Java tutorial
/* * Enable Viacam for Android, a camera based mouse emulator * * Copyright (C) 2015 Cesar Mauri Loba (CREA Software Systems) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.crea_si.eviacam.service; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import com.crea_si.eviacam.EVIACAM; import com.crea_si.eviacam.EViacamApplication; import com.crea_si.eviacam.Preferences; import com.crea_si.eviacam.R; import com.crea_si.eviacam.api.IMouseEventListener; import com.crea_si.eviacam.api.SlaveMode; import com.crea_si.eviacam.api.IGamepadEventListener; import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.view.View; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; /* * Provides the specific engine according to the intended * kind of use (i.e. as accessibility service or slave mode) */ public class MainEngine implements FrameProcessor, AccessibilityServiceModeEngine, SlaveModeEngine { /* * states of the engine */ private static final int STATE_DISABLED = 0; private static final int STATE_STOPPED = 1; private static final int STATE_RUNNING = 2; // Standby is when engine timed out after not detecting a face // for a while. It keeps running trying to detect a face. private static final int STATE_STANDBY = 3; // manually paused private static final int STATE_PAUSED = 4; /* * modes of operation from the point of view of the service * that starts the engine */ private static final int A11Y_SERVICE_MODE = 0; private static final int SLAVE_MODE = 1; // singleton instance private static MainEngine sMainEngine = null; // splash screen has been displayed (in the past: openvc has been checked?) private static boolean sSplashDisplayed = false; // handler to run things on the main thread private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); // current engine state private int mCurrentState = STATE_DISABLED; // current engine mode private int mMode = -1; // slave mode submode private int mSlaveOperationMode = SlaveMode.GAMEPAD_ABSOLUTE; // reference to the service which started the engine private Service mService; // reference to the specific engine (motion processor) private MotionProcessor mMotionProcessor; // reference to the engine when running as mouse emulation private MouseEmulationEngine mMouseEmulationEngine; // reference to the engine for gamepad emulation private GamepadEngine mGamepadEngine; // power management stuff private PowerManagement mPowerManagement; // root overlay view private OverlayView mOverlayView; // the camera viewer private CameraLayerView mCameraLayerView; // object in charge of capturing & processing frames private CameraListener mCameraListener; // object which encapsulates rotation and orientation logic private OrientationManager mOrientationManager; // reference to the notification management stuff private ServiceNotification mServiceNotification; // stores when the last detection of a face occurred private FaceDetectionCountdown mFaceDetectionCountdown; public static MainEngine getInstance() { if (sMainEngine == null) { sMainEngine = new MainEngine(); } return sMainEngine; } private MainEngine() { } /** * Try to init the engine as a request from an accessibility service * * @param as the reference to the accessibility service * @return a reference to the engine interface or null if cannot be initiated */ public AccessibilityServiceModeEngine initAccessibilityServiceModeEngine(AccessibilityService as) { if (mCurrentState != STATE_DISABLED) { // Already started, if was as accessibility service something went wrong if (mMode == A11Y_SERVICE_MODE) throw new IllegalStateException(); // Otherwise assume that has been started in slave mode and just returns null return null; } mMode = A11Y_SERVICE_MODE; mService = as; init(); return this; } /** * Get an instance to the current accessibility mode engine * * @return a reference to the engine interface or null if not available */ public AccessibilityServiceModeEngine getAccessibilityServiceModeEngine() { if (mMode == A11Y_SERVICE_MODE) return this; return null; } /** * Return the slave mode engine * * @param s service which instantiates the engine * @return a reference to the engine interface or null if cannot be created (i.e. accessibility * service engine already instantiated). */ public SlaveModeEngine initSlaveModeEngine(Service s) { if (mCurrentState != STATE_DISABLED) { // Already instantiated, if was in slave mode something went wrong if (mMode == SLAVE_MODE) throw new IllegalStateException(); // Otherwise assume that has been started in accessibility service mode return null; } mMode = SLAVE_MODE; mService = s; init(); return this; } /** * Init phase 1: splash screen display (formerly used to OpenCV detection and install) */ private void init() { if (sSplashDisplayed) init2(); else { /* * Display splash. The engine from now on waits * until the detection process finishes and splashReady() is called. */ Intent dialogIntent = new Intent(mService, SplashActivity.class); dialogIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mService.startActivity(dialogIntent); } } /** Called from splash activity to notify the finished */ public static void splashReady() { /* Was initialized previously? If so, just do nothing. */ if (sSplashDisplayed) return; MainEngine ce = MainEngine.sMainEngine; if (ce == null) return; sSplashDisplayed = true; ce.init2(); } /** * Init phase 2: common initialization stuff */ private void init2() { /* * Preference related stuff */ EViacamApplication app = (EViacamApplication) mService.getApplicationContext(); // set