SetPortAttributeRequest request = new SetPortAttributeRequest(); request.setOperatorName(operatorName); request.setAttributeName(attributeName); request.setAttributeValue(attributeValue); logicalPlanRequestQueue.add(request); } } private class AbortCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { logicalPlanRequestQueue.clear(); changingLogicalPlan = false; reader.setHistory(topLevelHistory); } } private class SubmitCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (logicalPlanRequestQueue.isEmpty()) { throw new CliException("Nothing to submit. Type \"abort\" to abort change"); } StramAgent.StramUriSpec uriSpec = new StramAgent.StramUriSpec(); uriSpec = uriSpec.path(StramWebServices.PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN); try { final Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); m.put("requests", logicalPlanRequestQueue); final JSONObject jsonRequest = new JSONObject(mapper.writeValueAsString(m)); JSONObject response = getResource(uriSpec, currentApp, new WebServicesClient.WebServicesHandler<JSONObject>() { @Override public JSONObject process(WebResource.Builder webResource, Class<JSONObject> clazz) { return webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(JSONObject.class, jsonRequest); } }); printJson(response); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CliException( "Failed web service request for appid " + currentApp.getApplicationId().toString(), e); } logicalPlanRequestQueue.clear(); changingLogicalPlan = false; reader.setHistory(topLevelHistory); } } private class ShowQueueCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { printJson(logicalPlanRequestQueue, "queue"); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Total operations in queue: " + logicalPlanRequestQueue.size()); } } } private class BeginMacroCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String name = args[1]; if (macros.containsKey(name) || aliases.containsKey(name)) { System.err.println("Name '" + name + "' already exists."); return; } try { List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); while (true) { String line; if (consolePresent) { line = reader.readLine("macro def (" + name + ") > "); } else { line = reader.readLine("", (char) 0); } if (line.equals("end")) { macros.put(name, commands); updateCompleter(reader); if (consolePresent) { System.out.println("Macro '" + name + "' created."); } return; } else if (line.equals("abort")) { System.err.println("Aborted"); return; } else { commands.add(line); } } } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Aborted"); } } } private class SetPagerCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { if (args[1].equals("off")) { pagerCommand = null; } else if (args[1].equals("on")) { if (consolePresent) { pagerCommand = "less -F -X -r"; } } else { throw new CliException("set-pager parameter is either on or off."); } } } private class GetAppInfoCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { ApplicationReport appReport; if (args.length > 1) { appReport = getApplication(args[1]); if (appReport == null) { throw new CliException("Streaming application with id " + args[1] + " is not found."); } } else { if (currentApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } // refresh the state in currentApp currentApp = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(currentApp.getApplicationId()); appReport = currentApp; } JSONObject response; try { response = getResource(StramWebServices.PATH_INFO, currentApp); } catch (Exception ex) { response = new JSONObject(); response.put("startTime", appReport.getStartTime()); response.put("id", appReport.getApplicationId().toString()); response.put("name", appReport.getName()); response.put("user", appReport.getUser()); } response.put("state", appReport.getYarnApplicationState().name()); response.put("trackingUrl", appReport.getTrackingUrl()); response.put("finalStatus", appReport.getFinalApplicationStatus()); printJson(response); } } private class GetAppPackageInfoCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { AppPackage ap = null; try { ap = newAppPackageInstance(new File(expandFileName(args[1], true))); JSONSerializationProvider jomp = new JSONSerializationProvider(); JSONObject apInfo = new JSONObject(jomp.getContext(null).writeValueAsString(ap)); apInfo.remove("name"); printJson(apInfo); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(ap); } } } private void checkCompatible(AppPackage ap, ConfigPackage cp) { if (cp == null) { return; } String requiredAppPackageName = cp.getAppPackageName(); if (requiredAppPackageName != null && !requiredAppPackageName.equals(ap.getAppPackageName())) { throw new CliException("Config package requires an app package name of \"" + requiredAppPackageName + "\". The app package given has the name of \"" + ap.getAppPackageName() + "\""); } String requiredAppPackageMinVersion = cp.getAppPackageMinVersion(); if (requiredAppPackageMinVersion != null &&, ap.getAppPackageVersion()) > 0) { throw new