Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2015 DataArt Apps, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.dataart.spreadsheetanalytics.engine; import static java.util.Arrays.copyOf; import static org.apache.poi.common.fork.ExecutionGraphBuilderUtils.coerceValueEvalToCellValue; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.common.fork.FormulaParseNAException; import org.apache.poi.common.fork.FormulaParseNameException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFEvaluationWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.dataart.spreadsheetanalytics.api.model.ICellAddress; import com.dataart.spreadsheetanalytics.api.model.ICellValue; import com.dataart.spreadsheetanalytics.api.model.IDataModel; import com.dataart.spreadsheetanalytics.api.model.IDataSet; import com.dataart.spreadsheetanalytics.model.CellValue; import com.dataart.spreadsheetanalytics.model.DmCell; /** * Util methods to convert some generic things related to {@link IDataModel} and {@link IDataSet}. */ public final class ConverterUtils { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConverterUtils.class); public static final String FORMULA_PREFIX = "="; private static final String POI_FUNCTION_PREFIX = "_xlfn."; private ConverterUtils() { } /** {@link #clearContent(Workbook)} with new {@link ConverterUtils#newWorkbook(InputStream)}. */ static OutputStream clearContent(InputStream workbook) { ByteArrayOutputStream xlsx = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { clearContent(ConverterUtils.newWorkbook(workbook)).write(xlsx); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CalculationEngineException(e); } return xlsx; } /** * Gets an instance of a Workbook ({@link ConverterUtils#newWorkbook(InputStream)}, creates copy of original file, * clears all the cell values, but preserves formatting. */ static Workbook clearContent(final Workbook book) { ByteArrayOutputStream originalOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { book.write(originalOut); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CalculationEngineException(e); } InputStream originalIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(copyOf(originalOut.toByteArray(), originalOut.size())); Workbook w = ConverterUtils.newWorkbook(originalIn); Sheet s = w.getSheetAt(0); //TODO: only one sheet is supported for (int i = s.getFirstRowNum(); i <= s.getLastRowNum(); i++) { Row r = s.getRow(i); if (r == null) { continue; } for (int j = r.getFirstCellNum(); j <= r.getLastCellNum(); j++) { Cell c = r.getCell(j); if (c == null) { continue; } c.setCellType(CELL_TYPE_BLANK); } } return w; } /** Inserts a value to a Cell based on a value type (class). */ static void populateCellValue(final Cell cell, final ICellValue value) { if (cell == null) { return; } int cellType = resolveCellType(value); cell.setCellType(cellType); switch (cellType) { case CELL_TYPE_BLANK: { break; } case CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { cell.setCellValue((Boolean) value.get()); break; } case CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: { cell.setCellValue((Double) value.get()); break; } case CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: { try { cell.setCellFormula(((String) value.get()).substring(1)); break; } catch (FormulaParseNameException e) { log.error("Formula parsing error while trying to set formula field in cell " + e.getMessage()); cell.setCellFormula(ErrorEval.NAME_INVALID.getErrorString()); break; } catch (FormulaParseNAException e) { log.error("Formula parsing error while trying to set formula field in cell " + e.getMessage()); cell.setCellFormula(ErrorEval.NA.getErrorString()); break; } } case CELL_TYPE_ERROR: { cell.setCellErrorValue(FormulaError.forString((String) value.get()).getCode()); break; } case CELL_TYPE_STRING: { cell.setCellValue((String) value.get()); break; } default: { throw new CalculationEngineException(String.format("Type of value %s is not supported: %s", value, value.getClass().getSimpleName())); } } } /** Does cell of a given address copy from {@link Sheet} to {@link IDataModel}. */ static void copyCell(ICellAddress address, Sheet from, IDataModel to) { if (from == null) { return; } Row fromRow = from.getRow(address.a1Address().row()); if (fromRow == null) { return; } Cell fromCell = fromRow.getCell(address.a1Address().column()); if (fromCell == null) { return; } DmCell toCell = new DmCell(); toCell.setAddress(address); toCell.setContent(resolveCellValue(fromCell)); to.setCell(address, toCell); } /** Checks if formula string contains given function. */ static boolean isFunctionInFormula(String formula, String function) { String filteredFormula = formula.replace(POI_FUNCTION_PREFIX, ""); return filteredFormula.startsWith(function) && filteredFormula.replace(function, "").startsWith("("); } /** Returns