Java tutorial
/** * Copyright [2012] [Datasalt Systems S.L.] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser; import; import; import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.Criteria.Order; import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.Criteria.SortElement; import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred.GroupComparator; import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred.RollupReducer; import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred.SortComparator; import com.datasalt.pangool.utils.InstancesDistributor; /** * TupleMRConfig contains the entire configuration parameters from a Tuple-based * job. The main information that it contains : * <ul> * <li>Intermediate schemas</li> * <li>Group-by fields</li> * <li>Order-by common criteria</li> * <li>Schemas order</li> * <li>Specific schema-related order-by criteria</li> * <li>Rollup</li> * <li>Custom hash partitioning fields</li> * </ul> * */ public class TupleMRConfig { private final static String CONF_PANGOOL_CONF = TupleMRConfig.class.getName() + ".pangool.conf"; static final JsonFactory FACTORY = new JsonFactory(); static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(FACTORY); static { FACTORY.enable(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_COMMENTS); FACTORY.setCodec(MAPPER); } private List<String> schemasNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, Integer> schemaNameToId = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<String, Map<String, String>> schemaFieldAliases = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); /** * Common criteria specifies the order of the fields that are common among * schemas and will be sorted before reaching the sourceOrder */ private Criteria commonCriteria; /** * These criterias are used in {@link SortComparator} to sort specific fields * from two tuples with the same schema, after the commonCriteria and * schemaOrder */ private List<Criteria> specificCriterias = new ArrayList<Criteria>(); /** * Defines the order in which the different intermediate schemas will be * sorted in {@link SortComparator} * */ private Order schemasOrder; /** * Intermediate schemas */ private List<Schema> schemas = new ArrayList<Schema>(); private List<String> groupByFields; private List<String> customPartitionFields = new ArrayList<String>(); private String rollupFrom; private SerializationInfo serInfo; /** * Returns a defined intermediate schema with the specified name */ public Schema getIntermediateSchema(String schemaName) { Integer id = getSchemaIdByName(schemaName); return (id == null) ? null : schemas.get(id); } /** * Returns a defined intermediate schema with the specified schemaId.<br> * The schemaId follows the order of schema definition in * {@link TupleMRConfig#addIntermediateSchema(Schema)} */ public Schema getIntermediateSchema(int schemaId) { return schemas.get(schemaId); } /** * Returns the schemaId from the schema's name. */ public Integer getSchemaIdByName(String name) { return schemaNameToId.get(name); } /** * Returns a list with the names of all the intermediate schemas. */ public List<String> getIntermediateSchemaNames() { return schemasNames; } /** * Returns all the intermediate schemas defined. */ public List<Schema> getIntermediateSchemas() { return schemas; } /** * Returns the order that will be used to sort tuples with different schemas * after being compared by commonOrder. */ public Order getSchemasOrder() { return schemasOrder; } /** * Returns the order that will be used to sort tuples with different schemas * after being compared by commonOrder and schemaOrder. * */ public List<Criteria> getSpecificOrderBys() { return specificCriterias; } /** * Returns the custom fields used to partition tuples. By default if this list * is null then the partition criteria used will match the groupByFields. In * case of rollup then the fields used will be a subset of the groupByFields * up to the rollupFrom field. */ public List<String> getCustomPartitionFields() { return customPartitionFields; } protected TupleMRConfig() { } /** * Returns the {@link SerializationInfo} instance related to this * configuration. */ public SerializationInfo getSerializationInfo() { if (serInfo == null) { try { this.serInfo = new SerializationInfo(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return this.serInfo; } /** * Returns