Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2016 DataTorrent, Inc. ALL Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package com.datatorrent.contrib.hdht;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import com.datatorrent.contrib.hdht.wal.FSWALReader;
import com.datatorrent.contrib.hdht.wal.FSWALWriter;
import com.datatorrent.contrib.hdht.wal.WALReader;
import com.datatorrent.contrib.hdht.wal.WALWriter;
import com.datatorrent.lib.fileaccess.FileAccess;
import com.datatorrent.netlet.util.Slice;

 * Manages WAL for multiple buckets. When a tuple is added to WAL, is it
 * immediately written to the file, but not flushed, flushing happens at end of
 * the operator window during endWindow call. At end of window if WAL file size
 * have grown a beyond maxWalFileSize then current file is closed and new file
 * is created.
 * The WAL usage windowId as log sequence number(LSN). When data is
 * written to data files, the committedWid saved in bucket metadata.
 * The windowId upto which data is available is stored in BucketManager
 * WalMetadata and checkpointed with operator state.
 * Recovery After Failure.
 *   If committedWid is smaller than wal windowId.
 *   - Truncate last WAL file to known offset (recoveryEndWalOffset).
 *   - Wal metadata contains file id and recoveryEndWalOffset where committedWid ended,
 *     start reading from that location till the end of current WAL file
 *     and adds tuples back to the committed cache in store.
 *   If committedWid is greater than wal windowId
 *   The data was committed to disks after last operator checkpoint. In this
 *   case recovery is not needed all data from WAL is already written to data
 *   files. We will reprocess tuples which are in between committedWid and wal windowId.
 *   This will not cause problem now, because file write is idempotent with
 *   duplicate tuples.
 * @since 2.0.0
public class HDHTWalManager implements Closeable {
    public static final String WAL_FILE_PREFIX = "_WAL-";
    private transient byte[] copyBuffer;

    public void setWalKey(long bucketKey) {
        this.walKey = bucketKey;

    public void restoreStats(HDHTWriter.BucketIOStats ioStats) {
        if (stats != null) {
            stats.flushCounts = ioStats.walFlushCount;
            stats.flushDuration = ioStats.walFlushTime;
            stats.totalBytes = ioStats.walBytesWritten;
            stats.totalKeys = ioStats.walKeysWritten;

    /* Backing file system for WAL */
    transient FileAccess bfs;

    /* Maximum number of bytes per WAL file,
     * default is 128M */
    transient long maxWalFileSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024;

    /* The class responsible writing WAL entry to file */
    transient WALWriter<HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry> writer;

    private transient long walKey;

    private boolean dirty;

    /* Last committed LSN on disk */
    private long flushedWid = -1;

    /* current active WAL file id, it is read from WAL meta on startup */
    private long walFileId = -1;

    /* Current WAL size */
    private long walSize = 0;

    private HDHTWalManager() {

    public HDHTWalManager(FileAccess bfs, long walKey) {
        this.bfs = bfs;
        this.walKey = walKey;

    public HDHTWalManager(FileAccess bfs, long walKey, WalPosition walPos) {
        this(bfs, walKey);
        this.walFileId = walPos == null ? 0 : walPos.fileId;
        this.walSize = walPos == null ? 0 : walPos.offset;"current {}  offset {} ", walFileId, walSize);

    public HDHTWalManager(FileAccess bfs, long walKey, long fileId, long offset) {
        this.bfs = bfs;
        this.walKey = walKey;
        this.walFileId = fileId;
        this.walSize = offset;"current {}  offset {} ", walFileId, walSize);

    public void runRecovery(Map<Slice, byte[]> writeCache, WalPosition start, WalPosition end) throws IOException {
        // not used just for backward compatibility.

     * Run recovery for bucket, by adding valid data from WAL to store.
    public void runRecovery(RecoveryContext context) throws IOException {
        if (context.endWalPos.fileId == 0 && context.endWalPos.offset == 0) {

