Java tutorial
/** * VMware Continuent Tungsten Replicator * Copyright (C) 2015 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Initial developer(s): Ludovic Launer * Contributor(s): */ package; import java.text.MessageFormat; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.UnrecognizedOptionException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.continuent.tungsten.common.config.cluster.ConfigurationException; import com.continuent.tungsten.common.jmx.ServerRuntimeException; import; /** * Application to manage passwords and users * * @author <a href="">Ludovic Launer</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class PasswordManagerCtrl { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PasswordManagerCtrl.class); private Options helpOptions = new Options(); private Options options = new Options(); private static PasswordManagerCtrl pwd; private static PasswordManager.ClientApplicationType clientApplicationType = null; public PasswordManager passwordManager = null; // --- Options overriding elements in --- private Boolean useEncryptedPassword = null; private String truststoreLocation = null; private String truststorePassword = null; private String keystoreLocation = null; private String keystorePassword = null; private String passwordFileLocation = null; // -- Define constants for command line arguments --- private static final String HELP = "help"; private static final String _HELP = "h"; private static final String _AUTHENTICATE = "a"; private static final String AUTHENTICATE = "authenticate"; private static final String CREATE = "create"; private static final String _CREATE = "c"; private static final String DELETE = "delete"; private static final String _DELETE = "d"; private static final String FILE = "file"; private static final String _FILE = "f"; private static final String TARGET_APPLICATION = "target"; private static final String _TARGET_APPLICATION = "t"; private static final String _ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD = "e"; private static final String ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD = "encrypted.password"; private static final String _TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION = "ts"; private static final String TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION = "truststore.location"; private static final String _TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = "tsp"; private static final String TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = "truststore.password"; private static final String KEYSTORE_LOCATION = "keystore.location"; private static final String _KEYSTORE_LOCATION = "ks"; private static final String KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "keystore.password"; private static final String _KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "ksp"; private static final String _PASSWORD_FILE_LOCATION = "p"; private static final String PASSWORD_FILE_LOCATION = "password_file.location"; private static Option create; private static Option authenticate; // --- Exit codes --- private enum EXIT_CODE { EXIT_OK(0), EXIT_ERROR(1); private final int value; private EXIT_CODE(int value) { this.value = value; } } /** * Setup command line options */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private void setupCommandLine() { // --- Options on the command line --- Option help = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(HELP).withDescription("Displays this message").create(_HELP); Option file = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(FILE).withArgName("filename").hasArgs() .withDescription("Location of the " + SecurityConf.SECURITY_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME + " file") .create(_FILE); // Mutually excluding options OptionGroup optionGroup = new OptionGroup(); authenticate = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(AUTHENTICATE).hasArgs(2).withArgName("username> <password") .withDescription("Authenticates a user with given password").create(_AUTHENTICATE); create = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(CREATE).hasArgs(2).withArgName("username> <password") .withDescription("Creates or Updates a user").create(_CREATE); Option delete = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(DELETE).withArgName("username").hasArgs() .withDescription("Deletes a user").create(_DELETE); optionGroup.addOption(authenticate); optionGroup.addOption(create); optionGroup.addOption(delete); optionGroup.setRequired(true); // At least 1 command required Option targetApplication = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(TARGET_APPLICATION).withArgName("target").hasArgs() .withDescription("Target application: " + getListOfClientApplicationType()) .create(_TARGET_APPLICATION); // --- Options replacing parameters from --- Option