the new {@link CellValue} from provided {@link Cell}. */ public static ICellValue resolveCellValue(Cell c) { if (c == null) { return CellValue.BLANK; } switch (c.getCellType()) { case CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: { return CellValue.from(c.getNumericCellValue()); } case CELL_TYPE_STRING: { return CellValue.from(c.getStringCellValue()); } case CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { return CellValue.from(c.getBooleanCellValue()); } case CELL_TYPE_ERROR: { return CellValue.from(forInt(c.getErrorCellValue()).getString()); } case CELL_TYPE_BLANK: { return CellValue.BLANK; } case CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: { return CellValue.from(String.format("%s%s", FORMULA_PREFIX, c.getCellFormula())); } default: { throw new CalculationEngineException( String.format("Cell's type %s is not supported.", c.getCellType())); } } } /** Returns the new {@link CellValue} from provided {@link}. */ public static ICellValue resolveCellValue( cellval) { if (cellval == null) { return CellValue.BLANK; } switch (cellval.getCellType()) { case CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: { return CellValue.from(cellval.getNumberValue()); } case CELL_TYPE_STRING: { return CellValue.from(cellval.getStringValue()); } case CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { return CellValue.from(cellval.getBooleanValue()); } case CELL_TYPE_ERROR: { return CellValue.from(ErrorEval.valueOf(cellval.getErrorValue()).getErrorString()); } case CELL_TYPE_BLANK: { return CellValue.BLANK; } case CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: { throw new CalculationEngineException("Result of evaluation cannot be a formula."); } default: { throw new CalculationEngineException( String.format("CellValue's tType %s is not supported.", cellval.getCellType())); } } } /** Returns a type of given {@link Cell} value. */ public static Class<? extends Object> resolveCellType(Cell c) { switch (c.getCellType()) { case CELL_TYPE_BLANK: { return Object.class; } case CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { return Boolean.class; } case CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: { return Double.class; } case CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: case CELL_TYPE_STRING: case CELL_TYPE_ERROR: { return String.class; } default: { throw new CalculationEngineException( String.format("Cell's type %s is not supported.", c.getCellType())); } } } /** * Returns a type of given {@link ICellValue} value. * For types @see {@link Cell#getCellType()}. */ public static int resolveCellType(ICellValue c) { if (CellValue.BLANK == c) { return CELL_TYPE_BLANK; } if (c.getType() == Boolean.class) { return CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } if (c.getType() == Double.class) { return CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC; } if (c.getType() == String.class) { String val = (String) c.get(); if (val.startsWith(FORMULA_PREFIX)) { return CELL_TYPE_FORMULA; } if (isErrorValue(val)) { return CELL_TYPE_ERROR; } return CELL_TYPE_STRING; } throw new CalculationEngineException( String.format("CellVale's type %s is not supported.", c.get().getClass().getSimpleName())); } /** Converts {@link ValueEval} to {@link ICellValue}. */ public static ICellValue resolveValueEval(ValueEval valueEval) { return resolveCellValue(coerceValueEvalToCellValue(valueEval)); } /** Creates an instance of new {@link XSSFWorkbook}. */ public static Workbook newWorkbook() { Workbook book = new XSSFWorkbook(); book.addToolPack(Functions.getUdfFinder()); return book; } /** Creates an instance of new {@link XSSFWorkbook} from {@link InputStream}. */ public static Workbook newWorkbook(InputStream original) { try { Workbook book = new XSSFWorkbook(original); book.addToolPack(Functions.getUdfFinder()); return book; } catch (IOException e) { throw new CalculationEngineException(e); } } /** Creates an instance of new {@link EvaluationWorkbook} from {@link Workbook} */ public static EvaluationWorkbook newEvaluationWorkbook(Workbook workbook) { return XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create((XSSFWorkbook) workbook); } /** Returns true if value string is formula */ static boolean isFormula(String value, EvaluationWorkbook workbook) { try { return FormulaParser.parse(value, (FormulaParsingWorkbook) workbook, 0, 0).length > 1; } // TODO: formulaType and sheet index are 0 catch (FormulaParseException e) { return false; } } static boolean isErrorValue(String val) { return NULL.getString().equals(val) || DIV0.getString().equals(val) || VALUE.getString().equals(val) || REF.getString().equals(val) || NAME.getString().equals(val) || NUM.getString().equals(val) || NA.getString().equals(val); } }