        /* Make sure that WAL state is correctly restored */
        truncateWal(context.endWalPos);"Recovery of store, start {} till {}", context.startWalPos, context.endWalPos);

        long offset = context.startWalPos.offset;
        for (long i = context.startWalPos.fileId; i <= context.endWalPos.fileId; i++) {
            WALReader<HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry> wReader = new FSWALReader<HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry>(bfs,
                    new HDHTLogEntry.HDHTLogSerializer(), walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + i);
            offset = 0;
            int count = 0;
            while (wReader.advance()) {
                HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry savedEntry = wReader.get();
                // TODO: Handle unnecessary recovery for buckets
                recoveryEntry(context, savedEntry);
  "Recovered {} tuples from wal {}", count, i);


    private void recoveryEntry(RecoveryContext context, HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry entry) {
        WriteCache writeCache = context.bucketKeysWriteCacheMap.get(entry.getBucket());
        if (writeCache == null) {
            // Skip recovery if bucket is not managed by partition
        if (entry instanceof HDHTLogEntry.PutEntry) {
            HDHTLogEntry.PutEntry putEntry = (HDHTLogEntry.PutEntry) entry;
            writeCache.put(putEntry.key, putEntry.val);
        } else if (entry instanceof HDHTLogEntry.DeleteEntry) {
            writeCache.put(((HDHTLogEntry.DeleteEntry) entry).key, HDHTWriter.DELETED);
        } else if (entry instanceof HDHTLogEntry.PurgeEntry) {
            HDHTLogEntry.PurgeEntry pEntry = (HDHTLogEntry.PurgeEntry) entry;
            writeCache.purge(pEntry.startKey, pEntry.endKey);
            logger.debug("processing purge command {}", entry);

     * Restore state of wal just after last checkpoint. The Apex platform will
     * resend tuple after last operator checkpoint to the WAL, this will result in
     * duplicate tuples in WAL, if we don't restore the WAL just after checkpoint
     * state.
    private void truncateWal(WalPosition pos) throws IOException {
        if (pos.offset == 0) {
        }"recover wal file {}, data valid till offset {}", pos.fileId, pos.offset);
        DataInputStream in = bfs.getInputStream(walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + pos.fileId);
        DataOutputStream out = bfs.getOutputStream(walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + pos.fileId + "-truncate");
        IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out, 0, pos.offset);
        bfs.rename(walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + pos.fileId + "-truncate", WAL_FILE_PREFIX + pos.fileId);

    public void append(long buckeyKey, Slice key, byte[] value) throws IOException {
        append(new HDHTLogEntry.PutEntry(buckeyKey, key, value));

    public void append(HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry entry) throws IOException {

        if (writer == null) {
            writer = new FSWALWriter<HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry>(bfs, new HDHTLogEntry.HDHTLogSerializer(), walKey,
                    WAL_FILE_PREFIX + walFileId);

        int len = writer.append(entry);
        stats.totalBytes += len;
        dirty = true;

    public void append(byte[] buffer, int length) throws IOException {

        if (writer == null) {
            writer = new FSWALWriter<HDHTLogEntry.HDHTWalEntry>(bfs, new HDHTLogEntry.HDHTLogSerializer(), walKey,
                    WAL_FILE_PREFIX + walFileId);

        writer.append(buffer, length);
        stats.totalBytes += length;

    protected void flushWal() throws IOException {
        if (writer == null) {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        stats.flushDuration += System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;

    /* batch writes, and wait till file is written */
    public void endWindow(long windowId) throws IOException {
        /* No tuple added in this window, no need to do anything. */
        if (!dirty) {


        dirty = false;
        flushedWid = windowId;
        walSize = writer.getSize();

        /* Roll over log, if we have crossed the log size */
        if (maxWalFileSize > 0 && writer.getSize() > maxWalFileSize) {
  "Rolling over log {} windowid {}", writer, windowId);
            writer = null;
            walSize = 0;

     * Remove files older than recoveryStartWalFileId.
     * @param recoveryStartWalFileId
    public void cleanup(long recoveryStartWalFileId) {
        if (recoveryStartWalFileId == 0) {

        try {
            while (true) {
                DataInputStream in = bfs.getInputStream(walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + recoveryStartWalFileId);
      "deleting WAL file {}", recoveryStartWalFileId);
                bfs.delete(walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + recoveryStartWalFileId);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            //Do nothing
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            //Do nothing

    public long getMaxWalFileSize() {
        return maxWalFileSize;

    public void setMaxWalFileSize(long maxWalFileSize) {
        this.maxWalFileSize = maxWalFileSize;

    public long getMaxUnflushedBytes() {
        return Long.MAX_VALUE;

    public void setMaxUnflushedBytes(long maxUnflushedBytes) {

    public long getFlushedWid() {
        return flushedWid;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (writer != null) {

    public long getWalFileId() {
        return walFileId;

    public long getWalSize() {
        return walSize;

    public void setFileStore(FileAccess bfs) {
        this.bfs = bfs;

    public WalPosition getCurrentPosition() {
        return new WalPosition(walFileId, walSize);

    private static final transient Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HDHTWalManager.class);

    static class RecoveryContext {
        WalPosition startWalPos;
        WalPosition endWalPos;
        Map<Long, WriteCache> bucketKeysWriteCacheMap;

        public RecoveryContext(Map<Long, WriteCache> writeCacheMap, Comparator<Slice> cmparator,
                WalPosition startWalPos, WalPosition endWalPos) {
            this.bucketKeysWriteCacheMap = writeCacheMap;
            this.startWalPos = startWalPos;
            this.endWalPos = endWalPos;

