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/* CrawlJobHandler
 * $Id: 5384 2007-08-09 00:41:35Z gojomo $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Internet Archive.
 * This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler (
 * Heritrix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * Heritrix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
 * along with Heritrix; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
package com.cyberway.issue.crawler.admin;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.Heritrix;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.datamodel.CrawlOrder;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.event.CrawlStatusListener;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.FrontierMarker;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.exceptions.FatalConfigurationException;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.exceptions.InitializationException;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.exceptions.InvalidFrontierMarkerException;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.ComplexType;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.CrawlerSettings;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.SettingsHandler;
import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.XMLSettingsHandler;
import com.cyberway.issue.util.ArchiveUtils;
import com.cyberway.issue.util.FileUtils;

 * This class manages CrawlJobs. Submitted crawl jobs are queued up and run
 * in order when the crawler is running.
 * <p>Basically this provides a layer between any potential user interface and
 * the CrawlJobs.  It keeps the lists of completed jobs, pending jobs, etc.
 * <p>
 * The jobs managed by the handler can be divided into the following:
 * <ul>
 *  <li> <code>Pending</code> - Jobs that are ready to run and are waiting their
 *                              turn. These can be edited, viewed, deleted etc.
 *  <li> <code>Running</code> - Only one job can be running at a time. There may
 *                              be no job running. The running job can be viewed
 *                              and edited to some extent. It can also be
 *                              terminated. This job should have a
 *                              StatisticsTracking module attached to it for more
 *                              details on the crawl.
 * <li><code>Completed</code> - Jobs that have finished crawling or have been
 *                              deleted from the pending queue or terminated
 *                              while running. They can not be edited but can be
 *                              viewed. They retain the StatisticsTracking
 *                              module from their run.
 *  <li> <code>New job</code> - At any given time their can be one 'new job' the
 *                              new job is not considered ready to run. It can
 *                              be edited or discarded (in which case it will be
 *                              totally destroyed, including any files on disk).
 *                              Once an operator deems the job ready to run it
 *                              can be moved to the pending queue.
 * <li> <code>Profiles</code> - Jobs under profiles are not actual jobs. They can
 *                              be edited normally but can not be submitted to
 *                              the pending queue. New jobs can be created
 *                              using a profile as it's template.
 * @author Kristinn Sigurdsson
 * @see com.cyberway.issue.crawler.admin.CrawlJob

public class CrawlJobHandler implements CrawlStatusListener {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CrawlJobHandler.class.getName());

     * Name of system property whose specification overrides default profile
     * used.
    public static final String DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME = "heritrix.default.profile";

     * Default profile name.
    public static final String DEFAULT_PROFILE = "default";

     * Name of the profiles directory.
    public static final String PROFILES_DIR_NAME = "profiles";

    public static final String ORDER_FILE_NAME = "order.xml";

     * Job currently being crawled.
    private CrawlJob currentJob = null;

     * A new job that is being created/configured. Not yet ready for crawling.
    private CrawlJob newJob = null;

     * Thread to start the next job in background
    private Thread startingNextJob = null;

     * A list of pending CrawlJobs.
    private TreeSet<CrawlJob> pendingCrawlJobs;

     * A list of completed CrawlJobs.
    //private Vector completedCrawlJobs = new Vector();
    private TreeSet<CrawlJob> completedCrawlJobs;

     * A list of profile CrawlJobs.
    private TreeSet<CrawlJob> profileJobs;

    // The UIDs of profiles should be NOT be timestamps. A descriptive name is
    // ideal.
    private String defaultProfile = null;

     * If true the crawler is 'running'. That is the next pending job will start
     * crawling as soon as the current job (if any) is completed.
    private boolean running = false;

     * String to indicate recovery should be based on the recovery log, not
     * based on checkpointing.
    public static final String RECOVER_LOG = "recover";

     * Jobs directory.
    private final File jobsDir;

     * Constructor.
     * @param jobsDir Jobs directory.
    public CrawlJobHandler(final File jobsDir) {
        this(jobsDir, true, true);

