Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.consol.citrus.selenium.client; import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.CitrusRuntimeException; import com.consol.citrus.model.config.selenium.BrowserTypeEnum; import com.consol.citrus.model.testcase.selenium.ByEnum; import com.consol.citrus.model.testcase.selenium.ValidationRuleEnum; import com.consol.citrus.selenium.model.WebPage; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.openqa.selenium.Alert; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchWindowException; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile; import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver; import; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * * @author Tamer Erdogan */ public class WebClient implements WebDriverContainer { private BrowserTypeEnum browserType; private WebClientConfiguration clientConfiguration; private final List<WebDriverEventListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private Path temporaryStorage; private WebDriver webDriver; private String lastWindow; /** * Default constructor using client configuration. * * @param clientConfiguration */ public WebClient(WebClientConfiguration clientConfiguration) { this.clientConfiguration = clientConfiguration; if (clientConfiguration.getBrowserType() == null) { throw new CitrusRuntimeException( "Browser type is not defined. Please configure the browser which you want to use."); } else { browserType = clientConfiguration.getBrowserType(); } temporaryStorage = createTemporaryStorage(); } /** * Default constructor initializing client configuration. */ public WebClient() { this(new WebClientConfiguration()); } public String acceptAlertBox() { String message = null; try { Alert alert = webDriver.switchTo().alert(); message = alert.getText(); alert.accept(); System.out.println("message" + message); } catch (Exception e) { message = null; } return message; } @Override public void addListener(WebDriverEventListener listener) { this.listeners.add(listener); EventFiringWebDriver wrapper = new EventFiringWebDriver(webDriver);"Add listener to webdriver: " + listener); wrapper.register(listener); } public String cancelAlertBox() { String message = null; try { Alert alert = webDriver.switchTo().alert(); message = alert.getText(); alert.dismiss(); } catch (Exception e) { message = null; } return message; } /** * Enable or disable a check button. * * @param by * @param str "true" or "false". */ public void checkItem(By by, String str) { boolean value = Boolean.parseBoolean(str); WebElement element = findElement(by); if (element.isSelected() && !value) {; } else if (value && !element.isSelected()) {; } } @Override public void clearBrowserCache() { webDriver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); } /** * Click on a single element identified by By. * * @param by The by value. */ public void click(By by) { findElement(by).click(); } /** * Click on a single element identified by its id. * * @param id The ID. */ public void clickById(String id) { findElement(; } /** * Click on a single element indicated by given CSS selector. * * @param selector The selector. */ public void clickBySelector(String selector) { findElement(By.cssSelector(selector)).click(); } @Override public void closeWebDriver() { try {"Trying to close the browser " + webDriver + " ..."); webDriver.quit(); } catch (UnreachableBrowserException e) { // It happens for Firefox. It's ok: browser is already closed."Browser is unreachable", e); } catch (WebDriverException cannotCloseBrowser) { logger.error("Cannot close browser normally: " + cannotCloseBrowser); } } public boolean closeWindow(String windowHandleToClose) { Set<String> windowHandles = webDriver.getWindowHandles(); String windowHandleToRemain = null;"Current window: " + webDriver.getWindowHandle());"Window to close: " + windowHandleToClose); for (String wh : windowHandles) { if (!wh.equals(windowHandleToClose)) { windowHandleToRemain = wh; } }"Window to remain: " + windowHandleToRemain); if (webDriver.getWindowHandle().equals((windowHandleToClose))) { webDriver.close();"switched back to main window!"); webDriver.switchTo().window(windowHandleToRemain); return true; } else { logger.error("The popup is not closed!!!"); } return false; } /** * Create a Page Object instance. * * @param <T> * @param pageObject * @return * @see PageFactory#initElements(WebDriver, Class) */ public <T extends WebPage> WebPage createPage(T pageObject) { PageFactory.initElements(webDriver, pageObject); return pageObject; } /** * Constructor. * * @param <T> * @param pageClass * @return */ public <T extends WebPage> WebPage createPage(Class<T> pageClass) { T webPage = PageFactory.initElements(webDriver, pageClass); return webPage; } /** * Delete all cookies. */ public void deleteAllCookies() { webDriver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T executeJavaScript(String jsCode, Object... arguments) { return (T) ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript(jsCode, arguments); } /** * Get a specific element from the loaded webpage. * * @param by Element identifier method. * @return WebElement. */ public WebElement findElement(By by) { WebElement element = null; try { element = webDriver.findElement(by); } catch (Exception ex) { } return element; } /** * Get all elements matched by