Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.datatorrent.contrib.kafka; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.apache.commons.collections.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import kafka.api.FetchRequest; import kafka.api.FetchRequestBuilder; import kafka.api.OffsetRequest; import kafka.cluster.Broker; import kafka.common.ErrorMapping; import kafka.javaapi.FetchResponse; import kafka.javaapi.PartitionMetadata; import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer; import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset; /** * Simple kafka consumer adaptor used by kafka input operator Properties:<br> * <b>timeout</b>: Timeout for connection and ping <br> * <b>bufferSize</b>: buffer size of the consumer <br> * <b>clientId</b>: client id of the consumer <br> * <b>partitionIds</b>: partition id that the consumer want to consume <br> * <li>(-1): create #partition threads and consumers to read the topic from different partitions in parallel</li> <br> * <b>metadataRefreshInterval</b>: The interval that the monitor thread use to monitor the broker leadership change <br> * <b>metadataRetrievalRetry</b>: Maximum retry times for metadata retrieval failures<br> * default value is 3 <br> * -1: unlimited retry <br> * <br> * * Load balance: <br> * <li>The consumer create several data-consuming threads to consume the data from broker(s)</li> * <li>Each thread has only ONE kafka client connecting to ONE broker to consume data from for multiple partitions </li> * <li> * There is ONE separate thread to monitor the leadership for all the partitions of the topic at every * #metadataRefreshInterval milliseconds</li> * <li>Once leadership * change detected(leader broker failure, or server-side reassignment), it switches to the new leader broker</li> <li> * For server-side leadership change, see and</li> <br> * <br> * Kafka broker failover: <br> * <li>Once broker failure is detected, it waits #metadataRefreshInterval to reconnect to the new leader broker</li> <li> * If there are consecutive #metadataRetrievalRetry failures to retrieve the metadata for the topic. It will stop * consuming the partition</li> <br> * * @since 0.9.0 */ public class SimpleKafkaConsumer extends KafkaConsumer { /** * The data-consuming thread that use one simple kafka client to connect to one broker which is the leader of the partition(s) that this consumer is interested */ static final class ConsumerThread implements Runnable { private final Broker broker; private final String clientName; // kafka simple consumer object private SimpleConsumer ksc; // The SimpleKafkaConsumer which holds this thread private SimpleKafkaConsumer consumer; // partitions consumed in this thread private final Set<KafkaPartition> kpS; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Future threadItSelf; private ConsumerThread(Broker broker, Set<KafkaPartition> kpl, SimpleKafkaConsumer consumer) { = broker; this.clientName = consumer.getClientName( + "_" + broker.port()); this.consumer = consumer; this.kpS = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaPartition, Boolean>()); this.kpS.addAll(kpl); } @Override public void run() { try {"Connecting to broker {} [ timeout:{}, buffersize:{}, clientId: {}]", broker, consumer.timeout, consumer.bufferSize, clientName); ksc = new SimpleConsumer(, broker.port(), consumer.timeout, consumer.bufferSize, clientName); // Initialize all start offsets for all kafka partitions read from this consumer // read either from beginning of the broker or last offset committed by the operator for (KafkaPartition kpForConsumer : kpS) {"Start consuming data of topic {} ", kpForConsumer); if (consumer.offsetTrack.get(kpForConsumer) != null) { // start from recovery // offsets.put(kpForConsumer, offsetTrack.get(kpForConsumer));"Partition {} initial offset {}", kpForConsumer, consumer.offsetTrack.get(kpForConsumer)); } else { long startOffsetReq = consumer.initialOffset.equalsIgnoreCase("earliest") ? OffsetRequest.EarliestTime() : OffsetRequest.LatestTime();"Partition {} initial offset {} {}", kpForConsumer.getPartitionId(), startOffsetReq, consumer.initialOffset); consumer.offsetTrack.put(kpForConsumer, KafkaMetadataUtil.getLastOffset(ksc, consumer.topic, kpForConsumer.getPartitionId(), startOffsetReq, clientName)); } } // stop