Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2017 Contrast Security. * All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License. * * The terms of the GNU GPL version 3 which accompanies this distribution * and is available at * * Contributors: * Contrast Security - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package com.contrastsecurity.ide.eclipse.ui.internal.model; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.OwnerDrawLabelProvider; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.unbescape.html.HtmlEscape; import com.contrastsecurity.ide.eclipse.core.Constants; import com.contrastsecurity.ide.eclipse.core.extended.EventItem; import com.contrastsecurity.ide.eclipse.core.extended.EventResource; public class EventLabelProvider extends OwnerDrawLabelProvider { private static final String INTERESTING_SECURITY_EVENT_OCCURED_ON_DATA = "INTERESTING SECURITY EVENT OCCURED ON DATA"; private TreeViewer viewer; public EventLabelProvider(TreeViewer viewer) { this.viewer = viewer; } @Override protected void measure(Event event, Object element) { // event.width = viewer.getTree().getColumn(event.index).getWidth(); // if (event.width == 0) // return; // if (element instanceof EventItem) { // if ( EventResource.CONTENT.equals( ((EventItem)element).getType())) { // Point extent = event.gc.stringExtent("Test"); // event.height = (int) (extent.y * 2); // } // } } @Override protected void paint(Event event, Object element) { if (element instanceof EventItem) { EventItem eventItem = (EventItem) element; Color background = event.gc.getBackground(); Color foreground = event.gc.getForeground(); Font font = event.gc.getFont(); FontData[] fontData = font.getFontData(); for (int i = 0; i < fontData.length; i++) { fontData[i].setStyle(SWT.BOLD); fontData[i].setHeight(fontData[i].getHeight() + 1); } Font boldFont = null; try { boldFont = new Font(Display.getCurrent(), fontData); int x = event.x + 15; switch (eventItem.getType()) { case EventResource.RED: x = x + 15; event.gc.setForeground(Constants.CREATION_COLOR); break; case EventResource.CONTENT: x = x + 15; event.gc.setForeground(Constants.CONTENT_COLOR); break; case EventResource.CODE: x = x + 15; event.gc.setForeground(Constants.CODE_COLOR); break; case EventResource.BOLD: event.gc.setFont(boldFont); break; default: break; } event.gc.setBackground(Constants.ITEM_BACKGROUND_COLOR); //Rectangle clipping = event.gc.getClipping(); //event.gc.setClipping(clipping.x, clipping.y, viewer.getTree().getColumn(0).getWidth(), clipping.height + 5); Rectangle bounds = event.getBounds(); bounds.width = viewer.getTree().getColumn(0).getWidth(); bounds.height += 5; event.gc.fillRectangle(bounds); //event.gc.setClipping(clipping.x, clipping.y, clipping.width, clipping.height); String value = eventItem.getValue(); if (value != null) { //value = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(value); value = HtmlEscape.unescapeHtml(value); } event.gc.drawString(eventItem.getValue(), x, event.y); } finally { if (boldFont != null) { boldFont.dispose(); } } event.gc.setBackground(background); event.gc.setForeground(foreground); event.gc.setFont(font); } else { if (element instanceof EventResource) { EventResource eventResource = (EventResource) element; Color background = event.gc.getBackground(); Color foreground = event.gc.getForeground(); Rectangle clipping = event.gc.getClipping(); // event.gc.setLineWidth(1); Point size = event.gc.stringExtent(INTERESTING_SECURITY_EVENT_OCCURED_ON_DATA); Color color = getColor(eventResource.getType()); if (color != null) { event.gc.setBackground(color); } else { event.gc.setBackground(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_BACKGROUND)); } event.gc.fillOval(event.x + 8, event.y + size.y / 2 - 2, 10, 10); event.gc.setBackground(background); // if (color != null) { // event.gc.setForeground(color); // } else { // event.gc.setBackground(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_FOREGROUND)); // } String type = eventResource.getTypeDescription().toUpperCase(); event.gc.drawString(type, event.x + 30, event.y + 2); size = event.gc.stringExtent(INTERESTING_SECURITY_EVENT_OCCURED_ON_DATA); event.gc.setBackground(background); event.gc.setForeground(foreground); Font oldFont = event.gc.getFont(); FontData[] fontData = oldFont.getFontData(); for (int i = 0; i < fontData.length; i++) { fontData[i].setStyle(SWT.BOLD); } FontData[] fontDataItalic = oldFont.getFontData(); for (int i = 0; i < fontDataItalic.length; i++) { fontDataItalic[i].setStyle(SWT.ITALIC); } //Font boldFont = null; Font italicFont = null; int x = event.x + 45 + size.x; int startX = x; try { //boldFont = new Font(Display.getCurrent(), fontData); italicFont = new Font(Display.getCurrent(), fontDataItalic); int maxWidth = getMaxWidth(event, oldFont); if (clipping.width > x + maxWidth) { event.gc.setClipping(clipping.x, clipping.y, x + maxWidth, clipping.height); } String currentString = eventResource.getRawCodeRecreation(); if (currentString != null) { //currentString = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(currentString); currentString = HtmlEscape.unescapeHtml(currentString); } Helper helper = new Helper(); helper.currentString = currentString; helper.x = x; while (helper != null && !helper.currentString.isEmpty()) { helper = parseString(event, helper, /*boldFont ,*/ oldFont, italicFont, foreground); } x = startX + maxWidth + 45; event.gc.setClipping(clipping.x, clipping.y, clipping.width, clipping.height); helper.currentString = eventResource.getHtmlDataSnapshot(); helper.x = x; while (helper != null && !helper.currentString.isEmpty()) { helper = parseString(event, helper, /*boldFont,*/ oldFont, italicFont, foreground); } } finally { //if (boldFont != null) { // boldFont.dispose(); //} if (italicFont != null) { italicFont.dispose(); } event.gc.setClipping(clipping.x, clipping.y, clipping.width, clipping.height); } } } } private int getMaxWidth(Event event, Font boldFont) { int maxWidth = Constants.MAX_WIDTH; EventResource[] input = (EventResource[]) viewer.getInput(); if (input != null) { Font font = event.gc.getFont(); event.gc.setFont(boldFont); for (EventResource eventResource : input) { String str = eventResource.getRawCodeRecreation(); str = str.replace(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_CODE_STRING, ""); str = str.replace(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_NORMAL_CODE, ""); str = str.replace(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_TAINT, ""); str = str.replace(Constants.SPAN_CLOSED, ""); str = str.replace(Constants.ITALIC_OPENED, ""); str = str.replace(Constants.ITALIC_CLOSED, ""); Point extent = event.gc.stringExtent(str); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, extent.x); } event.gc.setFont(font); } return maxWidth; } private Color getColor(String type) { if (type != null) { switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "creation": case "trigger": return Constants.CREATION_COLOR; case "p2o": case "o2r": return Constants.P20_COLOR; case "tag": return Constants.TAG_COLOR; default: break; } } return null; } private Helper parseString(Event event, Helper helper, /*Font boldFont, */ Font oldFont, Font italicFont, Color foreground) { if (helper == null) { return helper; } String currentString = helper.currentString; int x = helper.x; if (currentString == null || currentString.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (currentString.startsWith(Constants.TAINT)) { currentString = currentString.substring(Constants.TAINT.length()); int index = currentString.indexOf(Constants.TAINT_CLOSED); if (index > -1) { String str = currentString.substring(0, index); event.gc.setForeground(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_RED)); event.gc.drawString(str, x, event.y); x = x + event.gc.stringExtent(str).x; event.gc.setForeground(foreground); currentString = currentString.substring(str.length() + Constants.TAINT_CLOSED.length()); } else { //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(currentString, x, event.y); //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); return null; } } if (currentString.startsWith(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_NORMAL_CODE)) { currentString = currentString.substring(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_NORMAL_CODE.length()); int index = currentString.indexOf(Constants.SPAN_CLOSED); if (index > -1) { String str = currentString.substring(0, index); //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(str, x, event.y); x = x + event.gc.stringExtent(str).x; //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); currentString = currentString.substring(str.length() + Constants.SPAN_CLOSED.length()); } else { //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(currentString, x, event.y); //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); return null; } } else if (currentString.startsWith(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_CODE_STRING)) { currentString = currentString.substring(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_CODE_STRING.length()); int index = currentString.indexOf(Constants.SPAN_CLOSED); if (index > -1) { String str = currentString.substring(0, index); event.gc.setForeground(Constants.LINK_COLOR2); event.gc.drawString(str, x, event.y); x = x + event.gc.stringExtent(str).x; event.gc.setForeground(foreground); currentString = currentString.substring(str.length() + Constants.SPAN_CLOSED.length()); } else { //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(currentString, x, event.y); //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); return null; } } else if (currentString.startsWith(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_TAINT)) { currentString = currentString.substring(Constants.SPAN_CLASS_TAINT.length()); int index = currentString.indexOf(Constants.SPAN_CLOSED); if (index > -1) { String str = currentString.substring(0, index); event.gc.setForeground(Constants.CREATION_COLOR); event.gc.drawString(str, x, event.y); x = x + event.gc.stringExtent(str).x; event.gc.setForeground(foreground); currentString = currentString.substring(str.length() + Constants.SPAN_CLOSED.length()); } else { //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(currentString, x, event.y); //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); return null; } } else if (currentString.startsWith(Constants.ITALIC_OPENED)) { currentString = currentString.substring(Constants.ITALIC_OPENED.length()); int index = currentString.indexOf(Constants.ITALIC_CLOSED); if (index > -1) { String str = currentString.substring(0, index); event.gc.setFont(italicFont); event.gc.drawString(str, x, event.y); x = x + event.gc.stringExtent(str).x; event.gc.setFont(oldFont); currentString = currentString.substring(str.length() + Constants.ITALIC_CLOSED.length()); } else { //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(currentString, x, event.y); //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); return null; } } else if (currentString.contains(Constants.SPAN_OPENED)) { int index = currentString.indexOf(Constants.SPAN_OPENED); if (index > -1) { String str = currentString.substring(0, index); //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(str, x, event.y); x = x + event.gc.stringExtent(str).x; //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); currentString = currentString.substring(str.length()); } else { //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(currentString, x, event.y); //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); return null; } } else { //event.gc.setFont(boldFont); event.gc.drawString(currentString, x, event.y); //event.gc.setFont(oldFont); return null; } helper.currentString = currentString; helper.x = x; return helper; } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); } @Override protected void erase(Event event, Object element) { event.detail &= ~SWT.FOREGROUND; } private static class Helper { String currentString; int x; } }