Java tutorial
/* * ErrorReport is a plugin for Crawljax that generates a nice HTML report to visually report the * failures encountered during crawling. Copyright (C) 2010 This program is free * software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see * <>. */ package com.crawljax.plugins.errorreport; import; import com.crawljax.browser.EmbeddedBrowser; import com.crawljax.condition.invariant.Invariant; import com.crawljax.core.CrawlSession; import com.crawljax.core.CrawljaxException; import com.crawljax.core.plugin.OnNewStatePlugin; import com.crawljax.core.plugin.PostCrawlingPlugin; import com.crawljax.core.state.Eventable; import com.crawljax.core.state.StateVertix; import com.crawljax.util.Helper; import com.crawljax.util.PrettyHTML; import com.crawljax.util.XPathHelper; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Difference; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Creates a html report which can be used for error reporting. This report contains descriptions of * the failures, and can be used to inspect the failures via screenshots, dom trees, and Javascript * expressions. It can be used as an {@link PostCrawlingPlugin} or a {@link OnNewStatePlugin}. In * the {@link OnNewStatePlugin} phase it collects screenshots of every state it sees. In the * {@link PostCrawlingPlugin} phase it genereates the report. * * @author (Danny Roest) * @author a.mesbah * @version $id$ */ public class ErrorReport implements PostCrawlingPlugin, OnNewStatePlugin { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ErrorReport.class); private static final String MAIN_HTML = "index.html"; private static final String MAIN_FOLDER = "errorreport/"; private static final String DATA_FOLDER = "data/"; private static final String SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER = "img/"; private static final String NEW_SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER = "new/"; private static final String ORIGIONAL_SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER = "orig/"; private static final String GENERAL_JS = "general.js"; private static final String JQUERY_JS = "jquery.js"; private static final String STYLE_CSS = "style.css"; public static final String[] HIGHLIGHT_COLORS = { "#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF", "#FFFF00", "#00FFFF", "#FF00FF", "#C0C0C0", "#FF6600", "#99FF00", "#663300", "#336600", "#6633CC", "#FF99FF", "#FF0066", }; private final File report; private final String outputFolder; private final String newScreenshotsFolder; private final String originalScreenshotsFolder; private final String statesFolder; private final String title; private final Map<String, ReportErrorList> reportErrors = new HashMap<String, ReportErrorList>(); private final List<String> javascriptExpressions = new ArrayList<String>(); // counter for unique id error private final AtomicInteger indexError = new AtomicInteger(1); private final List<String> filterAttributes; private final List<String> originalScreenShotsTaken = Lists.newArrayList(); private final boolean includeScreenShots; /** * Creates a new ErrorReport objects and created the needed folders. * * @param title * the title of the report and is also used as folder name */ public ErrorReport(String title) { this(title, MAIN_FOLDER); } /** * Creates a new ErrorReport objects and created the needed folders. * * @param title * the title of the report and is also used as folder name * @param outputFolderName * folder to use for output */ public ErrorReport(String title, String outputFolderName) { this(title, outputFolderName, Lists.<String>newArrayList()); } /** * Creates a new ErrorReport objects and created the needed folders. * * @param title * the title of the report and is also used as folder name * @param outputFolderName * folder to use for output * @param filterAttributes * the dom element attributes to exclude during generation of the Report. */ public ErrorReport(String title, String outputFolderName, List<String> filterAttributes) { this(title, outputFolderName, filterAttributes, true); } /** * Creates a new ErrorReport objects and created the needed folders. * * @param title * the title of the report and is also used as folder name * @param outputFolderName * folder to use for output * @param filterAttributes * the dom element attributes to exclude during generation of the Report. * @param includeScreenShots * are screenshots included in this ErrorReport? */ public ErrorReport(String title, String outputFolderName, List<String> filterAttributes, boolean includeScreenShots) { this.title = title; this.filterAttributes = filterAttributes; this.includeScreenShots = includeScreenShots; if (outputFolderName == null) { this.outputFolder = title; } else { this.outputFolder = Helper.addFolderSlashIfNeeded(outputFolderName) + title; } this.newScreenshotsFolder = outputFolder + "/" + SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER + NEW_SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER; this.originalScreenshotsFolder = outputFolder + "/" + SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER + ORIGIONAL_SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER; this.statesFolder = outputFolder + "/" + DATA_FOLDER; = new File(outputFolder + "/" + MAIN_HTML); generateNeededFilesAndFolders(); } /** * Generates the report. * * @throws IOException * when cannot generates the report */ public void generate() throws IOException { String template = Helper.getTemplateAsString("errorreport.vm"); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("title", this.title); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); context.put("date", sdf.format(cal.getTime())); List<ReportErrorList> reportErrorLists = new ArrayList<ReportErrorList>(reportErrors.values()); context.put("reportErrorLists", reportErrorLists); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(report); VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine(); // disable logging ve.setProperty(VelocityEngine.