Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011. Elad Kehat.
 * This software is provided under the MIT License:

package com.couchrqs;

import com.jzboy.couchdb.CouchDBException;
import com.jzboy.couchdb.Database;
import com.jzboy.couchdb.Document;
import com.jzboy.couchdb.Server;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;

 * This class provides methods that enqueue, dequeue and delete queue messages.
 * Queues are acquired through the methods in QueueService.
 * <p>
 * You can use <code>Queue</code> as a stack and receive messages in LIFO order. Note however that
 * FIFO/LIFO style isn't enforced anywhere, so it is up to your code to do this in a consistent manner.
 * <p>
 * The queue orders messages using timestamps assigned locally using the system time.
 * If processes on different machines add messages to the queue, discrepancies in system clocks
 * affect the ordering of messages.
public class Queue {

    static final String RQS_DESIGN_DOC_NAME = "couchrqs";
    static final String RQS_PENDING_VIEW_NAME = "pending";
    static final String RQS_LOCKED_VIEW_NAME = "locked";

    static final long DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT = 30000;
    static final String MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT_NAME = "message";
    static final String MESSAGE_MIME_TYPE = "application/octet-stream";

    final Database db;
    /** The visibility timeout (in milliseconds) to use for messages in this queue. */
    private long visibilityTimeout;
    /** Identification used in locking messages. */
    private String processId;

    public Queue(Server couchDB, String name) {
        db = new Database(couchDB, name);
        visibilityTimeout = DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT;
        processId = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();

    public String getName() {
        return db.getDbName();

     * Get the String by which this process identifies itself on the CouchDB server when locking messages.<br />
     * Unless set with {@link #setProcessId(java.lang.String) } it defaults to a name retrieved from the JVM
     * via <code>ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName()</code>
    public String getProcessId() {
        return processId;

     * Get the String by which this process identifies itself on the CouchDB server when locking messages.
    public void setProcessId(String processId) {
        this.processId = processId;

     * Return this queue's default message visibility timeout, in milliseconds.
    public long getVisibilityTimeout() {
        return visibilityTimeout;

     * Set this queue's default message visibility timeout, in milliseconds.<br />
     * This timeout is used when receiving messages, unless a different timeout is specified.
    public void setVisibilityTimeout(long visibilityTimeout) {
        this.visibilityTimeout = visibilityTimeout;

     * Add a message to the queue.<br />
     * Treats the message as an opaque binary. No parsing is performed on it and it is added as
     * a document attachment to CouchDB.
     * <p>
     * There is no explicit limit on the size of the data, altough effectively CouchDB can handle messages
     * up to 4 GB and a further limit may be imposed by the amount of RAM on your server.
     * @param data   the message content
     * @return   an id that uniquely identifies the message on this queue
     * @throws RQSException   wraps any exception thrown by the underlying CouchDB layer
    public String sendMessage(byte[] data) throws RQSException {
        try {
            String uuid = db.getServer().nextUUID();
            ObjectNode json = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
            json.put("sent_at", System.currentTimeMillis());
            Document doc = db.createDocument(new Document(uuid, json));
            db.saveAttachment(doc, MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT_NAME, data, MESSAGE_MIME_TYPE);
            return uuid;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

     * Get as many as maxNumberOfMessages messages from the specified view.<br />
     * The descending param is used to get LIFO (if true) or FIFO (if false) behavior.
    private List<Document> getPendingDocsFromView(String viewName, final int maxNumberOfMessages,
            final boolean descending) throws RQSException {
        List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() {
                add(new BasicNameValuePair("include_docs", "true"));
                add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", String.valueOf(maxNumberOfMessages)));
                if (descending)
                    add(new BasicNameValuePair("descending", "true"));
        try {
            return db.queryView(RQS_DESIGN_DOC_NAME, viewName, params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

     * Get the specified messages from the database.
    private List<Document> getDocsFromDatabase(List<String> messageIds) throws RQSException {
        try {
            return db.getDocuments(messageIds, true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

     * Create a JSON lock object.<br />
     * This is added to the message document to signify that it was locked by this process.
    private JsonNode createLock(long visibilityTimeout) {
        ObjectNode lock = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
        lock.put("locked_at", System.currentTimeMillis());
        lock.put("locked_by", this.processId);
        lock.put("visibility_timeout", visibilityTimeout);
        return lock;

