Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 1999-2015 * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * </p> */ package; import; import; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.context.TaskContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.mesos.Protos; import org.apache.mesos.SchedulerDriver; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * ???. * * @author gaohongtao */ @Slf4j @RequiredArgsConstructor public final class ReconcileScheduledService extends AbstractScheduledService { private static final double DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER = 1.5; @Getter(AccessLevel.PACKAGE) private final Set<TaskContext> remainingTasks = new HashSet<>(); private final FacadeService facadeService; private final SchedulerDriver scheduler; private final TaskScheduler taskScheduler; private final StatisticManager statisticManager; private long reconcileInterval = 30 * 60 * 1000; private long retryIntervalUnit = 5 * 60 * 1000; private long maxPostTimes = 3; private long latestFetchRemainingMilliSeconds; private long latestReconcileMilliSeconds; private int postTimes; private double currentRePostInterval; @Override protected String serviceName() { return "reconcile-processor"; } @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception { if (remainingTasks.isEmpty()) { fetchRemaining(); } else { processRemaining(); } } void fetchRemaining() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((latestFetchRemainingMilliSeconds + reconcileInterval) > now) { return; } remainingTasks.addAll(filterRunningTask()); latestFetchRemainingMilliSeconds = now; if (remainingTasks.isEmpty()) { return; } currentRePostInterval = -1; postTimes = 0; postReconcile(); } private Set<TaskContext> filterRunningTask() { return Sets.filter(facadeService.getAllRunningDaemonTask(), new Predicate<TaskContext>() { @Override public boolean apply(final TaskContext input) { return input.getUpdatedTime() < latestFetchRemainingMilliSeconds; } }); } private void postReconcile() {"Elastic Job - Reconcile: Posting {} tasks", remainingTasks.size()); scheduler.reconcileTasks( Collections2.transform(remainingTasks, new Function<TaskContext, Protos.TaskStatus>() { @Override public Protos.TaskStatus apply(final TaskContext input) { return Protos.TaskStatus.newBuilder() .setTaskId(Protos.TaskID.newBuilder().setValue(input.getId()).build()) .setSlaveId(Protos.SlaveID.newBuilder().setValue(input.getSlaveId()).build()) .setState(Protos.TaskState.TASK_RUNNING).build(); } })); latestReconcileMilliSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis(); currentRePostInterval = currentRePostInterval < 0 ? retryIntervalUnit : currentRePostInterval * DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER; postTimes++;"Elastic Job - Reconcile: Posted {} times, post time : {}, next trigger interval is {}", postTimes, latestReconcileMilliSeconds, currentRePostInterval); } private void processRemaining() { Set<TaskContext> runningTasks = Sets.intersection(remainingTasks, filterRunningTask()).immutableCopy(); remainingTasks.clear(); if (runningTasks.isEmpty()) {"Elastic Job - Reconcile: All tasks have been reconciled"); return; } remainingTasks.addAll(runningTasks); long nextTriggerReconcileMilliSeconds = latestReconcileMilliSeconds + (long) currentRePostInterval; if (System.currentTimeMillis() < nextTriggerReconcileMilliSeconds) { log.debug("Elastic Job - Reconcile: Next trigger time : {}", new Date(nextTriggerReconcileMilliSeconds)); return; } if (postTimes < maxPostTimes) { postReconcile(); return; } log.warn("Elastic Job - Reconcile: Reconcile retrying reaches max times, clear task {}", remainingTasks.size()); for (TaskContext taskContext : remainingTasks) { facadeService.removeRunning(taskContext); facadeService.recordFailoverTask(taskContext); String hostname = facadeService.popMapping(taskContext.getId()); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(hostname)) { taskScheduler.getTaskUnAssigner().call(TaskContext.getIdForUnassignedSlave(taskContext.getId()), hostname); } statisticManager.taskRunFailed(); } remainingTasks.clear(); } @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { return Scheduler.newFixedDelaySchedule(10, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception {"Elastic Job - Reconcile: Start {}", serviceName()); latestFetchRemainingMilliSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis() - reconcileInterval; } @Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception {"Elastic Job - Reconcile: Stop {}", serviceName()); } }