Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of ConfigHub. * * ConfigHub is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ConfigHub is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ConfigHub.If not, see <>. */ package com.confighub.api.repository.client.v1; import com.confighub.api.repository.client.AClientAccessValidation; import com.confighub.core.error.ConfigException; import com.confighub.core.error.Error; import com.confighub.core.repository.AbsoluteFilePath; import com.confighub.core.repository.CtxLevel; import com.confighub.core.repository.Property; import com.confighub.core.repository.PropertyKey; import com.confighub.core.repository.RepoFile; import; import; import; import; import com.confighub.core.utils.ContextParser; import com.confighub.core.utils.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; @Path("/push") @Produces("application/json") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public class APIPush extends AClientAccessValidation { @POST @Path("/{account}/{repository}") public Response pushStructuredData(@PathParam("account") String account, @PathParam("repository") String repositoryName, @HeaderParam("Client-Version") String version, @HeaderParam("Application-Name") String appName, @HeaderParam("Security-Profile-Auth") String securityProfiles, @HeaderParam("X-Forwarded-For") String remoteIp, String postJson) { Store store = new Store(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls().create(); try { ADiffTracker.track(); getRepositoryFromUrl(account, repositoryName, store, false); validatePush(null, version, appName, remoteIp, store); pushData(postJson, appName, gson, store, false, null); } catch (ConfigException e) { store.rollback(); return Response .notModified(e.getErrorCode().getMessage() + (null == e.getJson() ? "" : "; " + e.getJson())) .build(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); store.rollback(); return Response.notModified(Error.Code.INVALID_JSON_FORMAT.getMessage()).build(); } finally { store.close(); } return Response.ok().build(); } @POST public Response pushStructuredData(@HeaderParam("Client-Token") String clientToken, @HeaderParam("Client-Version") String version, @HeaderParam("Application-Name") String appName, @HeaderParam("Security-Profile-Auth") String securityProfiles, @HeaderParam("X-Forwarded-For") String remoteIp, String postJson) { Store store = new Store(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls().create(); try { ADiffTracker.track(); getRepositoryFromToken(clientToken, store); Token token = repository.getToken(clientToken); if (null == token) { return Response.notModified(Error.Code.INVALID_CLIENT_TOKEN.getMessage()).build(); } validatePush(clientToken, version, appName, remoteIp, store); pushData(postJson, appName, gson, store, token.isForceKeyPushEnabled(), token); } catch (ConfigException e) { store.rollback(); return Response .notModified(e.getErrorCode().getMessage() + (null == e.getJson() ? "" : "; " + e.getJson())) .build(); } catch (Exception e) { store.rollback(); return Response.notModified(Error.Code.INVALID_JSON_FORMAT.getMessage()).build(); } finally { store.close(); } return Response.ok().build(); } private void pushData(final String postJson, final String appName, final Gson gson, final Store store, final boolean forcePushEnabled, final Token token) throws ConfigException { JsonObject jsonObject = gson.fromJson(postJson, JsonObject.class); String changeComment = jsonObject.has("changeComment") ? jsonObject.get("changeComment").getAsString() : null; boolean enableKeyCreation = jsonObject.has("enableKeyCreation") ? jsonObject.get("enableKeyCreation").getAsBoolean() : false || forcePushEnabled; JsonArray arr = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("data"); store.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { JsonObject entry = gson.fromJson(arr.get(i), JsonObject.class); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse file entry ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (entry.has("file")) { try { String absPath = entry.get("file").getAsString(); String content = entry.has("content") ? entry.get("content").getAsString() : ""; boolean active = entry.has("active") ? entry.get("active").getAsBoolean() : true; String spName = entry.has("securityGroup") ? entry.get("securityGroup").getAsString() : null; String spPassword = entry.has("password") ? entry.get("password").getAsString() : null; int li = absPath.lastIndexOf("/"); String path = li > 0 ? absPath.substring(0, li) : ""; String fileName = li > 0 ? absPath.substring(li + 1, absPath.length()) : absPath; String contextString = entry.get("context").getAsString(); Set<CtxLevel> context = ContextParser.parseAndCreateViaApi(contextString, repository, store, appName, changeComment); RepoFile file = store.getRepoFile(repository, absPath, context, null); boolean isDelete = entry.has("opp") ? "delete".equalsIgnoreCase(entry.get("opp").getAsString()) : false; if (null == file) { if (isDelete) { continue; } store.createRepoFile(appName, repository, token, path, fileName, content, context, active, spName, spPassword, changeComment); } else { if (isDelete) { store.deleteRepoFile(appName, repository, token, file.getId(), changeComment); } else { store.updateRepoFile(appName, repository, token, file.getId(), path, fileName, content, context, active, spName, spPassword, spPassword, changeComment); } } } catch (ConfigException e) { throw new ConfigException(e.getErrorCode(), entry); } } } for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { JsonObject entry = gson.fromJson(arr.get(i), JsonObject.class); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse key entry ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (entry.has("key")) { String key = entry.get("key").getAsString(); PropertyKey.ValueDataType valueDataType = PropertyKey.ValueDataType.Text; try { valueDataType = entry.has("vdt") ? PropertyKey.ValueDataType.valueOf(entry.get("vdt").getAsString()) : PropertyKey.ValueDataType.Text; } catch (Exception ignore) { } boolean isDeleteKey = entry.has("opp") ? "delete".equalsIgnoreCase(entry.get("opp").getAsString()) : false; PropertyKey propertyKey = store.getKey(repository, key); if (null == propertyKey) { if (isDeleteKey) { continue; } if (!enableKeyCreation) { throw new ConfigException(Error.Code.KEY_CREATION_VIA_API_DISABLED, entry); } propertyKey = new PropertyKey(repository, key, valueDataType); } else if (!propertyKey.isPushValueEnabled() && !forcePushEnabled) { JsonObject ej = new JsonObject(); ej.addProperty("key", key); ej.addProperty("push", false); throw new ConfigException(Error.Code.PUSH_DISABLED, ej); } else if (repository.isValueTypeEnabled()) { propertyKey.setValueDataType(valueDataType); } if (entry.has("securityGroup") && entry.has("password")) { String spName = entry.get("securityGroup").getAsString(); String password = entry.get("password").getAsString(); passwords.put(spName, password); if (!Utils.anyBlank(spName, password)) { SecurityProfile sp = store.getSecurityProfile(repository, null, spName); if (null == sp) { JsonObject ej = new JsonObject(); ej.addProperty("securityGroup", spName); throw new ConfigException(Error.Code.MISSING_SECURITY_PROFILE, ej); } propertyKey.setSecurityProfile(sp, password); } } if (isDeleteKey) { String pass = propertyKey.isSecure() ? passwords.get(propertyKey.getSecurityProfile().getName()) : null; store.deleteKeyAndProperties(appName, repository, token, key, pass, changeComment); continue; } if (entry.has("readme") && !entry.get("readme").isJsonNull()) { propertyKey.setReadme(entry.get("readme").getAsString()); } if (entry.has("deprecated")) { propertyKey.setDeprecated(entry.get("deprecated").getAsBoolean()); } if (entry.has("push")) { propertyKey.setPushValueEnabled(entry.get("push").getAsBoolean()); } if (entry.has("values")) { JsonArray values = gson.fromJson(entry.get("values"), JsonArray.class); for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++) { JsonObject valueJson = gson.fromJson(values.get(j), JsonObject.class); if (!valueJson.has("context")) { JsonObject ej = new JsonObject(); ej.addProperty("key", key); ej.addProperty("push", false); throw new ConfigException(Error.Code.CONTEXT_NOT_SPECIFIED, ej); } try { String context = valueJson.get("context").getAsString(); Set<CtxLevel> ctxLevels = ContextParser.parseAndCreateViaApi(context, repository, store, appName, changeComment); Property property = propertyKey.getPropertyForContext(ctxLevels); boolean isDelete = valueJson.has("opp") ? "delete".equalsIgnoreCase(valueJson.get("opp").getAsString()) : false; if (null == property) { if (isDelete) { continue; } property = new Property(repository); property.setPropertyKey(propertyKey); property.setActive(true); } else if (isDelete) { String pass = propertyKey.isSecure() ? passwords.get(propertyKey.getSecurityProfile().getName()) : null; store.deleteProperty(appName, repository, token, property.getId(), pass, changeComment); continue; } if (valueJson.has("value")) { String pass = propertyKey.isSecure() ? passwords.get(propertyKey.getSecurityProfile().getName()) : null; String value = ""; switch (propertyKey.getValueDataType()) { case FileEmbed: case FileRef: if (valueJson.get("value").isJsonNull()) { throw new ConfigException(Error.Code.FILE_NOT_FOUND, entry); } value = valueJson.get("value").getAsString(); AbsoluteFilePath absoluteFilePath = store.getAbsFilePath(repository, value, null); if (null == absoluteFilePath) { throw new ConfigException(Error.Code.FILE_NOT_FOUND, entry); } property.setAbsoluteFilePath(absoluteFilePath); break; case List: case Map: if (valueJson.get("value").isJsonNull()) { property.setValue(null, pass); } else { property.setValue(valueJson.get("value").getAsString(), pass); } break; default: if (valueJson.get("value").isJsonNull()) { property.setValue(null, pass); } else { property.setValue(valueJson.get("value").getAsString(), pass); } break; } } if (valueJson.has("active")) { property.setActive(valueJson.get("active").getAsBoolean()); } property.setContext(ctxLevels); store.saveProperty(appName, repository, token, property, changeComment); } catch (ConfigException e) { throw new ConfigException(e.getErrorCode(), entry); } } } if (propertyKey.dirty) { store.savePropertyKey(appName, repository, token, propertyKey, changeComment); } } } store.commit(); } }