     * Attempts to lock the documents - bulk-update them with a "lock" field.<br />
     * Returns the result of the bulk update. Some or all of the documents may not have been saved
     * due to update conflict (some other process had already updated these docs).
    private ArrayList<JsonNode> lockDocuments(List<Document> docs, long visibilityTimeout) throws RQSException {
        // ensure that the bulk cache size is larger than the docs list, so that it won't flush early
        final int bulkSize = docs.size() << 1;
        if (db.getBulkUpdatesLimit() < bulkSize)

        JsonNode lock = createLock(visibilityTimeout);
        try {
            for (Document doc : docs) {
                ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) doc.getJson();
                json.put("lock", lock);
            return db.flushBulkUpdatesCache(false, true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

     * Returns a list of Messages that encapsulate the given documents.
     * </p>
     * The lockResults JSONs contain message ids, that should match ids in docs, and an optional error.
     * Get this list by calling {@link #lockDocuments(java.util.List, long) }.<br />
     * This method only creates and returns Message object for docs that had no lock errors.
     * This runs in O(n^2) time. I'm assuming that normally people won't retrieve lots of messages
     * at once. Still, consider revising for long lists.
    private ArrayList<Message> createMessagesFromLockedDocs(List<Document> docs, List<JsonNode> lockResults) {
        ArrayList<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();
        for (JsonNode res : lockResults) {
            if (res.get("error") != null)
            String id = res.get("id").getTextValue();
            String rev = res.get("rev").getTextValue();
            Document doc = findDocById(docs, id);
            messages.add(new Message(doc));
        return messages;

     * Return the first document in the list whose id is the same as the id specified, or null
     * if no such document is found.
    private Document findDocById(List<Document> docs, String id) {
        for (Document doc : docs) {
            if (doc.getId().equals(id))
                return doc;
        return null;

    private List<Message> lockAndGetAttachments(List<Document> docs, long visibilityTimeout) throws RQSException {
        if (docs.isEmpty()) // no messages found
            return new ArrayList<Message>();
        List<JsonNode> lockResults = lockDocuments(docs, visibilityTimeout);
        // only use docs messages that were successfully locked
        ArrayList<Message> messages = createMessagesFromLockedDocs(docs, lockResults);
        // the message data is a document attachment, and must be retrieved separately
        for (Message message : messages) {
            byte[] data;
            try {
                data = db.getAttachment(message.getDoc().getId(), MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT_NAME);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RQSException(e);
        return messages;

     * Attempts to retrieve pending messages from the queue.
     * <p>
     * Returns an empty list if there are no messages pending, or there are messages pending, but the
     * attempt to lock them failed - probably because another process had locked the same messages first.
     * In that case, the call should be attempted again after a while.<br />
     * Note that this method only returns those messages for which a lock was acquired successfully.
    private List<Message> doReceiveMessages(int maxNumberOfMessages, long visibilityTimeout, boolean descending)
            throws RQSException {
        List<Document> docs = getPendingDocsFromView(RQS_PENDING_VIEW_NAME, maxNumberOfMessages, descending);
        return lockAndGetAttachments(docs, visibilityTimeout);

     * Retrieves up to maxNumberOfMessages messages from the queue's head (FIFO).<br />
     * If there are no messages pending, returns an empty list.
     * @param maxNumberOfMessages   maximum number of messages that will be retrieved
     * @param visibilityTimeout      visibility timeout assigned to those messages. Overrides this queue's default
     * @return   a list of messages for processing. The list may be empty but never null.
    public List<Message> receiveMessages(int maxNumberOfMessages, long visibilityTimeout) throws RQSException {
        return doReceiveMessages(maxNumberOfMessages, visibilityTimeout, false);

     * Retrieves up to maxNumberOfMessages messages from the queue's tail (LIFO).<br />
     * Other than LIFO instead of FIFO, behaves the same as {@link #receiveMessages(int, long) }
    public List<Message> receiveMessagesFromTail(int maxNumberOfMessages, long visibilityTimeout)
            throws RQSException {
        return doReceiveMessages(maxNumberOfMessages, visibilityTimeout, true);

    public List<Message> receiveMessages(int maxNumberOfMessages) throws RQSException {
        return receiveMessages(maxNumberOfMessages, this.visibilityTimeout);

    public List<Message> receiveMessagesFromTail(int maxNumberOfMessages) throws RQSException {
        return receiveMessagesFromTail(maxNumberOfMessages, this.visibilityTimeout);

