Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 the original author or authors. * See the file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.ctriposs.rest4j.server; import com.linkedin.parseq.Engine; import com.linkedin.parseq.EngineBuilder; import com.ctriposs.r2.transport.http.server.AbstractR2Servlet; import com.ctriposs.r2.transport.http.server.AsyncR2Servlet; import com.ctriposs.rest4j.server.resources.PrototypeResourceFactory; import com.ctriposs.rest4j.server.resources.ResourceFactory; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import com.ctriposs.r2.transport.http.server.RAPServlet; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Rest4J HttpServlet implementation. * * <p>Resource packages are provided as a servlet config init parameter in the web.xml. If * providing multiple resource packages, separate them by with the ';' character.</p> * * <pre><code> * <web-app> * ... * <servlet> * <servlet-class>com.ctriposs.rest4j.server.Rest4JServlet</servlet-class> * <init-param> * <param-name>resourcePackages</param-name> * <param-value>;com.example.package.two</param-value> * </init-param> * ... * </code></pre> * * <p>Async request handling is available for Servlet API 3.0 or greater and enabled by default for 3.0+.</p> * * <p>To use async in Servlet containers, async-supported must be set to true in your web.xml, e.g.:</p> * * <pre> * <code> * <servlet> * ... * <async-supported>true</async-supported> * ... * </servlet> * </code> * </pre> * * <p>Async can be further configured by the rest4j uscAsync servlet param (which defaults to true for servlet API 3.0+ * servlet containers). And the asyncTimeout param can be set to a desired maximum timeout value in milliseconds, e.g.:</p> * * <pre><code> * <init-param> * <param-name>useAysnc</param-name> * <param-value>true</param-value> * </init-param> * <init-param> * <param-name>asyncTimeout</param-name> * <param-value>30000</param-value> * </init-param> * </code></pre> * * <p>A parseqThreadPoolSize param may also be optionally set using the same init-param style. If absent, * the size defaults to the processor core count plus one. This setting controls the thread pool used * for parseq outbound requests ONLY.</p> * * <p>To set the number of server threads please refer to the documentation for the particular servlet container * you are using.</p> * * <p>JSR-330 Dependency Injection (@Named, @Inject) is not available on Resource classes when using this servlet. * If dependency injection is needed, please see rest4j documentation about available integrations with dependency * injection frameworks (guice, spring...).</p> * */ public class Rest4JServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Rest4JServlet.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String RESOURCE_PACKAGES_PARAM = "resourcePackages"; private static final String PAR_SEQ_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = "parSeqThreadPoolSize"; private static final String PACKAGE_PARAM_SEPARATOR = ";"; private static final String USE_ASYNC_PARAM = "useAsync"; private static final String ASYNC_TIMEOUT_PARAM = "asyncTimeout"; public static final int DEFAULT_ASYNC_TIMEOUT = 30000; private HttpServlet _r2Servlet; @Override public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig) throws ServletException { super.init(servletConfig); _r2Servlet = buildR2ServletFromServletParams(servletConfig); _r2Servlet.init(servletConfig); } private AbstractR2Servlet buildR2ServletFromServletParams(ServletConfig servletConfig) { ResourceFactory resourceFactory = new PrototypeResourceFactory(); Rest4JConfig config = new Rest4JConfig(); config.setResourcePackageNamesSet(getResourcePackageSet(servletConfig)); final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors .newScheduledThreadPool(getParseqThreadPoolSize(servletConfig)); Engine engine = new EngineBuilder().setTaskExecutor(scheduler).setTimerScheduler(scheduler).build(); DelegatingTransportDispatcher dispatcher = new DelegatingTransportDispatcher( new Rest4JServer(config, resourceFactory, engine)); boolean useAsync = getUseAsync(servletConfig); long asyncTimeOut = getAsyncTimeout(servletConfig); if (useAsync && servletConfig.getServletContext().getMajorVersion() < 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This servlet is configured with useAsync=true, but the current servlet " + "context does not support the required Servlet API 3.0."); } if (!useAsync) { "Initializing Rest4J with a thread based request handling. Set useAsync=true on a Servlet API 3.0 container to enable Rest4J's async servlet."); return new RAPServlet(dispatcher); } else {"Initializing Rest4J with an async request handling enabled."); return new AsyncR2Servlet(dispatcher, asyncTimeOut); } } private boolean getUseAsync(ServletConfig servletConfig) { String useAsync = servletConfig.getInitParameter(USE_ASYNC_PARAM); if (useAsync != null) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(useAsync); } else { return servletConfig.getServletContext().getMajorVersion() >= 3; } } private long getAsyncTimeout(ServletConfig servletConfig) { String asyncTimeout = servletConfig.getInitParameter(ASYNC_TIMEOUT_PARAM); if (asyncTimeout != null) { return Long.parseLong(asyncTimeout); } else { return DEFAULT_ASYNC_TIMEOUT; } } private Set<String> getResourcePackageSet(ServletConfig servletConfig) { String resourcePackages = servletConfig.getInitParameter(RESOURCE_PACKAGES_PARAM); Set<String> resourcePackageSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String resourcePackage : resourcePackages.split(PACKAGE_PARAM_SEPARATOR)) { resourcePackageSet.add(resourcePackage.trim()); } return resourcePackageSet; } private int getParseqThreadPoolSize(ServletConfig servletConfig) { int threadPoolSize; String threadPoolSizeStr = servletConfig.getInitParameter(PAR_SEQ_THREAD_POOL_SIZE); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(threadPoolSizeStr) && !threadPoolSizeStr.isEmpty()) { threadPoolSize = Integer.valueOf(threadPoolSizeStr); } else { final int numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); threadPoolSize = numCores + 1; } return threadPoolSize; } @Override public void destroy() { _r2Servlet.destroy(); } @Override public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { _r2Servlet.service(req, res); } }