     * Constructor allowing for optional loading of profiles and jobs.
     * @param jobsDir Jobs directory.
     * @param loadJobs If true then any applicable jobs will be loaded.
     * @param loadProfiles If true then any applicable profiles will be loaded.
    public CrawlJobHandler(final File jobsDir, final boolean loadJobs, final boolean loadProfiles) {
        this.jobsDir = jobsDir;
        // Make a comparator for CrawlJobs.
        Comparator<CrawlJob> comp = new Comparator<CrawlJob>() {
            public int compare(CrawlJob job1, CrawlJob job2) {
                if (job1.getJobPriority() < job2.getJobPriority()) {
                    return -1;
                } else if (job1.getJobPriority() > job2.getJobPriority()) {
                    return 1;
                } else {
                    // Same priority, use UID (which should be a timestamp).
                    // Lower UID (string compare) means earlier time.
                    return job1.getUID().compareTo(job2.getUID());
        this.pendingCrawlJobs = new TreeSet<CrawlJob>(comp);
        this.completedCrawlJobs = new TreeSet<CrawlJob>(comp);
        // Profiles always have the same priority so it will be sorted by name
        this.profileJobs = new TreeSet<CrawlJob>(comp);
        if (loadProfiles) {
        if (loadJobs) {

     * Find the state.job file in the job directory.
     * @param jobDir Directory to look in.
     * @return Full path to 'state.job' file or null if none found.
    protected File getStateJobFile(final File jobDir) {
        // Need to find job file ('state.job').
        File[] jobFiles = jobDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".job") && (new File(dir, name)).canRead();

        return (jobFiles.length == 1) ? jobFiles[0] : null;

     * Loads any availible jobs in the jobs directory.
     * <p>
     * Availible jobs are any directory containing a file called
     * <code>state.job</code>. The file must contain valid job information.
    private void loadJobs() {
        File[] jobs = this.jobsDir.listFiles();
        for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
            if (jobs[i].isDirectory()) {
                File jobFile = getStateJobFile(jobs[i]);
                if (jobFile != null) {

     * Loads a job given a specific job file. The loaded job will be placed in
     * the list of completed jobs or pending queue depending on its status.
     * Running jobs will have their status set to 'finished abnormally' and put
     * into the completed list.
     * @param job The job file of the job to load.
    protected void loadJob(final File job) {
        CrawlJob cjob = null;
        try {
            // Load the CrawlJob
            cjob = new CrawlJob(job, new CrawlJobErrorHandler());
        } catch (InvalidJobFileException e) {
            logger.log(Level.INFO, "Invalid job file for " + job.getAbsolutePath(), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.log(Level.INFO, "IOException for " + job.getName() + ", " + job.getAbsolutePath(), e);

        // TODO: Move test into CrawlJob.
        // Check job status and place it accordingly.
        if (cjob.getStatus().equals(CrawlJob.STATUS_RUNNING) || cjob.getStatus().equals(CrawlJob.STATUS_PAUSED)
                || cjob.getStatus().equals(CrawlJob.STATUS_CHECKPOINTING)
                || cjob.getStatus().equals(CrawlJob.STATUS_WAITING_FOR_PAUSE)) {
            // Was a running job.
        } else if (cjob.getStatus().equals(CrawlJob.STATUS_PENDING)) {
            // Was a pending job.
        } else if (cjob.getStatus().equals(CrawlJob.STATUS_CREATED)
                || cjob.getStatus().equals(CrawlJob.STATUS_DELETED)) {
            // Ignore for now. TODO: Add to 'recycle bin'
        } else {
            // Must have been completed.

     * Looks in conf dir for a profiles dir.
     * @return the directory where profiles are stored else null if none
     * available
     * @throws IOException
    private File getProfilesDirectory() throws IOException {
        URL webappProfilePath = Heritrix.class.getResource("/" + PROFILES_DIR_NAME);
        if (webappProfilePath != null) {
            try {
                return new File(new URI(webappProfilePath.toString()));
            } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // e.g. "profiles" within a jar file
                // try Heritrix.getConfdir() in this case
            } catch ( e) {
        return (Heritrix.getConfdir(false) == null) ? null
                : new File(Heritrix.getConfdir().getAbsolutePath(), PROFILES_DIR_NAME);

     * Loads the default profile and all other profiles found on disk.
    private void loadProfiles() {
        boolean loadedDefault = false;
        File profileDir = null;
        try {
            profileDir = getProfilesDirectory();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        if (profileDir != null) {
            File[] ps = profileDir.listFiles();
            if (ps != null && ps.length > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) {
                    File f = ps[i];
                    if (f.isDirectory()) {
                        // Each directory in the profiles directory should
                        // contain the file order.xml.
                        File profile = new File(f, ORDER_FILE_NAME);
                        if (profile.canRead()) {
                            boolean b = loadProfile(profile);
                            if (b) {
                                loadedDefault = b;
        // Now add in the default profile.  Its on the CLASSPATH and needs
        // special handling.  Don't add if already a default present.
        String parent = File.separator + PROFILES_DIR_NAME + File.separator;
        if (!loadedDefault) {
            loadProfile(new File(parent + DEFAULT_PROFILE, ORDER_FILE_NAME));
        // Look to see if a default profile system property has been
        // supplied. If so, use it instead.
        // TODO: Try and read default profile from some permanent storage.
        defaultProfile = DEFAULT_PROFILE;

