Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2014, Continuuity, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.continuuity.loom.runtime; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Loom Provisioner that takes and finishes tasks without actually doing any work for testing purposes. */ public final class DummyProvisioner { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DummyProvisioner.class); private static final Gson GSON = new Gson(); private static final Random random = new Random(); private static int concurrency; private static int failurePercent; private static boolean runOnce; private static long taskMs; private static long sleepMs; private static String host; private static int port; private static int numTasks; private static String tenant; private static ExecutorService pool; public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("h", "host", true, "Loom server to connect to"); options.addOption("p", "port", true, "Loom server port to connect to"); options.addOption("c", "concurrency", true, "default concurrent threads"); options.addOption("f", "failurePercent", true, "% of the time a provisioner should fail its task"); options.addOption("o", "once", false, "whether or not only one task should be taken before exiting"); options.addOption("d", "taskDuration", true, "number of milliseconds it should take to finish a task"); options.addOption("s", "sleepMs", true, "number of milliseconds a thread will sleep before taking another task"); options.addOption("n", "numTasks", true, "number of tasks to try and take from the queue. Default is infinite."); options.addOption("t", "tenant", true, "tenant id to use."); try { CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); host = cmd.hasOption('h') ? cmd.getOptionValue('h') : "localhost"; port = cmd.hasOption('p') ? Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('p')) : 55054; concurrency = cmd.hasOption('c') ? Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('c')) : 5; failurePercent = cmd.hasOption('f') ? Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('f')) : 0; runOnce = cmd.hasOption('o'); taskMs = cmd.hasOption('d') ? Long.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('d')) : 1000; sleepMs = cmd.hasOption('s') ? Long.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('s')) : 1000; numTasks = cmd.hasOption('n') ? Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('n')) : -1; tenant = cmd.hasOption('t') ? cmd.getOptionValue('t') : "loom"; } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("exception parsing input arguments.", e); return; } if (concurrency < 1) { LOG.error("invalid concurrency level {}.", concurrency); return; } if (runOnce) { new Provisioner("dummy-0", tenant, host, port, failurePercent, taskMs, sleepMs, 1).runOnce(); } else { "running with %d threads, connecting to %s:%d using tenant %s, with a failure rate of" + "%d percent, task time of %d ms, and sleep time of %d ms between fetches", concurrency, host, port, tenant, failurePercent, taskMs, sleepMs)); pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(concurrency); try { int tasksPerProvisioner = numTasks >= 0 ? numTasks / concurrency : -1; int extra = numTasks < 0 ? 0 : numTasks % concurrency; pool.execute(new Provisioner("dummy-0", tenant, host, port, failurePercent, taskMs, sleepMs, tasksPerProvisioner + extra)); for (int i = 1; i < concurrency; i++) { pool.execute(new Provisioner("dummy-" + i, tenant, host, port, failurePercent, taskMs, sleepMs, tasksPerProvisioner)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Caught exception, shutting down now.", e); pool.shutdownNow(); } pool.shutdown(); } } /** * {@link Runnable} that takes tasks from the server and posts back success or failure. */ public static class Provisioner implements Runnable { private final String id; private final String tenant; private final String host; private final int port; private final int failureRate; private final int numTasks; private final long taskMs; private final long sleepMs; private int tasksTaken; public Provisioner(String id, String tenant, String host, int port, int failureRate, long taskMs, long sleepMs, int numTasks) { = id; this.tenant = tenant; = host; this.port = port; this.failureRate = failureRate; this.taskMs = taskMs; this.sleepMs = sleepMs; this.numTasks = numTasks; this.tasksTaken = 0; } @Override public void run() { while (numTasks < 0 || tasksTaken < numTasks) { try { runOnce(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("exception taking task.", e); return; } } } public void runOnce() throws InterruptedException, IOException { String taskId = takeTask(); if (taskId != null) {"got task {}", taskId); TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(taskMs); finishTask(taskId); tasksTaken++; } TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(sleepMs); } private String takeTask() throws IOException { DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(String.format("http://%s:%d/v1/loom/tasks/take", host, port)); JsonObject requestBody = new JsonObject(); requestBody.addProperty("workerId", id); requestBody.addProperty("tenantId", tenant); post.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestBody.toString())); HttpResponse response = client.execute(post); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { return null; } Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent(), Charsets.UTF_8); JsonObject task = GSON.fromJson(reader, JsonObject.class); LOG.debug("task details: {}", task.toString()); return task.get("taskId").getAsString(); } private void finishTask(String taskId) throws IOException { DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); JsonObject finishResponse = new JsonObject(); finishResponse.addProperty("workerId", id); finishResponse.addProperty("tenantId", tenant); finishResponse.addProperty("taskId", taskId); int randInt = random.nextInt(100); String status = "0"; if (randInt < failureRate) { status = "1"; JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.addProperty("stdout", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(random.nextInt(2048))); result.addProperty("stderr", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(random.nextInt(2048))); finishResponse.add("result", result); }"finishing task {} with a status of {}.", taskId, status); finishResponse.addProperty("status", status); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(String.format("http://%s:%d/v1/loom/tasks/finish", host, port)); post.setEntity(new StringEntity(GSON.toJson(finishResponse))); client.execute(post); } } }