the number of intermediate schemas defined */ public int getNumIntermediateSchemas() { return schemas.size(); } /** * Returns the criteria used to sort fields that are common among the * intermediate schemas. This criteria is the first used in * {@link SortComparator} and in {@link GroupComparator} */ public Criteria getCommonCriteria() { return commonCriteria; } /** * Returns the fields that are common among all the intermediate schemas that * will be used to group by the tuples emitted from the {@link TupleMapper} */ public List<String> getGroupByFields() { return groupByFields; } /** * Returns a map that contains for every schema a list of field aliases. * Field aliases are needed to declare common fields to be used in * {@link #setGroupByFields(List)} and{@link #setGroupByFields(List)} * */ public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getSchemaFieldAliases() { return schemaFieldAliases; } public Map<String, String> getFieldAliases(String schemaName) { return schemaFieldAliases.get(schemaName); } /** * Returns the fields that are a subset from the groupBy fields and will be * used when rollup is needed. * * @see RollupReducer */ public List<String> calculateRollupBaseFields() { if (rollupFrom == null) { return getGroupByFields(); } List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SortElement element : commonCriteria.getElements()) { result.add(element.getName()); if (element.getName().equals(rollupFrom)) { break; } } return result; } /** * Returns the field from which the rollup will be performed */ public String getRollupFrom() { return rollupFrom; } private void addIntermediateSchema(Schema schema) throws TupleMRException { if (schemasNames.contains(schema.getName())) { throw new TupleMRException("There's a schema with that name '" + schema.getName() + "'"); } schemaNameToId.put(schema.getName(), schemasNames.size()); schemasNames.add(schema.getName()); schemas.add(schema); } void setIntermediateSchemas(Collection<Schema> schemas) throws TupleMRException { for (Schema s : schemas) { addIntermediateSchema(s); } } void setGroupByFields(List<String> groupByFields) { this.groupByFields = groupByFields; } void setRollupFrom(String rollupFrom) throws TupleMRException { this.rollupFrom = rollupFrom; } void setCommonCriteria(Criteria ordering) { this.commonCriteria = ordering; } void setSourceOrder(Order order) { this.schemasOrder = order; } void setCustomPartitionFields(List<String> customPartitionFields) { this.customPartitionFields = customPartitionFields; } void setSecondarySortBy(String sourceName, Criteria criteria) throws TupleMRException { if (this.specificCriterias.isEmpty()) { initSecondaryCriteriasWithNull(); } Integer pos = getSchemaIdByName(sourceName); specificCriterias.set(pos, criteria); } void setSchemaFieldAliases(Map<String, Map<String, String>> schemaAliases) throws TupleMRException { this.schemaFieldAliases = schemaAliases; } private void initSecondaryCriteriasWithNull() { List<Criteria> r = new ArrayList<Criteria>(schemas.size()); for (int i = 0; i < schemas.size(); i++) { r.add(null); } this.specificCriterias = r; } public static TupleMRConfig get(Configuration conf) throws TupleMRException { String serialized = conf.get(TupleMRConfig.CONF_PANGOOL_CONF); if (serialized == null || serialized.isEmpty()) { return null; } try { TupleMRConfig mrConf = TupleMRConfig.parse(serialized); deserializeComparators(conf, mrConf); return mrConf; } catch (IOException e) { throw new TupleMRException(e); } } /** * Returns the instance files generated. */ public static Set<String> set(TupleMRConfig mrConfig, Configuration conf) throws TupleMRException { conf.set(CONF_PANGOOL_CONF, mrConfig.toString()); return serializeComparators(mrConfig, conf); } // Stores the instances and the references to the instances (common|field or // schemaId|field) public static final String CONF_COMPARATOR_REFERENCES = "pangool.comparator.references"; public static final String CONF_COMPARATOR_INSTANCES = "pangool.comparator.instances"; private static final String COMMON = "common"; /** * Serializes the custom compartors. It uses the distributed cache * serialization.