Java tutorial
/* * ProtocolLib - Bukkit server library that allows access to the Minecraft protocol. * Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian S. Stangeland * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA */ package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType; import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.GamePhase; import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.packet.PacketRegistry; import; import; import; import; /** * Represents a packet listener with useful constructors. * <p> * Remember to override onPacketReceiving() and onPacketSending(), depending on the ConnectionSide. * @author Kristian */ public abstract class PacketAdapter implements PacketListener { protected Plugin plugin; protected ConnectionSide connectionSide; protected ListeningWhitelist receivingWhitelist = ListeningWhitelist.EMPTY_WHITELIST; protected ListeningWhitelist sendingWhitelist = ListeningWhitelist.EMPTY_WHITELIST; /** * Initialize a packet adapter using a collection of parameters. Use {@link #params()} to get an instance to this builder. * @param params - the parameters. */ public PacketAdapter(@Nonnull AdapterParameteters params) { this(checkValidity(params).plugin, params.connectionSide, params.listenerPriority, params.gamePhase, params.options, params.packets); } /** * Initialize a packet listener with the given parameters. * @param plugin - the plugin. * @param types - the packet types. */ public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, PacketType... types) { this(plugin, ListenerPriority.NORMAL, types); } /** * Initialize a packet listener with the given parameters. * @param plugin - the plugin. * @param types - the packet types. */ public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, Iterable<? extends PacketType> types) { this(params(plugin, Iterables.toArray(types, PacketType.class))); } /** * Initialize a packet listener with the given parameters. * @param plugin - the plugin. * @param listenerPriority - the priority. * @param types - the packet types. */ public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, Iterable<? extends PacketType> types) { this(params(plugin, Iterables.toArray(types, PacketType.class)).listenerPriority(listenerPriority)); } /** * Initialize a packet listener with the given parameters. * @param plugin - the plugin. * @param listenerPriority - the priority. * @param types - the packet types. * @param options - the options. */ public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, Iterable<? extends PacketType> types, ListenerOptions... options) { this(params(plugin, Iterables.toArray(types, PacketType.class)).listenerPriority(listenerPriority) .options(options)); } /** * Initialize a packet listener with the given parameters. * @param plugin - the plugin. * @param listenerPriority - the priority. * @param types - the packet types. */ public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, PacketType... types) { this(params(plugin, types).listenerPriority(listenerPriority)); } /** * Initialize a packet listener with default priority. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, Integer... packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, ListenerPriority.NORMAL, packets); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param listenerPriority - the event priority. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, Set<Integer> packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, listenerPriority, GamePhase.PLAYING, packets.toArray(new Integer[0])); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * The game phase is used to optimize performance. A listener should only choose BOTH or LOGIN if it's absolutely necessary. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param gamePhase - which game phase this listener is active under. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, GamePhase gamePhase, Set<Integer> packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, ListenerPriority.NORMAL, gamePhase, packets.toArray(new Integer[0])); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * The game phase is used to optimize performance. A listener should only choose BOTH or LOGIN if it's absolutely necessary. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param listenerPriority - the event priority. * @param gamePhase - which game phase this listener is active under. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, GamePhase gamePhase, Set<Integer> packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, listenerPriority, gamePhase, packets.toArray(new Integer[0])); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param listenerPriority - the event priority. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, Integer... packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, listenerPriority, GamePhase.PLAYING, packets); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param options - which listener options to use. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, ListenerOptions[] options, Integer... packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, ListenerPriority.NORMAL, GamePhase.PLAYING, options, packets); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param gamePhase - which game phase this listener is active under. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, GamePhase gamePhase, Integer... packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, ListenerPriority.NORMAL, gamePhase, packets); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * The game phase is used to optimize performance. A listener should only choose BOTH or LOGIN if it's absolutely necessary. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param listenerPriority - the event priority. * @param gamePhase - which game phase this listener is active under. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, GamePhase gamePhase, Integer... packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, listenerPriority, gamePhase, new ListenerOptions[0], packets); } /** * Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side. * <p> * The game phase is used to optimize performance. A listener should only choose BOTH or LOGIN if it's absolutely necessary. * <p> * Listener options must be specified in order for {@link NetworkMarker#getInputBuffer()} to function correctly. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #params()} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param connectionSide - the packet type the listener is looking for. * @param listenerPriority - the event priority. * @param gamePhase - which game phase this listener is active under. * @param options - which listener options to use. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. */ @Deprecated public PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, GamePhase gamePhase, ListenerOptions[] options, Integer... packets) { this(plugin, connectionSide, listenerPriority, gamePhase, options, PacketRegistry .toPacketTypes(Sets.newHashSet(packets), connectionSide.getSender()).toArray(new PacketType[0])); } // For internal use only private PacketAdapter(Plugin plugin, ConnectionSide connectionSide, ListenerPriority listenerPriority, GamePhase gamePhase, ListenerOptions[] options, PacketType... packets) { if (plugin == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("plugin cannot be null"); if (connectionSide == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("connectionSide cannot be null"); if (listenerPriority == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("listenerPriority cannot be null"); if (gamePhase == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gamePhase cannot be NULL"); if (packets == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("packets cannot be null"); if (options == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("options cannot be null"); ListenerOptions[] serverOptions = options; ListenerOptions[] clientOptions = options; // Special case that allows us to specify optionIntercept(). if (connectionSide == ConnectionSide.BOTH) { serverOptions = except(serverOptions, new ListenerOptions[0], ListenerOptions.INTERCEPT_INPUT_BUFFER); } // Add whitelists if (connectionSide.isForServer()) sendingWhitelist = ListeningWhitelist.newBuilder().priority(listenerPriority).types(packets) .gamePhase(gamePhase).options(serverOptions).build(); if (connectionSide.isForClient()) receivingWhitelist = ListeningWhitelist.newBuilder().priority(listenerPriority).types(packets) .gamePhase(gamePhase).options(clientOptions).build(); this.plugin = plugin; this.connectionSide = connectionSide; } // Remove a given element from an array private static <T> T[] except(T[] values, T[] buffer, T except) { List<T> result = Lists.newArrayList(values); result.remove(except); return result.toArray(buffer); } @Override public void onPacketReceiving(PacketEvent event) { // Lets prevent some bugs throw new IllegalStateException("Override onPacketReceiving to get notifcations of received packets!"); } @Override public void onPacketSending(PacketEvent event) { // Lets prevent some bugs throw new IllegalStateException("Override onPacketSending to get notifcations of sent packets!"); } @Override public ListeningWhitelist getReceivingWhitelist() { return receivingWhitelist; } @Override public ListeningWhitelist getSendingWhitelist() { return sendingWhitelist; } @Override public Plugin getPlugin() { return plugin; } /** * Retrieves the name of the plugin that has been associated with the listener. * @param listener - the listener. * @return Name of the associated plugin. */ public static String getPluginName(PacketListener listener) { return getPluginName(listener.getPlugin()); } /** * Retrieves the name of the given plugin. * @param plugin - the plugin. * @return Name of the given plugin. */ public static String getPluginName(Plugin plugin) { if (plugin == null) return "UNKNOWN"; try { return plugin.getName(); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { return plugin.toString(); } } @Override public String toString() { // This is used by the error reporter return String.format("PacketAdapter[plugin=%s, sending=%s, receiving=%s]", getPluginName(this), sendingWhitelist, receivingWhitelist); } /** * Construct a helper object for passing parameters to the packet adapter. * <p> * This is often simpler and better than passing them directly to each constructor. * @return Helper object. */ public static AdapterParameteters params() { return new AdapterParameteters(); } /** * Construct a helper object for passing parameters to the packet adapter. * <p> * This is often simpler and better than passing them directly to each constructor. * Deprecated: Use {@link #params(Plugin, PacketType...)} instead. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param packets - the packet IDs the listener is looking for. * @return Helper object. */ @Deprecated public static AdapterParameteters params(Plugin plugin, Integer... packets) { return new AdapterParameteters().plugin(plugin).packets(packets); } /** * Construct a helper object for passing parameters to the packet adapter. * <p> * This is often simpler and better than passing them directly to each constructor. * @param plugin - the plugin that spawned this listener. * @param packets - the packet types the listener is looking for. * @return Helper object. */ public static AdapterParameteters params(Plugin plugin, PacketType... packets) { return new AdapterParameteters().plugin(plugin).types(packets); } /** * Represents a builder for passing parameters to the packet adapter constructor. * <p> * Note: Never make spelling mistakes in a public API! * @author Kristian */ public static class AdapterParameteters { private Plugin plugin; private ConnectionSide connectionSide; private PacketType[] packets; // Parameters with default values private GamePhase gamePhase = GamePhase.PLAYING; private ListenerOptions[] options = new ListenerOptions[0]; private ListenerPriority listenerPriority = ListenerPriority.NORMAL; /** * Set the plugin that spawned this listener. This parameter is required. * @param plugin - the plugin. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters plugin(@Nonnull Plugin plugin) { this.plugin = Preconditions.checkNotNull(plugin, "plugin cannot be NULL."); return this; } /** * Set the packet types this listener is looking for. This parameter is required. * @param connectionSide - the new packet type. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters connectionSide(@Nonnull ConnectionSide connectionSide) { this.connectionSide = Preconditions.checkNotNull(connectionSide, "connectionside cannot be NULL."); return this; } /** * Set this adapter to also look for client-side packets. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters clientSide() { return connectionSide(ConnectionSide.add(connectionSide, ConnectionSide.CLIENT_SIDE)); } /** * Set this adapter to also look for server-side packets. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters serverSide() { return connectionSide(ConnectionSide.add(connectionSide, ConnectionSide.SERVER_SIDE)); } /** * Set the the event priority, where the execution is in ascending order from lowest to highest. * <p> * Default is {@link ListenerPriority#NORMAL}. * @param listenerPriority - the new event priority. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters listenerPriority(@Nonnull ListenerPriority listenerPriority) { this.listenerPriority = Preconditions.checkNotNull(listenerPriority, "listener priority cannot be NULL."); return this; } /** * Set which game phase this listener is active under. This is a hint for ProtocolLib to start intercepting login packets. * <p> * Default is {@link GamePhase#PLAYING}, which will not intercept login packets. * @param gamePhase - the new game phase. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters gamePhase(@Nonnull GamePhase gamePhase) { this.gamePhase = Preconditions.checkNotNull(gamePhase, "gamePhase cannot be NULL."); return this; } /** * Set the game phase to {@link GamePhase#LOGIN}, allowing ProtocolLib to intercept login packets. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters loginPhase() { return gamePhase(GamePhase.LOGIN); } /** * Set listener options that decide whether or not to intercept the raw packet data as read from the network stream. * <p> * The default is to disable this raw packet interception. * @param options - every option to use. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters options(@Nonnull ListenerOptions... options) { this.options = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options, "options cannot be NULL."); return this; } /** * Set listener options that decide whether or not to intercept the raw packet data as read from the network stream. * <p> * The default is to disable this raw packet interception. * @param options - every option to use. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters options(@Nonnull Set<? extends ListenerOptions> options) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(options, "options cannot be NULL."); this.options = options.toArray(new ListenerOptions[0]); return this; } /** * Add a given option to the current builder. * @param option - the option to add. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ private AdapterParameteters addOption(ListenerOptions option) { if (options == null) { return options(option); } else { Set<ListenerOptions> current = Sets.newHashSet(options); current.add(option); return options(current); } } /** * Set the listener option to {@link ListenerOptions#INTERCEPT_INPUT_BUFFER}, causing ProtocolLib to read the raw packet data from the network stream. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters optionIntercept() { return addOption(ListenerOptions.INTERCEPT_INPUT_BUFFER); } /** * Set the listener option to {@link ListenerOptions#DISABLE_GAMEPHASE_DETECTION}, causing ProtocolLib to ignore automatic game phase detection. * <p> * This is no longer relevant in 1.7.2. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters optionManualGamePhase() { return addOption(ListenerOptions.DISABLE_GAMEPHASE_DETECTION); } /** * Set the listener option to {@link ListenerOptions#ASYNC}, indicating that our listener is thread safe. * <p> * This allows ProtocolLib to perform certain optimizations. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters optionAsync() { return addOption(ListenerOptions.ASYNC); } /** * Set the packet IDs of the packets the listener is looking for. * <p> * This parameter is required. * <p> * Deprecated: Use {@link #types(PacketType...)} instead. * @param packets - the packet IDs to look for. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ @Deprecated public AdapterParameteters packets(@Nonnull Integer... packets) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(packets, "packets cannot be NULL"); PacketType[] types = new PacketType[packets.length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { types[i] = PacketType.findLegacy(packets[i]); } this.packets = types; return this; } /** * Set the packet IDs of the packets the listener is looking for. * <p> * This parameter is required. * @param packets - a set of the packet IDs to look for. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ @Deprecated public AdapterParameteters packets(@Nonnull Set<Integer> packets) { return packets(packets.toArray(new Integer[0])); } /** * Set the packet types the listener is looking for. * <p> * This parameter is required. * @param packets - the packet types to look for. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters types(@Nonnull PacketType... packets) { // Set the connection side as well if (connectionSide == null) { for (PacketType type : packets) { this.connectionSide = ConnectionSide.add(this.connectionSide, type.getSender().toSide()); } } this.packets = Preconditions.checkNotNull(packets, "packets cannot be NULL"); if (packets.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed an empty packet type array."); return this; } /** * Set the packet types the listener is looking for. * <p> * This parameter is required. * @param packets - a set of packet types to look for. * @return This builder, for chaining. */ public AdapterParameteters types(@Nonnull Set<PacketType> packets) { return types(packets.toArray(new PacketType[0])); } } /** * Determine if the required parameters are set. */ private static AdapterParameteters checkValidity(AdapterParameteters params) { if (params == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("params cannot be NULL."); if (params.plugin == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Plugin was never set in the parameters."); if (params.connectionSide == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Connection side was never set in the parameters."); if (params.packets == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Packet IDs was never set in the parameters."); return params; } }