default configuration values if the service is run for the first time if (mMode == A11Y_SERVICE_MODE) { // If accessibility service use the default preferences PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(mService, R.xml.preference_fragment, true); // Set the default shared preferences app.setSharedPreferences(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mService)); } else { // Otherwise use slave mode preferences. We first load default default // preferences and then update with slave mode ones PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(mService, Preferences.FILE_SLAVE_MODE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE, R.xml.preference_fragment, true); PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(mService, Preferences.FILE_SLAVE_MODE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE, R.xml.gamepad_preference_fragment, true); // Set the slave mode shared preferences app.setSharedPreferences( mService.getSharedPreferences(Preferences.FILE_SLAVE_MODE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)); } /* * Power management */ mPowerManagement = new PowerManagement(mService); /* * Create UI stuff: root overlay and camera view */ mOverlayView = new OverlayView(mService); mOverlayView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mCameraLayerView = new CameraLayerView(mService); mOverlayView.addFullScreenLayer(mCameraLayerView); /* * Create specific engine */ if (mMode == A11Y_SERVICE_MODE) { // Init as accessibility service in mouse emulation mode mMotionProcessor = mMouseEmulationEngine = new MouseEmulationEngine(mService, mOverlayView); } else { /* * Init in slave mode. Instantiate both gamepad and mouse emulation. */ mMotionProcessor = mGamepadEngine = new GamepadEngine(mService, mOverlayView); mMouseEmulationEngine = new MouseEmulationEngine(mService, mOverlayView); } /* * camera and machine vision stuff */ mCameraListener = new CameraListener(mService, this); mCameraLayerView.addCameraSurface(mCameraListener.getCameraSurface()); // orientation manager OrientationManager.init(mService, mCameraListener.getCameraOrientation()); mOrientationManager = OrientationManager.get(); // Service notification listener mServiceNotification = new ServiceNotification(mService, this); // Face detection countdown mFaceDetectionCountdown = new FaceDetectionCountdown(mService); mCurrentState = STATE_STOPPED; /* * start things when needed */ if (mMode == A11Y_SERVICE_MODE) { if (Preferences.getRunTutorial(mService)) { Intent dialogIntent = new Intent(mService, com.crea_si.eviacam.wizard.WizardActivity.class); dialogIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mService.startActivity(dialogIntent); } else start(); } } @Override public boolean start() { /* * Check and update current state */ if (mCurrentState == STATE_RUNNING) return true; resume(); if (mCurrentState != STATE_STOPPED) return false; /* * Power management */ // Screen always on mPowerManagement.lockFullPower(); // Enable sleep call mPowerManagement.setSleepEnabled(true); // show GUI elements mOverlayView.requestLayout(); mOverlayView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mCameraLayerView.enableDetectionFeedback(); // start processing frames mCameraListener.startCamera(); // add notification and set as foreground service mService.startForeground(mServiceNotification.getNotificationId(), mServiceNotification.setNotification(ServiceNotification.NOTIFICATION_ACTION_PAUSE)); mFaceDetectionCountdown.reset(); // start engine mMotionProcessor.start(); mCurrentState = STATE_RUNNING; return true; } /** * Pauses (asynchronously) the engine * */ public void pause() { if (mCurrentState != STATE_RUNNING) return; mCurrentState = STATE_PAUSED; doPause(); } private void standby() { if (mCurrentState != STATE_RUNNING) return; mCurrentState = STATE_STANDBY; doPause(); } private void doPause() { mCameraLayerView.disableDetectionFeedback(); // pause specific engine if (mMotionProcessor != null) { mMotionProcessor.stop(); } mServiceNotification.setNotification(ServiceNotification.NOTIFICATION_ACTION_RESUME); // TODO: disable surface updates when screen switched off to save some CPU cycles //mCameraListener.setUpdateViewer(false); mPowerManagement.unlockFullPower(); } /* Resumes the engine */ public void resume() { if (mCurrentState != STATE_PAUSED && mCurrentState != STATE_STANDBY) return; mPowerManagement.lockFullPower(); //mCameraListener.setUpdateViewer(true); mCameraLayerView.enableDetectionFeedback(); // resume specific engine if (mMotionProcessor != null) { mMotionProcessor.start(); } // make sure that UI changes during pause (e.g. docking panel edge) are applied mOverlayView.requestLayout(); mFaceDetectionCountdown.reset(); mServiceNotification.setNotification(ServiceNotification.NOTIFICATION_ACTION_PAUSE); mCurrentState = STATE_RUNNING; } @Override public void stop() { switch (mCurrentState) { case STATE_DISABLED: case STATE_STOPPED: return; case STATE_RUNNING: mPowerManagement.unlockFullPower(); // no break case STATE_STANDBY: case STATE_PAUSED: mService.stopForeground(true); // Disable sleep call mPowerManagement.setSleepEnabled(false); mCameraListener.stopCamera(); // TODO: add sleep to see if removes spurious crashes on exit try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* do nothing */ } mOverlayView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); break; } mCurrentState = STATE_STOPPED; } @Override public void cleanup() { if (mCurrentState == STATE_DISABLED) return; stop(); mFaceDetectionCountdown.cleanup(); mFaceDetectionCountdown = null; mServiceNotification.cleanup(); mServiceNotification = null; mCameraListener = null; mOrientationManager.cleanup(); mOrientationManager = null; mMotionProcessor.cleanup(); mMotionProcessor = null; mMouseEmulationEngine = null; mGamepadEngine = null; mCameraLayerView = null; mOverlayView.cleanup(); mOverlayView = null; mCurrentState = STATE_DISABLED; mPowerManagement.cleanup(); mPowerManagement = null; EViacamApplication app = (EViacamApplication) mService.getApplicationContext(); app.setSharedPreferences(null); sMainEngine = null; } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { if (mOrientationManager != null) mOrientationManager.