Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Dima Shulga * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.dalaran.annotation.validator; import; import; import android.widget.EditText; import com.dalaran.annotation.validator.annotations.Email; import com.dalaran.annotation.validator.annotations.EqualsWith; import com.dalaran.annotation.validator.annotations.Length; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by dima on 5/23/13. */ public class Validator { private static final String EMAIL_PATTERN = "^[_A-Za-z0-9-\\+]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$"; private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(EMAIL_PATTERN); public boolean validate(Activity a) { Field[] declaredFields = a.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); boolean valid = false; for (Field field : declaredFields) { Annotation[] annotations = field.getAnnotations(); for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Length.class)) { boolean b = checkToValidate(a, field, (Length) annotation); if (b) { valid = b; } } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Email.class)) { boolean b = checkToValidateEmail(a, field, (Email) annotation); if (b) { valid = b; } } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(EqualsWith.class)) { boolean b = checkToValidateEquals(a, field, (EqualsWith) annotation); if (b) { valid = b; } } } } return valid; } public boolean validate(Fragment a) { Field[] declaredFields = a.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); boolean valid = false; for (Field field : declaredFields) { Annotation[] annotations = field.getAnnotations(); for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Length.class)) { boolean b = checkToValidate(a, field, (Length) annotation); if (b) { valid = b; } } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Email.class)) { boolean b = checkToValidateEmail(a, field, (Email) annotation); if (b) { valid = b; } } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(EqualsWith.class)) { boolean b = checkToValidateEquals(a.getActivity(), field, (EqualsWith) annotation); if (b) { valid = b; } } } } return valid; } private boolean checkToValidateEquals(Activity a, Field field, EqualsWith annotation) { boolean valid = false; EqualsWith length = annotation; field.setAccessible(true); try { Object o = field.get(a); if (o instanceof EditText) { boolean b = checkFiledToEquals(a, length, (EditText) o); valid = b; } } catch (IllegalAccessException ignored) { } return valid; } private boolean checkFiledToEquals(Activity a, EqualsWith length, EditText o) { o.setError(null); String s = o.getText().toString(); boolean matches = ((EditText) a.findViewById(length.value())).getText().toString().equals(s); if (!matches) { o.setError(a.getString(length.message())); } return !matches; } private static boolean checkToValidateEmail(Activity a, Field field, Email annotation) { boolean valid = false; Email length = annotation; field.setAccessible(true); try { Object o = field.get(a); if (o instanceof EditText) { boolean b = checkFiledToEmail(a, length, (EditText) o); if (!b) { valid = b; } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ignored) { } return valid; } private boolean checkToValidateEmail(Fragment a, Field field, Email annotation) { boolean valid = false; Email length = annotation; field.setAccessible(true); try { Object o = field.get(a); if (o instanceof EditText) { boolean b = checkFiledToEmail(a, length.value(), (EditText) o); if (!b) { valid = b; } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ignored) { } return valid; } private static boolean checkFiledToEmail(Activity a, Email length, EditText o) { o.setError(null); String s = o.getText().toString(); boolean matches = pattern.matcher(s).matches(); if (!matches) { o.setError(a.getString(length.value())); } return matches; } public static boolean checkFiledToEmail(Fragment a, int length, EditText o) { o.setError(null); String s = o.getText().toString(); boolean matches = pattern.matcher(s).matches(); if (!matches) { o.setError(a.getString(length)); } return matches; } private boolean checkToValidate(Activity a, Field field, Length annotation) { boolean valid = false; Length length = annotation; field.setAccessible(true); try { Object o = field.get(a); if (o instanceof EditText) { boolean b = checkFiled(a, length, (EditText) o); if (b) { valid = b; } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ignored) { } return valid; } private boolean checkToValidate(Fragment a, Field field, Length annotation) { boolean valid = false; Length length = annotation; field.setAccessible(true); try { Object o = field.get(a); if (o instanceof EditText) { boolean b = checkFiled(a, length, (EditText) o); if (b) { valid = b; } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ignored) { } return valid; } private boolean checkFiled(Activity a, Length length, EditText o) { o.setError(null); String text = o.getText().toString(); if (text.length() == 0 && length.required()) { o.setError(a.getString(length.messageRequired())); return true; } if (text.length() < length.min()) { o.setError(a.getString(length.messageMin())); return true; } if (text.length() > length.max()) { o.setError(a.getString(length.messageMax())); return true; } return false; } private boolean checkFiled(Fragment a, Length length, EditText o) { o.setError(null); String text = o.getText().toString(); if (text.length() == 0 && length.required()) { o.setError(a.getString(length.messageRequired())); return true; } if (text.length() < length.min()) { o.setError(a.getString(length.messageMin())); return true; } if (text.length() > length.max()) { o.setError(a.getString(length.messageMax())); return true; } return false; } }