Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012-2014, Continuuity, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.continuuity.test; import com.continuuity.test.drivers.Global; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static com.continuuity.test.drivers.Global.globalDriver; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; /** * */ public class TestUtil { private static final By TYPES = By.cssSelector(".list-types"); public WebElement getTable(String tableCss) { By table = By.cssSelector(tableCss); return globalDriver.findElement(table); } public List<WebElement> getRows(WebElement table) { WebElement tbody = table.findElement(Constants.TBODY); return tbody.findElements(By.xpath("./tr")); } public List<WebElement> geTdsFromTr(WebElement tr) { return tr.findElements(By.xpath("./td")); } public String getTd(WebElement table, int rowInd, int tdInd) { return getTdElement(table, rowInd, tdInd).getText(); } public String getTdAttribute(WebElement table, int rowInd, int tdInd, String attribute) { return getTdElement(table, rowInd, tdInd).getAttribute(attribute); } public WebElement getTdElement(WebElement table, int rowInd, int tdInd) { WebElement row = getRows(table).get(rowInd); List<WebElement> tds = row.findElements(Constants.TD); return tds.get(tdInd); } public int getRowCount(WebElement table) { return getRows(table).size(); } public int getColCount(WebElement table) { WebElement row = getRows(table).get(0); List<WebElement> tds = row.findElements(Constants.TD); return tds.size(); } public WebElement getPanelHead(String linkText) { return globalDriver.findElement(By.linkText(linkText)); } public String convertSetToString(Set<String> set) { if (set == null || set.size() == 0) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String element : set) { sb.append(element); sb.append(","); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } public Set<String> getTopList(WebDriver driver) { Set<String> topList = Sets.newHashSet(); for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(TYPES)) { topList.add(element.getAttribute(Constants.TEXT)); } return topList; } public Set<String> getTopListUri(Set<String> topList, String uriPrefix) { Set<String> expectedTopListUri = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String element : topList) { expectedTopListUri.add(uriPrefix + element); } return expectedTopListUri; } public Set<String> getTopListUri(Set<String> topList, String uriPrefix, String uriSuffix) { Set<String> expectedTopListUri = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String element : topList) { expectedTopListUri.add(uriPrefix + element + uriSuffix); } return expectedTopListUri; } public Set<String> getTopListUri(WebDriver driver) { Set<String> topListUri = Sets.newHashSet(); for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(TYPES)) { topListUri.add(element.getAttribute(Constants.HREF)); } return topListUri; } public Set<String> getLeftPanel(WebDriver driver) { Set<String> leftPanel = Sets.newHashSet(); leftPanel.add(driver.findElement(Constants.NAV_CLUSTERS).getText()); leftPanel.add((driver.findElement(Constants.NAV_PROVIDERS).getText())); leftPanel.add(driver.findElement(Constants.NAV_HARDWARETYPES).getText()); leftPanel.add(driver.findElement(Constants.NAV_IMAGETYPES).getText()); leftPanel.add(driver.findElement(Constants.NAV_SERVICES).getText()); return leftPanel; } public String getHTMLClasses(String cssSelector) { return globalDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(cssSelector)).getAttribute("class"); } public void genericDeleteTest(String expectedUrl) { WebElement deleteForm = globalDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".delete-form")); deleteForm.submit(); Global.driverWait(1); globalDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".action-submit-delete")).click(); Global.driverWait(1); assertEquals(expectedUrl, globalDriver.getCurrentUrl()); } }