     * Load one profile.
     * @param profile Profile to load.
     * @return True if loaded profile was the default profile.
    protected boolean loadProfile(File profile) {
        boolean loadedDefault = false;
        // Ok, got the order file for this profile.
        try {
            // The directory name denotes the profiles UID and name.
            XMLSettingsHandler newSettingsHandler = new XMLSettingsHandler(profile);
            CrawlJobErrorHandler cjseh = new CrawlJobErrorHandler(Level.SEVERE);
            addProfile(new CrawlJob(profile.getParentFile().getName(), newSettingsHandler, cjseh));
            loadedDefault = profile.getParentFile().getName().equals(DEFAULT_PROFILE);
        } catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to load profile '" + profile.getParentFile().getName()
                    + "'. InvalidAttributeValueException.");
        return loadedDefault;

     * Add a new profile
     * @param profile The new profile
    public synchronized void addProfile(CrawlJob profile) {

    public synchronized void deleteProfile(CrawlJob cj) throws IOException {
        File d = getProfilesDirectory();
        File p = new File(d, cj.getJobName());
        if (!p.exists()) {
            throw new IOException("No profile named " + cj.getJobName() + " at " + d.getAbsolutePath());

     * Returns a List of all known profiles.
     * @return a List of all known profiles.
    public synchronized List<CrawlJob> getProfiles() {
        ArrayList<CrawlJob> tmp = new ArrayList<CrawlJob>(profileJobs.size());
        return tmp;

     * Submit a job to the handler. Job will be scheduled for crawling. At
     * present it will not take the job's priority into consideration.
     * @param job A new job for the handler
     * @return CrawlJob that was added or null.
    public CrawlJob addJob(CrawlJob job) {
        if (job.isProfile()) {
            return null; // Can't crawl profiles.
        if (job.isNew()) {
            // Are adding the new job to the pending queue.
            this.newJob = null;
        if (isCrawling() == false && isRunning()) {
            // Start crawling
        return job;

     * Returns the default profile. If no default profile has been set it will
     * return the first profile that was set/loaded and still exists. If no
     * profiles exist it will return null
     * @return the default profile.
    public synchronized CrawlJob getDefaultProfile() {
        if (defaultProfile != null) {
            for (Iterator it = profileJobs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                CrawlJob item = (CrawlJob);
                if (item.getJobName().equals(defaultProfile)) {
                    // Found it.
                    return item;
        if (profileJobs.size() > 0) {
            return (CrawlJob) profileJobs.first();
        return null;

     * Set the default profile.
     * @param profile The new default profile. The following must apply to it.
     *                profile.isProfile() should return true and
     *                this.getProfiles() should contain it.
    public void setDefaultProfile(CrawlJob profile) {
        defaultProfile = profile.getJobName();
        // TODO: Make changes to default profile durable across restarts.

     * A List of all pending jobs
     * @return A List of all pending jobs.
     * No promises are made about the order of the list
    public List<CrawlJob> getPendingJobs() {
        ArrayList<CrawlJob> tmp = new ArrayList<CrawlJob>(pendingCrawlJobs.size());
        return tmp;

     * @return The job currently being crawled.
    public CrawlJob getCurrentJob() {
        return currentJob;

     * @return A List of all finished jobs.
    public List<CrawlJob> getCompletedJobs() {
        ArrayList<CrawlJob> tmp = new ArrayList<CrawlJob>(completedCrawlJobs.size());
        return tmp;

     * Return a job with the given UID.
     * Doesn't matter if it's pending, currently running, has finished running
     * is new or a profile.
     * @param jobUID The unique ID of the job.
     * @return The job with the UID or null if no such job is found
    public CrawlJob getJob(String jobUID) {
        if (jobUID == null) {
            return null; // UID can't be null
        // First check currently running job
        if (currentJob != null && currentJob.getUID().equals(jobUID)) {
            return currentJob;
        } else if (newJob != null && newJob.getUID().equals(jobUID)) {
            // Then check the 'new job'
            return newJob;
        } else {
            // Then check pending jobs.
            Iterator itPend = pendingCrawlJobs.iterator();
            while (itPend.hasNext()) {
                CrawlJob cj = (CrawlJob);
                if (cj.getUID().equals(jobUID)) {
                    return cj;