     * Retrieves arbitrary messages from the queue.
     * @param messageIds   UUIDs of the message. They are returned in the same order.
     * @param visibilityTimeout      visibility timeout assigned to those messages. Overrides this queue's default
     * @return   a list of messages for processing. The list may be empty but never <code>null</code>.
    public List<Message> receiveMessages(List<String> messageIds, long visibilityTimeout) throws RQSException {
        for (String id : messageIds)
            System.out.println("messageId: " + id);
        List<Document> docs = getDocsFromDatabase(messageIds);
        return lockAndGetAttachments(docs, visibilityTimeout);

     * Retrieve a single message from the queue's head (FIFO).
     * @param visibilityTimeout   visibility timeout assigned to the message. Overrides this queue's default
     * @return   a message, or null if no pending messages were found
    public Message receiveMessage(long visibilityTimeout) throws RQSException {
        List<Message> list = receiveMessages(1, visibilityTimeout);
        if (list.isEmpty())
            return null;
        return list.get(0);

     * Retrieve a single message from the queue's tail (LIFO).
     * @param visibilityTimeout   visibility timeout assigned to the message. Overrides this queue's default
     * @return   a message, or null if no pending messages were found
    public Message receiveMessageFromTail(long visibilityTimeout) throws RQSException {
        List<Message> list = receiveMessagesFromTail(1, visibilityTimeout);
        if (list.isEmpty())
            return null;
        return list.get(0);

     * Retrieve an arbitrary message from the queue.
     * @param messageId UUID of the message
     * @param visibilityTimeout   visibility timeout assigned to the message. Overrides this queue's default
     * @return   a message, or null if no pending messages were found
    public Message receiveMessage(String messageId, long visibilityTimeout) throws RQSException {
        try {
            Document doc = db.getDocumentOrNull(messageId);
            if (null == doc)
                return null;
            // lock the document
            ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) doc.getJson();
            json.put("lock", createLock(visibilityTimeout));
            Document lockedDoc = db.updateDocument(doc);
            byte[] data;
            try {
                data = db.getAttachment(lockedDoc.getId(), MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT_NAME);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RQSException(e);
            return new Message(lockedDoc, data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

    public Message receiveMessage() throws RQSException {
        return receiveMessage(this.visibilityTimeout);

    public Message receiveMessageFromTail() throws RQSException {
        return receiveMessageFromTail(this.visibilityTimeout);

    public Message receiveMessage(String messageId) throws RQSException {
        return receiveMessage(messageId, this.visibilityTimeout);

     * Delete the specified message from the queue.<br />
     * Caller must be the owner of the lock on this message.
     * @param messageId         UUID of the message
     * @param receiptToken      the receipt token received through a call to {@link #receiveMessage()}
     * @throws NoSuchMessageException         if there is no message in the queue with the specified messageId
     * @throws ReceiptTokenOutOfDateException   if the receiptToken is no longer valid - probably because
     * the original timeout was exceeded and another process got a lock on the message
     * @throws RQSException               wraps any other exception thrown by the underlying CouchDB layer
    public void deleteMessage(String messageId, String receiptToken)
            throws NoSuchMessageException, ReceiptTokenOutOfDateException, RQSException {
        Document doc = new Document(messageId, receiptToken);
        try {
        } catch (CouchDBException cdbe) {
            if (cdbe.getStatusCode() == 404)
                throw new NoSuchMessageException("The queue has no message with ID " + messageId, cdbe);
            if (cdbe.getStatusCode() == 409)
                throw new ReceiptTokenOutOfDateException("The message was already acquired by another process",
                throw new RQSException(cdbe);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