CliException( "Config package requires an app package minimum version of \"" + requiredAppPackageMinVersion + "\". The app package given is of version \"" + ap.getAppPackageVersion() + "\""); } String requiredAppPackageMaxVersion = cp.getAppPackageMaxVersion(); if (requiredAppPackageMaxVersion != null &&, ap.getAppPackageVersion()) < 0) { throw new CliException( "Config package requires an app package maximum version of \"" + requiredAppPackageMaxVersion + "\". The app package given is of version \"" + ap.getAppPackageVersion() + "\""); } } private void launchAppPackage(AppPackage ap, ConfigPackage cp, LaunchCommandLineInfo commandLineInfo, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { new LaunchCommand().execute(getLaunchAppPackageArgs(ap, cp, commandLineInfo, reader), reader); } String[] getLaunchAppPackageArgs(AppPackage ap, ConfigPackage cp, LaunchCommandLineInfo commandLineInfo, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String matchAppName = null; if (commandLineInfo.args.length > 1) { matchAppName = commandLineInfo.args[1]; } List<AppInfo> applications = new ArrayList<AppInfo>(ap.getApplications()); if (matchAppName != null) { Iterator<AppInfo> it = applications.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AppInfo ai =; if ((commandLineInfo.exactMatch && ! || !".*" + matchAppName.toLowerCase() + ".*")) { it.remove(); } } } AppInfo selectedApp = null; if (applications.isEmpty()) { throw new CliException("No applications in Application Package" + (matchAppName != null ? " matching \"" + matchAppName + "\"" : "")); } else if (applications.size() == 1) { selectedApp = applications.get(0); } else { //Store the appNames sorted in alphabetical order and their position in matchingAppFactories list TreeMap<String, Integer> appNamesInAlphabeticalOrder = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); // Display matching applications for (int i = 0; i < applications.size(); i++) { String appName = applications.get(i).name; appNamesInAlphabeticalOrder.put(appName, i); } //Create a mapping between the app display number and original index at matchingAppFactories int index = 1; HashMap<Integer, Integer> displayIndexToOriginalUnsortedIndexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : appNamesInAlphabeticalOrder.entrySet()) { //Map display number of the app to original unsorted index displayIndexToOriginalUnsortedIndexMap.put(index, entry.getValue()); //Display the app names System.out.printf("%3d. %s\n", index++, entry.getKey()); } // Exit if not in interactive mode if (!consolePresent) { throw new CliException( "More than one application in Application Package match '" + matchAppName + "'"); } else { boolean useHistory = reader.isHistoryEnabled(); reader.setHistoryEnabled(false); History previousHistory = reader.getHistory(); History dummyHistory = new MemoryHistory(); reader.setHistory(dummyHistory); List<Completer> completers = new ArrayList<Completer>(reader.getCompleters()); for (Completer c : completers) { reader.removeCompleter(c); } reader.setHandleUserInterrupt(true); String optionLine; try { optionLine = reader.readLine("Choose application: "); } finally { reader.setHandleUserInterrupt(false); reader.setHistoryEnabled(useHistory); reader.setHistory(previousHistory); for (Completer c : completers) { reader.addCompleter(c); } } try { int option = Integer.parseInt(optionLine); if (0 < option && option <= applications.size()) { int appIndex = displayIndexToOriginalUnsortedIndexMap.get(option); selectedApp = applications.get(appIndex); } } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore } } } if (selectedApp == null) { throw new CliException("No application selected"); } DTConfiguration launchProperties = getLaunchAppPackageProperties(ap, cp, commandLineInfo,; String appFile = ap.tempDirectory() + "/app/" + selectedApp.file; List<String> launchArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); launchArgs.add("launch"); launchArgs.add("-exactMatch"); List<String> absClassPath = new ArrayList<String>(ap.getClassPath()); for (int i = 0; i < absClassPath.size(); i++) { String path = absClassPath.get(i); if (!path.startsWith("/")) { absClassPath.set(i, ap.tempDirectory() + "/" + path); } } if (cp != null) { StringBuilder files = new StringBuilder(); for (String file : cp.getClassPath()) { if (files.length() != 0) { files.append(','); } files.append(cp.tempDirectory()).append(File.separatorChar).append(file); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(files.toString())) { if (commandLineInfo.libjars != null) { commandLineInfo.libjars = files.toString() + "," + commandLineInfo.libjars; } else { commandLineInfo.libjars = files.toString(); } } files.setLength(0); for (String file : cp.getFiles()) { if (files.length() != 0) { files.append(','); } files.append(cp.tempDirectory()).append(File.separatorChar).append(file); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(files.toString())) { if (commandLineInfo.files != null) { commandLineInfo.files = files.toString() + "," + commandLineInfo.files; } else { commandLineInfo.files = files.toString(); } } } StringBuilder libjarsVal = new StringBuilder(); if (!absClassPath.isEmpty() || commandLineInfo.libjars != null) { if (!absClassPath.isEmpty()) { libjarsVal.append(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join(absClassPath, ',')); } if (commandLineInfo.libjars != null) { if (libjarsVal.length() > 0) { libjarsVal.append(","); } libjarsVal.append(commandLineInfo.libjars); } } if (appFile.endsWith(".json") || appFile.endsWith(".properties")) { if (libjarsVal.length() > 0) { libjarsVal.append(","); } libjarsVal.append(ap.tempDirectory()).append("/app/*.jar"); } if (libjarsVal.length() > 0) { launchArgs.add("-libjars"); launchArgs.add(libjarsVal.toString()); } File launchPropertiesFile = new File(ap.tempDirectory(), "launch.xml"); launchProperties.writeToFile(launchPropertiesFile, ""); launchArgs.add("-conf"); launchArgs.add(launchPropertiesFile.getCanonicalPath()); if (commandLineInfo.localMode) { launchArgs.add("-local"); } if (commandLineInfo.archives != null) { launchArgs.add("-archives"); launchArgs.add(commandLineInfo.archives); } if (commandLineInfo.files != null) { launchArgs.add("-files"); launchArgs.add(commandLineInfo.files); } if (commandLineInfo.origAppId != null) { launchArgs.add("-originalAppId"); launchArgs.add(commandLineInfo.origAppId); } if (commandLineInfo.queue != null) { launchArgs.add("-queue"); launchArgs.add(commandLineInfo.queue); } launchArgs.add(appFile); if (!appFile.endsWith(".json") && !appFile.endsWith(".properties")) { launchArgs.add(; } LOG.debug("Launch command: {}", StringUtils.join(launchArgs, " ")); return launchArgs.toArray(new String[] {}); } DTConfiguration getLaunchAppPackageProperties(AppPackage ap, ConfigPackage cp, LaunchCommandLineInfo commandLineInfo, String appName) throws Exception { DTConfiguration launchProperties = new DTConfiguration(); List<AppInfo> applications = ap.getApplications(); AppInfo selectedApp = null; for (AppInfo app : applications) { if ( { selectedApp = app; break; } } Map<String, String> defaultProperties = selectedApp == null ? ap.getDefaultProperties() : selectedApp.defaultProperties; Set<String> requiredProperties = new TreeSet<String>( selectedApp == null ? ap.getRequiredProperties() : selectedApp.requiredProperties); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : defaultProperties.entrySet()) { launchProperties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), Scope.TRANSIENT, null); requiredProperties.remove(entry.getKey()); } // settings specified in the user's environment take precedence over defaults in package. // since both are merged into a single -conf option below, apply them on top of the defaults here. File confFile = new File(StramClientUtils.getUserDTDirectory(), StramClientUtils.DT_SITE_XML_FILE); if (confFile.exists()) { Configuration userConf = new Configuration(false); userConf.addResource(new Path(confFile.toURI())); Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = userConf.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> entry =; // filter relevant entries if (entry.getKey().startsWith(StreamingApplication.DT_PREFIX)) { launchProperties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), Scope.TRANSIENT, null); requiredProperties.remove(entry.getKey()); } } } if (commandLineInfo.apConfigFile != null) { DTConfiguration givenConfig = new DTConfiguration(); givenConfig.loadFile(new File(ap.tempDirectory() + "/conf/" + commandLineInfo.apConfigFile)); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : givenConfig) { launchProperties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), Scope.TRANSIENT, null); requiredProperties.remove(entry.getKey()); } } if (cp != null) { Map<String, String> properties = cp.getProperties(appName); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) { launchProperties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), Scope.TRANSIENT, null); requiredProperties.remove(entry.getKey()); } } else if (commandLineInfo.configFile != null) { DTConfiguration givenConfig = new DTConfiguration(); givenConfig.loadFile(new File(commandLineInfo.configFile)); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : givenConfig) { launchProperties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), Scope.TRANSIENT, null); requiredProperties.remove(entry.getKey()); } } if (commandLineInfo.overrideProperties != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : commandLineInfo.overrideProperties.entrySet()) { launchProperties.