            // Next check completed jobs.
            Iterator itComp = completedCrawlJobs.iterator();
            while (itComp.hasNext()) {
                CrawlJob cj = (CrawlJob);
                if (cj.getUID().equals(jobUID)) {
                    return cj;

            // And finally check the profiles.
            for (Iterator i = getProfiles().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                CrawlJob cj = (CrawlJob);
                if (cj.getUID().equals(jobUID)) {
                    return cj;
        return null; // Nothing found, return null

     * @return True if we terminated a current job (False if no job to
     * terminate)
    public boolean terminateCurrentJob() {
        if (this.currentJob == null) {
            return false;
        // requestCrawlStop will cause crawlEnding to be invoked.
        // It will handle the clean up.
        synchronized (this) {
            try {
                // Take a few moments so that the controller can change
                // states before the UI updates. The CrawlEnding event
                // will wake us if it occurs sooner than this.
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // Ignore.
        return true;

     * The specified job will be removed from the pending queue or aborted if
     * currently running.  It will be placed in the list of completed jobs with
     * appropriate status info. If the job is already in the completed list or
     * no job with the given UID is found, no action will be taken.
     * @param jobUID The UID (unique ID) of the job that is to be deleted.
    public void deleteJob(String jobUID) {
        // First check to see if we are deleting the current job.
        if (currentJob != null && jobUID.equals(currentJob.getUID())) {
            return; // We're not going to find another job with the same UID

        // Ok, it isn't the current job, let's check the pending jobs.
        for (Iterator it = pendingCrawlJobs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            CrawlJob cj = (CrawlJob);
            if (cj.getUID().equals(jobUID)) {
                // Found the one to delete.
                return; // We're not going to find another job with the same UID

        // And finally the completed jobs.
        for (Iterator it = completedCrawlJobs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            CrawlJob cj = (CrawlJob);
            if (cj.getUID().equals(jobUID)) {
                // Found the one to delete.
                return; // No other job will have the same UID

     * Cause the current job to pause. If no current job is crawling this
     * method will have no effect. 
    public void pauseJob() {
        if (this.currentJob != null) {

     * Cause the current job to resume crawling if it was paused. Will have no
     * effect if the current job was not paused or if there is no current job.
     * If the current job is still waiting to pause, this will not take effect
     * until the job has actually paused. At which time it will immeditatly
     * resume crawling.
    public void resumeJob() {
        if (this.currentJob != null) {

     * Cause the current job to write a checkpoint to disk. Currently
     * requires job to already be paused.
     * @throws IllegalStateException Thrown if crawl is not paused.
    public void checkpointJob() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (this.currentJob != null) {

     * Returns a unique job ID.
     * <p>
     * No two calls to this method (on the same instance of this class) can ever
     * return the same value. <br>
     * Currently implemented to return a time stamp. That is subject to change
     * though.
     * @return A unique job ID.
     * @see ArchiveUtils#TIMESTAMP17
    public String getNextJobUID() {
        return ArchiveUtils.get17DigitDate();

     * Creates a new job. The new job will be returned and also registered as
     * the handler's 'new job'. The new job will be based on the settings
     * provided but created in a new location on disk.
     * @param baseOn
     *            A CrawlJob (with a valid settingshandler) to use as the
     *            template for the new job.
     * @param recovery Whether to preinitialize new job as recovery of
     * <code>baseOn</code> job.  String holds RECOVER_LOG if we are to
     * do the recovery based off the recover.gz log -- See RecoveryJournal in
     * the frontier package -- or it holds the name of
     * the checkpoint we're to use recoverying.
     * @param name
     *            The name of the new job.
     * @param description
     *            Descriptions of the job.
     * @param seeds
     *            The contents of the new settings' seed file.
     * @param priority
     *            The priority of the new job.
     * @return The new crawl job.
     * @throws FatalConfigurationException If a problem occurs creating the
     *             settings.
    public CrawlJob newJob(CrawlJob baseOn, String recovery, String name, String description, String seeds,
            int priority) throws FatalConfigurationException {
        // See what the recover story is.
        File recover = null;
        try {
            if (recovery != null && recovery.length() > 0 && recovery.equals(RECOVER_LOG)) {
                // Then we're to do a recovery based off the RecoveryJournal
                // recover.gz log.
                File dir = baseOn.getSettingsHandler().getOrder().getSettingsDir(CrawlOrder.ATTR_LOGS_PATH);
                // Add name of recover file.  We're hardcoding it as
                // 'recover.gz'.
                recover = new File(dir, FrontierJournal.LOGNAME_RECOVER);
            } else if (recovery != null && recovery.length() > 0) {
                // Must be name of a checkpoint to use.
                recover = new File(
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("AttributeNotFoundException occured while setting up"
                    + "new job/profile " + name + " \n" + e1.getMessage());