     * Stats related functionality
    public static class WalStats {
        long totalBytes;
        long flushCounts;
        long flushDuration;
        public long totalKeys;

    private final WalStats stats = new WalStats();
    private int BUFFER_SIZE = 65536;

    /* Location of the WAL */
    public static class WalPosition {
        protected long fileId;
        protected long offset;

        public WalPosition() {

        public WalPosition(long fileId, long offset) {
            this.fileId = fileId;
            this.offset = offset;

        public WalPosition copyOf() {
            return new WalPosition(fileId, offset);

        public String toString() {
            return "WalPosition{" + "fileId=" + fileId + ", offset=" + offset + '}';

    public WalStats getCounters() {
        return stats;

    public void copyPreviousWalFiles(List<PreviousWALDetails> parentWals,
            Set<PreviousWALDetails> alreadyCopiedWals) {
        try {
            PreviousWALDetails parentWal = parentWals.iterator().next();
            // Copy Files to new WAL location
            for (long i = parentWal.getStartPosition().fileId; i <= parentWal.getEndPosition().fileId; i++) {
                DataInputStream in = bfs.getInputStream(parentWal.getWalKey(), WAL_FILE_PREFIX + i);
                DataOutputStream out = bfs.getOutputStream(walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + i);
                IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    private void copyWalPart(WalPosition startPosition, WalPosition endPosition, long oldWalKey) {
        try {
            if (bfs.exists(oldWalKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + endPosition.fileId)) {
                DataInputStream in = bfs.getInputStream(oldWalKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + endPosition.fileId);
                int length = (int) (startPosition.fileId == endPosition.fileId
                        ? endPosition.offset - startPosition.offset
                        : endPosition.offset);
                int offset = (int) (startPosition.fileId == endPosition.fileId ? startPosition.offset : 0);
      "length = {} offset = {} start offset = {} end offset = {} File = {}", length, offset,
                        startPosition, endPosition);
                if (copyBuffer == null) {
                    copyBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                IOUtils.skip(in, offset);
                while (length > 0) {
                    int readBytes =, copyBuffer, 0, length < BUFFER_SIZE ? length : BUFFER_SIZE);
                    append(copyBuffer, readBytes);
                    length -= readBytes;

                if (writer != null) {
                    walSize = writer.getSize();
                logger.debug("wal size so far = {}", walSize);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(e);

     * Copy old WAL files to current location from startPosition to End Position in old WAL.
     * @param startPosition
     * @param endPosition
     * @param oldWalKey
    public void copyWALFiles(WalPosition startPosition, WalPosition endPosition, long oldWalKey) {
        try {
            for (long i = startPosition.fileId; i < endPosition.fileId; i++) {
                if (bfs.exists(oldWalKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + i)) {
                    DataInputStream in = bfs.getInputStream(oldWalKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + i);
                    DataOutputStream out = bfs.getOutputStream(walKey, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + walFileId);

                    IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out);
            // Copy last file upto end position offset
            copyWalPart(startPosition, endPosition, oldWalKey);
            if (maxWalFileSize > 0 && walSize > maxWalFileSize) {
                writer = null;
                walSize = 0;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(e);

     * Delete old parent WAL files which are already copied to new WAL location
     * @param alreadyCopiedWals
    public void deletePreviousWalFiles(Set<PreviousWALDetails> alreadyCopiedWals) {
        try {
            for (Iterator<PreviousWALDetails> it = alreadyCopiedWals.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                PreviousWALDetails parentWal =;
                // TODO: If using file APIs, delete entire folder for old WAL files
                logger.debug("Deleting WAL file {}", parentWal.getWalKey());
                // delete WAL Files if not already deleted
                for (long i = parentWal.getStartPosition().fileId; i <= parentWal.getEndPosition().fileId; i++) {
                    if (bfs.exists(parentWal.getWalKey(), WAL_FILE_PREFIX + i)) {
                        bfs.delete(parentWal.getWalKey(), WAL_FILE_PREFIX + i);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.warn("Exception occurred while deleting old WAL files {}:{}", e.getMessage(), e.getStackTrace());

    private static class WalWindowPosition {
        public Long walKey;
        public Long windowId;
        public WalPosition walPosition;

        public WalWindowPosition(Long walKey, Long windowId, WalPosition walPosition) {
            this.walKey = walKey;
            this.windowId = windowId;
            this.walPosition = walPosition;

