Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2014 DataTorrent, Inc. ALL Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datatorrent.demos.dimensions.generic;

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Describes schema for performing dimensional computation on a stream of Map<String,Object> tuples.
 * Schema can be specified as a JSON string with following keys.
 *   fields: Map of all the field names and their types.  Supported types: java.lang.(Integer, Long, Float, Double)
 *   dimension: Array of dimensions with fields separated by colon, and time prefixed with time=.  Supported time units: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS
 *   aggregates: Fields to aggregate for specified dimensions.  Aggregates types can include: sum, avg, min, max
 *   timestamp: Name of the timestamp field.  Data type should be Long with value in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 GMT.
 * JSON schema for Ads demo:
 *   {
 *    "fields": {
 *      "publisherId": "java.lang.Integer",
 *      "advertiserId": "java.lang.Integer",
 *      "adUnit": "java.lang.Integer",
 *      "clicks": "java.lang.Long",
 *      "price": "java.lang.Long",
 *      "cost": "java.lang.Double",
 *      "revenue": "java.lang.Double",
 *      "timestamp": "java.lang.Long",
 *      "impressions": "java.lang.Long"
 *    },
 *    "dimensions": [
 *      "time=MINUTES",
 *      "time=MINUTES:adUnit",
 *      "time=MINUTES:advertiserId",
 *      "time=MINUTES:publisherId",
 *      "time=MINUTES:advertiserId:adUnit",
 *      "time=MINUTES:publisherId:adUnit",
 *      "time=MINUTES:publisherId:advertiserId",
 *      "time=MINUTES:publisherId:advertiserId:adUnit"
 *    ],
 *    "aggregates": {
 *      "impressions": "sum",
 *      "clicks": "sum",
 *      "price": "sum",
 *      "cost": "sum",
 *      "revenue": "sum"
 *    },
 *    "timestamp": "timestamp"
 *  }
 * JSON schema for Sales demo:
 *   {
 *     "fields": {
 *       "timestamp": "java.lang.Long",
 *       "productId": "java.lang.Integer",
 *       "customerId": "java.lang.Integer",
 *       "channelId": "java.lang.Integer",
 *       "regionId": "java.lang.Integer",
 *       "productCategory": "java.lang.Integer",
 *       "amount": "java.lang.Double",
 *       "discount": "java.lang.Double",
 *       "tax": "java.lang.Double"
 *     },
 *     "dimensions": [
 *       "time=MINUTES",
 *       "time=MINUTES:productCategory",
 *       "time=MINUTES:channelId",
 *       "time=MINUTES:regionId",
 *       "time=MINUTES:productCategory:channelId",
 *       "time=MINUTES:productCategory:regionId",
 *       "time=MINUTES:channelId:regionId",
 *       "time=MINUTES:productCategory:channelId:regionId"
 *     ],
 *     "aggregates": {
 *       "amount": "sum",
 *       "discount": "sum",
 *       "tax": "sum"
 *     },
 *     "timestamp": "timestamp"
 *   }
 * @since 2.0.0
public class EventSchema implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4586481500190519858L;

    /* Map of all the fields and their types in an event tuple */
    public Map<String, Class<?>> fields = Maps.newHashMap();

    /* Names of the fields which make up the keys */
    public List<String> keys = Lists.newArrayList();

    // Fields to aggregate mapped to aggregate operations and data types
    public Map<String, String> aggregates = Maps.newHashMap();

    // List of dimensional combinations to compute
    public List<String> dimensions = Lists.newArrayList();

    public String timestamp = "timestamp";

    // Used to map between event schema and generic event arrays for keys and values
    transient public List<String> genericEventKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
    transient public List<String> genericEventValues = Lists.newArrayList();

    transient private int keyLen;
    transient private int valLen;

    public static final String DEFAULT_SCHEMA_ADS = "{\n" + "  \"fields\": {\n"
            + "    \"publisherId\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n" + "    \"advertiserId\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n"
            + "    \"adUnit\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n" + "    \"clicks\": \"java.lang.Long\",\n"
            + "    \"price\": \"java.lang.Long\",\n" + "    \"cost\": \"java.lang.Double\",\n"
            + "    \"revenue\": \"java.lang.Double\",\n" + "    \"timestamp\": \"java.lang.Long\",\n"
            + "    \"impressions\": \"java.lang.Long\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  \"dimensions\": [\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES\",\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES:adUnit\",\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES:advertiserId\",\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES:publisherId\",\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES:advertiserId:adUnit\",\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES:publisherId:adUnit\",\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES:publisherId:advertiserId\",\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES:publisherId:advertiserId:adUnit\"\n" + "  ],\n" + "  \"aggregates\": {\n"
            + "    \"impressions\": \"sum\",\n" + "    \"clicks\": \"sum\",\n" + "    \"price\": \"sum\",\n"
            + "    \"cost\": \"sum\",\n" + "    \"revenue\": \"sum\"\n" + "  },\n"
            + "  \"timestamp\": \"timestamp\"\n" + "}";
    public static final String DEFAULT_SCHEMA_SALES = "{\n" + "  \"fields\": {\n"
            + "    \"timestamp\": \"java.lang.Long\",\n" + "    \"productId\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n"
            + "    \"customerId\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n" + "    \"channelId\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n"
            + "    \"regionId\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n" + "    \"productCategory\": \"java.lang.Integer\",\n"
            + "    \"amount\": \"java.lang.Double\",\n" + "    \"discount\": \"java.lang.Double\",\n"
            + "    \"tax\": \"java.lang.Double\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  \"dimensions\": [\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES\",\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES:productCategory\",\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES:channelId\",\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES:regionId\",\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES:productCategory:channelId\",\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES:productCategory:regionId\",\n" + "    \"time=MINUTES:channelId:regionId\",\n"
            + "    \"time=MINUTES:productCategory:channelId:regionId\"\n" + "  ],\n" + "  \"aggregates\": {\n"
            + "    \"amount\": \"sum\",\n" + "    \"discount\": \"sum\",\n" + "    \"tax\": \"sum\"\n" + "  },\n"
            + "  \"timestamp\": \"timestamp\"\n" + "}";

    public static EventSchema createFromJSON(String json) throws Exception {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        EventSchema eventSchema = mapper.readValue(json, EventSchema.class);

        if (eventSchema.dimensions.size() == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EventSchema JSON must specify dimensions list");