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS, "org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.NullLogChute"); ve.evaluate(context, writer, this.title, template); writer.flush(); writer.close();"Report written to: " + report.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Adds the violated invariant to the report. * * @param invariant * the violated invariant * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addInvariantViolation(Invariant invariant, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addInvariantViolation(invariant, new ArrayList<Eventable>(), browser); } /** * Adds the violated invariant to the report. * * @param invariant * the violated invariant * @param pathToFailure * the fired Eventables before the violation * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addInvariantViolation(Invariant invariant, List<Eventable> pathToFailure, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addReportError(new ReportError("Invariant Violations", invariant.getDescription()) .withPathToFailure(pathToFailure), browser); } /** * Adds the Eventable that could not be fired to the report. * * @param eventable * the Eventable that could not be fired * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addEventFailure(Eventable eventable, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addEventFailure(eventable, null, new ArrayList<Eventable>(), browser); } /** * Adds the Eventable that could not be fired to the report. * * @param eventable * the Eventable that could not be fired * @param pathToFailure * the fired Eventables before the failure * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addEventFailure(Eventable eventable, List<Eventable> pathToFailure, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addEventFailure(eventable, null, pathToFailure, browser); } /** * Adds the Eventable that could not be fired to the report. * * @param eventable * the Eventable that could not be fired * @param originalState * the state in which the Eventable was originally fired * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addEventFailure(Eventable eventable, StateVertix originalState, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addEventFailure(eventable, originalState, new ArrayList<Eventable>(), browser); } /** * Adds the Eventable that could not be fired to the report. * * @param eventable * the Eventable that could not be fired * @param originalState * the state in which the Eventable was originally fired * @param pathToFailure * the fired Eventables before the failure * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addEventFailure(Eventable eventable, StateVertix originalState, List<Eventable> pathToFailure, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { List<Highlight> highlights = new ArrayList<Highlight>(); highlights.add(new Highlight("Could not fire event: " + eventable.toString(), eventable.getIdentification().getValue())); addReportError(new ReportError("Event Failures", eventable.getElement().getText() + " " + eventable.getElement().getAttributes()) .withPathToFailure(pathToFailure).withHighlights(highlights) .includeOriginalState(originalState), browser); } /** * Adds a state failure which is a difference between two states. * * @param originalState * the state to compare with * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addStateFailure(StateVertix originalState, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addStateFailure(browser.getDom(), originalState, browser); } /** * Adds a state failure which is a difference between two states. * * @param currentDom * the current DOM which is used instead Browser.getDom() * @param originalState * the state to compare with * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addStateFailure(String currentDom, StateVertix originalState, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addStateFailure(currentDom, originalState, new ArrayList<Eventable>(), browser); } /** * Adds a state failure which is a difference between two states. * * @param currentDom * the current DOM which is used instead Browser.getDom() * @param originalState * the state to compare with * @param pathToFailure * the fired Eventables before the failure * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addStateFailure(String currentDom, StateVertix originalState, List<Eventable> pathToFailure, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { List<Difference> differences = Helper.getDifferences(currentDom, originalState.getDom(), filterAttributes); List<Highlight> highlights = new ArrayList<Highlight>(); for (Difference difference : differences) { highlights.add(new Highlight(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(difference.toString()), difference.getTestNodeDetail().getXpathLocation(), difference.getControlNodeDetail().getXpathLocation())); } addReportError( new ReportError("State