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), Scope.TRANSIENT, null); requiredProperties.remove(entry.getKey()); } } // now look at whether it is in default configuration for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : conf) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entry.getValue())) { requiredProperties.remove(entry.getKey()); } } if (!requiredProperties.isEmpty()) { throw new CliException("Required properties not set: " + StringUtils.join(requiredProperties, ", ")); } //StramClientUtils.evalProperties(launchProperties); return launchProperties; } private class GetAppPackageOperatorsCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { String[] tmpArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, tmpArgs, 0, args.length - 1); GetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo commandLineInfo = getGetOperatorClassesCommandLineInfo(tmpArgs); AppPackage ap = null; try { ap = newAppPackageInstance(new File(expandFileName(commandLineInfo.args[0], true))); List<String> newArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> jars = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String jar : ap.getAppJars()) { jars.add(ap.tempDirectory() + "/app/" + jar); } for (String libJar : ap.getClassPath()) { jars.add(ap.tempDirectory() + "/" + libJar); } newArgs.add("get-jar-operator-classes"); if (commandLineInfo.parent != null) { newArgs.add("-parent"); newArgs.add(commandLineInfo.parent); } newArgs.add(StringUtils.join(jars, ",")); for (int i = 1; i < commandLineInfo.args.length; i++) { newArgs.add(commandLineInfo.args[i]); } LOG.debug("Executing: " + newArgs); new GetJarOperatorClassesCommand().execute(newArgs.toArray(new String[] {}), reader); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(ap); } } } private class GetAppPackageOperatorPropertiesCommand implements Command { @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { AppPackage ap = null; try { ap = newAppPackageInstance(new File(expandFileName(args[1], true))); List<String> newArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> jars = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String jar : ap.getAppJars()) { jars.add(ap.tempDirectory() + "/app/" + jar); } for (String libJar : ap.getClassPath()) { jars.add(ap.tempDirectory() + "/" + libJar); } newArgs.add("get-jar-operator-properties"); newArgs.add(StringUtils.join(jars, ",")); newArgs.add(args[2]); new GetJarOperatorPropertiesCommand().execute(newArgs.toArray(new String[] {}), reader); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(ap); } } } private enum AttributesType { APPLICATION, OPERATOR, PORT } private class ListAttributesCommand implements Command { private final AttributesType type; protected ListAttributesCommand(@NotNull AttributesType type) { this.type = Preconditions.checkNotNull(type); } @Override public void execute(String[] args, ConsoleReader reader) throws Exception { JSONObject result; if (type == AttributesType.APPLICATION) { result = TypeDiscoverer.getAppAttributes(); } else if (type == AttributesType.OPERATOR) { result = TypeDiscoverer.getOperatorAttributes(); } else { //get port attributes result = TypeDiscoverer.getPortAttributes(); } printJson(result); } } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static class GetPhysicalPropertiesCommandLineOptions { final Options options = new Options(); final Option propertyName = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("property name").hasArg() .withDescription("The name of the property whose value needs to be retrieved") .create("propertyName")); final Option waitTime = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("wait time").hasArg() .withDescription("How long to wait to get the result").create("waitTime")); private Option add(Option opt) { this.options.addOption(opt); return opt; } } private static GetPhysicalPropertiesCommandLineOptions GET_PHYSICAL_PROPERTY_OPTIONS = new GetPhysicalPropertiesCommandLineOptions(); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static class LaunchCommandLineOptions { final Options options = new Options(); final Option local = add(new Option("local", "Run application in local mode.")); final Option configFile = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("configuration file").hasArg() .withDescription("Specify an application configuration file.").create("conf")); final Option apConfigFile = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("app package configuration file").hasArg() .withDescription( "Specify an application configuration file within the app package if launching an app package.") .create("apconf")); final Option defProperty = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("property=value").hasArg() .withDescription("Use value for given property.").create("D")); final Option libjars = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("comma separated list of libjars").hasArg() .withDescription( "Specify comma separated jar files or other resource files to include in the classpath.") .create("libjars")); final Option files = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("comma separated list of files").hasArg() .withDescription("Specify comma separated files to be copied on the compute machines.") .create("files")); final Option archives = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("comma separated list of archives").hasArg() .withDescription("Specify