        CrawlJob cj = createNewJob(baseOn.getSettingsHandler().getOrderFile(), name, description, seeds, priority);

        updateRecoveryPaths(recover, cj.getSettingsHandler(), name);

        return cj;

     * Creates a new job. The new job will be returned and also registered as
     * the handler's 'new job'. The new job will be based on the settings
     * provided but created in a new location on disk.
     * @param orderFile Order file to use as the template for the new job.
     * @param name The name of the new job.
     * @param description Descriptions of the job.
     * @param seeds The contents of the new settings' seed file.
     * @return The new crawl job.
     * @throws FatalConfigurationException If a problem occurs creating the
     *             settings.
    public CrawlJob newJob(final File orderFile, final String name, final String description, final String seeds)
            throws FatalConfigurationException {
        return createNewJob(orderFile, name, description, seeds, CrawlJob.PRIORITY_AVERAGE);

    protected void checkDirectory(File dir) throws FatalConfigurationException {
        if (dir == null) {
        if (!dir.exists() && !dir.canRead()) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist or is unreadable");

    protected CrawlJob createNewJob(final File orderFile, final String name, final String description,
            final String seeds, final int priority) throws FatalConfigurationException {
        if (newJob != null) {
            //There already is a new job. Discard it.
        String UID = getNextJobUID();
        File jobDir;
        jobDir = new File(this.jobsDir, name + "-" + UID);
        CrawlJobErrorHandler errorHandler = new CrawlJobErrorHandler();
        XMLSettingsHandler handler = createSettingsHandler(orderFile, name, description, seeds, jobDir,
                errorHandler, "order.xml", "seeds.txt");
        this.newJob = new CrawlJob(UID, name, handler, errorHandler, priority, jobDir);
        return this.newJob;

     * Creates a new profile. The new profile will be returned and also
     * registered as the handler's 'new job'. The new profile will be based on
     * the settings provided but created in a new location on disk.
     * @param baseOn
     *            A CrawlJob (with a valid settingshandler) to use as the
     *            template for the new profile.
     * @param name
     *            The name of the new profile.
     * @param description
     *            Description of the new profile
     * @param seeds
     *            The contents of the new profiles' seed file
     * @return The new profile.
     * @throws FatalConfigurationException
     * @throws IOException
    public CrawlJob newProfile(CrawlJob baseOn, String name, String description, String seeds)
            throws FatalConfigurationException, IOException {
        File profileDir = new File(getProfilesDirectory().getAbsoluteFile() + File.separator + name);
        CrawlJobErrorHandler cjseh = new CrawlJobErrorHandler(Level.SEVERE);
        CrawlJob newProfile = new CrawlJob(name, createSettingsHandler(baseOn.getSettingsHandler().getOrderFile(),
                name, description, seeds, profileDir, cjseh, "order.xml", "seeds.txt"), cjseh);
        return newProfile;

     * Creates a new settings handler based on an existing job. Basically all
     * the settings file for the 'based on' will be copied to the specified
     * directory.
     * @param orderFile Order file to base new order file on.  Cannot be null.
     * @param name Name for the new settings
     * @param description Description of the new settings.
     * @param seeds The contents of the new settings' seed file.
     * @param newSettingsDir
     * @param errorHandler
     * @param filename Name of new order file.
     * @param seedfile Name of new seeds file.
     * @return The new settings handler.
     * @throws FatalConfigurationException
     *             If there are problems with reading the 'base on'
     *             configuration, with writing the new configuration or it's
     *             seed file.
    protected XMLSettingsHandler createSettingsHandler(final File orderFile, final String name,
            final String description, final String seeds, final File newSettingsDir,
            final CrawlJobErrorHandler errorHandler, final String filename, final String seedfile)
            throws FatalConfigurationException {
        XMLSettingsHandler newHandler = null;
        try {
            newHandler = new XMLSettingsHandler(orderFile);
            if (errorHandler != null) {
        } catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e2) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("InvalidAttributeValueException occured while creating"
                    + " new settings handler for new job/profile\n" + e2.getMessage());

        // Make sure the directory exists.