     * Copy content from parent WAL files to new location ordered by WindowID.
     * @param parentWals
     * @param walPositions
    public void mergeWalFiles(List<PreviousWALDetails> parentWals, HashMap<Long, WalPosition> walPositions) {
        Map<Long, Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, WalPosition>>> iteratorsMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        Map<Long, WalPosition> startPositionMap = Maps.newHashMap();

        for (PreviousWALDetails walDetails : parentWals) {
            Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, WalPosition>> it = walDetails.walPositions.entrySet().iterator();
            iteratorsMap.put(walDetails.getWalKey(), it);
            if (walDetails.getCommittedWalPosition() != null) {
                startPositionMap.put(walDetails.getWalKey(), walDetails.getCommittedWalPosition());
            } else {
                startPositionMap.put(walDetails.getWalKey(), new WalPosition(0, 0));

        PriorityQueue<WalWindowPosition> currentValues = new PriorityQueue<>(parentWals.size(),
                new Comparator<WalWindowPosition>() {
                    public int compare(WalWindowPosition o1, WalWindowPosition o2) {
                        return (int) (o1.windowId - o2.windowId);

        do {
            for (Map.Entry<Long, Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, WalPosition>>> entry : iteratorsMap.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry<Long, WalPosition> windowWalPosition = entry.getValue().next();
                    currentValues.add(new WalWindowPosition(entry.getKey(), windowWalPosition.getKey(),
            if (!currentValues.isEmpty()) {
                WalWindowPosition minWindowWalEntry = currentValues.remove();
                copyWALFiles(startPositionMap.get(minWindowWalEntry.walKey), minWindowWalEntry.walPosition,
                // Set next start position for WAL key
                startPositionMap.put(minWindowWalEntry.walKey, minWindowWalEntry.walPosition);
                // Set end position for windowId for checkpointed positions
                walPositions.put(minWindowWalEntry.windowId, this.getCurrentPosition());
        } while (!currentValues.isEmpty());

     * Contains details relevant for restoring state of WAL files after dynamic repartitioning
    public static class PreviousWALDetails implements Serializable {
        public String toString() {
            return "PreviousWALDetails [startPosition=" + startPosition + ", endPosition=" + endPosition
                    + ", committedWalPosition=" + committedWalPosition + ", walKey=" + walKey + ", windowId="
                    + windowId + ", walPositions=" + walPositions + "]";

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4648909072979382021L;
        private WalPosition startPosition;
        private WalPosition endPosition;
        private long windowId;
        private WalPosition committedWalPosition;
        private long walKey;
        public HashMap<Long, HDHTWalManager.WalPosition> walPositions = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();

        public PreviousWALDetails() {

        public PreviousWALDetails(long walKey, WalPosition startPosition, WalPosition endPosition,
                HashMap<Long, WalPosition> walPositions, WalPosition committedWalPosition, long windowId) {
            this.walKey = walKey;
            this.startPosition = startPosition;
            this.endPosition = endPosition;
            this.walPositions = walPositions;

        public WalPosition getStartPosition() {
            return startPosition;

        public void setStartPosition(WalPosition startPosition) {
            this.startPosition = startPosition;

        public WalPosition getEndPosition() {
            return endPosition;

        public void setEndPosition(WalPosition endPosition) {
            this.endPosition = endPosition;

        public long getWalKey() {
            return walKey;

        public void setWalKey(long walKey) {
            this.walKey = walKey;

        public boolean needsRecovery() {
            if (this.endPosition == null || (this.startPosition.fileId == this.endPosition.fileId
                    && this.startPosition.offset == this.endPosition.offset)) {
                return false;
            return true;

        public WalPosition getCommittedWalPosition() {
            return committedWalPosition;

        public void setCommittedWalPosition(WalPosition committedWalPosition) {
            this.committedWalPosition = committedWalPosition;

        public long getWindowId() {
            return windowId;

        public void setWindowId(long windowId) {
            this.windowId = windowId;