     * Extend the visibility timeout of the specified message by the specified amount.<br />
     * Caller must be the owner of the lock on this message.<br />
     * Note that this action creates a new receipt token that must be used in future actions on the message.
     * @param messageId         UUID of the message
     * @param receiptToken      the receipt token received through a call to {@link #receiveMessage()}
     * @param visibilityTimeout   the number of milliseconds by which the existing visibilityTimeout is extended
     * @return a new receiptToken for the modified message
     * @throws ReceiptTokenOutOfDateException   if the receiptToken is no longer valid - probably because
     * the original timeout was exceeded and another process got a lock on the message
     * @throws NoSuchMessageException         if there is no message in the queue with the specified messageId
     * @throws RQSException               wraps any other exception thrown by the underlying CouchDB layer
    public String changeMessageVisibility(String messageId, String receiptToken, long visibilityTimeout)
            throws ReceiptTokenOutOfDateException, NoSuchMessageException, RQSException {
        Document doc = null;
        try {
            doc = db.getDocumentOrNull(messageId);
            if (doc == null)
                throw new NoSuchMessageException("The queue has no message with ID " + messageId);
            if (!doc.getRev().equals(receiptToken))
                throw new ReceiptTokenOutOfDateException("The message was already acquired by another process");
            ObjectNode lock = (ObjectNode) doc.getJson().get("lock");
            long current = lock.get("visibility_timeout").getLongValue();
            lock.put("visibility_timeout", current + visibilityTimeout);
            try {
                Document newDoc = db.updateDocument(doc);
                return newDoc.getRev();
            } catch (CouchDBException cdbe) {
                if (cdbe.getStatusCode() == 409) // update conflict
                    throw new ReceiptTokenOutOfDateException("The message was already acquired by another process");
                else // rethrow
                    throw cdbe;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

    private int getNumberOfMessages(String viewName) throws RQSException {
        // use limit=0 to get just the view metadata, including total rows, but no actual rows
        List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() {
                add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", "0"));
        try {
            JsonNode json = db.queryViewRaw(RQS_DESIGN_DOC_NAME, viewName, params);
            return json.get("total_rows").getIntValue();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);

     * Returns the current number of pending messages in the queue.<br />
     * This is the maximum number that can be received with {@link #receiveMessages(int)}
     * @throws RQSException wraps any exception thrown by the underlying CouchDB layer
    public int numberOfMessagesPending() throws RQSException {
        return getNumberOfMessages(RQS_PENDING_VIEW_NAME);

     * Returns the current number of invisible (locked) messages in the queue.<br />
     * These are messages that were received by various processes, but not yet deleted or returned to pending
     * state due to timeout.
     * @throws RQSException wraps any exception thrown by the underlying CouchDB layer
    public int numberOfMessagesNotVisible() throws RQSException {
        return getNumberOfMessages(RQS_LOCKED_VIEW_NAME);

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("Queue %s on %s", processId, db.toString());

     * Returns the status of the specified message.
     * @see MessageStatus
     * @throws RQSException wraps any exception thrown by the underlying CouchDB layer
    public MessageStatus getMessageStatus(String messageId) throws RQSException {
        Document doc;
        try {
            doc = db.getDocumentOrNull(messageId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RQSException(e);
        if (doc == null)
            return MessageStatus.MISSING;

        JsonNode lock;
        if ((lock = doc.getJson().get("lock")) != null) {
            MessageStatus locked = MessageStatus.LOCKED;
            return locked;

        MessageStatus pending = MessageStatus.PENDING;
        return pending;

     * Describes the status of a message in the queue.<br />
     * One of: <ul>
     * <li>PENDING - the message is available for retrieval.</li>
     * <li>LOCKED  - the message was retrieved by some process, but not deleted yet.</li>
     * <li>MISSING - the message wasn't found in the queue. It may have been deleted already.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * For some statuses, more information is available - see {@link #getProcessId() } and {@link #getTimestamp() }
    public enum MessageStatus {

        private long timestamp = -1;
        private String processId = null;

         * If <code>LOCKED</code>, returns the identifier of the owner of this lock.<br />
         * Otherwise returns <code>null</code>
        public String getProcessId() {
            return processId;

        void setProcessId(String processId) {
            this.processId = processId;

         * If <code>PENDING</code>, returns the timestamp when this message was sent to the queue.<br />
         * If <code>LOCKED</code>, returns the timestamp when this message was locked.<br />
         * Otherwise returns -1.
        public long getTimestamp() {
            return timestamp;

        void setTimestamp(long timestamp) {
            this.timestamp = timestamp;