comma separated archives to be unarchived on the compute machines.") .create("archives")); final Option ignorePom = add(new Option("ignorepom", "Do not run maven to find the dependency")); final Option originalAppID = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("application id").hasArg() .withDescription("Specify original application identifier for restart.").create("originalAppId")); final Option exactMatch = add(new Option("exactMatch", "Only consider applications with exact app name")); final Option queue = add(OptionBuilder.withArgName("queue name").hasArg() .withDescription("Specify the queue to launch the application").create("queue")); private Option add(Option opt) { this.options.addOption(opt); return opt; } } private static LaunchCommandLineOptions LAUNCH_OPTIONS = new LaunchCommandLineOptions(); static LaunchCommandLineInfo getLaunchCommandLineInfo(String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); LaunchCommandLineInfo result = new LaunchCommandLineInfo(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.options, args); result.localMode = line.hasOption(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.local.getOpt()); result.configFile = line.getOptionValue(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.configFile.getOpt()); result.apConfigFile = line.getOptionValue(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.apConfigFile.getOpt()); result.ignorePom = line.hasOption(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.ignorePom.getOpt()); String[] defs = line.getOptionValues(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.defProperty.getOpt()); if (defs != null) { result.overrideProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String def : defs) { int equal = def.indexOf('='); if (equal < 0) { result.overrideProperties.put(def, null); } else { result.overrideProperties.put(def.substring(0, equal), def.substring(equal + 1)); } } } result.libjars = line.getOptionValue(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.libjars.getOpt()); result.archives = line.getOptionValue(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.archives.getOpt()); result.files = line.getOptionValue(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.files.getOpt()); result.queue = line.getOptionValue(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.queue.getOpt()); result.args = line.getArgs(); result.origAppId = line.getOptionValue(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.originalAppID.getOpt()); result.exactMatch = line.hasOption("exactMatch"); return result; } static class LaunchCommandLineInfo { boolean localMode; boolean ignorePom; String configFile; String apConfigFile; Map<String, String> overrideProperties; String libjars; String files; String queue; String archives; String origAppId; boolean exactMatch; String[] args; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static Options getShowLogicalPlanCommandLineOptions() { Options options = new Options(); Option libjars = OptionBuilder.withArgName("comma separated list of jars").hasArg() .withDescription("Specify comma separated jar/resource files to include in the classpath.") .create("libjars"); Option ignorePom = new Option("ignorepom", "Do not run maven to find the dependency"); Option exactMatch = new Option("exactMatch", "Only consider exact match for app name"); options.addOption(libjars); options.addOption(ignorePom); options.addOption(exactMatch); return options; } private static ShowLogicalPlanCommandLineInfo getShowLogicalPlanCommandLineInfo(String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); ShowLogicalPlanCommandLineInfo result = new ShowLogicalPlanCommandLineInfo(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(getShowLogicalPlanCommandLineOptions(), args); result.libjars = line.getOptionValue("libjars"); result.ignorePom = line.hasOption("ignorepom"); result.args = line.getArgs(); result.exactMatch = line.hasOption("exactMatch"); return result; } private static class ShowLogicalPlanCommandLineInfo { String libjars; boolean ignorePom; String[] args; boolean exactMatch; } public void mainHelper() throws Exception { init(); run(); System.exit(lastCommandError ? 1 : 0); } public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final DTCli shell = new DTCli(); shell.preImpersonationInit(args); String hadoopUserName = System.getenv("HADOOP_USER_NAME"); if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(hadoopUserName) && !hadoopUserName.equals(UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getUserName())) {"You ({}) are running as user {}", UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getUserName(), hadoopUserName); UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(hadoopUserName, UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser()); ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() { @Override public Void run() throws Exception { shell.mainHelper(); return null; } }); } else { shell.mainHelper(); } } }