Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Brian Hess * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datastax.loader; import com.datastax.driver.core.ColumnMetadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.DataType; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; import com.datastax.driver.core.TableMetadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.KeyspaceMetadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException; import com.datastax.loader.parser.BigDecimalParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.BigIntegerParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.BooleanParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.ByteBufferParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.DateParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.DelimParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.DoubleParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.FloatParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.InetAddressParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.IntegerParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.ListParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.LongParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.MapParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.Parser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.SetParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.StringParser; import com.datastax.loader.parser.UUIDParser; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; public class CqlDelimParser { private Map<DataType.Name, Parser> pmap; private List<SchemaBits> sbl; private List<String> columnNames; private String keyspace; private String tablename; private DelimParser delimParser; private JSONParser jsonParser; public CqlDelimParser(String inCqlSchema, String inDelimiter, int inCharsPerColumn, String inNullString, String inDateFormatString, BooleanParser.BoolStyle inBoolStyle, Locale inLocale, String skipList, Session session, boolean bLoader) throws ParseException { // Optionally provide things for the line parser - date format, boolean format, locale initPmap(inDateFormatString, inBoolStyle, inLocale, bLoader); processCqlSchema(inCqlSchema, session); createDelimParser(inDelimiter, inCharsPerColumn, inNullString, skipList); } public CqlDelimParser(String inKeyspace, String inTable, String inDelimiter, int inCharsPerColumn, String inNullString, String inDateFormatString, BooleanParser.BoolStyle inBoolStyle, Locale inLocale, String skipList, Session session, boolean bLoader) throws ParseException { // Optionally provide things for the line parser - date format, boolean format, locale keyspace = inKeyspace; tablename = inTable; initPmap(inDateFormatString, inBoolStyle, inLocale, bLoader); processCqlSchema(session); createDelimParser(inDelimiter, inCharsPerColumn, inNullString, skipList); } public List<String> getColumnNames() { return columnNames; } private void setColumnNames(List<String> columnNames) { this.columnNames = columnNames; } // used internally to store schema information private class SchemaBits { public String name; public DataType.Name datatype; public Parser parser; } // intialize the Parsers and the parser map private void initPmap(String dateFormatString, BooleanParser.BoolStyle inBoolStyle, Locale inLocale, boolean bLoader) { pmap = new HashMap<DataType.Name, Parser>(); Parser integerParser = new IntegerParser(inLocale, bLoader); Parser longParser = new LongParser(inLocale, bLoader); Parser floatParser = new FloatParser(inLocale, bLoader); Parser doubleParser = new DoubleParser(inLocale, bLoader); Parser stringParser = new StringParser(); Parser booleanParser = new BooleanParser(inBoolStyle); Parser uuidParser = new UUIDParser(); Parser bigDecimalParser = new BigDecimalParser(); Parser bigIntegerParser = new BigIntegerParser(); Parser byteBufferParser = new ByteBufferParser(); Parser inetAddressParser = new InetAddressParser(); Parser dateParser = new DateParser(dateFormatString); pmap.put(DataType.Name.ASCII, stringParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.BIGINT, longParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.BLOB, byteBufferParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.BOOLEAN, booleanParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.COUNTER, longParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.DECIMAL, bigDecimalParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.DOUBLE, doubleParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.FLOAT, floatParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.INET, inetAddressParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.INT, integerParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.TEXT, stringParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.TIMESTAMP, dateParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.TIMEUUID, uuidParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.UUID, uuidParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.VARCHAR, stringParser); pmap.put(DataType.Name.VARINT, bigIntegerParser); } // Validate the CQL schema, extract the keyspace and tablename, and process the rest of the schema private void processCqlSchema(String cqlSchema, Session session) throws ParseException { String kstnRegex = "^\\s*(\\\"?[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\\"?)\\.(\\\"?[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\\"?)\\s*[\\(]\\s*(\\\"?[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\\"?\\s*(,\\s*\\\"?[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\\"?