<br> * Two config properties are used. The first for storing the reference. For * example "common|address" refers to the sort comparator for address in the * common order. "1|postalCode" refers to the sort comparator for the specific * sort on field1 for the schema with schemaId = 1. The other config property * stores the instance file paths where the instances are stored in the * distributed cache. * <p> * Returns the instance files created. */ static Set<String> serializeComparators(TupleMRConfig tupleMRConfig, Configuration conf) throws TupleMRException { Set<String> instanceFiles = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> comparatorRefs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> comparatorInstanceFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); // We use "common" as the prefix for the common criteria instanceFiles.addAll(serializeComparators(tupleMRConfig.getCommonCriteria(), conf, comparatorRefs, comparatorInstanceFiles, COMMON)); List<Criteria> specificCriterias = tupleMRConfig.getSpecificOrderBys(); // We use the schemaId as prefix for the specific sorting. for (int i = 0; i < specificCriterias.size(); i++) { instanceFiles.addAll(serializeComparators(specificCriterias.get(i), conf, comparatorRefs, comparatorInstanceFiles, i + "")); } if (comparatorRefs.size() > 0) { conf.setStrings(CONF_COMPARATOR_REFERENCES, comparatorRefs.toArray(new String[] {})); conf.setStrings(CONF_COMPARATOR_INSTANCES, comparatorInstanceFiles.toArray(new String[] {})); } return instanceFiles; } /** * Returns the instance files created */ static Set<String> serializeComparators(Criteria criteria, Configuration conf, List<String> comparatorRefs, List<String> comparatorInstanceFiles, String prefix) throws TupleMRException { Set<String> instanceFiles = new HashSet<String>(); if (criteria == null) { return instanceFiles; } for (SortElement element : criteria.getElements()) { if (element.getCustomComparator() != null) { RawComparator<?> comparator = element.getCustomComparator(); if (!(comparator instanceof Serializable)) { throw new TupleMRException("The class '" + comparator.getClass().getName() + "' is not Serializable." + " The customs comparators must implement Serializable."); } String ref = prefix + "|" + element.getName(); String uniqueName = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + '.' + "comparator.dat"; try { InstancesDistributor.distribute(comparator, uniqueName, conf); instanceFiles.add(uniqueName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TupleMRException( "The class " + comparator.getClass().getName() + " can't be serialized", e); } comparatorRefs.add(ref); comparatorInstanceFiles.add(uniqueName); } } return instanceFiles; } static void deserializeComparators(Configuration conf, TupleMRConfig mrConfig) throws TupleMRException { String[] comparatorRefs = conf.getStrings(CONF_COMPARATOR_REFERENCES); String[] comparatorInstanceFiles = conf.getStrings(CONF_COMPARATOR_INSTANCES); if (comparatorRefs == null) { return; } try { for (int i = 0; i < comparatorRefs.length; i++) { String[] ref = comparatorRefs[i].split("\\|"); String instanceFile = comparatorInstanceFiles[i]; // Here we use "false" as last parameter because otherwise it could be // an infinite loop. We will call setConf() later. RawComparator<?> comparator = InstancesDistributor.loadInstance(conf, RawComparator.class, instanceFile, false); if (ref[0].equals(COMMON)) { setComparator(mrConfig.getCommonCriteria(), ref[1], comparator); } else { setComparator(mrConfig.getSpecificOrderBys().get(new Integer(ref[0])), ref[1], comparator); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new TupleMRException(e); } } static void setComparator(Criteria criteria, String field, RawComparator<?> comparator) { for (SortElement element : criteria.getElements()) { if (element.getName().equals(field)) { element.setCustomComparator(comparator); } } } static TupleMRConfig parse(JsonNode node) throws IOException { try { TupleMRConfig result = new TupleMRConfig(); Iterator<JsonNode> sources = node.get("sourceSchemas").getElements(); while (sources.hasNext()) { JsonNode sourceNode =; result.addIntermediateSchema(Schema.parse(sourceNode)); } Iterator<String> schemaNames = node.get("fieldAliases").getFieldNames(); while (schemaNames.hasNext()) { String schemaName =; JsonNode aliasNode = node.get("fieldAliases").get(schemaName); Aliases aliases = Aliases.parse(aliasNode); result.schemaFieldAliases.put(schemaName, aliases.getAliases()); } result.schemaFieldAliases = Collections.unmodifiableMap(result.schemaFieldAliases); Iterator<JsonNode> groupFieldsNode = node.get("groupByFields").getElements(); List<String> groupFields = new ArrayList<String>(); while (groupFieldsNode.hasNext()) { groupFields.add(; } result.groupByFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(groupFields); if (node.get("rollupFrom") != null) { result.rollupFrom = node.get("rollupFrom").getTextValue(); } if (node.get("customPartitionFields") != null) { Iterator<JsonNode> partitionNodes = node.get("customPartitionFields").getElements(); List<String> partitionFields = new ArrayList<String>(); while (partitionNodes.hasNext()) { partitionFields.add(; } result.customPartitionFields = partitionFields; } JsonNode commonSortByNode = node.get("commonOrderBy"); result.commonCriteria = Criteria.parse(commonSortByNode); result.schemasOrder = Order.valueOf(node.get("schemasOrder").getTextValue()); Iterator<JsonNode> specificNode = node.get("specificOrderBys").getElements(); result.specificCriterias = new ArrayList<Criteria>(); while (specificNode.hasNext()) { JsonNode n =; result.specificCriterias.add(n.isNull() ? null : Criteria.parse(n)); } return result; } catch (TupleMRException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } void toJson(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeArrayFieldStart("sourceSchemas"); for (Schema schema : schemas) { schema.toJson(gen); } gen.writeEndArray(); gen.writeObjectFieldStart("fieldAliases"); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : schemaFieldAliases.entrySet()) { String schemaName = entry.getKey(); Map<String, String> aliases = entry.getValue(); gen.writeObjectField(schemaName, aliases); } gen.writeEndObject(); gen.writeArrayFieldStart("groupByFields"); for (String field : groupByFields) { gen.writeString(field); } gen.writeEndArray(); if (customPartitionFields != null && !customPartitionFields.isEmpty()) { gen.writeArrayFieldStart("customPartitionFields"); for (String field : customPartitionFields) { gen.writeString(field); } gen.writeEndArray(); } if (rollupFrom != null) { gen.writeFieldName("rollupFrom"); gen.writeString(rollupFrom); } gen.writeFieldName("commonOrderBy"); commonCriteria.toJson(gen); gen.writeStringField("schemasOrder", schemasOrder.toString()); // TODO this code should write a map with sourceName if (specificCriterias == null || specificCriterias.isEmpty()) { initSecondaryCriteriasWithNull(); } gen.writeArrayFieldStart("specificOrderBys"); for (Criteria c : specificCriterias) { if (c == null) { gen.writeNull(); } else { c.toJson(gen); } } gen.writeEndArray(); gen.writeEndObject(); } @Override public String toString() { // TODO not use toJson as toString()... it is not complete. // Custom comparators does not appears here. return toJson(true); } protected String toJson(boolean pretty) { try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator gen = FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(writer); if (pretty) gen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); toJson(gen); gen.flush(); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Parse a schema from the provided string. If named, the schema is added to * the names known to this parser. */ public static TupleMRConfig parse(String s) throws IOException { return parse(FACTORY.createJsonParser(new StringReader(s))); } private static TupleMRConfig parse(JsonParser parser) throws IOException { try { return parse(MAPPER.readTree(parser)); } catch (JsonParseException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } public boolean equals(Object a) { if (!(a instanceof TupleMRConfig)) { return false; } TupleMRConfig that = (TupleMRConfig) a; boolean e = this.getSchemasOrder() == that.getSchemasOrder() && this.getCommonCriteria().equals(that.getCommonCriteria()) && this.getGroupByFields().equals(that.getGroupByFields()) && this.getIntermediateSchemas().equals(that.getIntermediateSchemas()) && this.getSpecificOrderBys().equals(that.getSpecificOrderBys()) && this.getSchemaFieldAliases().equals(that.getSchemaFieldAliases()); if (e) { if (this.getCustomPartitionFields() == null) { return that.getCustomPartitionFields() == null; } else { return this.getCustomPartitionFields().equals(that.getCustomPartitionFields()); } } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { assert false : "hashCode not designed"; return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do } }