        try {
            // Set the seed file
            ((ComplexType) newHandler.getOrder().getAttribute("scope"))
                    .setAttribute(new Attribute("seedsfile", seedfile));
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException(
                    "AttributeNotFoundException occured while setting up" + "new job/profile\n" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("InvalidAttributeValueException occured while setting"
                    + "up new job/profile\n" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (MBeanException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException(
                    "MBeanException occured while setting up new" + " job/profile\n" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (ReflectionException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException(
                    "ReflectionException occured while setting up" + " new job/profile\n" + e1.getMessage());

        File newFile = new File(newSettingsDir.getAbsolutePath(), filename);

        try {
                    (String) newHandler.getOrder().getAttribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY));
        } catch (IOException e3) {
            // Print stack trace to help debug issue where cannot create
            // new job from an old that has overrides.
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("IOException occured while writing new settings files"
                    + " for new job/profile\n" + e3.getMessage());
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("AttributeNotFoundException occured while writing new"
                    + " settings files for new job/profile\n" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (MBeanException e) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("MBeanException occured while writing new settings files"
                    + " for new job/profile\n" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (ReflectionException e) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("ReflectionException occured while writing new settings"
                    + " files for new job/profile\n" + e.getMessage());
        CrawlerSettings orderfile = newHandler.getSettingsObject(null);


        if (seeds != null) {
            BufferedWriter writer = null;
            try {
                writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newHandler.getPathRelativeToWorkingDirectory(seedfile)));
                try {
                } finally {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new FatalConfigurationException(
                        "IOException occured while writing seed file for new" + " job/profile\n" + e.getMessage());
        return newHandler;

     * @param recover
     *            Source to use recovering. Can be full path to a recovery log
     *            or full path to a checkpoint src dir.
     * @param sh
     *            Settings Handler to update.
     * @param jobName
     *            Name of this job.
     * @throws FatalConfigurationException 
    protected void updateRecoveryPaths(final File recover, final SettingsHandler sh, final String jobName)
            throws FatalConfigurationException {
        if (recover == null) {
        try {
            // Set 'recover-path' to be old job's recovery log path
            updateRecoveryPaths(recover, sh);
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("AttributeNotFoundException occured while setting up"
                    + "new job/profile " + jobName + " \n" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("InvalidAttributeValueException occured while setting"
                    + "new job/profile " + jobName + " \n" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (MBeanException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("MBeanException occured while setting up new" + "new job/profile "
                    + jobName + " \n" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (ReflectionException e1) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException("ReflectionException occured while setting up"
                    + "new job/profile " + jobName + " \n" + e1.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new FatalConfigurationException(
                    "IOException occured while setting up" + "new job/profile " + jobName + " \n" + e.getMessage());

     * @param recover
     *            Source to use recovering. Can be full path to a recovery log
     *            or full path to a checkpoint src dir.
     * @param newHandler
     * @throws ReflectionException
     * @throws MBeanException
     * @throws InvalidAttributeValueException
     * @throws AttributeNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
    private void updateRecoveryPaths(final File recover, SettingsHandler newHandler)
            throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException,
            IOException {
        if (recover == null || !recover.exists()) {
            throw new IOException("Recovery src does not exist: " + recover);
        newHandler.getOrder().setAttribute(new Attribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_RECOVER_PATH, recover.getAbsolutePath()));

        // Now, ensure that 'logs' and 'state' don't overlap with
        // previous job's files (ok for 'arcs' and 'scratch' to overlap)
        File newLogsDisk = null;
        final String RECOVERY_SUFFIX = "-R";
        while (true) {
            try {
                newLogsDisk = newHandler.getOrder().getSettingsDir(CrawlOrder.ATTR_LOGS_PATH);
            } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get logs directory", e);
            if (newLogsDisk.list().length > 0) {
                // 'new' directory is nonempty; rename with trailing '-R'
                String logsPath = (String) newHandler.getOrder().getAttribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_LOGS_PATH);
                if (logsPath.endsWith("/")) {
                    logsPath = logsPath.substring(0, logsPath.length() - 1);
                        .setAttribute(new Attribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_LOGS_PATH, logsPath + RECOVERY_SUFFIX));
            } else {
                // directory is suitably empty; exit loop
        File newStateDisk = null;
        while (true) {
            try {
                newStateDisk = newHandler.getOrder().getSettingsDir(CrawlOrder.ATTR_STATE_PATH);
            } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get state directory", e);
            if (newStateDisk.list().length > 0) {
                // 'new' directory is nonempty; rename with trailing '-R'
                String statePath = (String) newHandler.getOrder().getAttribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_STATE_PATH);
                if (statePath.endsWith("/")) {
                    statePath = statePath.substring(0, statePath.length() - 1);
                        .setAttribute(new Attribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_STATE_PATH, statePath + RECOVERY_SUFFIX));
            } else {
                // directory is suitably empty; exit loop

