Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017 CaspersBox Web Services
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Project: eSolutionsSecurity
 * Package:
 * File:
 * History
 * Author               Date                            Comments
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * cws-khuntly   11/23/2008 22:39:20             Created.
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.Base64;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base32;


 * Performs password related functions, such as string encryption
 * and (where necessary) decryption, base64 decode/encode.
 * @author cws-khuntly
 * @version 1.0
public final class PasswordUtils {
    private static final String CNAME = PasswordUtils.class.getName();

    static final Logger DEBUGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecurityServiceConstants.DEBUGGER);
    static final boolean DEBUG = DEBUGGER.isDebugEnabled();

     * Provides two-way (reversible) encryption of a provided string. Can be used where reversibility
     * is required but encryption (obfuscation, technically) is required.
     * @param value - The plain text data to encrypt
     * @param salt - The salt value to utilize for the request
     * @param secretInstance - The cryptographic instance to use for the SecretKeyFactory
     * @param iterations - The number of times to loop through the keyspec
     * @param keyBits - The size of the key, in bits
     * @param algorithm - The algorithm to encrypt the data with
     * @param cipherInstance - The cipher instance to utilize
     * @param encoding - The text encoding
     * @return The encrypted string in a reversible format
     * @throws SecurityException {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if an exception occurs during processing
    public static final String encryptText(final String value, final String salt, final String secretInstance,
            final int iterations, final int keyBits, final String algorithm, final String cipherInstance,
            final String encoding) throws SecurityException {
        final String methodName = PasswordUtils.CNAME
                + "#encryptText(final String value, final String salt, final String secretInstance, final int iterations, final int keyBits, final String algorithm, final String cipherInstance, final String encoding) throws SecurityException";

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", secretInstance);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", iterations);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", keyBits);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", algorithm);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", cipherInstance);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", encoding);

        String encPass = null;

        try {
            SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(secretInstance);
            PBEKeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(salt.toCharArray(), salt.getBytes(), iterations, keyBits);
            SecretKey keyTmp = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
            SecretKeySpec sks = new SecretKeySpec(keyTmp.getEncoded(), algorithm);

            Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipherInstance);
            pbeCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sks);

            AlgorithmParameters parameters = pbeCipher.getParameters();
            IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = parameters.getParameterSpec(IvParameterSpec.class);

            byte[] cryptoText = pbeCipher.doFinal(value.getBytes(encoding));
            byte[] iv = ivParameterSpec.getIV();

            String combined = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(iv) + ":"
                    + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cryptoText);

            encPass = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(combined.getBytes());
        } catch (InvalidKeyException ikx) {
            throw new SecurityException(ikx.getMessage(), ikx);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsx) {
            throw new SecurityException(nsx.getMessage(), nsx);
        } catch (NoSuchPaddingException npx) {
            throw new SecurityException(npx.getMessage(), npx);
        } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibx) {
            throw new SecurityException(ibx.getMessage(), ibx);
        } catch (BadPaddingException bpx) {
            throw new SecurityException(bpx.getMessage(), bpx);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
            throw new SecurityException(uex.getMessage(), uex);
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException iksx) {
            throw new SecurityException(iksx.getMessage(), iksx);
        } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException ipsx) {
            throw new SecurityException(ipsx.getMessage(), ipsx);

        return encPass;

     * Provides one-way (irreversible) encryption of a provided string.
     * @param plainText - The plain text data to encrypt
     * @param salt - The salt value to utilize for the request
     * @param instance - The security instance to utilize
     * @param iterations - The number of times the value should be re-encrypted
     * @param encoding - The text encoding
     * @return The encrypted string
     * @throws SecurityException {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if an exception occurs during processing
    public static final String encryptText(final String plainText, final String salt, final String instance,
            final int iterations, final String encoding) throws SecurityException {
        final String methodName = PasswordUtils.CNAME
                + "#encryptText(final String plainText, final String salt, final String algorithm, final String instance, final int iterations, final String encoding) throws SecurityException";

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", plainText);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", salt);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", instance);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", iterations);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", encoding);

        String response = null;

        try {
            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(instance);
            byte[] input = md.digest(plainText.getBytes(encoding));

            for (int x = 0; x < iterations; x++) {
                input = md.digest(input);

            response = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(input);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsx) {
            throw new SecurityException(nsx.getMessage(), nsx);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
            throw new SecurityException(uex.getMessage(), uex);

        return response;