        // Generate list of keys from dimensions specified
        Set<String> uniqueKeys = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (String dimension : eventSchema.dimensions) {
            String[] attributes = dimension.split(":");
            for (String attribute : attributes) {
                String[] keyval = attribute.split("=", 2);
                String key = keyval[0];
                if (key.equals("time")) {


        return eventSchema;

    public String getTimestamp() {
        return timestamp;

    public void setFields(Map<String, Class<?>> fields) {
        this.fields = fields;

    public void setKeys(List<String> keys) {
        this.keys = keys;

    public Collection<String> getGenericEventValues() {
        return aggregates.keySet();

    public void setAggregates(Map<String, String> aggregates) {
        this.aggregates = aggregates;

    public Class<?> getClass(String field) {
        return fields.get(field);

    public int getKeyLen() {
        if (keyLen == 0)
            keyLen = getSerializedLength(keys);
        return keyLen;

    public int getValLen() {
        if (valLen == 0)
            valLen = getSerializedLength(getGenericEventValues());
        return valLen;

    public int getSerializedLength(Collection<String> fields) {
        int len = 0;
        for (String field : fields) {
            Class<?> k = this.fields.get(field);
            len += GenericAggregateSerializer.fieldSerializers.get(k).dataLength();
        return len;

    public Class<?> getType(String param) {
        return fields.get(param);

    public Object typeCast(String input, String fieldKey) {
        if (input == null)
            return null;
        Class<?> c = getType(fieldKey);

        if (c.equals(Integer.class))
            return Integer.valueOf(input);
        else if (c.equals(Long.class))
            return Long.valueOf(input);
        else if (c.equals(Float.class))
            return Float.valueOf(input);
        else if (c.equals(Double.class))
            return Float.valueOf(input);
            return input;

    public static Map<Class<?>, Object> DEFAULT_VALUES = Maps.newHashMap();
    static {
        DEFAULT_VALUES.put(Integer.class, 0);
        DEFAULT_VALUES.put(Long.class, 0L);
        DEFAULT_VALUES.put(Float.class, 0f);
        DEFAULT_VALUES.put(Double.class, 0d);
        DEFAULT_VALUES.put(String.class, "");

    public Object defaultValue(String key) {
        Class<?> c = getType(key);
        return DEFAULT_VALUES.get(c);

    public String toString() {
        return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE);

    Object getValue(GenericAggregate ga, String name) {
        if (genericEventKeys.contains(name))
            return ga.keys[genericEventKeys.indexOf(name)];
        else if (genericEventValues.contains(name))
            return ga.aggregates[genericEventValues.indexOf(name)];
            return null;

    public void defaultMissingFields(GenericAggregate ga) {
        for (int i = 0; i < genericEventKeys.size(); i++) {
            if (ga.keys[i] == null)
                ga.keys[i] = defaultValue(genericEventKeys.get(i));
        for (int i = 0; i < genericEventValues.size(); i++) {
            if (ga.aggregates[i] == null)
                ga.aggregates[i] = defaultValue(genericEventValues.get(i));

    GenericEvent convertQueryKeysToGenericEvent(Map<String, String> keys) {
        GenericEvent event = new GenericEvent();
        event.keys = new Object[genericEventKeys.size()];
        int idx = 0;
        for (String key : genericEventKeys) {
            Object value = typeCast(keys.get(key), key);
            event.keys[idx++] = (value == null) ? defaultValue(key) : value;

        event.values = new Object[genericEventValues.size()];
        idx = 0;
        for (String key : genericEventValues) {
            event.values[idx++] = defaultValue(key);

        return event;

    GenericEvent convertMapToGenericEvent(Map<String, Object> tuple) {
        GenericEvent event = new GenericEvent();
        Object timeValue = tuple.get(getTimestamp());
        if (timeValue != null) {
            event.timestamp = ((Number) timeValue).longValue();
        event.keys = new Object[genericEventKeys.size()];
        int idx = 0;
        for (String key : genericEventKeys) {
            Object value = tuple.get(key);
            event.keys[idx++] = (value == null) ? defaultValue(key) : value;
        event.values = new Object[genericEventValues.size()];
        idx = 0;
        for (String key : genericEventValues) {
            Object value = tuple.get(key);
            event.values[idx++] = (value == null) ? defaultValue(key) : value;
        return event;

    Map<String, Object> convertAggregateEventToMap(GenericAggregate ga) {
        Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap();

        for (int i = 0; i < genericEventKeys.size(); i++) {
            map.put(genericEventKeys.get(i), ga.keys[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < genericEventValues.size(); i++) {
            map.put(genericEventValues.get(i), ga.aggregates[i]);

        map.put(timestamp, ga.getTimestamp());

        return map;

    public Class<?> getAggregateType(int i) {
        return getType(genericEventValues.get(i));