     * Discard the handler's 'new job'. This will remove any files/directories
     * written to disk.
    public void discardNewJob() {
        FileUtils.deleteDir(new File(newJob.getSettingsDirectory()));

     * Get the handler's 'new job'
     * @return the handler's 'new job'
    public CrawlJob getNewJob() {
        return newJob;

     * Is the crawler accepting crawl jobs to run?
     * @return True if the next availible CrawlJob will be crawled. False otherwise.
    public boolean isRunning() {
        return running;

     * Is a crawl job being crawled?
     * @return True if a job is actually being crawled (even if it is paused).
     *         False if no job is being crawled.
    public boolean isCrawling() {
        return this.currentJob != null;

     * Allow jobs to be crawled.
    public void startCrawler() {
        running = true;
        if (pendingCrawlJobs.size() > 0 && isCrawling() == false) {
            // Ok, can just start the next job

     * Stop future jobs from being crawled.
     * This action will not affect the current job.
    public void stopCrawler() {
        running = false;

     * Start next crawl job.
     * If a is job already running this method will do nothing.
    protected final void startNextJob() {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (startingNextJob != null) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            startingNextJob = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
            }, "StartNextJob");

    protected void startNextJobInternal() {
        if (pendingCrawlJobs.size() == 0 || isCrawling()) {
            // No job ready or already crawling.
        this.currentJob = (CrawlJob) pendingCrawlJobs.first();
        assert pendingCrawlJobs.contains(currentJob) : "pendingCrawlJobs is in an illegal state";
        try {
            // This is ugly but needed so I can clear the currentJob
            // reference in the crawlEnding and update the list of completed
            // jobs.  Also, crawlEnded can startup next job.
            // now, actually start
        } catch (InitializationException e) {
            this.currentJob = null;
            startNextJobInternal(); // Load the next job if there is one.

     * Forward a 'kick' update to current job if any.
    public void kickUpdate() {
        if (this.currentJob != null) {

     * Loads options from a file. Typically these are a list of available
     * modules that can be plugged into some part of the configuration.
     * For examples Processors, Frontiers, Filters etc. Leading and trailing
     * spaces are trimmed from each line.
     * <p>Options are loaded from the CLASSPATH.
     * @param file the name of the option file (without path!)
     * @return The option file with each option line as a seperate entry in the
     *         ArrayList.
     * @throws IOException when there is trouble reading the file.
    public static ArrayList<String> loadOptions(String file) throws IOException {
        ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
        Enumeration resources = CrawlJob.class.getClassLoader().getResources("modules/" + file);

        boolean noFileFound = true;
        while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
            InputStream is = ((URL) resources.nextElement()).openStream();
            noFileFound = false;

            String line = null;
            BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), 8192);
            try {
                while ((line = bf.readLine()) != null) {
                    line = line.trim();
                    if (line.indexOf('#') < 0 && line.length() > 0) {
                        // Looks like a valid line.
            } finally {

        if (noFileFound) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to get " + file + " from the " + " CLASSPATH");

        return ret;

     * Returns a URIFrontierMarker for the current, paused, job. If there is no
     * current job or it is not paused null will be returned.
     * @param regexpr
     *            A regular expression that each URI must match in order to be
     *            considered 'within' the marker.
     * @param inCacheOnly
     *            Limit marker scope to 'cached' URIs.
     * @return a URIFrontierMarker for the current job.
     * @see #getPendingURIsList(FrontierMarker, int, boolean)
     * @see com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.Frontier#getInitialMarker(String,
     *      boolean)
     * @see com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.FrontierMarker
    public FrontierMarker getInitialMarker(String regexpr, boolean inCacheOnly) {
        return (this.currentJob != null) ? this.currentJob.getInitialMarker(regexpr, inCacheOnly) : null;