encryptedPassword = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD).withArgName("encrypt password") .withDescription("Encrypts the password").create(_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD); Option truststoreLocation = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION).withArgName("filename").hasArg() .withDescription("Location of the tuststore file").create(_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION); Option truststorePassword = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD).withArgName("password").hasArg() .withDescription("Password for the truststore file").create(_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD); Option keystoreLocation = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(KEYSTORE_LOCATION).withArgName("filename").hasArg() .withDescription("Location of the keystore file").create(_KEYSTORE_LOCATION); Option keystorePassword = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD).withArgName("password").hasArg() .withDescription("Password for the keystore file").create(_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD); Option passwordFileLocation = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(PASSWORD_FILE_LOCATION).withArgName("filename") .hasArg().withDescription("Location of the password file").create(_PASSWORD_FILE_LOCATION); // --- Add options to the list --- // --- Help this.helpOptions.addOption(help); // --- Program command line options this.options.addOptionGroup(optionGroup); this.options.addOption(file); this.options.addOption(help); this.options.addOption(encryptedPassword); this.options.addOption(truststoreLocation); this.options.addOption(truststorePassword); this.options.addOption(keystoreLocation); this.options.addOption(keystorePassword); this.options.addOption(passwordFileLocation); this.options.addOption(targetApplication); } /** * Creates a new <code>PasswordManager</code> object */ public PasswordManagerCtrl() { this.setupCommandLine(); } /** * Password Manager entry point * * @param argv * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception { pwd = new PasswordManagerCtrl(); // --- Options --- ClientApplicationType clientApplicationType = null; String securityPropertiesFileLocation = null; String username = null; String password = null; CommandLine line = null; try { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); // --- Parse the command line arguments --- // --- Help line = parser.parse(pwd.helpOptions, argv, true); if (line.hasOption(_HELP)) { DisplayHelpAndExit(EXIT_CODE.EXIT_OK); } // --- Program command line options line = parser.parse(pwd.options, argv); // --- Handle options --- // --- Optional arguments : Get options --- if (line.hasOption(_HELP)) { DisplayHelpAndExit(EXIT_CODE.EXIT_OK); } if (line.hasOption(_TARGET_APPLICATION)) // Target Application { String target = line.getOptionValue(TARGET_APPLICATION); clientApplicationType = PasswordManagerCtrl.getClientApplicationType(target); } if (line.hasOption(_FILE)) // file location { securityPropertiesFileLocation = line.getOptionValue(_FILE); } if (line.hasOption(_AUTHENTICATE)) { // Make sure username + password are provided String[] authenticateArgs = line.getOptionValues(_AUTHENTICATE); if (authenticateArgs.length < 2) throw new MissingArgumentException(authenticate); username = authenticateArgs[0]; password = authenticateArgs[1]; } if (line.hasOption(_CREATE)) { // Make sure username + password are provided String[] createArgs = line.getOptionValues(_CREATE); if (createArgs.length < 2) throw new MissingArgumentException(create); username = createArgs[0]; password = createArgs[1]; } // --- Options to replace values in file --- if (line.hasOption(_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD)) pwd.useEncryptedPassword = true; if (line.hasOption(_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION)) pwd.truststoreLocation = line.getOptionValue(_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION); if (line.hasOption(_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD)) pwd.truststorePassword = line.getOptionValue(_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD); if (line.hasOption(_KEYSTORE_LOCATION)) pwd.keystoreLocation = line.getOptionValue(_KEYSTORE_LOCATION); if (line.hasOption(_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD)) pwd.keystorePassword = line.getOptionValue(_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD); if (line.hasOption(_PASSWORD_FILE_LOCATION)) pwd.passwordFileLocation = (String) line.getOptionValue(_PASSWORD_FILE_LOCATION); try { pwd.passwordManager = new PasswordManager(securityPropertiesFileLocation, clientApplicationType); AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo = pwd.passwordManager.getAuthenticationInfo(); // --- Substitute with user provided options if (pwd.useEncryptedPassword != null) authenticationInfo.setUseEncryptedPasswords(pwd.useEncryptedPassword); if (pwd.truststoreLocation != null) authenticationInfo.setTruststoreLocation(pwd.truststoreLocation); if (pwd.truststorePassword != null) authenticationInfo.setTruststorePassword(pwd.truststorePassword); if (pwd.keystoreLocation != null) authenticationInfo.setKeystoreLocation(pwd.keystoreLocation); if (pwd.keystorePassword != null) authenticationInfo.setKeystorePassword(pwd.keystorePassword); if (pwd.passwordFileLocation != null) authenticationInfo.setPasswordFileLocation(pwd.passwordFileLocation); // --- Display summary of used parameters ---"Using parameters: ");"-----------------"); if (authenticationInfo.getParentPropertiesFileLocation() != null)" \t = {0}", authenticationInfo.getParentPropertiesFileLocation()));"password_file.location \t = {0}", authenticationInfo.getPasswordFileLocation()));"encrypted.password \t = {0}", authenticationInfo.isUseEncryptedPasswords())); // --- Keystore if (line.hasOption(_AUTHENTICATE)) {"keystore.location \t = {0}", authenticationInfo.getKeystoreLocation()));"keystore.password \t = {0}", authenticationInfo.getKeystorePassword())); } // --- Truststore if (authenticationInfo.isUseEncryptedPasswords()) {"truststore.location \t = {0}", authenticationInfo.getTruststoreLocation()));"truststore.password \t = {0}", authenticationInfo.getTruststorePassword())); }"-----------------"); // --- AuthenticationInfo consistency check // Try to create files if possible pwd.passwordManager.try_createAuthenticationInfoFiles(); authenticationInfo.checkAndCleanAuthenticationInfo(); } catch (ConfigurationException ce) { logger.error(MessageFormat.format( "Could not retrieve configuration information: {0}\nTry to specify a file location, provide options on the command line, or have the cluster.home variable set.", ce.getMessage())); System.exit(EXIT_CODE.EXIT_ERROR.value); } catch (ServerRuntimeException sre) { logger.error(sre.getLocalizedMessage()); // AuthenticationInfo consistency check : failed DisplayHelpAndExit(EXIT_CODE.EXIT_ERROR); } // --- Perform commands --- // ######### Authenticate ########## if (line.hasOption(_AUTHENTICATE)) { try { boolean authOK = pwd.passwordManager.authenticateUser(username, password); String msgAuthOK = (authOK) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED"; MessageFormat.format("Authenticating {0}:{1} = {2}", username, password, msgAuthOK)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(MessageFormat.format("Error while authenticating user: {0}", e.getMessage())); } } // ######### Create ########## if (line.hasOption(_CREATE)) { try { pwd.passwordManager.setPasswordForUser(username, password);"User created successfuly: {0}", username)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(MessageFormat.format("Error while creating user: {0}", e.getMessage())); } } // ########## DELETE ########## else if (line.hasOption(_DELETE)) { username = line.getOptionValue(_DELETE); try { pwd.passwordManager.deleteUser(username);"User deleted successfuly: {0}", username)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(MessageFormat.format("Error while deleting user: {0}", e.getMessage())); } } } catch (ParseException exp) { logger.error(exp.getMessage()); DisplayHelpAndExit(EXIT_CODE.EXIT_ERROR); } } /** * Get the list of ClientApplicationType as a string * * @return String containing all possible lower-cased application types */ private static String getListOfClientApplicationType() { String listApplicationType = ""; for (ClientApplicationType appType : ClientApplicationType.values()) { listApplicationType += ((listApplicationType.isEmpty() ? "" : " | ") + appType.toString().toLowerCase()); } listApplicationType.trim(); return listApplicationType; } /** * Get the application type argument. * Populates the <code>clientApplicationType</code> property * * @param commandLineTargetApplicationType the argument provided on the * command line * @return a ClientApplicationType * @throws UnrecognizedOptionException if the cast could not be made */ private static ClientApplicationType getClientApplicationType(String commandLineTargetApplicationType) throws UnrecognizedOptionException { try { clientApplicationType = ClientApplicationType.fromString(commandLineTargetApplicationType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new UnrecognizedOptionException(MessageFormat .format("The target application type does not exist: {0}", commandLineTargetApplicationType)); } return clientApplicationType; } /** * Display the program help and exits */ private static void DisplayHelpAndExit(EXIT_CODE exitCode) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(120); formatter.printHelp("tpasswd", pwd.options); Exit(exitCode); } private static void Exit(EXIT_CODE exitCode) { System.exit(exitCode.value); } }