Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017 CaspersBox Web Services * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cws.esolutions.agent.processors.impl; /* * Project: eSolutionsAgent * Package: com.cws.esolutions.agent.processors.impl * File: * * History * * Author Date Comments * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * cws-khuntly 11/23/2008 22:39:20 Created. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteWatchdog; import org.apache.commons.exec.PumpStreamHandler; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteStreamHandler; import; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecuteResultHandler; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.enums.AgentStatus; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.processors.dto.ServiceCheckRequest; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.processors.dto.ServiceCheckResponse; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.processors.exception.ServiceCheckException; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.processors.interfaces.IServiceCheckProcessor; /** * @see com.cws.esolutions.agent.processors.interfaces.IServiceCheckProcessor */ public class ServiceCheckProcessorImpl implements IServiceCheckProcessor { public ServiceCheckResponse runSystemCheck(final ServiceCheckRequest request) throws ServiceCheckException { final String methodName = IServiceCheckProcessor.CNAME + "#runSystemCheck(final ServiceCheckRequest request) throws ServiceCheckException"; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug(methodName); DEBUGGER.debug("ServiceCheckRequest: {}", request); } int exitCode = -1; Socket socket = null; File sourceFile = null; CommandLine command = null; BufferedWriter writer = null; ExecuteStreamHandler streamHandler = null; ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = null; ServiceCheckResponse response = new ServiceCheckResponse(); final DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); final ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = new ExecuteWatchdog(CONNECT_TIMEOUT * 1000); final DefaultExecuteResultHandler resultHandler = new DefaultExecuteResultHandler(); try { switch (request.getRequestType()) { case NETSTAT: sourceFile = scriptConfig.getScripts().get("netstat"); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("sourceFile: {}", sourceFile); } if (!(sourceFile.canExecute())) { throw new ServiceCheckException( "Script file either does not exist or cannot be executed. Cannot continue."); } command = CommandLine.parse(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (request.getPortNumber() != 0) { command.addArgument(String.valueOf(request.getPortNumber()), true); } if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("CommandLine: {}", command); } outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(outputStream); executor.setWatchdog(watchdog); executor.setStreamHandler(streamHandler); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("ExecuteStreamHandler: {}", streamHandler); DEBUGGER.debug("ExecuteWatchdog: {}", watchdog); DEBUGGER.debug("DefaultExecuteResultHandler: {}", resultHandler); DEBUGGER.debug("DefaultExecutor: {}", executor); } executor.execute(command, resultHandler); resultHandler.waitFor(); exitCode = resultHandler.getExitValue(); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("exitCode: {}", exitCode); } writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(LOGS_DIRECTORY + "/" + sourceFile.getName() + ".log")); writer.write(outputStream.toString()); writer.flush(); response.setResponseData(outputStream.toString()); if (executor.isFailure(exitCode)) { response.setRequestStatus(AgentStatus.FAILURE); } else { response.setRequestStatus(AgentStatus.SUCCESS); } break; case REMOTEDATE: response.setRequestStatus(AgentStatus.SUCCESS); response.setResponseData(System.currentTimeMillis()); break; case TELNET: response = new ServiceCheckResponse(); int targetPort = request.getPortNumber(); String targetServer = request.getTargetHost(); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("Target port: {}", targetPort); DEBUGGER.debug("Target server: {}", targetServer); } if (targetPort == 0) { throw new ServiceCheckException("Target port number was not assigned. Cannot action request."); } final String CRLF = "\r\n"; final String TERMINATE_TELNET = "^]"; synchronized (new Object()) { InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(targetServer, targetPort); socket = new Socket(); socket.setSoTimeout(IServiceCheckProcessor.CONNECT_TIMEOUT); socket.setSoLinger(false, 0); socket.setKeepAlive(false); try { socket.connect(socketAddress, IServiceCheckProcessor.CONNECT_TIMEOUT); if (!(socket.isConnected())) { throw new ConnectException("Failed to connect to host " + targetServer + " on port " + request.getPortNumber()); } PrintWriter pWriter = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true); pWriter.println(TERMINATE_TELNET + CRLF); pWriter.flush(); pWriter.close(); response.setRequestStatus(AgentStatus.SUCCESS); response.setResponseData("Telnet connection to " + targetServer + " on port " + request.getPortNumber() + " successful."); } catch (ConnectException cx) { response.setRequestStatus(AgentStatus.FAILURE); response.setResponseData("Telnet connection to " + targetServer + " on port " + request.getPortNumber() + " failed with message: " + cx.getMessage()); } } break; case PROCESSLIST: sourceFile = scriptConfig.getScripts().get("processList"); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("sourceFile: {}", sourceFile); } if (!(sourceFile.canExecute())) { throw new ServiceCheckException( "Script file either does not exist or cannot be executed. Cannot continue."); } command = CommandLine.parse(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (request.getPortNumber() != 0) { command.addArgument(String.valueOf(request.getPortNumber()), true); } if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("CommandLine: {}", command); } outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(outputStream); executor.setWatchdog(watchdog); executor.setStreamHandler(streamHandler); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("ExecuteStreamHandler: {}", streamHandler); DEBUGGER.debug("ExecuteWatchdog: {}", watchdog); DEBUGGER.debug("DefaultExecuteResultHandler: {}", resultHandler); DEBUGGER.debug("DefaultExecutor: {}", executor); } executor.execute(command, resultHandler); resultHandler.waitFor(); exitCode = resultHandler.getExitValue(); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("exitCode: {}", exitCode); } writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(LOGS_DIRECTORY + "/" + sourceFile.getName() + ".log")); writer.write(outputStream.toString()); writer.flush(); response.setResponseData(outputStream.toString()); if (executor.isFailure(exitCode)) { response.setRequestStatus(AgentStatus.FAILURE); } else { response.setRequestStatus(AgentStatus.SUCCESS); } break; default: // unknown operation throw new ServiceCheckException("No valid operation was specified"); } } catch (UnknownHostException uhx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(uhx.getMessage(), uhx); throw new ServiceCheckException(uhx.getMessage(), uhx); } catch (SocketException sx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(sx.getMessage(), sx); throw new ServiceCheckException(sx.getMessage(), sx); } catch (IOException iox) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(iox.getMessage(), iox); throw new ServiceCheckException(iox.getMessage(), iox); } catch (InterruptedException ix) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(ix.getMessage(), ix); throw new ServiceCheckException(ix.getMessage(), ix); } finally { try { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } if ((socket != null) && (!(socket.isClosed()))) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException iox) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(iox.getMessage(), iox); } } return response; } }