By. * * @param by By. * @return List of WebElements. */ public List<WebElement> findElements(By by) { return webDriver.findElements(by); } /** * Get the alert dialogs on the page. * * @return List of WebElements. */ public Alert getAlert() { return webDriver.switchTo().alert(); } /** * @return The name of the browser which is in use. */ public BrowserTypeEnum getBrowserType() { return browserType; } public static By getByFromEnum(ByEnum byEnum, String select) { By by = null; switch (byEnum) { case ID: by =; break; case CLASS_NAME: by = By.className(select); break; case LINK_TEXT: by = By.linkText(select); break; case CSS_SELECTOR: by = By.cssSelector(select); break; case NAME: by =; break; case TAG_NAME: by = By.tagName(select); break; case XPATH: by = By.xpath(select); break; } return by; } @Override public String getCurrentFrameUrl() { return ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript("return window.location.href").toString(); } @Override public String getCurrentUrl() { return webDriver.getCurrentUrl(); } /** * Get hostname. * * @return Current hostname. */ public String getHostname() { URL currentURL = null; try { currentURL = new URL(webDriver.getCurrentUrl()); return currentURL.getHost(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.debug("Not a valid URL url to resolve hostname from: " + webDriver.getCurrentUrl(), e); } return null; } /** * Get JavaScript errors that happened on this page. * * Format can differ from browser to browser: - Uncaught ReferenceError: $ * is not defined at http://localhost:35070/page_with_js_errors.html:8 - * ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $ at * http://localhost:8815/page_with_js_errors.html:8 * * Function returns nothing if the page has its own "window.onerror" * handler. * * @return list of error messages. Returns empty list if webdriver is not * started properly. */ public List<String> getJavascriptErrors() { try { List<Object> errors = executeJavaScript("return window._selenide_jsErrors"); if (errors == null || errors.isEmpty()) { return emptyList(); } List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(errors.size()); for (Object error : errors) { result.add(error.toString()); } return result; } catch (WebDriverException cannotExecuteJs) { logger.error(cannotExecuteJs.toString()); return emptyList(); } } public String getModelNamespace() { return clientConfiguration.getModelNamespace(); } @Override public String getPageSource() { return webDriver.getPageSource(); } /** * Get the page title. * * @return The page title. */ public String getPageTitle() { return webDriver.getTitle(); } /** * Get path. * * @return Current path. */ public String getPath() { URL currentURL = null; try { currentURL = new URL(webDriver.getCurrentUrl()); return currentURL.getPath(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.debug("Not a valid URL url to resolve hostname from: " + webDriver.getCurrentUrl(), e); } return null; } public String getStartUrl() { return clientConfiguration.getStartUrl(); } /** * Retrieve resource object * * @param filename Resource to retrieve. * @return String with the path to the resource. */ public String getStoredFile(String filename) { try { Path dir = temporaryStorage.getFileName(); File newFile = new File(dir.toFile(), filename); return newFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not retrieve file: " + filename, e); } return null; } /** * @return The WebDriver instance. */ @Override public WebDriver getWebDriver() { return webDriver; } @Override public boolean hasWebDriverStarted() { return webDriver != null; } public void navigateBack() { webDriver.navigate().back(); } public void navigateForward() { webDriver.navigate().forward(); } public void navigateTo(String pageUrl) {; try { if (browserType.equals(BrowserTypeEnum.INTERNET_EXPLORER)) { pageUrl = makeUniqueUrlToAvoidIECaching(pageUrl, new Date().getTime()); } URL url = new URL(pageUrl); webDriver.navigate().to(url); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { String baseUrl = webDriver.getCurrentUrl(); try { URL currentURL = new URL(baseUrl); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { if (StringUtils.hasText(clientConfiguration.getStartUrl())) { baseUrl = clientConfiguration.getStartUrl(); } else { logger.debug("Not a valid URL url to resolve hostname from: " + webDriver.getCurrentUrl(), ex); throw new CitrusRuntimeException(ex); } } String lastChar = baseUrl.substring(baseUrl.length() - 1); if (!lastChar.equals("/")) { baseUrl = baseUrl + "/"; } webDriver.navigate().to(baseUrl + pageUrl); } } /** * Wait until an item is loaded. * * @param sec Timeout * @return true when the element is invisible. */ public String openNewWindow() { Set<String> windowHandles = webDriver.getWindowHandles(); String popupWindowHandle = null; String mainWindowHandle = webDriver.getWindowHandle();"Main window handle: " + mainWindowHandle); //"Window handles found: "); for (String wh : windowHandles) { //; if (!wh.contentEquals(mainWindowHandle)) { popupWindowHandle = wh;"Popup window handle: " + popupWindowHandle); } } if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(popupWindowHandle)) { webDriver.switchTo().window(popupWindowHandle);"switched to popup window!"); } return popupWindowHandle; } public void gotoPopup() { Set<String> handles = webDriver.getWindowHandles(); lastWindow = webDriver.getWindowHandle(); Iterator<String> iterator = handles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String subWindowHandler =; if (subWindowHandler != null) { webDriver.switchTo().window(subWindowHandler);"Switch window focus to popup"); } } } public void returnFromPopup() { if (lastWindow != null) { webDriver.switchTo().window(lastWindow); lastWindow = null; } else { webDriver.switchTo().defaultContent(); } } public void refresh() { webDriver.navigate().refresh(); } /** * Select an item from a pulldown list. * * @param by * @param item The value of the item. */ public void selectItem(By by, String item) { Select dropdown = new Select(findElement(by)); dropdown.selectByValue(item); } /** * Select multiple items from a pull-down list. * * @param by * @param from Start at index. * @param to End at index. */ public void selectMultipleItems(By by, int from, int to) { Select dropdown = new Select(findElement(by)); if (BrowserTypeEnum.INTERNET_EXPLORER.equals(browserType)) { for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { dropdown.selectByIndex(i); } } else { //Rest: List<WebElement> options = dropdown.getOptions(); Actions builder = new Actions(webDriver); builder.keyDown(Keys.CONTROL); for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { WebElement item = options.get(i); if (!item.isSelected()) { builder.moveToElement(item).click(item); } } builder.keyUp(Keys.CONTROL); Action multiple =; multiple.perform(); } } /** * Set a value on a single input element by its id after clearing it. * * @param by * @param value Value to set. */ public void setInput(By by, String value) { WebElement element = findElement(by); String tagName = element.getTagName(); if (null == tagName || !"select".equals(tagName.toLowerCase())) { element.clear(); element.sendKeys(value); } else { new Select(element).selectByValue(value); } } /** * Set a value on a single input element by its id after clearing it. * * @param id Input element identifier. * @param value Value to set. */ public void setInput(String id, String value) { findElement(; findElement(; } /** * Set a value on a single input element by its name. * * @param name name to set. * @param value Value to set. */ public void setInputByName(String name, String value) { findElement(; findElement(; } /** * Attach a local file to an input (for file uploading). * * @param id Input element ID. * @param absolutePath absolute path to local filename. */ public void setInputFile(String id, String absolutePath) { WebElement upload = webDriver.findElement(; upload.sendKeys(absolutePath); } public void start() { if (webDriver != null) { logger.warn("There are some open web browsers. They will be stopped."); stop(); }"We are opening a web browser of type {}", clientConfiguration.getBrowserType()); if (StringUtils.hasText(clientConfiguration.getSeleniumServer())) { try { webDriver = createRemoteWebDriver(clientConfiguration.getBrowserType(), clientConfiguration.getSeleniumServer()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); throw new CitrusRuntimeException(ex); } } else { webDriver = createLocalWebDriver(clientConfiguration.getBrowserType()); } } public void stop() { if (webDriver == null) { logger.warn("There is no web browsers. Nothing will be stopped."); } else {"Stopping the WebClient with url <{}>", getCurrentUrl()); closeWebDriver(); webDriver = null; } } /** * Deploy resource object from resource folder and return path of deployed * file * * @param fileLocation Resource to deploy to temporary storage * @return String containing the filename to which the file is uploaded to. */ public String storeFile(String fileLocation) { try { File resourceFile = new File(fileLocation); Path dir = temporaryStorage.getFileName(); File newFile = new File(dir.toFile(), resourceFile.getName());"Copy " + resourceFile + " to " + newFile); FileUtils.copyFile(resourceFile, newFile); return newFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not store file: " + fileLocation, e); } return null; } /** * Take a screenshot. * * @return File containing the screenshot. */ public File takeScreenshot() { if (webDriver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) { return ((RemoteWebDriver) webDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); } return null; } public void validate(By by, String expected, ValidationRuleEnum validationRule) { String actual = null; WebElement foundElement = null; if (by != null) { foundElement = findElement(by); if (foundElement != null) { actual = foundElement.getText(); } } validate(actual, expected, validationRule); } public void validate(String actual, String expected, ValidationRuleEnum validationRule) { String validationError = ""; if (validationRule == null) { if (expected == null || expected.isEmpty()) { validationRule = ValidationRuleEnum.EMPTY; } else { validationRule = ValidationRuleEnum.EQUALS; } } switch (validationRule) { case EMPTY: if (expected != null && !expected.isEmpty()) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For EMPTY validation not empty expected string is given: " + expected; } else if (actual != null && !actual.isEmpty()) { // handle null elements as empty element validationError = "Validaton Error: For EMPTY validation not empty element is found: " + actual; } break; case NOT_EMPTY: if (expected != null && !expected.isEmpty()) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For NOT_EMPTY validation not empty expected string is given: " + expected; } else if (actual == null || actual.isEmpty()) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For NOT_EMPTY validation empty element is found."; } break; case CONTAINS: if (actual == null) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For CONTAINS validation empty element is found."; } else if (expected == null) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For CONTAINS validation empty expected string is given"; } else if (!actual.contains(expected)) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For CONTAINS validation actual <" + actual + "> does not contain <" + expected + ">."; } break; case NULL: if (expected != null && !expected.isEmpty()) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For NULL validation not empty expected string is given: " + expected; } else if (actual != null) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For NULL validation not null element is found: " + actual; } break; case NOT_NULL: if (actual == null) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For NOT_NULL validation empty element is found."; } break; case EQUALS: default: if (expected == null) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For EQUALS validation empty expected string is given"; } else if (!expected.equals(actual)) { validationError = "Validaton Error: For EQUALS validation expected <" + expected + "> and actual <" + actual + "> do not match."; } } if (validationError != null && !validationError.isEmpty()) { throw new CitrusRuntimeException(validationError); } } @Override public void verifyPage(WebPage page) { if (!webDriver.getCurrentUrl().contains(page.getPageUrl())) { String errorMessage = "Expected page is <" + page.getPageUrl() + ">" + " but found <" + webDriver.getCurrentUrl() + ">."; throw new NoSuchWindowException(errorMessage); } } /** * Implicit wait. * * @param seconds to wait. */ public void wait(int seconds) { try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(seconds); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.debug("Wait interrupted", e); } } /** * Wait until an item is loaded. * * @param by Element to wait for to be hidden. * @param sec Timeout * @return true when the element is invisible. */ public boolean waitUntilHidden(By by, long sec) { WebDriverWait q = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, sec); q.until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(by)); return !findElement(by).isDisplayed(); } private FirefoxProfile createFireFoxProfile() { FirefoxProfile fp = new FirefoxProfile(); fp.setAcceptUntrustedCertificates(true); fp.setAssumeUntrustedCertificateIssuer(false); /* set custom download folder */ fp.setPreference("", temporaryStorage.toFile().getAbsolutePath()); /* default download folder, set to 2 to use custom download folder */ fp.setPreference("", 2); /* comma separated list if MIME types to save without asking */ fp.setPreference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "text/plain"); /* do not show download manager */ fp.setPreference("", false); fp.setEnableNativeEvents(true); return fp; } private WebDriver createLocalWebDriver(BrowserTypeEnum browserType) { switch (browserType) { case FIREFOX: DesiredCapabilities defaults = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); defaults.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, createFireFoxProfile()); return new FirefoxDriver(defaults); case INTERNET_EXPLORER: return new InternetExplorerDriver(); case CHROME: return new ChromeDriver(); default: HtmlUnitDriver hud = new HtmlUnitDriver(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_38); hud.setJavascriptEnabled(true); return hud; } } private RemoteWebDriver createRemoteWebDriver(BrowserTypeEnum browserType, String serverAddress) throws MalformedURLException { switch (browserType) { case FIREFOX: DesiredCapabilities defaultsFF = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); defaultsFF.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, createFireFoxProfile()); return new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(serverAddress), defaultsFF); case INTERNET_EXPLORER: DesiredCapabilities defaultsIE = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); defaultsIE.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true); return new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(serverAddress), defaultsIE); default: DesiredCapabilities defaults =; defaults.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true); return new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(serverAddress), defaults); } } private Path createTemporaryStorage() { Path tempDir = null; try { tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory("selenium"); tempDir.toFile().deleteOnExit();"Download storage location is: " + tempDir.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not create temporary storage", e); } return tempDir; } private String makeUniqueUrlToAvoidIECaching(String url, long unique) { if (url.contains("timestamp=")) { return url.replaceFirst("(.*)(timestamp=)(.*)([&#].*)", "$1$2" + unique + "$4") .replaceFirst("(.*)(timestamp=)(.*)$", "$1$2" + unique); } else { return url.contains("?") ? url + "×tamp=" + unique : url + "?timestamp=" + unique; } } }