consuming only when the consumer container is stopped or the metadata can not be refreshed while (consumer.isAlive && (consumer.metadataRefreshRetryLimit == -1 || consumer.retryCounter.get() < consumer.metadataRefreshRetryLimit)) { if (kpS == null || kpS.isEmpty()) { return; } FetchRequestBuilder frb = new FetchRequestBuilder().clientId(clientName); // add all partition request in one Fretch request together for (KafkaPartition kpForConsumer : kpS) { frb.addFetch(consumer.topic, kpForConsumer.getPartitionId(), consumer.offsetTrack.get(kpForConsumer), consumer.bufferSize); } FetchRequest req =; if (ksc == null) { if (consumer.metadataRefreshInterval > 0) { Thread.sleep(consumer.metadataRefreshInterval + 1000); } else { Thread.sleep(100); } } FetchResponse fetchResponse = ksc.fetch(req); for (Iterator<KafkaPartition> iterator = kpS.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { KafkaPartition kafkaPartition =; short errorCode = fetchResponse.errorCode(consumer.topic, kafkaPartition.getPartitionId()); if (fetchResponse.hasError() && errorCode != ErrorMapping.NoError()) { // Kick off partition(s) which has error when fetch from this broker temporarily // Monitor will find out which broker it goes in monitor thread logger.warn("Error when consuming topic {} from broker {} with error {} ", kafkaPartition, broker, ErrorMapping.exceptionFor(errorCode)); if (errorCode == ErrorMapping.OffsetOutOfRangeCode()) { long seekTo = consumer.initialOffset.toLowerCase().equals("earliest") ? OffsetRequest.EarliestTime() : OffsetRequest.LatestTime(); seekTo = KafkaMetadataUtil.getLastOffset(ksc, consumer.topic, kafkaPartition.getPartitionId(), seekTo, clientName); logger.warn("Offset out of range error, reset offset to {}", seekTo); consumer.offsetTrack.put(kafkaPartition, seekTo); continue; } iterator.remove(); consumer.partitionToBroker.remove(kafkaPartition); consumer.stats.updatePartitionStats(kafkaPartition, -1, ""); continue; } // If the fetchResponse either has no error or the no error for $kafkaPartition get the data long offset = -1l; for (MessageAndOffset msg : fetchResponse.messageSet(consumer.topic, kafkaPartition.getPartitionId())) { offset = msg.nextOffset(); consumer.putMessage(kafkaPartition, msg.message(), msg.offset()); } if (offset != -1) { consumer.offsetTrack.put(kafkaPartition, offset); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "The consumer encounters an unrecoverable exception. Close the connection to broker {} \n Caused by {}", broker, e); } finally { if (ksc != null) { ksc.close(); } for (KafkaPartition kpForConsumer : kpS) { // Update consumer that these partitions are currently stop being consumed because of some unrecoverable exception consumer.partitionToBroker.remove(kpForConsumer); }"Exit the consumer thread for broker {} ", broker); } } public void addPartitions(Set<KafkaPartition> newKps) { // Add the partition(s) to this existing consumer thread they are assigned to this broker kpS.addAll(newKps); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Future getThreadItSelf() { return threadItSelf; } public void setThreadItSelf(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Future threadItSelf) { this.threadItSelf = threadItSelf; } } public SimpleKafkaConsumer() { super(); } public SimpleKafkaConsumer(String topic, int timeout, int bufferSize, String clientId) { this(topic, timeout, bufferSize, clientId, null); } public SimpleKafkaConsumer(String topic, int timeout, int bufferSize, String clientId, Set<KafkaPartition> partitionIds) { super(topic); this.timeout = timeout; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.clientId = clientId; this.kps = partitionIds; } public SimpleKafkaConsumer(String zks, String topic, int timeout, int bufferSize, String clientId, Set<KafkaPartition> partitionIds) { super(zks, topic); this.timeout = timeout; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.clientId = clientId; this.kps = partitionIds; } private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleKafkaConsumer.class); /** * Track consumers connected to each broker, topics and partitions hosted on same broker are consumed by same * consumer. Clean the resource if necessary. Key is the kafka broker object. */ private final transient Map<Broker, ConsumerThread> simpleConsumerThreads = new HashMap<Broker, ConsumerThread>(); private transient ExecutorService kafkaConsumerExecutor; private transient ScheduledExecutorService metadataRefreshExecutor; /** * The metadata refresh retry counter */ private final transient AtomicInteger retryCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); private int timeout = 10000; /** * Default buffer size is 1M */ private int bufferSize = 1024 * 1024; /** * Default client id prefix is "Kafka_Simple_Client" */ @NotNull private String clientId = "Kafka_Simple_Client"; /** * Interval in between refresh the metadata change(broker change) in milliseconds. Metadata refresh guarantees to * automatically reconnect to new broker that are new elected as broker host Disable metadata refresh by setting this * to -1 WARN: Turning off the refresh will disable auto reconnect to new broker */ private int metadataRefreshInterval = 30000; /** * Maximum brokers' metadata refresh retry limit. -1 means unlimited retry */ private int metadataRefreshRetryLimit = -1; /** * You can setup your particular kafka partitions you want to consume for this consumer client. This can be used to * share client and thread and maximize the overall performance. Null or empty value: consumer will create # * threads&clients same as # brokers that host the all partitions of the topic Each thread consumes 1(+) partitions * from 1 broker */ private Set<KafkaPartition> kps = new HashSet<KafkaPartition>(); // This map maintains mapping between kafka partition and it's leader broker in realtime monitored by a thread private transient final ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaPartition, Broker> partitionToBroker = new ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaPartition, Broker>(); /** * Track offset for each partition, so operator could start from the last serialized state Use ConcurrentHashMap to * avoid ConcurrentModificationException without blocking reads when updating in another thread(hashtable or * synchronizedmap) */ private final transient ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaPartition, Long> offsetTrack = new ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaPartition, Long>(); private transient AtomicReference<Throwable> monitorException; private transient AtomicInteger monitorExceptionCount; @Override public void start() { monitorException = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(null); monitorExceptionCount = new AtomicInteger(0); super.start(); // thread to consume the kafka data kafkaConsumerExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool( new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("kafka-consumer-" + topic + "-%d").build()); if (metadataRefreshInterval <= 0 || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(kps)) { return; } // background thread to monitor the kafka metadata change metadataRefreshExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("kafka-consumer-monitor-" + topic + "-%d").setDaemon(true).build()); // start one monitor thread to monitor the leader broker change and trigger some action metadataRefreshExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MetaDataMonitorTask(this), 0, metadataRefreshInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @Override public void close() {"Stop all consumer threads"); for (ConsumerThread ct : simpleConsumerThreads.values()) { ct.getThreadItSelf().cancel(true); } simpleConsumerThreads.clear(); metadataRefreshExecutor.shutdownNow(); kafkaConsumerExecutor.shutdownNow(); } public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize; } public void setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; } public void setTimeout(int timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } public int getBufferSize() { return bufferSize; } public String getClientId() { return clientId; } public int getTimeout() { return timeout; } public int getMetadataRefreshInterval() { return metadataRefreshInterval; } public void setMetadataRefreshInterval(int reconnectInterval) { this.metadataRefreshInterval = reconnectInterval; } public int getMetadataRefreshRetryLimit() { return metadataRefreshRetryLimit; } public void setMetadataRefreshRetryLimit(int metadataRefreshRetryLimit) { this.metadataRefreshRetryLimit = metadataRefreshRetryLimit; } @Override protected void commitOffset() { // the simple consumer offset is kept in the offsetTrack // It's better to do server registry for client in the future. Wait for kafka community come up with more // sophisticated offset management // TODO } private String getClientName(String brokerName) { return clientId + SIMPLE_CONSUMER_ID_SUFFIX + brokerName; } @Override protected Map<KafkaPartition, Long> getCurrentOffsets() { return offsetTrack; } public void resetOffset(Map<KafkaPartition, Long> overrideOffset) { if (overrideOffset == null) { return; } offsetTrack.clear(); // set offset of the partitions assigned to this consumer for (KafkaPartition kp : kps) { Long offsetForPar = overrideOffset.get(kp); if (offsetForPar != null) { offsetTrack.put(kp, offsetForPar); } } } public KafkaMeterStats getConsumerStats(Map<KafkaPartition, Long> offsetStats) { stats.updateOffsets(offsetStats); return super.getConsumerStats(); } @Override protected void resetPartitionsAndOffset(Set<KafkaPartition> partitionIds, Map<KafkaPartition, Long> startOffset) { this.kps = partitionIds; resetOffset(startOffset); } protected Throwable getMonitorException() { return monitorException.get(); } protected int getMonitorExceptionCount() { return monitorExceptionCount.get(); } /** * Task to monitor metadata periodically. This task will detect changes in broker for partition * and restart failed consumer threads for the partitions. * Monitoring is disabled after metadataRefreshRetryLimit number of failure. */ private class MetaDataMonitorTask implements Runnable { private final SimpleKafkaConsumer ref; private transient final SetMultimap<Broker, KafkaPartition> deltaPositive = HashMultimap.create(); private MetaDataMonitorTask(SimpleKafkaConsumer ref) { this.ref = ref; } @Override public void run() { try { monitorMetadata(); monitorException.set(null); monitorExceptionCount.set(0); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Exception {}", ex); monitorException.set(ex); monitorExceptionCount.incrementAndGet(); } } /** * Monitor kafka topic metadata changes. */ private void monitorMetadata() { if (isAlive && (metadataRefreshRetryLimit == -1 || retryCounter.get() < metadataRefreshRetryLimit)) { logger.debug("{}: Update metadata for topic {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), topic); Map<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> pms = KafkaMetadataUtil.getPartitionsForTopic(brokers, topic); if (pms == null) { // retrieve metadata fail add retry count and return retryCounter.getAndAdd(1); return; } for (Entry<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> pmLEntry : pms.entrySet()) { if (pmLEntry.getValue() == null) continue; for (PartitionMetadata pm : pmLEntry.getValue()) { KafkaPartition kp = new KafkaPartition(pmLEntry.getKey(), topic, pm.partitionId()); if (!kps.contains(kp)) { // Out of this consumer's scope continue; } Broker b = pm.leader(); if (b == null) { "No Leader broker for Kafka Partition {}. Skipping it for time until new leader is elected", kp.getPartitionId()); continue; } Broker oldB = partitionToBroker.put(kp, b); if (b.equals(oldB)) { continue; } // add to positive deltaPositive.put(b, kp); // always update the latest connection information stats.updatePartitionStats(kp, pm.leader().id(), pm.leader().host() + ":" + pm.leader().port()); } } // remove from map if the thread is done (partitions on this broker has all been reassigned to others(or temporarily not available) for // example) for (Iterator<Entry<Broker, ConsumerThread>> iterator = simpleConsumerThreads.entrySet() .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Entry<Broker, ConsumerThread> item =; if (item.getValue().getThreadItSelf().isDone()) { iterator.remove(); } } for (Broker b : deltaPositive.keySet()) { if (!simpleConsumerThreads.containsKey(b)) { // start thread for new broker ConsumerThread ct = new ConsumerThread(b, deltaPositive.get(b), ref); ct.setThreadItSelf(kafkaConsumerExecutor.submit(ct)); simpleConsumerThreads.put(b, ct); } else { simpleConsumerThreads.get(b).addPartitions(deltaPositive.get(b)); } } deltaPositive.clear(); // reset to 0 if it reconnect to the broker which has current broker metadata retryCounter.set(0); } } } } // End of SimpleKafkaConsumer