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } @Override public void setOperationMode(int mode) { if (mSlaveOperationMode == mode) return; // Pause old engine & switch to new if (mSlaveOperationMode == SlaveMode.MOUSE) { mMouseEmulationEngine.stop(); mMotionProcessor = mGamepadEngine; } else if (mode == SlaveMode.MOUSE) { mGamepadEngine.stop(); mMotionProcessor = mMouseEmulationEngine; } mSlaveOperationMode = mode; if (mode != SlaveMode.MOUSE) { mGamepadEngine.setOperationMode(mode); } // Resume engine if needed if (mCurrentState != STATE_PAUSED) mMotionProcessor.start(); } @Override public boolean isReady() { return (mCurrentState != STATE_DISABLED); } @Override public void enablePointer() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.enablePointer(); } @Override public void disablePointer() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.disablePointer(); } @Override public void enableClick() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.enableClick(); } @Override public void disableClick() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.disableClick(); } @Override public void enableDockPanel() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.enableDockPanel(); } @Override public void disableDockPanel() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.disableDockPanel(); } @Override public void enableScrollButtons() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.enableScrollButtons(); } @Override public void disableScrollButtons() { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null) mMouseEmulationEngine.disableScrollButtons(); } /** * Return elapsed time since last face detection * * @return elapsed time in ms or 0 if no detection */ @Override public long getFaceDetectionElapsedTime() { if (mCurrentState != STATE_RUNNING) return 0; return mFaceDetectionCountdown.getElapsedTime(); } @Override public void enableAll() { enablePointer(); enableClick(); enableDockPanel(); enableScrollButtons(); } @Override public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { if (mMouseEmulationEngine != null && mMode == A11Y_SERVICE_MODE) { mMouseEmulationEngine.onAccessibilityEvent(event); } } @Override public boolean registerGamepadListener(IGamepadEventListener l) { return mGamepadEngine.registerListener(l); } @Override public void unregisterGamepadListener() { mGamepadEngine.unregisterListener(); } @Override public boolean registerMouseListener(IMouseEventListener l) { return mMouseEmulationEngine.registerListener(l); } @Override public void unregisterMouseListener() { mMouseEmulationEngine.unregisterListener(); } PointF mMotion = new PointF(0, 0); // avoid creating a new PointF for each frame /** * Process incoming camera frames * * Remarks: this method is called from a secondary thread * * @param rgba opencv matrix with the captured image */ @Override public void processFrame(Mat rgba) { // For these states do nothing if (mCurrentState == STATE_DISABLED || mCurrentState == STATE_STOPPED) return; /* * When to screen is off make sure is working in standby mode and reduce CPU usage */ if (!mPowerManagement.getScreenOn()) { if (mCurrentState != STATE_PAUSED && mCurrentState != STATE_STANDBY) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { standby(); } }); } mPowerManagement.sleep(); } /* Here is in RUNNING or in STANDBY state */ int pictRotation = mOrientationManager.getPictureRotation(); // set preview rotation mCameraListener.setPreviewRotation(pictRotation); if (mCurrentState == STATE_PAUSED) return; /* * call jni part to track face */ mMotion.x = mMotion.y = 0.0f; boolean faceDetected = VisionPipeline.processFrame(rgba.getNativeObjAddr(), pictRotation, mMotion); /* * Check whether need to pause/resume the engine according * to the face detection status */ if (faceDetected) { mFaceDetectionCountdown.start(); if (mCurrentState == STATE_STANDBY) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { resume(); } }); /* Yield CPU to the main thread so that it has the opportunity * to run and change the engine state before this thread continue * running. * Remarks: tried Thread.yield() without success */ try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* do nothing */ } } } if (mCurrentState == STATE_STANDBY) return; if (mFaceDetectionCountdown.hasFinished() && !mFaceDetectionCountdown.isDisabled()) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Resources res = mService.getResources(); String t = String.format(res.getString(R.string.pointer_stopped_toast), Preferences.getTimeWithoutDetectionEntryValue(mService)); EVIACAM.LongToast(mService, t); standby(); } }); } // Provide feedback through the camera viewer mCameraLayerView.updateFaceDetectorStatus(mFaceDetectionCountdown); // compensate mirror effect mMotion.x = -mMotion.x; // process motion on specific engine mMotionProcessor.processMotion(mMotion); } }