Differences", originalState.getName() + " (" + differences.size() + ")") .withPathToFailure(pathToFailure).withHighlights(highlights) .includeOriginalState(originalState).useDomInSteadOfBrowserDom(currentDom), browser); } /** * Adds a reportError to the ErrorReport. * * @param reportError * the reportError containing the information about the failure * @param browser * the browser used */ public void addFailure(ReportError reportError, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { addReportError(reportError, browser); } /** * Adds Javascript expressions and its evaluated values to the report. Example: document.tittle * * @param javascriptExpressions * the Javascript expressions to evaluate when there is a failure added to the * ErrorReport. A toString representation of the result is shown in the report. */ public void setJavascriptExpressions(List<String> javascriptExpressions) { this.javascriptExpressions.addAll(javascriptExpressions); } /** * @param javascriptExpressions * the Javascript expressions to evaluate when there is a failure added to the * ErrorReport */ public void setJavascriptExpressions(String... javascriptExpressions) { this.javascriptExpressions.addAll(Arrays.asList(javascriptExpressions)); } private void addReportError(ReportError error, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { error.setId(indexError.getAndIncrement()); if (!includeScreenShots) { error.dontIncludeScreenshots(); } if (error.getCurrentDom() == null) { error = error.useDomInSteadOfBrowserDom(browser.getDom()); } // TODO Stefan; REFACTOR!! This looks so ugly it must contain bugs ;) if (!reportErrors.containsKey(error.getTypeDescription())) { reportErrors.put(error.getTypeDescription(), new ReportErrorList(error.getTypeDescription())); } reportErrors.get(error.getTypeDescription()).addReportError(error); processReportError(error, browser); } private void setHighlights(ReportError error) { int i = 0; for (Highlight highlight : error.getHighlights()) { highlight.setId(error.getId() + "_" + i); highlight.setColor(HIGHLIGHT_COLORS[i % HIGHLIGHT_COLORS.length]); i++; } } private void processReportError(ReportError error, EmbeddedBrowser browser) { setHighlights(error); saveDOMs(error); try { saveJavascriptExpressions(error, browser); if (error.includeScreenshots()) { // The "New" screenshot List<HighlightedElement> highlightedElements = addHighlightsInBrowser(error.getHighlights(), browser); makeScreenShot(browser, String.valueOf(error.getId()), this.newScreenshotsFolder); removeHighlightedElement(highlightedElements, browser); if (error.hasOriginalState()) { if (originalScreenShotsTaken.contains(error.getOriginalState().getName())) { error.setOriginalScreenShotId(error.getOriginalState().getName()); } } } } catch (CrawljaxException e) { LOGGER.error("Catched Exception when setting highlights", e); } } private void saveJavascriptExpressions(ReportError error, EmbeddedBrowser browser) throws CrawljaxException { List<JavascriptExpression> evaluatedJavascriptExpressions = new ArrayList<JavascriptExpression>(); for (String expression : this.javascriptExpressions) { String js = "try{ return " + expression + "; }catch(e){}"; Object result = browser.executeJavaScript(js); String value; if (result != null) { value = result.toString(); } else { value = "null"; } evaluatedJavascriptExpressions.add(new JavascriptExpression(expression, value)); } error.setJavascriptExpressions(evaluatedJavascriptExpressions); } /** * Take a screenshot. * * @param browser * the browser at which in the current state the screenshot must be taken. * @param id * the id of the file. * @param dir * the directory where the screenshot must be stored. * @throws CrawljaxException * when screenshoting fails. */ private void makeScreenShot(EmbeddedBrowser browser, String id, String dir) throws CrawljaxException { String filename = "screenshot_" + id + ".png"; File screenShot = new File(dir, filename); try { browser.saveScreenShot(screenShot); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CrawljaxException(e); } } private void saveDOMs(ReportError error) { try { saveDOM(error, "current", error.getCurrentDom(), error.getHighlights()); if (error.getOriginalState() != null) { saveDOM(error, "original", error.getOriginalState().getDom(), error.getHighlights()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void saveDOM(ReportError error, String suffix, String dom, List<Highlight> highlights) throws SAXException, IOException { Document doc = Helper.getDocument(dom); for (Highlight highlight : highlights) { doc = addMarker(highlight.getId(), doc, highlight.getXpathCurrentDom()); } String formattedDom = Helper.getDocumentToString(doc); formattedDom = PrettyHTML.prettyHTML(formattedDom, " "); formattedDom = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(formattedDom); formattedDom = replaceMarkers(formattedDom, highlights, suffix); String filename = "dom_" + error.getId() + "_" + suffix + ".txt"; File stateFile = new File(this.statesFolder + filename); try { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(stateFile, false); writer.write(formattedDom); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void generateNeededFilesAndFolders() { try { Helper.directoryCheck(this.newScreenshotsFolder); Helper.directoryCheck(this.originalScreenshotsFolder); Helper.directoryCheck(this.statesFolder); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(new File(outputFolder + "/" + GENERAL_JS)); out.write(Helper.getTemplateAsString(GENERAL_JS)); out.close(); out = new FileWriter(new File(outputFolder + "/" + JQUERY_JS)); out.write(Helper.getTemplateAsString(JQUERY_JS)); out.close(); out = new FileWriter(new File(outputFolder + "/" + STYLE_CSS)); out.write(Helper.getTemplateAsString(STYLE_CSS)); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private Document addMarker(String id, Document doc, String xpath) { try { String prefixMarker = "###BEGINMARKER" + id + "###"; String suffixMarker = "###ENDMARKER###"; NodeList nodeList = XPathHelper.evaluateXpathExpression(doc, xpath); if (nodeList.getLength() == 0 || nodeList.item(0) == null) { return doc; } Node element = nodeList.item(0); if (element.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Node beginNode = doc.createTextNode(prefixMarker); Node endNode = doc.createTextNode(suffixMarker); element.getParentNode().insertBefore(beginNode, element); if (element.getNextSibling() == null) { element.getParentNode().appendChild(endNode); } else { element.getParentNode().insertBefore(endNode, element.getNextSibling()); } } else if (element.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE && element.getTextContent() != null) { element.setTextContent(prefixMarker + element.getTextContent() + suffixMarker); } else if (element.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { element.setNodeValue(prefixMarker + element.getTextContent() + suffixMarker); } return doc; } catch (Exception e) { return doc; } } private String replaceMarkers(String dom, List<Highlight> highlights, String suffix) { for (Highlight highlight : highlights) { String regexSearch = "\\s*" + "###BEGINMARKER" + highlight.getId() + "###"; String replace = "<div id='" + highlight.getId() + "_" + suffix + "' style='display: inline; background-color: " + highlight.getColor() + ";'>"; dom = dom.replaceAll(regexSearch, replace); } dom = dom.replaceAll("(\\s)*###ENDMARKER###", "</div>"); return dom; } private List<HighlightedElement> addHighlightsInBrowser(List<Highlight> highlights, EmbeddedBrowser browser) throws CrawljaxException { List<HighlightedElement> highlightedElements = new ArrayList<HighlightedElement>(); for (Highlight highlight : highlights) { String xpath = XPathHelper.stripXPathToElement(highlight.getXpathCurrentDom()); if (xpath != null && !xpath.equals("")) { String jsGetMarkElement = Helper.getJSGetElement(xpath) + "try{var oldStyle;" + "if(ATUSA_element!=null){\n" + "if(ATUSA_element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'tr'){\n" + "oldStyle =;" + "'" + highlight.getColor() + "';" + "}else{" + "oldStyle =;" + "'2px solid " + highlight.getColor() + "';" + "}" + "if(ATUSA_element.getAttribute('style') == null){return null}" + "return oldStyle;" + "}" + "}catch(e){}"; Object obj = browser.executeJavaScript(jsGetMarkElement); String style = null; if (obj != null) { style = obj.toString(); } else { style = null; } highlightedElements.add(new HighlightedElement(highlight, style)); } } return highlightedElements; } private void removeHighlightedElement(List<HighlightedElement> highlightedElements, EmbeddedBrowser browser) throws CrawljaxException { // walk backwards to undo in reverse order as highlights are added because // the multiple highlights could be added for (int i = highlightedElements.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { HighlightedElement highlightedElement = highlightedElements.get(i); String xpath = XPathHelper.stripXPathToElement(highlightedElement.getHighlight().getXpathCurrentDom()); String style = highlightedElement.getOldStyle(); String jsRevert = Helper.getJSGetElement(xpath); // remove style attribute if did not have a style attribute before if (style == null || style.equals("")) { jsRevert += "try{" + "if(ATUSA_element!=null){" + "ATUSA_element.removeAttribute('style');" + "}" + "}catch(e){}"; } else { // else restore style property jsRevert += "try{" + "if(ATUSA_element!=null){\n" + "if(ATUSA_element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'tr'){\n" + "'" + style + "';" + "}else{" + "'" + style + "';" + "}" + "}" + "}catch(e){}"; } browser.executeJavaScript(jsRevert); } } /** * Class for saving the styles for highlighting in order to restore the original style. * * @author (Danny Roest) * @version $id$ */ private class HighlightedElement { private final Highlight highlight; private final String oldStyle; public HighlightedElement(Highlight highlight, String oldStyle) { super(); this.highlight = highlight; this.oldStyle = oldStyle; } public Highlight getHighlight() { return highlight; } public String getOldStyle() { return oldStyle; } } @Override public void postCrawling(CrawlSession session) { try { this.generate(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Could not generate ErrorReport because of IOException", e); } } /** * store a screenshot of the original state which is currently in the browser specified. * * @param browser * the browser holding the state * @param state * the state. */ public void storeOriginalScreenShot(EmbeddedBrowser browser, StateVertix state) { try { makeScreenShot(browser, state.getName(), this.originalScreenshotsFolder); // Store that a state is shot. originalScreenShotsTaken.add(state.getName()); } catch (CrawljaxException e) { LOGGER.warn("Catched exception while creating ScreenShot," + " possibly the Browser did not support it", e); } } @Override public void onNewState(CrawlSession session) { this.storeOriginalScreenShot(session.getBrowser(), session.getCurrentState()); } }