     * Provides two-way (reversible) encryption of a provided string. Can be used where reversibility
     * is required but encryption (obfuscation, technically) is required.
     * @param value - The plain text data to encrypt
     * @param salt - The salt value to utilize for the request
     * @param secretInstance - The cryptographic instance to use for the SecretKeyFactory
     * @param iterations - The number of times to loop through the keyspec
     * @param keyBits - The size of the key, in bits
     * @param algorithm - The algorithm to encrypt the data with
     * @param cipherInstance - The cipher instance to utilize
     * @param encoding - The text encoding
     * @return The encrypted string in a reversible format
     * @throws SecurityException {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if an exception occurs during processing
    public static final String decryptText(final String value, final String salt, final String secretInstance,
            final int iterations, final int keyBits, final String algorithm, final String cipherInstance,
            final String encoding) throws SecurityException {
        final String methodName = PasswordUtils.CNAME
                + "#encryptText(final String value, final String salt, final String secretInstance, final int iterations, final int keyBits, final String algorithm, final String cipherInstance, final String encoding) throws SecurityException";

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", secretInstance);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", iterations);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", keyBits);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", algorithm);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", cipherInstance);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", encoding);

        String decPass = null;

        try {
            String decoded = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(value));
            String iv = decoded.split(":")[0];
            String property = decoded.split(":")[1];

            SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(secretInstance);
            PBEKeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(salt.toCharArray(), salt.getBytes(), iterations, keyBits);
            SecretKey keyTmp = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
            SecretKeySpec sks = new SecretKeySpec(keyTmp.getEncoded(), algorithm);

            Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipherInstance);
            pbeCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sks, new IvParameterSpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(iv)));
            decPass = new String(pbeCipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder().decode(property)), encoding);
        } catch (InvalidKeyException ikx) {
            throw new SecurityException(ikx.getMessage(), ikx);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsx) {
            throw new SecurityException(nsx.getMessage(), nsx);
        } catch (NoSuchPaddingException npx) {
            throw new SecurityException(npx.getMessage(), npx);
        } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibx) {
            throw new SecurityException(ibx.getMessage(), ibx);
        } catch (BadPaddingException bpx) {
            throw new SecurityException(bpx.getMessage(), bpx);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
            throw new SecurityException(uex.getMessage(), uex);
        } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException iapx) {
            throw new SecurityException(iapx.getMessage(), iapx);
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException iksx) {
            throw new SecurityException(iksx.getMessage(), iksx);

        return decPass;

     * Base64 encodes a given string
     * @param text - The text to base64 encode
     * @return The base64-encoded string
     * @throws SecurityException {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if an exception occurs during processing
    public static final String base64Encode(final String text) throws SecurityException {
        final String methodName = PasswordUtils.CNAME + "#base64Encode(final String text) throws SecurityException";

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", text);

        return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(text.getBytes());

     * Base64 decodes a given string
     * @param text - The text to base64 decode
     * @return The base64-decoded string
     * @throws SecurityException {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if an exception occurs during processing
    public static final String base64Decode(final String text) throws SecurityException {
        final String methodName = PasswordUtils.CNAME + "#base64Decode(final String text) throws SecurityException";

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", text);

        return new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(text.getBytes()));

     * Base64 decodes a given string
     * @param variance - The allowed differences in OTP values
     * @param algorithm - The algorithm to encrypt the data with
     * @param instance - The security instance to utilize
     * @param secret - The OTP secret
     * @param code - The OTP code
     * @return <code>true</code> if successful, <code>false</code> otherwise
     * @throws SecurityException {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if an exception occurs during processing
    public static final boolean validateOtpValue(final int variance, final String algorithm, final String instance,
            final String secret, final int code) throws SecurityException {
        final String methodName = PasswordUtils.CNAME
                + "#validateOtpValue(final int variance, final String algorithm, final String instance, final String secret, final int code) throws SecurityException";

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", variance);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", algorithm);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", instance);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", secret);
            DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", code);

        long truncatedHash = 0;
        byte[] data = new byte[8];
        long timeIndex = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 / 30;

        final Base32 codec = new Base32();
        final byte[] decoded = codec.decode(secret);
        SecretKeySpec signKey = new SecretKeySpec(decoded, algorithm);

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("long: {}", timeIndex);

        try {
            for (int i = 8; i-- > 0; timeIndex >>>= 8) {
                data[i] = (byte) timeIndex;

            Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(instance);
            byte[] hash = mac.doFinal(data);
            int offset = hash[20 - 1] & 0xF;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                truncatedHash <<= 8;
                truncatedHash |= (hash[offset + i] & 0xFF);

            truncatedHash &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
            truncatedHash %= 1000000;

            if (DEBUG) {
                DEBUGGER.debug("truncatedHash: {}", truncatedHash);

            return (truncatedHash == code);
        } catch (InvalidKeyException ikx) {
            throw new SecurityException(ikx.getMessage(), ikx);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsx) {
            throw new SecurityException(nsx.getMessage(), nsx);