Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017 CaspersBox Web Services * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cws.esolutions.agent; /* * Project: eSolutionsAgent * Package: com.cws.esolutions.agent * File: * * History * * Author Date Comments * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * cws-khuntly 11/23/2008 22:39:20 Created. */ import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.Connection; import; import javax.jms.Destination; import javax.jms.JMSException; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.MessageConsumer; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import org.apache.commons.daemon.Daemon; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator; import org.apache.commons.daemon.DaemonContext; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.daemon.DaemonInitException; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.AgentConstants; import; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.config.enums.OSType; import; import; import com.cws.esolutions.agent.config.xml.ConfigurationData; /** * Interface for the Application Data DAO layer. Allows access * into the asset management database to obtain, modify and remove * application information. * * @see org.apache.commons.daemon.Daemon */ public class AgentDaemon implements Daemon { private int exitCode = -1; private Connection conn = null; private Session session = null; private Destination request = null; private Destination response = null; private MessageConsumer consumer = null; private MessageProducer producer = null; private ConnectionFactory connFactory = null; private static final String LOG_CONFIG = "logConfig"; private static final String APP_CONFIG = "appConfig"; private static final String CNAME = AgentDaemon.class.getName(); private static final AgentBean agentBean = AgentBean.getInstance(); private static final Logger ERROR_RECORDER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(AgentConstants.ERROR_LOGGER + AgentDaemon.CNAME); private static final Logger DEBUGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AgentConstants.DEBUGGER); private static final boolean DEBUG = DEBUGGER.isDebugEnabled(); public AgentDaemon() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(System.getProperty("LOG_ROOT"))) { File logDir = new File(AgentConstants.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + "/logs"); logDir.mkdirs(); System.setProperty("LOG_ROOT", AgentConstants.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + "/logs"); } DOMConfigurator.configure(AgentConstants.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + System.getProperty(AgentDaemon.LOG_CONFIG)); } public static void main(final String[] args) { AgentDaemon daemon = new AgentDaemon(); if (args.length != 1) { AgentDaemon.usage(); return; } try { if (StringUtils.equals("start", args[0])) { daemon.init(null); daemon.start(); } else if (StringUtils.equals("stop", args[0])) { daemon.stop(); } else { AgentDaemon.usage(); } } catch (DaemonInitException dix) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(dix.getMessage(), dix); System.exit(-1); } } public void init(final DaemonContext dContext) throws DaemonInitException { final String methodName = AgentDaemon.CNAME + "#init(final DaemonContext dContext) throws DaemonInitException"; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug(methodName); DEBUGGER.debug("DaemonContext: {}", dContext); } JAXBContext context = null; Unmarshaller marshaller = null; final File xmlFile = new File( AgentConstants.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + System.getProperty(AgentDaemon.APP_CONFIG)); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("xmlFile: {}", xmlFile); } try { if (!(xmlFile.canRead())) { throw new DaemonInitException("No configuration file was located. Shutting down !"); } // set the app configuration context = JAXBContext.newInstance(ConfigurationData.class); marshaller = context.createUnmarshaller(); ConfigurationData configData = (ConfigurationData) marshaller.unmarshal(xmlFile); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("ConfigurationData: {}", configData); } String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("osName: {}", osName); } if (osName.indexOf("win") >= 0) { AgentDaemon.agentBean.setOsType(OSType.WINDOWS); } else if (osName.indexOf("mac") >= 0) { AgentDaemon.agentBean.setOsType(OSType.MAC); } else if ((osName.indexOf("nix") >= 0) || (osName.indexOf("sunos") >= 0) || (osName.indexOf("aix") >= 0)) { AgentDaemon.agentBean.setOsType(OSType.UNIX); } AgentDaemon.agentBean.setHostName(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); AgentDaemon.agentBean.setConfigData(configData); } catch (JAXBException jx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(jx.getMessage(), jx); this.exitCode = 1; stop(); } catch (UnknownHostException uhx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(uhx.getMessage(), uhx); this.exitCode = 1; stop(); } } public void start() { final String methodName = AgentDaemon.CNAME + "#start()"; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug(methodName); } try { this.connFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory( AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getConnectionName()); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("ConnectionFactory: {}", this.connFactory); } this.conn = this.connFactory.createConnection( AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getUsername(), PasswordUtils.decryptText(AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getPassword(), AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getSalt(), AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getEncryptionAlgorithm(), AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getIterations(), AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getKeyBits(), AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getEncryptionAlgorithm(), AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getEncryptionInstance(), AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getEncoding())); this.conn.setExceptionListener(new MQExceptionHandler()); this.conn.setClientID(AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getClientId()); this.conn.start(); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("Connection: {}", this.conn); } this.session = this.conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("Session: {}", this.session); } this.request = this.session .createTopic(AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getRequestQueue()); this.response = this.session .createQueue(AgentDaemon.agentBean.getConfigData().getServerConfig().getResponseQueue()); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("Destination: {}", this.request); DEBUGGER.debug("Destination: {}", this.response); } this.consumer = this.session.createConsumer(this.request, "targetHost='" + AgentDaemon.agentBean.getHostName() + "'"); this.consumer.setMessageListener(new MQMessageHandler()); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("MessageConsumer: {}", this.consumer); } this.producer = this.session.createProducer(this.response); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("MessageProducer: {}", this.producer); } AgentDaemon.agentBean.setResponseQueue(this.response); AgentDaemon.agentBean.setSession(this.session); AgentDaemon.agentBean.setProducer(this.producer); } catch (SecurityException sx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(sx.getMessage(), sx); this.exitCode = 1; stop(); } catch (JMSException jx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(jx.getMessage(), jx); this.exitCode = 1; stop(); } } public void stop() { final String methodName = AgentDaemon.CNAME + "#stop()"; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug(methodName); } final MessageProducer producer = AgentDaemon.agentBean.getProducer(); final Session session = AgentDaemon.agentBean.getSession(); try { if (producer != null) { AgentDaemon.agentBean.getProducer().close(); } if (session != null) { AgentDaemon.agentBean.getSession().close(); } if (this.consumer != null) { this.consumer.close(); } if (this.conn != null) { this.conn.close(); this.conn.stop(); } } catch (JMSException jx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(jx.getMessage(), jx); this.exitCode = 1; } destroy(); } public void destroy() { final String methodName = AgentDaemon.CNAME + "#destroy()"; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug(methodName); } this.conn = null; this.session = null; this.request = null; this.response = null; this.consumer = null; this.producer = null; this.connFactory = null; System.exit(this.exitCode); } private static final void usage() { System.out.println("eSolutionsAgent Usage"); System.out.println("\t Java Options: "); System.out.println("\t\t appConfig: The full path to the server configuration file."); System.out.println("\t\t logConfig: The full path to the logging configuration file."); System.out.println("\t\t logRoot: The full path to the desired location for application logs."); System.out.println("\t Program Options: "); System.out.println("\t\t start: Start the agent daemon"); System.out.println("\t\t stop: Stop the agent daemon"); System.exit(-1); } }