\\s*)*)[\\)]\\s*$"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(kstnRegex); Matcher m = p.matcher(cqlSchema); if (!m.find()) { throw new ParseException("Badly formatted schema " + cqlSchema, 0); } keyspace =; tablename =; String schemaString =; sbl = schemaBits(schemaString, session); } private void processCqlSchema(Session session) throws ParseException { sbl = schemaBits(null, session); } private List<SchemaBits> schemaBits(String in, Session session) throws ParseException { KeyspaceMetadata km = session.getCluster().getMetadata().getKeyspace(keyspace); if (null == km) { System.err.println("Keyspace " + keyspace + " not found."); System.exit(-1); } TableMetadata tm = km.getTable(tablename); if (null == tm) { System.err.println("Table " + tablename + " not found."); System.exit(-1); } List<String> inList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (null != in) { String[] tlist = in.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < tlist.length; i++) inList.add(tlist[i].trim()); } else { for (ColumnMetadata cm : tm.getColumns()) inList.add("\"" + cm.getName() + "\""); } //keep the list of columns from metadata to use as column backbone for JSON setColumnNames(inList); List<SchemaBits> sbl = new ArrayList<SchemaBits>(); for (int i = 0; i < inList.size(); i++) { String col = inList.get(i); SchemaBits sb = new SchemaBits(); ColumnMetadata cm = tm.getColumn(col); if (null == cm) { System.err.println("Column " + col + " of table " + keyspace + "." + tablename + " not found"); System.exit(-1); } DataType dt = cm.getType(); = col; sb.datatype = dt.getName(); if (dt.isCollection()) { if (sb.datatype == DataType.Name.LIST) { DataType.Name listType = dt.getTypeArguments().get(0).getName(); Parser listParser = pmap.get(listType); if (null == listParser) { throw new ParseException("List data type not recognized (" + listType + ")", i); } sb.parser = new ListParser(listParser, ',', '[', ']'); } else if (sb.datatype == DataType.Name.SET) { DataType.Name setType = dt.getTypeArguments().get(0).getName(); Parser setParser = pmap.get(setType); if (null == setParser) { throw new ParseException("Set data type not recognized (" + setType + ")", i); } sb.parser = new SetParser(setParser, ',', '{', '}'); } else if (sb.datatype == DataType.Name.MAP) { DataType.Name keyType = dt.getTypeArguments().get(0).getName(); Parser keyParser = pmap.get(keyType); if (null == keyParser) { throw new ParseException("Map key data type not recognized (" + keyType + ")", i); } DataType.Name valueType = dt.getTypeArguments().get(1).getName(); Parser valueParser = pmap.get(valueType); if (null == valueParser) { throw new ParseException("Map value data type not recognized (" + valueType + ")", i); } sb.parser = new MapParser(keyParser, valueParser, ',', '{', '}', ':'); } else { throw new ParseException("Collection data type not recognized (" + sb.datatype + ")", i); } } else { sb.parser = pmap.get(sb.datatype); if (null == sb.parser) { throw new ParseException("Column data type not recognized (" + sb.datatype + ")", i); } } sbl.add(sb); } return sbl; } // Creates the DelimParser that will parse the line private void createDelimParser(String delimiter, int charsPerColumn, String nullString, String skipList) throws NumberFormatException { delimParser = new DelimParser(delimiter, charsPerColumn, nullString); for (int i = 0; i < sbl.size(); i++) delimParser.add(sbl.get(i).parser); if (null != skipList) { for (String s : skipList.split(",")) { delimParser.addSkip(Integer.parseInt(s.trim())); } } jsonParser = new JSONParser(); } // Convenience method to return the INSERT statement for a PreparedStatement. public String generateInsert() { String insert = "INSERT INTO " + keyspace + "." + tablename + "(" + sbl.get(0).name; String qmarks = "?"; for (int i = 1; i < sbl.size(); i++) { insert = insert + ", " + sbl.get(i).name; qmarks = qmarks + ", ?"; } insert = insert + ") VALUES (" + qmarks + ")"; return insert; } public String generateSelect() { String select = "SELECT " + sbl.get(0).name; for (int i = 1; i < sbl.size(); i++) { select = select + ", " + sbl.get(i).name; } select += " FROM " + keyspace + "." + tablename; return select; } public String getKeyspace() { return keyspace; } public String getTable() { return tablename; } // Pass through to parse the line - the DelimParser we created will be used. public List<Object> parse(String line) { return delimParser.parse(line); } public List<Object> parse(String[] row) { return delimParser.parse(row); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Object> parseJson(String line) { JSONObject jsonObject = null; try { jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(line); } catch (org.json.simple.parser.ParseException e) { System.err.println(String.format("Invalid format in input %d: %s", line, e.getMessage())); return null; } String[] row = new String[columnNames.size()]; Set<String> fields = (Set<String>) jsonObject.keySet(); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.size(); i++) { String s = columnNames.get(i); Object o = jsonObject.get(s); if (null != o) row[i] = o.toString(); else row[i] = null; fields.remove(s); } if (0 != fields.size()) { for (String f : fields) { System.err.println("Unknown JSON field " + f); } return null; } return parse(row); } public String format(Row row) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, InvalidTypeException { return delimParser.format(row); } public String formatJson(Row row) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, InvalidTypeException { String[] stringVals = delimParser.stringVals(row); Map<String, String> pairs = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < sbl.size(); i++) pairs.put(sbl.get(i).name, stringVals[i]); return JSONObject.toJSONString(pairs); } }