     * Returns the frontiers URI list based on the provided marker. This method
     * will return null if there is not current job or if the current job is
     * not paused. Only when there is a paused current job will this method
     * return a URI list.
     * @param marker
     *            URIFrontier marker
     * @param numberOfMatches
     *            maximum number of matches to return
     * @param verbose
     *            should detailed info be provided on each URI?
     * @return the frontiers URI list based on the provided marker
     * @throws InvalidFrontierMarkerException
     *             When marker is inconsistent with the current state of the
     *             frontier.
     * @see #getInitialMarker(String, boolean)
     * @see com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.FrontierMarker
    public ArrayList getPendingURIsList(FrontierMarker marker, int numberOfMatches, boolean verbose)
            throws InvalidFrontierMarkerException {
        return (this.currentJob != null) ? this.currentJob.getPendingURIsList(marker, numberOfMatches, verbose)
                : null;

     * Delete any URI from the frontier of the current (paused) job that match
     * the specified regular expression. If the current job is not paused (or
     * there is no current job) nothing will be done.
     * @param regexpr Regular expression to delete URIs by.
     * @return the number of URIs deleted
    public long deleteURIsFromPending(String regexpr) {
        return deleteURIsFromPending(regexpr, null);

     * Delete any URI from the frontier of the current (paused) job that match
     * the specified regular expression. If the current job is not paused (or
     * there is no current job) nothing will be done.
     * @param uriPattern Regular expression to delete URIs by.
     * @param queuePattern Regular expression of target queues (or null for all)
     * @return the number of URIs deleted
    public long deleteURIsFromPending(String uriPattern, String queuePattern) {
        return (this.currentJob != null) ? this.currentJob.deleteURIsFromPending(uriPattern, queuePattern) : 0;

    public String importUris(String file, String style, String force) {
        return importUris(file, style, "true".equals(force));

     * @param fileOrUrl Name of file w/ seeds.
     * @param style What style of seeds -- crawl log (<code>crawlLog</code>
     * style) or recovery journal (<code>recoveryJournal</code> style), or
     * seeds file style (Pass <code>default</code> style).
     * @param forceRevisit Should we revisit even if seen before?
     * @return A display string that has a count of all added.
    public String importUris(final String fileOrUrl, final String style, final boolean forceRevisit) {
        return (this.currentJob != null) ? this.currentJob.importUris(fileOrUrl, style, forceRevisit) : null;

    protected int importUris(InputStream is, String style, boolean forceRevisit) {
        return (this.currentJob != null) ? this.currentJob.importUris(is, style, forceRevisit) : 0;

     * Schedule a uri.
     * @param uri Uri to schedule.
     * @param forceFetch Should it be forcefetched.
     * @param isSeed True if seed.
     * @throws URIException
    public void importUri(final String uri, final boolean forceFetch, final boolean isSeed) throws URIException {
        importUri(uri, forceFetch, isSeed, true);

     * Schedule a uri.
     * @param str String that can be: 1. a UURI, 2. a snippet of the
     * crawl.log line, or 3. a snippet from recover log.  See
     * {@link #importUris(InputStream, String, boolean)} for how it subparses
     * the lines from crawl.log and recover.log.
     * @param forceFetch Should it be forcefetched.
     * @param isSeed True if seed.
     * @param isFlush If true, flush the frontier IF it implements
     * flushing.
     * @throws URIException
    public void importUri(final String str, final boolean forceFetch, final boolean isSeed, final boolean isFlush)
            throws URIException {
        if (this.currentJob != null) {
            this.currentJob.importUri(str, forceFetch, isSeed, isFlush);

     * If its a HostQueuesFrontier, needs to be flushed for the queued.
    protected void doFlush() {
        if (this.currentJob != null) {

    public void stop() {
        if (isCrawling()) {

    public void requestCrawlStop() {
        if (this.currentJob != null) {

     * Ensure order file with new name/desc is written.
     * See '[ 1066573 ] sometimes job based-on other job uses older job name'.
     * @param newJob Newly created job.
     * @param metaname Metaname for new job.
     * @param description Description for new job.
     * @return <code>newJob</code>
    public static CrawlJob ensureNewJobWritten(CrawlJob newJob, String metaname, String description) {
        XMLSettingsHandler settingsHandler = newJob.getSettingsHandler();
        CrawlerSettings orderfile = settingsHandler.getSettingsObject(null);
        return newJob;

    public void crawlStarted(String message) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void crawlEnding(String sExitMessage) {
        currentJob = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            // If the GUI terminated the job then it is waiting for this event.

    public void crawlEnded(String sExitMessage) {
        if (this.running) {

    public void crawlPausing(String statusMessage) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void crawlPaused(String statusMessage) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void crawlResuming(String statusMessage) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public void crawlCheckpoint(File checkpointDir) throws Exception {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub