Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) the original authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.complexible.stardog.ext.spring; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.impl.LiteralImpl; import org.openrdf.model.impl.StatementImpl; import com.complexible.common.openrdf.model.Models2; import com.complexible.common.rdf.model.Values; import org.openrdf.model.IRI; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import com.complexible.common.openrdf.model.Models2; import com.complexible.stardog.Contexts; import com.complexible.stardog.StardogException; import com.complexible.stardog.api.Adder; import com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection; import com.complexible.stardog.api.Remover; import com.complexible.stardog.ext.spring.mapper.SimpleRowMapper; import com.complexible.stardog.ext.spring.mapper.SingleMapper; /** * Test cases for the StardogConnectionFactoryBean * * Uses test-applicationContext in src/test/resources * * @author Clark and Parsia, LLC * @author Al Baker * */ @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/test-applicationContext.xml" }) public class TestDataSourceFactory { @Autowired DataSource dataSource; @Autowired private ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Autowired private SnarlTemplate snarlTemplate; private final ByteArrayOutputStream outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private final ByteArrayOutputStream errContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); @After public void cleanUpStreams() { System.setOut(null); System.setErr(null); } /** * TODO: perhaps not load 10k triples for each JUnit test * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(errContent)); assertNotNull(dataSource); SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); DataImporter importer = new DataImporter(); importer.setSnarlTemplate(tmp); importer.inputFile(RDFFormat.N3, applicationContext.getResource("classpath:sp2b_10k.n3")); } /** * Test method for {@link com.complexible.stardog.ext.spring.DataSourceFactoryBean#getObject()}. * * Validate retrieving the application context directly and the injected dataSource test * fixture are both equivalent - i.e. singletons * */ @Test public void testGetObjectSingleton() { assertNotNull(dataSource); DataSource newSource = (DataSource) applicationContext.getBean("dataSource"); assertEquals(dataSource, newSource); } /** * Test method for validating connection configured correctly */ @Test public void testBasicSnarl() { Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(); assertNotNull(con); } @Test public void testSnarlTemplate() { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a <> ?b } LIMIT 5"; List<Map<String, String>> results = tmp.query(sparql, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); map.put("b", bindingSet.getValue("b").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertNotNull(results); assertEquals(results.size(), 5); } @Test public void testSimpleRowMapper() { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a <> ?b } LIMIT 5"; List<Map<String, String>> results = tmp.query(sparql, new SimpleRowMapper()); assertNotNull(results); assertEquals(results.size(), 5); } @Test public void testSingleMapper() { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String sparql = "SELECT ?b WHERE { ?a <> ?b } LIMIT 1"; String result = tmp.queryForObject(sparql, new SingleMapper("b")); assertNotNull(result); } @Test public void testNullSingleMapper() { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String sparql = "SELECT ?b WHERE { ?a <> ?b } LIMIT 1"; // unlike previous test, a is not bound, therefore should find null in Sesame API String result = tmp.queryForObject(sparql, new SingleMapper("a")); assertNull(result); } @Test public void testRemoveGraph() { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); // Test remove of named graph tmp.add(Models2.newModel(Values.statement(Values.iri("urn:test:a"), Values.iri("urn:test:b"), Values.literal("hello world"))), ""); String sparql = "SELECT ?a WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?a ?b ?c } }"; List<Map<String, String>> results = tmp.query(sparql, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 1); tmp.remove(""); sparql = "SELECT ?a WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?a ?b ?c } }"; results = tmp.query(sparql, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 0); // Test remove of default graph sparql = "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a ?b ?c } LIMIT 5"; results = tmp.query(sparql, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 5); tmp.remove(Contexts.DEFAULT.toString()); sparql = "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a ?b ?c } LIMIT 5"; results = tmp.query(sparql, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 0); } @Test public void testQueryForObject() throws URISyntaxException { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String uriA = "urn:test:a"; String uriB = "urn:test:b"; String litA = "hello world"; tmp.add(uriA, uriB, litA); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a <urn:test:b> ?b }"; Map<String, String> result = tmp.queryForObject(sparql, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); map.put("b", bindingSet.getValue("b").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(result.size(), 2); assertTrue(result.get("a").equals(uriA)); assertTrue(result.get("b").equals(litA)); } @Test public void testQueryWithParams() throws URISyntaxException { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a ?c ?b } LIMIT 5"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("c", Values.iri("")); } }; List<Map<String, String>> results = tmp.query(sparql, params, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); map.put("b", bindingSet.getValue("b").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertNotNull(results); assertEquals(results.size(), 5); } @Test public void testLegacyQueryWithParams() throws URISyntaxException { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a ?c ?b } LIMIT 5"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("c", Values.iri("")); } }; List<Map<String, String>> results = tmp.query(sparql, params, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); map.put("b", bindingSet.getValue("b").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertNotNull(results); assertEquals(results.size(), 5); } @Test public void testQueryForObjectWithParams() throws URISyntaxException { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); String uriA = "urn:test:a"; String uriB = "urn:test:b"; String litA = "hello world"; tmp.add(uriA, uriB, litA); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a ?c ?b }"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("c", Values.iri("urn:test:b")); } }; Map<String, String> result = tmp.queryForObject(sparql, params, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); map.put("b", bindingSet.getValue("b").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(result.size(), 2); assertTrue(result.get("a").equals(uriA)); assertTrue(result.get("b").equals(litA)); } @Test public void testUpdateWithParams() { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); final String uriA1 = "urn:testUpdate:a1"; final String uriB = "urn:testUpdate:b"; final String litC1 = "aloha world"; tmp.add(uriA1, uriB, litC1); final String uriA2 = "urn:testUpdate:a2"; final String litC2 = "aloha world"; tmp.add(uriA2, uriB, litC2); String sparql = "DELETE { ?a ?b \"aloha world\" } INSERT { ?a ?b \"shalom world\" } WHERE { ?a ?b \"aloha world\" }"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("b", Values.iri(uriB)); } }; tmp.update(sparql, params); sparql = "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a ?b \"shalom world\" }"; List<Map<String, String>> results = tmp.query(sparql, params, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertNotNull(results); assertEquals(results.size(), 2); List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map<String, String> m : results) { resultList.add(m.get("a")); } assertTrue(resultList.contains(uriA1)); assertTrue(resultList.contains(uriA2)); } @Test public void testAsk() { SnarlTemplate tmp = new SnarlTemplate(); tmp.setDataSource(dataSource); final String uriA1 = "urn:testAsk:a1"; final String uriB = "urn:testAsk:b"; final String litC1 = "hello world"; tmp.add(uriA1, uriB, litC1); final String uriA2 = "urn:testAsk:a2"; final String litC2 = "aloha world"; tmp.add(uriA2, uriB, litC2); String sparql = "ASK { ?a ?b \"aloha world\" }"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("b", Values.iri(uriB)); } }; boolean result = tmp.ask(sparql, params); assert (result); sparql = "ASK { ?a <urn:testAsk:b> ?c }"; result = tmp.ask(sparql); assert (result); sparql = "ASK { ?a <urn:testAsk:c> ?c }"; result = tmp.ask(sparql); assert (!result); } @Test public void testAdd() throws URISyntaxException { String uriA = "urn:test:a"; String uriB = "urn:test:b"; String uriC = "urn:test:c"; String litA = "hello world"; URI a = new URI(uriA); URI b = new URI(uriB); URI c = new URI(uriC); snarlTemplate.add(uriA, uriB, litA); snarlTemplate.add(uriA, uriB, litA); snarlTemplate.add(a, b, c); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a <urn:test:b> ?b } LIMIT 5"; List<Map<String, String>> results = snarlTemplate.query(sparql, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(BindingSet bindingSet) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", bindingSet.getValue("a").stringValue()); map.put("b", bindingSet.getValue("b").stringValue()); return map; } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 2); } @Test public void testDoWithGetter() { String uriA = "urn:test:x"; String uriB = "urn:test:y"; String uriC = "urn:test:z"; String litA = "hello world"; snarlTemplate.add(uriA, uriB, litA); snarlTemplate.add(uriC, uriB, litA); List<String> results = snarlTemplate.doWithGetter(uriA, null, new GetterCallback<String>() { @Override public String processStatement(Statement statement) { return statement.getObject().stringValue(); } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 1); List<String> results2 = snarlTemplate.doWithGetter(null, uriB, new GetterCallback<String>() { @Override public String processStatement(Statement statement) { return statement.getObject().stringValue(); } }); assertEquals(results2.size(), 2); } @Test public void testRemoveStatement() { String uriA = "urn:test:g"; String uriB = "urn:test:h"; String uriC = "urn:test:i"; String litA = "hello world"; snarlTemplate.add(uriA, uriB, litA); snarlTemplate.add(uriC, uriB, litA); snarlTemplate.remove(uriA, uriB, litA, null); List<String> results2 = snarlTemplate.doWithGetter(null, uriB, new GetterCallback<String>() { @Override public String processStatement(Statement statement) { return statement.getObject().stringValue(); } }); assertEquals(results2.size(), 1); snarlTemplate.remove(null, uriB, null, null); List<String> results = snarlTemplate.doWithGetter(null, uriB, new GetterCallback<String>() { @Override public String processStatement(Statement statement) { return statement.getObject().stringValue(); } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 0); } @Test public void testSingleton() { String uriA = "urn:test:j"; String uriB = "urn:test:k"; String litA = "hello world"; String litB = "a singleton"; snarlTemplate.add(uriA, uriB, litA); snarlTemplate.singleton(uriA, uriB, litB, null); List<String> results = snarlTemplate.doWithGetter(null, uriB, new GetterCallback<String>() { @Override public String processStatement(Statement statement) { return statement.getObject().stringValue(); } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 1); assertEquals(results.get(0), "a singleton"); } @Test public void testDoWithAdder() { snarlTemplate.doWithAdder(new AdderCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean add(Adder adder) throws StardogException { String uriA = "urn:test:t"; String uriB = "urn:test:u"; String litA = "hello world"; String litB = "goodbye"; adder.statement(Values.iri(uriA), Values.iri(uriB), Values.literal(litA)); adder.statement(Values.iri(uriA), Values.iri(uriB), Values.literal(litB)); return true; } }); List<String> results = snarlTemplate.doWithGetter(null, "urn:test:u", new GetterCallback<String>() { @Override public String processStatement(Statement statement) { return statement.getObject().stringValue(); } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 2); } @Test public void testDoWithRemover() { String uriA = "urn:test:m"; String uriB = "urn:test:n"; String litA = "hello world"; snarlTemplate.add(uriA, uriB, litA); snarlTemplate.doWithRemover(new RemoverCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean remove(Remover remover) throws StardogException { remover.statements(Values.iri("urn:test:m"), Values.iri("urn:test:n"), null); return true; } }); List<String> results = snarlTemplate.doWithGetter(null, "urn:test:n", new GetterCallback<String>() { @Override public String processStatement(Statement statement) { return statement.getObject().stringValue(); } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 0); } @Test public void testConstruct() { String uriA = "urn:test:o"; String uriB = "urn:test:p"; String litA = "hello world"; snarlTemplate.add(uriA, uriB, litA); String sparql = "CONSTRUCT { ?a <urn:test:new> ?b } WHERE { ?a <urn:test:p> ?b }"; List<Map<String, String>> results = snarlTemplate.construct(sparql, new GraphMapper<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> mapRow(Statement next) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(next.getSubject().stringValue(), next.getObject().stringValue()); return map; } }); assertEquals(results.size(), 1); } @Test public void testSnarlGetDataSource() { DataSource ds = snarlTemplate.getDataSource(); assertNotNull(ds); } @Test public void testAddUriUriString() { try { URI a = new URI("urn:test:s"); URI b = new URI("urn:test:t"); String c = "Hello World"; snarlTemplate.add(a, b, c); String sparql = "SELECT ?a ?c WHERE { ?a <urn:test:t> ?b } LIMIT 1"; List<Map<String, String>> results = snarlTemplate.query(sparql, new SimpleRowMapper()); assertNotNull(results); assertEquals(results.size(), 1); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Caught exception"); } } @Test public void testLifecycle() { // run through the getter/setters DataSourceFactoryBean dfb = new DataSourceFactoryBean(); dfb.setBlockCapacityTime(0L); dfb.setExpirationTime(0L); dfb.setFailAtCapacity(true); dfb.setMaxIdle(100); dfb.setGrowAtCapacity(true); dfb.setNoExpiration(false); dfb.setMaxPool(1); dfb.setMinPool(1); dfb.setPassword("test"); dfb.setUsername("test"); dfb.setUrl(""); dfb.setReasoningType(false); dfb.setTo("testdb"); dfb.getUsername(); dfb.getBlockCapacityTime(); dfb.getExpirationTime(); dfb.isFailAtCapacity(); dfb.getMaxIdle(); dfb.isGrowAtCapacity(); dfb.isNoExpiration(); dfb.getMaxPool(); dfb.getMinPool(); dfb.getPassword(); dfb.getUsername(); dfb.getUrl(); assertEquals(dfb.getReasoningType(), false); dfb.getTo(); dfb.getUsername(); DataSource ds = new DataSource(); dataSource.destroy(); } }